1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <stdint.h>
10#include <map>
11#include <memory>
12#include <set>
13#include <string>
14#include <unordered_set>
15#include <vector>
17#include "base/macros.h"
19#include "compat/proto.h"
20#include "compat/string.h"
21#include "kernel/perf_event.h"
22#include "perf_serializer.h"
23#include "sample_info_reader.h"
25namespace quipper {
27// Based on code in tools/perf/util/header.c, the metadata are of the following
28// formats:
30typedef u32 num_siblings_type;
32class DataReader;
33class DataWriter;
35struct PerfFileAttr;
37class PerfReader {
38 public:
39  PerfReader();
40  ~PerfReader();
42  // Copy stored contents to |*perf_data_proto|. Appends a timestamp. Returns
43  // true on success.
44  bool Serialize(PerfDataProto* perf_data_proto) const;
45  // Read in contents from a protobuf. Returns true on success.
46  bool Deserialize(const PerfDataProto& perf_data_proto);
48  bool ReadFile(const string& filename);
49  bool ReadFromVector(const std::vector<char>& data);
50  bool ReadFromString(const string& str);
51  bool ReadFromPointer(const char* data, size_t size);
52  bool ReadFromData(DataReader* data);
54  bool WriteFile(const string& filename);
55  bool WriteToVector(std::vector<char>* data);
56  bool WriteToString(string* str);
57  bool WriteToPointer(char* buffer, size_t size);
59  // Stores the mapping from filenames to build ids in build_id_events_.
60  // Returns true on success.
61  // Note: If |filenames_to_build_ids| contains a mapping for a filename for
62  // which there is already a build_id_event in build_id_events_, a duplicate
63  // build_id_event will be created, and the old build_id_event will NOT be
64  // deleted.
65  bool InjectBuildIDs(const std::map<string, string>& filenames_to_build_ids);
67  // Replaces existing filenames with filenames from |build_ids_to_filenames|
68  // by joining on build ids.  If a build id in |build_ids_to_filenames| is not
69  // present in this parser, it is ignored.
70  bool Localize(const std::map<string, string>& build_ids_to_filenames);
72  // Same as Localize, but joins on filenames instead of build ids.
73  bool LocalizeUsingFilenames(const std::map<string, string>& filename_map);
75  // Stores a list of unique filenames found in MMAP/MMAP2 events into
76  // |filenames|.  Any existing data in |filenames| will be lost.
77  void GetFilenames(std::vector<string>* filenames) const;
78  void GetFilenamesAsSet(std::set<string>* filenames) const;
80  // Uses build id events to populate |filenames_to_build_ids|.
81  // Any existing data in |filenames_to_build_ids| will be lost.
82  // Note:  A filename returned by GetFilenames need not be present in this map,
83  // since there may be no build id event corresponding to the MMAP/MMAP2.
84  void GetFilenamesToBuildIDs(
85      std::map<string, string>* filenames_to_build_ids) const;
87  // Sort all events in |proto_| by timestamps if they are available. Otherwise
88  // event order is unchanged.
89  void MaybeSortEventsByTime();
91  // Accessors and mutators.
93  // This is a plain accessor for the internal protobuf storage. It is meant for
94  // exposing the internals. This is not initialized until Read*() or
95  // Deserialize() has been called.
96  //
97  // Call Serialize() instead of this function to acquire an "official" protobuf
98  // with a timestamp.
99  const PerfDataProto& proto() const { return *proto_; }
101  const RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_PerfFileAttr>& attrs() const {
102    return proto_->file_attrs();
103  }
104  const RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_PerfEventType>& event_types() const {
105    return proto_->event_types();
106  }
108  const RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_PerfEvent>& events() const {
109    return proto_->events();
110  }
111  // WARNING: Modifications to the protobuf events may change the amount of
112  // space required to store the corresponding raw event. If that happens, the
113  // caller is responsible for correctly updating the size in the event header.
114  RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_PerfEvent>* mutable_events() {
115    return proto_->mutable_events();
116  }
118  const RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_PerfBuildID>& build_ids() const {
119    return proto_->build_ids();
120  }
121  RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_PerfBuildID>* mutable_build_ids() {
122    return proto_->mutable_build_ids();
123  }
125  const string& tracing_data() const {
126    return proto_->tracing_data().tracing_data();
127  }
129  const PerfDataProto_StringMetadata& string_metadata() const {
130    return proto_->string_metadata();
131  }
133  uint64_t metadata_mask() const { return proto_->metadata_mask().Get(0); }
135 private:
136  bool ReadHeader(DataReader* data);
137  bool ReadAttrsSection(DataReader* data);
138  bool ReadAttr(DataReader* data);
139  bool ReadEventAttr(DataReader* data, perf_event_attr* attr);
140  bool ReadUniqueIDs(DataReader* data, size_t num_ids, std::vector<u64>* ids);
142  bool ReadEventTypesSection(DataReader* data);
143  // if event_size == 0, then not in an event.
144  bool ReadEventType(DataReader* data, int attr_idx, size_t event_size);
146  bool ReadDataSection(DataReader* data);
148  // Reads metadata in normal mode.
149  bool ReadMetadata(DataReader* data);
151  // The following functions read various types of metadata.
152  bool ReadTracingMetadata(DataReader* data, size_t size);
153  bool ReadBuildIDMetadata(DataReader* data, size_t size);
154  // Reads contents of a build ID event or block beyond the header. Useful for
155  // reading build IDs in piped mode, where the header must be read first in
156  // order to determine that it is a build ID event.
157  bool ReadBuildIDMetadataWithoutHeader(DataReader* data,
158                                        const perf_event_header& header);
160  // Reads and serializes trace data following PERF_RECORD_AUXTRACE event.
161  bool ReadAuxtraceTraceData(DataReader* data,
162                             PerfDataProto_PerfEvent* proto_event);
164  // Reads a singular string metadata field (with preceding size field) from
165  // |data| and writes the string and its Md5sum prefix into |dest|.
166  bool ReadSingleStringMetadata(
167      DataReader* data, size_t max_readable_size,
168      PerfDataProto_StringMetadata_StringAndMd5sumPrefix* dest) const;
169  // Reads a string metadata with multiple string fields (each with preceding
170  // size field) from |data|. Writes each string field and its Md5sum prefix
171  // into |dest_array|. Writes the combined string fields (joined into one
172  // string into |dest_single|.
173  bool ReadRepeatedStringMetadata(
174      DataReader* data, size_t max_readable_size,
175      RepeatedPtrField<PerfDataProto_StringMetadata_StringAndMd5sumPrefix>*
176          dest_array,
177      PerfDataProto_StringMetadata_StringAndMd5sumPrefix* dest_single) const;
179  bool ReadUint32Metadata(DataReader* data, u32 type, size_t size);
180  bool ReadUint64Metadata(DataReader* data, u32 type, size_t size);
181  bool ReadCPUTopologyMetadata(DataReader* data);
182  bool ReadNUMATopologyMetadata(DataReader* data);
183  bool ReadPMUMappingsMetadata(DataReader* data, size_t size);
184  bool ReadGroupDescMetadata(DataReader* data);
185  bool ReadEventDescMetadata(DataReader* data);
187  // Read perf data from file perf output data.
188  bool ReadFileData(DataReader* data);
190  // Read perf data from piped perf output data.
191  bool ReadPipedData(DataReader* data);
193  // Returns the size in bytes that would be written by any of the methods that
194  // write the entire perf data file (WriteFile, WriteToPointer, etc).
195  size_t GetSize() const;
197  // Populates |*header| with the proper contents based on the perf data that
198  // has been read.
199  void GenerateHeader(struct perf_file_header* header) const;
201  // Like WriteToPointer, but does not check if the buffer is large enough.
202  bool WriteToPointerWithoutCheckingSize(char* buffer, size_t size);
204  bool WriteHeader(const struct perf_file_header& header,
205                   DataWriter* data) const;
206  bool WriteAttrs(const struct perf_file_header& header,
207                  DataWriter* data) const;
208  bool WriteData(const struct perf_file_header& header, DataWriter* data) const;
209  bool WriteMetadata(const struct perf_file_header& header,
210                     DataWriter* data) const;
212  // For writing the various types of metadata.
213  bool WriteBuildIDMetadata(u32 type, DataWriter* data) const;
214  bool WriteSingleStringMetadata(
215      const PerfDataProto_StringMetadata_StringAndMd5sumPrefix& src,
216      DataWriter* data) const;
217  bool WriteRepeatedStringMetadata(
218      const RepeatedPtrField<
219          PerfDataProto_StringMetadata_StringAndMd5sumPrefix>& src_array,
220      DataWriter* data) const;
221  bool WriteUint32Metadata(u32 type, DataWriter* data) const;
222  bool WriteUint64Metadata(u32 type, DataWriter* data) const;
223  bool WriteEventDescMetadata(DataWriter* data) const;
224  bool WriteCPUTopologyMetadata(DataWriter* data) const;
225  bool WriteNUMATopologyMetadata(DataWriter* data) const;
226  bool WritePMUMappingsMetadata(DataWriter* data) const;
227  bool WriteGroupDescMetadata(DataWriter* data) const;
229  // For reading event blocks within piped perf data.
230  bool ReadAttrEventBlock(DataReader* data, size_t size);
232  // Swaps byte order for non-header fields of the data structure pointed to by
233  // |event|, if |is_cross_endian| is true. Otherwise leaves the data the same.
234  void MaybeSwapEventFields(event_t* event, bool is_cross_endian);
236  // Returns the number of types of metadata stored and written to output data.
237  size_t GetNumSupportedMetadata() const;
239  // For computing the sizes of the various types of metadata.
240  size_t GetBuildIDMetadataSize() const;
241  size_t GetStringMetadataSize() const;
242  size_t GetUint32MetadataSize() const;
243  size_t GetUint64MetadataSize() const;
244  size_t GetEventDescMetadataSize() const;
245  size_t GetCPUTopologyMetadataSize() const;
246  size_t GetNUMATopologyMetadataSize() const;
247  size_t GetPMUMappingsMetadataSize() const;
248  size_t GetGroupDescMetadataSize() const;
250  // Returns true if we should write the number of strings for the string
251  // metadata of type |type|.
252  bool NeedsNumberOfStringData(u32 type) const;
254  // Replaces existing filenames in MMAP/MMAP2 events based on |filename_map|.
255  // This method does not change |build_id_events_|.
256  bool LocalizeMMapFilenames(const std::map<string, string>& filename_map);
258  // Stores a PerfFileAttr in |proto_| and updates |serializer_|.
259  void AddPerfFileAttr(const PerfFileAttr& attr);
261  bool get_metadata_mask_bit(uint32_t bit) const {
262    return metadata_mask() & (1 << bit);
263  }
264  void set_metadata_mask_bit(uint32_t bit) {
265    proto_->set_metadata_mask(0, metadata_mask() | (1 << bit));
266  }
268  // The file header is either a normal header or a piped header.
269  union {
270    struct perf_file_header header_;
271    struct perf_pipe_file_header piped_header_;
272  };
274  // Store the perf data as a protobuf.
275  Arena arena_;
276  PerfDataProto* proto_;
277  // Attribute ids that have been added to |proto_|, for deduplication.
278  std::unordered_set<u64> file_attrs_seen_;
280  // Whether the incoming data is from a machine with a different endianness. We
281  // got rid of this flag in the past but now we need to store this so it can be
282  // passed to |serializer_|.
283  bool is_cross_endian_;
285  // For serializing individual events.
286  PerfSerializer serializer_;
288  // When writing to a new perf data file, this is used to hold the generated
289  // file header, which may differ from the input file header, if any.
290  struct perf_file_header out_header_;
295}  // namespace quipper