1/* Frame object implementation */
3#include "Python.h"
5#include "code.h"
6#include "frameobject.h"
7#include "opcode.h"
8#include "structmember.h"
10#undef MIN
11#undef MAX
12#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
13#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
15#define OFF(x) offsetof(PyFrameObject, x)
17static PyMemberDef frame_memberlist[] = {
18    {"f_back",          T_OBJECT,       OFF(f_back),    RO},
19    {"f_code",          T_OBJECT,       OFF(f_code),    RO},
20    {"f_builtins",      T_OBJECT,       OFF(f_builtins),RO},
21    {"f_globals",       T_OBJECT,       OFF(f_globals), RO},
22    {"f_lasti",         T_INT,          OFF(f_lasti),   RO},
23    {NULL}      /* Sentinel */
26#define WARN_GET_SET(NAME) \
27static PyObject * frame_get_ ## NAME(PyFrameObject *f) { \
28    if (PyErr_WarnPy3k(#NAME " has been removed in 3.x", 2) < 0) \
29        return NULL; \
30    if (f->NAME) { \
31        Py_INCREF(f->NAME); \
32        return f->NAME; \
33    } \
34    Py_RETURN_NONE;     \
35} \
36static int frame_set_ ## NAME(PyFrameObject *f, PyObject *new) { \
37    if (PyErr_WarnPy3k(#NAME " has been removed in 3.x", 2) < 0) \
38        return -1; \
39    if (f->NAME) { \
40        Py_CLEAR(f->NAME); \
41    } \
42    if (new == Py_None) \
43        new = NULL; \
44    Py_XINCREF(new); \
45    f->NAME = new; \
46    return 0; \
55static PyObject *
56frame_getlocals(PyFrameObject *f, void *closure)
58    PyFrame_FastToLocals(f);
59    Py_INCREF(f->f_locals);
60    return f->f_locals;
64PyFrame_GetLineNumber(PyFrameObject *f)
66    if (f->f_trace)
67        return f->f_lineno;
68    else
69        return PyCode_Addr2Line(f->f_code, f->f_lasti);
72static PyObject *
73frame_getlineno(PyFrameObject *f, void *closure)
75    return PyInt_FromLong(PyFrame_GetLineNumber(f));
78/* Setter for f_lineno - you can set f_lineno from within a trace function in
79 * order to jump to a given line of code, subject to some restrictions.  Most
80 * lines are OK to jump to because they don't make any assumptions about the
81 * state of the stack (obvious because you could remove the line and the code
82 * would still work without any stack errors), but there are some constructs
83 * that limit jumping:
84 *
85 *  o Lines with an 'except' statement on them can't be jumped to, because
86 *    they expect an exception to be on the top of the stack.
87 *  o Lines that live in a 'finally' block can't be jumped from or to, since
88 *    the END_FINALLY expects to clean up the stack after the 'try' block.
89 *  o 'try'/'for'/'while' blocks can't be jumped into because the blockstack
90 *    needs to be set up before their code runs, and for 'for' loops the
91 *    iterator needs to be on the stack.
92 */
93static int
94frame_setlineno(PyFrameObject *f, PyObject* p_new_lineno)
96    int new_lineno = 0;                 /* The new value of f_lineno */
97    int new_lasti = 0;                  /* The new value of f_lasti */
98    int new_iblock = 0;                 /* The new value of f_iblock */
99    unsigned char *code = NULL;         /* The bytecode for the frame... */
100    Py_ssize_t code_len = 0;            /* ...and its length */
101    unsigned char *lnotab = NULL;       /* Iterating over co_lnotab */
102    Py_ssize_t lnotab_len = 0;          /* (ditto) */
103    int offset = 0;                     /* (ditto) */
104    int line = 0;                       /* (ditto) */
105    int addr = 0;                       /* (ditto) */
106    int min_addr = 0;                   /* Scanning the SETUPs and POPs */
107    int max_addr = 0;                   /* (ditto) */
108    int delta_iblock = 0;               /* (ditto) */
109    int min_delta_iblock = 0;           /* (ditto) */
110    int min_iblock = 0;                 /* (ditto) */
111    int f_lasti_setup_addr = 0;         /* Policing no-jump-into-finally */
112    int new_lasti_setup_addr = 0;       /* (ditto) */
113    int blockstack[CO_MAXBLOCKS];       /* Walking the 'finally' blocks */
114    int in_finally[CO_MAXBLOCKS];       /* (ditto) */
115    int blockstack_top = 0;             /* (ditto) */
116    unsigned char setup_op = 0;         /* (ditto) */
118    /* f_lineno must be an integer. */
119    if (!PyInt_Check(p_new_lineno)) {
120        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
121                        "lineno must be an integer");
122        return -1;
123    }
125    /* You can only do this from within a trace function, not via
126     * _getframe or similar hackery. */
127    if (!f->f_trace)
128    {
129        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
130                     "f_lineno can only be set by a"
131                     " line trace function");
132        return -1;
133    }
135    /* Fail if the line comes before the start of the code block. */
136    new_lineno = (int) PyInt_AsLong(p_new_lineno);
137    if (new_lineno < f->f_code->co_firstlineno) {
138        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
139                     "line %d comes before the current code block",
140                     new_lineno);
141        return -1;
142    }
143    else if (new_lineno == f->f_code->co_firstlineno) {
144        new_lasti = 0;
145        new_lineno = f->f_code->co_firstlineno;
146    }
147    else {
148        /* Find the bytecode offset for the start of the given
149         * line, or the first code-owning line after it. */
150        char *tmp;
151        PyString_AsStringAndSize(f->f_code->co_lnotab,
152                                 &tmp, &lnotab_len);
153        lnotab = (unsigned char *) tmp;
154        addr = 0;
155        line = f->f_code->co_firstlineno;
156        new_lasti = -1;
157        for (offset = 0; offset < lnotab_len; offset += 2) {
158            addr += lnotab[offset];
159            line += lnotab[offset+1];
160            if (line >= new_lineno) {
161                new_lasti = addr;
162                new_lineno = line;
163                break;
164            }
165        }
166    }
168    /* If we didn't reach the requested line, return an error. */
169    if (new_lasti == -1) {
170        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
171                     "line %d comes after the current code block",
172                     new_lineno);
173        return -1;
174    }
176    /* We're now ready to look at the bytecode. */
177    PyString_AsStringAndSize(f->f_code->co_code, (char **)&code, &code_len);
178    min_addr = MIN(new_lasti, f->f_lasti);
179    max_addr = MAX(new_lasti, f->f_lasti);
181    /* You can't jump onto a line with an 'except' statement on it -
182     * they expect to have an exception on the top of the stack, which
183     * won't be true if you jump to them.  They always start with code
184     * that either pops the exception using POP_TOP (plain 'except:'
185     * lines do this) or duplicates the exception on the stack using
186     * DUP_TOP (if there's an exception type specified).  See compile.c,
187     * 'com_try_except' for the full details.  There aren't any other
188     * cases (AFAIK) where a line's code can start with DUP_TOP or
189     * POP_TOP, but if any ever appear, they'll be subject to the same
190     * restriction (but with a different error message). */
191    if (code[new_lasti] == DUP_TOP || code[new_lasti] == POP_TOP) {
192        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
193            "can't jump to 'except' line as there's no exception");
194        return -1;
195    }
197    /* You can't jump into or out of a 'finally' block because the 'try'
198     * block leaves something on the stack for the END_FINALLY to clean
199     * up.      So we walk the bytecode, maintaining a simulated blockstack.
200     * When we reach the old or new address and it's in a 'finally' block
201     * we note the address of the corresponding SETUP_FINALLY.  The jump
202     * is only legal if neither address is in a 'finally' block or
203     * they're both in the same one.  'blockstack' is a stack of the
204     * bytecode addresses of the SETUP_X opcodes, and 'in_finally' tracks
205     * whether we're in a 'finally' block at each blockstack level. */
206    f_lasti_setup_addr = -1;
207    new_lasti_setup_addr = -1;
208    memset(blockstack, '\0', sizeof(blockstack));
209    memset(in_finally, '\0', sizeof(in_finally));
210    blockstack_top = 0;
211    for (addr = 0; addr < code_len; addr++) {
212        unsigned char op = code[addr];
213        switch (op) {
214        case SETUP_LOOP:
215        case SETUP_EXCEPT:
216        case SETUP_FINALLY:
217        case SETUP_WITH:
218            blockstack[blockstack_top++] = addr;
219            in_finally[blockstack_top-1] = 0;
220            break;
222        case POP_BLOCK:
223            assert(blockstack_top > 0);
224            setup_op = code[blockstack[blockstack_top-1]];
225            if (setup_op == SETUP_FINALLY || setup_op == SETUP_WITH) {
226                in_finally[blockstack_top-1] = 1;
227            }
228            else {
229                blockstack_top--;
230            }
231            break;
233        case END_FINALLY:
234            /* Ignore END_FINALLYs for SETUP_EXCEPTs - they exist
235             * in the bytecode but don't correspond to an actual
236             * 'finally' block.  (If blockstack_top is 0, we must
237             * be seeing such an END_FINALLY.) */
238            if (blockstack_top > 0) {
239                setup_op = code[blockstack[blockstack_top-1]];
240                if (setup_op == SETUP_FINALLY || setup_op == SETUP_WITH) {
241                    blockstack_top--;
242                }
243            }
244            break;
245        }
247        /* For the addresses we're interested in, see whether they're
248         * within a 'finally' block and if so, remember the address
249         * of the SETUP_FINALLY. */
250        if (addr == new_lasti || addr == f->f_lasti) {
251            int i = 0;
252            int setup_addr = -1;
253            for (i = blockstack_top-1; i >= 0; i--) {
254                if (in_finally[i]) {
255                    setup_addr = blockstack[i];
256                    break;
257                }
258            }
260            if (setup_addr != -1) {
261                if (addr == new_lasti) {
262                    new_lasti_setup_addr = setup_addr;
263                }
265                if (addr == f->f_lasti) {
266                    f_lasti_setup_addr = setup_addr;
267                }
268            }
269        }
271        if (op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT) {
272            addr += 2;
273        }
274    }
276    /* Verify that the blockstack tracking code didn't get lost. */
277    assert(blockstack_top == 0);
279    /* After all that, are we jumping into / out of a 'finally' block? */
280    if (new_lasti_setup_addr != f_lasti_setup_addr) {
281        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
282                    "can't jump into or out of a 'finally' block");
283        return -1;
284    }
287    /* Police block-jumping (you can't jump into the middle of a block)
288     * and ensure that the blockstack finishes up in a sensible state (by
289     * popping any blocks we're jumping out of).  We look at all the
290     * blockstack operations between the current position and the new
291     * one, and keep track of how many blocks we drop out of on the way.
292     * By also keeping track of the lowest blockstack position we see, we
293     * can tell whether the jump goes into any blocks without coming out
294     * again - in that case we raise an exception below. */
295    delta_iblock = 0;
296    for (addr = min_addr; addr < max_addr; addr++) {
297        unsigned char op = code[addr];
298        switch (op) {
299        case SETUP_LOOP:
300        case SETUP_EXCEPT:
301        case SETUP_FINALLY:
302        case SETUP_WITH:
303            delta_iblock++;
304            break;
306        case POP_BLOCK:
307            delta_iblock--;
308            break;
309        }
311        min_delta_iblock = MIN(min_delta_iblock, delta_iblock);
313        if (op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT) {
314            addr += 2;
315        }
316    }
318    /* Derive the absolute iblock values from the deltas. */
319    min_iblock = f->f_iblock + min_delta_iblock;
320    if (new_lasti > f->f_lasti) {
321        /* Forwards jump. */
322        new_iblock = f->f_iblock + delta_iblock;
323    }
324    else {
325        /* Backwards jump. */
326        new_iblock = f->f_iblock - delta_iblock;
327    }
329    /* Are we jumping into a block? */
330    if (new_iblock > min_iblock) {
331        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
332                        "can't jump into the middle of a block");
333        return -1;
334    }
336    /* Pop any blocks that we're jumping out of. */
337    while (f->f_iblock > new_iblock) {
338        PyTryBlock *b = &f->f_blockstack[--f->f_iblock];
339        while ((f->f_stacktop - f->f_valuestack) > b->b_level) {
340            PyObject *v = (*--f->f_stacktop);
341            Py_DECREF(v);
342        }
343    }
345    /* Finally set the new f_lineno and f_lasti and return OK. */
346    f->f_lineno = new_lineno;
347    f->f_lasti = new_lasti;
348    return 0;
351static PyObject *
352frame_gettrace(PyFrameObject *f, void *closure)
354    PyObject* trace = f->f_trace;
356    if (trace == NULL)
357        trace = Py_None;
359    Py_INCREF(trace);
361    return trace;
364static int
365frame_settrace(PyFrameObject *f, PyObject* v, void *closure)
367    /* We rely on f_lineno being accurate when f_trace is set. */
368    f->f_lineno = PyFrame_GetLineNumber(f);
370    if (v == Py_None)
371        v = NULL;
372    Py_XINCREF(v);
373    Py_XSETREF(f->f_trace, v);
375    return 0;
378static PyObject *
379frame_getrestricted(PyFrameObject *f, void *closure)
381    return PyBool_FromLong(PyFrame_IsRestricted(f));
384static PyGetSetDef frame_getsetlist[] = {
385    {"f_locals",        (getter)frame_getlocals, NULL, NULL},
386    {"f_lineno",        (getter)frame_getlineno,
387                    (setter)frame_setlineno, NULL},
388    {"f_trace",         (getter)frame_gettrace, (setter)frame_settrace, NULL},
389    {"f_restricted",(getter)frame_getrestricted,NULL, NULL},
390    {"f_exc_traceback", (getter)frame_get_f_exc_traceback,
391                    (setter)frame_set_f_exc_traceback, NULL},
392    {"f_exc_type",  (getter)frame_get_f_exc_type,
393                    (setter)frame_set_f_exc_type, NULL},
394    {"f_exc_value", (getter)frame_get_f_exc_value,
395                    (setter)frame_set_f_exc_value, NULL},
396    {0}
399/* Stack frames are allocated and deallocated at a considerable rate.
400   In an attempt to improve the speed of function calls, we:
402   1. Hold a single "zombie" frame on each code object. This retains
403   the allocated and initialised frame object from an invocation of
404   the code object. The zombie is reanimated the next time we need a
405   frame object for that code object. Doing this saves the malloc/
406   realloc required when using a free_list frame that isn't the
407   correct size. It also saves some field initialisation.
409   In zombie mode, no field of PyFrameObject holds a reference, but
410   the following fields are still valid:
412     * ob_type, ob_size, f_code, f_valuestack;
414     * f_locals, f_trace,
415       f_exc_type, f_exc_value, f_exc_traceback are NULL;
417     * f_localsplus does not require re-allocation and
418       the local variables in f_localsplus are NULL.
420   2. We also maintain a separate free list of stack frames (just like
421   integers are allocated in a special way -- see intobject.c).  When
422   a stack frame is on the free list, only the following members have
423   a meaning:
424    ob_type             == &Frametype
425    f_back              next item on free list, or NULL
426    f_stacksize         size of value stack
427    ob_size             size of localsplus
428   Note that the value and block stacks are preserved -- this can save
429   another malloc() call or two (and two free() calls as well!).
430   Also note that, unlike for integers, each frame object is a
431   malloc'ed object in its own right -- it is only the actual calls to
432   malloc() that we are trying to save here, not the administration.
433   After all, while a typical program may make millions of calls, a
434   call depth of more than 20 or 30 is probably already exceptional
435   unless the program contains run-away recursion.  I hope.
437   Later, PyFrame_MAXFREELIST was added to bound the # of frames saved on
438   free_list.  Else programs creating lots of cyclic trash involving
439   frames could provoke free_list into growing without bound.
442static PyFrameObject *free_list = NULL;
443static int numfree = 0;         /* number of frames currently in free_list */
444/* max value for numfree */
445#define PyFrame_MAXFREELIST 200
447static void
448frame_dealloc(PyFrameObject *f)
450    PyObject **p, **valuestack;
451    PyCodeObject *co;
453    PyObject_GC_UnTrack(f);
455    /* Kill all local variables */
456    valuestack = f->f_valuestack;
457    for (p = f->f_localsplus; p < valuestack; p++)
458        Py_CLEAR(*p);
460    /* Free stack */
461    if (f->f_stacktop != NULL) {
462        for (p = valuestack; p < f->f_stacktop; p++)
463            Py_XDECREF(*p);
464    }
466    Py_XDECREF(f->f_back);
467    Py_DECREF(f->f_builtins);
468    Py_DECREF(f->f_globals);
469    Py_CLEAR(f->f_locals);
470    Py_CLEAR(f->f_trace);
471    Py_CLEAR(f->f_exc_type);
472    Py_CLEAR(f->f_exc_value);
473    Py_CLEAR(f->f_exc_traceback);
475    co = f->f_code;
476    if (co->co_zombieframe == NULL)
477        co->co_zombieframe = f;
478    else if (numfree < PyFrame_MAXFREELIST) {
479        ++numfree;
480        f->f_back = free_list;
481        free_list = f;
482    }
483    else
484        PyObject_GC_Del(f);
486    Py_DECREF(co);
490static int
491frame_traverse(PyFrameObject *f, visitproc visit, void *arg)
493    PyObject **fastlocals, **p;
494    int i, slots;
496    Py_VISIT(f->f_back);
497    Py_VISIT(f->f_code);
498    Py_VISIT(f->f_builtins);
499    Py_VISIT(f->f_globals);
500    Py_VISIT(f->f_locals);
501    Py_VISIT(f->f_trace);
502    Py_VISIT(f->f_exc_type);
503    Py_VISIT(f->f_exc_value);
504    Py_VISIT(f->f_exc_traceback);
506    /* locals */
507    slots = f->f_code->co_nlocals + PyTuple_GET_SIZE(f->f_code->co_cellvars) + PyTuple_GET_SIZE(f->f_code->co_freevars);
508    fastlocals = f->f_localsplus;
509    for (i = slots; --i >= 0; ++fastlocals)
510        Py_VISIT(*fastlocals);
512    /* stack */
513    if (f->f_stacktop != NULL) {
514        for (p = f->f_valuestack; p < f->f_stacktop; p++)
515            Py_VISIT(*p);
516    }
517    return 0;
520static void
521frame_clear(PyFrameObject *f)
523    PyObject **fastlocals, **p, **oldtop;
524    int i, slots;
526    /* Before anything else, make sure that this frame is clearly marked
527     * as being defunct!  Else, e.g., a generator reachable from this
528     * frame may also point to this frame, believe itself to still be
529     * active, and try cleaning up this frame again.
530     */
531    oldtop = f->f_stacktop;
532    f->f_stacktop = NULL;
534    Py_CLEAR(f->f_exc_type);
535    Py_CLEAR(f->f_exc_value);
536    Py_CLEAR(f->f_exc_traceback);
537    Py_CLEAR(f->f_trace);
539    /* locals */
540    slots = f->f_code->co_nlocals + PyTuple_GET_SIZE(f->f_code->co_cellvars) + PyTuple_GET_SIZE(f->f_code->co_freevars);
541    fastlocals = f->f_localsplus;
542    for (i = slots; --i >= 0; ++fastlocals)
543        Py_CLEAR(*fastlocals);
545    /* stack */
546    if (oldtop != NULL) {
547        for (p = f->f_valuestack; p < oldtop; p++)
548            Py_CLEAR(*p);
549    }
552static PyObject *
553frame_sizeof(PyFrameObject *f)
555    Py_ssize_t res, extras, ncells, nfrees;
557    ncells = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(f->f_code->co_cellvars);
558    nfrees = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(f->f_code->co_freevars);
559    extras = f->f_code->co_stacksize + f->f_code->co_nlocals +
560             ncells + nfrees;
561    /* subtract one as it is already included in PyFrameObject */
562    res = sizeof(PyFrameObject) + (extras-1) * sizeof(PyObject *);
564    return PyInt_FromSsize_t(res);
568"F.__sizeof__() -> size of F in memory, in bytes");
570static PyMethodDef frame_methods[] = {
571    {"__sizeof__",      (PyCFunction)frame_sizeof,      METH_NOARGS,
572     sizeof__doc__},
573    {NULL,              NULL}   /* sentinel */
576PyTypeObject PyFrame_Type = {
577    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
578    "frame",
579    sizeof(PyFrameObject),
580    sizeof(PyObject *),
581    (destructor)frame_dealloc,                  /* tp_dealloc */
582    0,                                          /* tp_print */
583    0,                                          /* tp_getattr */
584    0,                                          /* tp_setattr */
585    0,                                          /* tp_compare */
586    0,                                          /* tp_repr */
587    0,                                          /* tp_as_number */
588    0,                                          /* tp_as_sequence */
589    0,                                          /* tp_as_mapping */
590    0,                                          /* tp_hash */
591    0,                                          /* tp_call */
592    0,                                          /* tp_str */
593    PyObject_GenericGetAttr,                    /* tp_getattro */
594    PyObject_GenericSetAttr,                    /* tp_setattro */
595    0,                                          /* tp_as_buffer */
596    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC,/* tp_flags */
597    0,                                          /* tp_doc */
598    (traverseproc)frame_traverse,               /* tp_traverse */
599    (inquiry)frame_clear,                       /* tp_clear */
600    0,                                          /* tp_richcompare */
601    0,                                          /* tp_weaklistoffset */
602    0,                                          /* tp_iter */
603    0,                                          /* tp_iternext */
604    frame_methods,                              /* tp_methods */
605    frame_memberlist,                           /* tp_members */
606    frame_getsetlist,                           /* tp_getset */
607    0,                                          /* tp_base */
608    0,                                          /* tp_dict */
611static PyObject *builtin_object;
613int _PyFrame_Init()
615    builtin_object = PyString_InternFromString("__builtins__");
616    if (builtin_object == NULL)
617        return 0;
618    return 1;
621PyFrameObject *
622PyFrame_New(PyThreadState *tstate, PyCodeObject *code, PyObject *globals,
623            PyObject *locals)
625    PyFrameObject *back = tstate->frame;
626    PyFrameObject *f;
627    PyObject *builtins;
628    Py_ssize_t i;
630#ifdef Py_DEBUG
631    if (code == NULL || globals == NULL || !PyDict_Check(globals) ||
632        (locals != NULL && !PyMapping_Check(locals))) {
633        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
634        return NULL;
635    }
637    if (back == NULL || back->f_globals != globals) {
638        builtins = PyDict_GetItem(globals, builtin_object);
639        if (builtins) {
640            if (PyModule_Check(builtins)) {
641                builtins = PyModule_GetDict(builtins);
642                assert(!builtins || PyDict_Check(builtins));
643            }
644            else if (!PyDict_Check(builtins))
645                builtins = NULL;
646        }
647        if (builtins == NULL) {
648            /* No builtins!              Make up a minimal one
649               Give them 'None', at least. */
650            builtins = PyDict_New();
651            if (builtins == NULL ||
652                PyDict_SetItemString(
653                    builtins, "None", Py_None) < 0)
654                return NULL;
655        }
656        else
657            Py_INCREF(builtins);
659    }
660    else {
661        /* If we share the globals, we share the builtins.
662           Save a lookup and a call. */
663        builtins = back->f_builtins;
664        assert(builtins != NULL && PyDict_Check(builtins));
665        Py_INCREF(builtins);
666    }
667    if (code->co_zombieframe != NULL) {
668        f = code->co_zombieframe;
669        code->co_zombieframe = NULL;
670        _Py_NewReference((PyObject *)f);
671        assert(f->f_code == code);
672    }
673    else {
674        Py_ssize_t extras, ncells, nfrees;
675        ncells = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(code->co_cellvars);
676        nfrees = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(code->co_freevars);
677        extras = code->co_stacksize + code->co_nlocals + ncells +
678            nfrees;
679        if (free_list == NULL) {
680            f = PyObject_GC_NewVar(PyFrameObject, &PyFrame_Type,
681            extras);
682            if (f == NULL) {
683                Py_DECREF(builtins);
684                return NULL;
685            }
686        }
687        else {
688            assert(numfree > 0);
689            --numfree;
690            f = free_list;
691            free_list = free_list->f_back;
692            if (Py_SIZE(f) < extras) {
693                f = PyObject_GC_Resize(PyFrameObject, f, extras);
694                if (f == NULL) {
695                    Py_DECREF(builtins);
696                    return NULL;
697                }
698            }
699            _Py_NewReference((PyObject *)f);
700        }
702        f->f_code = code;
703        extras = code->co_nlocals + ncells + nfrees;
704        f->f_valuestack = f->f_localsplus + extras;
705        for (i=0; i<extras; i++)
706            f->f_localsplus[i] = NULL;
707        f->f_locals = NULL;
708        f->f_trace = NULL;
709        f->f_exc_type = f->f_exc_value = f->f_exc_traceback = NULL;
710    }
711    f->f_stacktop = f->f_valuestack;
712    f->f_builtins = builtins;
713    Py_XINCREF(back);
714    f->f_back = back;
715    Py_INCREF(code);
716    Py_INCREF(globals);
717    f->f_globals = globals;
718    /* Most functions have CO_NEWLOCALS and CO_OPTIMIZED set. */
719    if ((code->co_flags & (CO_NEWLOCALS | CO_OPTIMIZED)) ==
721        ; /* f_locals = NULL; will be set by PyFrame_FastToLocals() */
722    else if (code->co_flags & CO_NEWLOCALS) {
723        locals = PyDict_New();
724        if (locals == NULL) {
725            Py_DECREF(f);
726            return NULL;
727        }
728        f->f_locals = locals;
729    }
730    else {
731        if (locals == NULL)
732            locals = globals;
733        Py_INCREF(locals);
734        f->f_locals = locals;
735    }
736    f->f_tstate = tstate;
738    f->f_lasti = -1;
739    f->f_lineno = code->co_firstlineno;
740    f->f_iblock = 0;
742    _PyObject_GC_TRACK(f);
743    return f;
746/* Block management */
749PyFrame_BlockSetup(PyFrameObject *f, int type, int handler, int level)
751    PyTryBlock *b;
752    if (f->f_iblock >= CO_MAXBLOCKS)
753        Py_FatalError("XXX block stack overflow");
754    b = &f->f_blockstack[f->f_iblock++];
755    b->b_type = type;
756    b->b_level = level;
757    b->b_handler = handler;
760PyTryBlock *
761PyFrame_BlockPop(PyFrameObject *f)
763    PyTryBlock *b;
764    if (f->f_iblock <= 0)
765        Py_FatalError("XXX block stack underflow");
766    b = &f->f_blockstack[--f->f_iblock];
767    return b;
770/* Convert between "fast" version of locals and dictionary version.
772   map and values are input arguments.  map is a tuple of strings.
773   values is an array of PyObject*.  At index i, map[i] is the name of
774   the variable with value values[i].  The function copies the first
775   nmap variable from map/values into dict.  If values[i] is NULL,
776   the variable is deleted from dict.
778   If deref is true, then the values being copied are cell variables
779   and the value is extracted from the cell variable before being put
780   in dict.
782   Exceptions raised while modifying the dict are silently ignored,
783   because there is no good way to report them.
784 */
786static void
787map_to_dict(PyObject *map, Py_ssize_t nmap, PyObject *dict, PyObject **values,
788            int deref)
790    Py_ssize_t j;
791    assert(PyTuple_Check(map));
792    assert(PyDict_Check(dict));
793    assert(PyTuple_Size(map) >= nmap);
794    for (j = nmap; --j >= 0; ) {
795        PyObject *key = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(map, j);
796        PyObject *value = values[j];
797        assert(PyString_Check(key));
798        if (deref) {
799            assert(PyCell_Check(value));
800            value = PyCell_GET(value);
801        }
802        if (value == NULL) {
803            if (PyObject_DelItem(dict, key) != 0)
804                PyErr_Clear();
805        }
806        else {
807            if (PyObject_SetItem(dict, key, value) != 0)
808                PyErr_Clear();
809        }
810    }
813/* Copy values from the "locals" dict into the fast locals.
815   dict is an input argument containing string keys representing
816   variables names and arbitrary PyObject* as values.
818   map and values are input arguments.  map is a tuple of strings.
819   values is an array of PyObject*.  At index i, map[i] is the name of
820   the variable with value values[i].  The function copies the first
821   nmap variable from map/values into dict.  If values[i] is NULL,
822   the variable is deleted from dict.
824   If deref is true, then the values being copied are cell variables
825   and the value is extracted from the cell variable before being put
826   in dict.  If clear is true, then variables in map but not in dict
827   are set to NULL in map; if clear is false, variables missing in
828   dict are ignored.
830   Exceptions raised while modifying the dict are silently ignored,
831   because there is no good way to report them.
834static void
835dict_to_map(PyObject *map, Py_ssize_t nmap, PyObject *dict, PyObject **values,
836            int deref, int clear)
838    Py_ssize_t j;
839    assert(PyTuple_Check(map));
840    assert(PyDict_Check(dict));
841    assert(PyTuple_Size(map) >= nmap);
842    for (j = nmap; --j >= 0; ) {
843        PyObject *key = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(map, j);
844        PyObject *value = PyObject_GetItem(dict, key);
845        assert(PyString_Check(key));
846        /* We only care about NULLs if clear is true. */
847        if (value == NULL) {
848            PyErr_Clear();
849            if (!clear)
850                continue;
851        }
852        if (deref) {
853            assert(PyCell_Check(values[j]));
854            if (PyCell_GET(values[j]) != value) {
855                if (PyCell_Set(values[j], value) < 0)
856                    PyErr_Clear();
857            }
858        } else if (values[j] != value) {
859            Py_XINCREF(value);
860            Py_XSETREF(values[j], value);
861        }
862        Py_XDECREF(value);
863    }
867PyFrame_FastToLocals(PyFrameObject *f)
869    /* Merge fast locals into f->f_locals */
870    PyObject *locals, *map;
871    PyObject **fast;
872    PyObject *error_type, *error_value, *error_traceback;
873    PyCodeObject *co;
874    Py_ssize_t j;
875    int ncells, nfreevars;
876    if (f == NULL)
877        return;
878    locals = f->f_locals;
879    if (locals == NULL) {
880        locals = f->f_locals = PyDict_New();
881        if (locals == NULL) {
882            PyErr_Clear(); /* Can't report it :-( */
883            return;
884        }
885    }
886    co = f->f_code;
887    map = co->co_varnames;
888    if (!PyTuple_Check(map))
889        return;
890    PyErr_Fetch(&error_type, &error_value, &error_traceback);
891    fast = f->f_localsplus;
892    j = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(map);
893    if (j > co->co_nlocals)
894        j = co->co_nlocals;
895    if (co->co_nlocals)
896        map_to_dict(map, j, locals, fast, 0);
897    ncells = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(co->co_cellvars);
898    nfreevars = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(co->co_freevars);
899    if (ncells || nfreevars) {
900        map_to_dict(co->co_cellvars, ncells,
901                    locals, fast + co->co_nlocals, 1);
902        /* If the namespace is unoptimized, then one of the
903           following cases applies:
904           1. It does not contain free variables, because it
905              uses import * or is a top-level namespace.
906           2. It is a class namespace.
907           We don't want to accidentally copy free variables
908           into the locals dict used by the class.
909        */
910        if (co->co_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED) {
911            map_to_dict(co->co_freevars, nfreevars,
912                        locals, fast + co->co_nlocals + ncells, 1);
913        }
914    }
915    PyErr_Restore(error_type, error_value, error_traceback);
919PyFrame_LocalsToFast(PyFrameObject *f, int clear)
921    /* Merge f->f_locals into fast locals */
922    PyObject *locals, *map;
923    PyObject **fast;
924    PyObject *error_type, *error_value, *error_traceback;
925    PyCodeObject *co;
926    Py_ssize_t j;
927    int ncells, nfreevars;
928    if (f == NULL)
929        return;
930    locals = f->f_locals;
931    co = f->f_code;
932    map = co->co_varnames;
933    if (locals == NULL)
934        return;
935    if (!PyTuple_Check(map))
936        return;
937    PyErr_Fetch(&error_type, &error_value, &error_traceback);
938    fast = f->f_localsplus;
939    j = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(map);
940    if (j > co->co_nlocals)
941        j = co->co_nlocals;
942    if (co->co_nlocals)
943        dict_to_map(co->co_varnames, j, locals, fast, 0, clear);
944    ncells = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(co->co_cellvars);
945    nfreevars = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(co->co_freevars);
946    if (ncells || nfreevars) {
947        dict_to_map(co->co_cellvars, ncells,
948                    locals, fast + co->co_nlocals, 1, clear);
949        /* Same test as in PyFrame_FastToLocals() above. */
950        if (co->co_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED) {
951            dict_to_map(co->co_freevars, nfreevars,
952                locals, fast + co->co_nlocals + ncells, 1,
953                clear);
954        }
955    }
956    PyErr_Restore(error_type, error_value, error_traceback);
959/* Clear out the free list */
963    int freelist_size = numfree;
965    while (free_list != NULL) {
966        PyFrameObject *f = free_list;
967        free_list = free_list->f_back;
968        PyObject_GC_Del(f);
969        --numfree;
970    }
971    assert(numfree == 0);
972    return freelist_size;
978    (void)PyFrame_ClearFreeList();
979    Py_XDECREF(builtin_object);
980    builtin_object = NULL;