1"""PyUnit testing against strptime"""
3import unittest
4import time
5import locale
6import re
7import os
8from test import support
9from datetime import date as datetime_date
11import _strptime
13class getlang_Tests(unittest.TestCase):
14    """Test _getlang"""
15    def test_basic(self):
16        self.assertEqual(_strptime._getlang(), locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME))
18class LocaleTime_Tests(unittest.TestCase):
19    """Tests for _strptime.LocaleTime.
21    All values are lower-cased when stored in LocaleTime, so make sure to
22    compare values after running ``lower`` on them.
24    """
26    def setUp(self):
27        """Create time tuple based on current time."""
28        self.time_tuple = time.localtime()
29        self.LT_ins = _strptime.LocaleTime()
31    def compare_against_time(self, testing, directive, tuple_position,
32                             error_msg):
33        """Helper method that tests testing against directive based on the
34        tuple_position of time_tuple.  Uses error_msg as error message.
36        """
37        strftime_output = time.strftime(directive, self.time_tuple).lower()
38        comparison = testing[self.time_tuple[tuple_position]]
39        self.assertIn(strftime_output, testing,
40                      "%s: not found in tuple" % error_msg)
41        self.assertEqual(comparison, strftime_output,
42                         "%s: position within tuple incorrect; %s != %s" %
43                         (error_msg, comparison, strftime_output))
45    def test_weekday(self):
46        # Make sure that full and abbreviated weekday names are correct in
47        # both string and position with tuple
48        self.compare_against_time(self.LT_ins.f_weekday, '%A', 6,
49                                  "Testing of full weekday name failed")
50        self.compare_against_time(self.LT_ins.a_weekday, '%a', 6,
51                                  "Testing of abbreviated weekday name failed")
53    def test_month(self):
54        # Test full and abbreviated month names; both string and position
55        # within the tuple
56        self.compare_against_time(self.LT_ins.f_month, '%B', 1,
57                                  "Testing against full month name failed")
58        self.compare_against_time(self.LT_ins.a_month, '%b', 1,
59                                  "Testing against abbreviated month name failed")
61    def test_am_pm(self):
62        # Make sure AM/PM representation done properly
63        strftime_output = time.strftime("%p", self.time_tuple).lower()
64        self.assertIn(strftime_output, self.LT_ins.am_pm,
65                      "AM/PM representation not in tuple")
66        if self.time_tuple[3] < 12: position = 0
67        else: position = 1
68        self.assertEqual(self.LT_ins.am_pm[position], strftime_output,
69                         "AM/PM representation in the wrong position within the tuple")
71    def test_timezone(self):
72        # Make sure timezone is correct
73        timezone = time.strftime("%Z", self.time_tuple).lower()
74        if timezone:
75            self.assertTrue(timezone in self.LT_ins.timezone[0] or
76                            timezone in self.LT_ins.timezone[1],
77                            "timezone %s not found in %s" %
78                            (timezone, self.LT_ins.timezone))
80    def test_date_time(self):
81        # Check that LC_date_time, LC_date, and LC_time are correct
82        # the magic date is used so as to not have issues with %c when day of
83        #  the month is a single digit and has a leading space.  This is not an
84        #  issue since strptime still parses it correctly.  The problem is
85        #  testing these directives for correctness by comparing strftime
86        #  output.
87        magic_date = (1999, 3, 17, 22, 44, 55, 2, 76, 0)
88        strftime_output = time.strftime("%c", magic_date)
89        self.assertEqual(time.strftime(self.LT_ins.LC_date_time, magic_date),
90                         strftime_output, "LC_date_time incorrect")
91        strftime_output = time.strftime("%x", magic_date)
92        self.assertEqual(time.strftime(self.LT_ins.LC_date, magic_date),
93                         strftime_output, "LC_date incorrect")
94        strftime_output = time.strftime("%X", magic_date)
95        self.assertEqual(time.strftime(self.LT_ins.LC_time, magic_date),
96                         strftime_output, "LC_time incorrect")
97        LT = _strptime.LocaleTime()
98        LT.am_pm = ('', '')
99        self.assertTrue(LT.LC_time, "LocaleTime's LC directives cannot handle "
100                                    "empty strings")
102    def test_lang(self):
103        # Make sure lang is set to what _getlang() returns
104        # Assuming locale has not changed between now and when self.LT_ins was created
105        self.assertEqual(self.LT_ins.lang, _strptime._getlang())
108class TimeRETests(unittest.TestCase):
109    """Tests for TimeRE."""
111    def setUp(self):
112        """Construct generic TimeRE object."""
113        self.time_re = _strptime.TimeRE()
114        self.locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
116    def test_pattern(self):
117        # Test TimeRE.pattern
118        pattern_string = self.time_re.pattern(r"%a %A %d")
119        self.assertTrue(pattern_string.find(self.locale_time.a_weekday[2]) != -1,
120                        "did not find abbreviated weekday in pattern string '%s'" %
121                         pattern_string)
122        self.assertTrue(pattern_string.find(self.locale_time.f_weekday[4]) != -1,
123                        "did not find full weekday in pattern string '%s'" %
124                         pattern_string)
125        self.assertTrue(pattern_string.find(self.time_re['d']) != -1,
126                        "did not find 'd' directive pattern string '%s'" %
127                         pattern_string)
129    def test_pattern_escaping(self):
130        # Make sure any characters in the format string that might be taken as
131        # regex syntax is escaped.
132        pattern_string = self.time_re.pattern(r"\d+")
133        self.assertIn(r"\\d\+", pattern_string,
134                      "%s does not have re characters escaped properly" %
135                      pattern_string)
137    def test_compile(self):
138        # Check that compiled regex is correct
139        found = self.time_re.compile(r"%A").match(self.locale_time.f_weekday[6])
140        self.assertTrue(found and found.group('A') == self.locale_time.f_weekday[6],
141                        "re object for '%A' failed")
142        compiled = self.time_re.compile(r"%a %b")
143        found = compiled.match("%s %s" % (self.locale_time.a_weekday[4],
144                               self.locale_time.a_month[4]))
145        self.assertTrue(found,
146            "Match failed with '%s' regex and '%s' string" %
147             (compiled.pattern, "%s %s" % (self.locale_time.a_weekday[4],
148                                           self.locale_time.a_month[4])))
149        self.assertTrue(found.group('a') == self.locale_time.a_weekday[4] and
150                         found.group('b') == self.locale_time.a_month[4],
151                        "re object couldn't find the abbreviated weekday month in "
152                         "'%s' using '%s'; group 'a' = '%s', group 'b' = %s'" %
153                         (found.string, found.re.pattern, found.group('a'),
154                          found.group('b')))
155        for directive in ('a','A','b','B','c','d','G','H','I','j','m','M','p',
156                          'S','u','U','V','w','W','x','X','y','Y','Z','%'):
157            compiled = self.time_re.compile("%" + directive)
158            found = compiled.match(time.strftime("%" + directive))
159            self.assertTrue(found, "Matching failed on '%s' using '%s' regex" %
160                                    (time.strftime("%" + directive),
161                                     compiled.pattern))
163    def test_blankpattern(self):
164        # Make sure when tuple or something has no values no regex is generated.
165        # Fixes bug #661354
166        test_locale = _strptime.LocaleTime()
167        test_locale.timezone = (frozenset(), frozenset())
168        self.assertEqual(_strptime.TimeRE(test_locale).pattern("%Z"), '',
169                         "with timezone == ('',''), TimeRE().pattern('%Z') != ''")
171    def test_matching_with_escapes(self):
172        # Make sure a format that requires escaping of characters works
173        compiled_re = self.time_re.compile(r"\w+ %m")
174        found = compiled_re.match(r"\w+ 10")
175        self.assertTrue(found, r"Escaping failed of format '\w+ 10'")
177    def test_locale_data_w_regex_metacharacters(self):
178        # Check that if locale data contains regex metacharacters they are
179        # escaped properly.
180        # Discovered by bug #1039270 .
181        locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
182        locale_time.timezone = (frozenset(("utc", "gmt",
183                                            "Tokyo (standard time)")),
184                                frozenset("Tokyo (daylight time)"))
185        time_re = _strptime.TimeRE(locale_time)
186        self.assertTrue(time_re.compile("%Z").match("Tokyo (standard time)"),
187                        "locale data that contains regex metacharacters is not"
188                        " properly escaped")
190    def test_whitespace_substitution(self):
191        # When pattern contains whitespace, make sure it is taken into account
192        # so as to not allow subpatterns to end up next to each other and
193        # "steal" characters from each other.
194        pattern = self.time_re.pattern('%j %H')
195        self.assertFalse(re.match(pattern, "180"))
196        self.assertTrue(re.match(pattern, "18 0"))
199class StrptimeTests(unittest.TestCase):
200    """Tests for _strptime.strptime."""
202    def setUp(self):
203        """Create testing time tuple."""
204        self.time_tuple = time.gmtime()
206    def test_ValueError(self):
207        # Make sure ValueError is raised when match fails or format is bad
208        self.assertRaises(ValueError, _strptime._strptime_time, data_string="%d",
209                          format="%A")
210        for bad_format in ("%", "% ", "%e"):
211            try:
212                _strptime._strptime_time("2005", bad_format)
213            except ValueError:
214                continue
215            except Exception as err:
216                self.fail("'%s' raised %s, not ValueError" %
217                            (bad_format, err.__class__.__name__))
218            else:
219                self.fail("'%s' did not raise ValueError" % bad_format)
221        # Ambiguous or incomplete cases using ISO year/week/weekday directives
222        # 1. ISO week (%V) is specified, but the year is specified with %Y
223        # instead of %G
224        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
225            _strptime._strptime("1999 50", "%Y %V")
226        # 2. ISO year (%G) and ISO week (%V) are specified, but weekday is not
227        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
228            _strptime._strptime("1999 51", "%G %V")
229        # 3. ISO year (%G) and weekday are specified, but ISO week (%V) is not
230        for w in ('A', 'a', 'w', 'u'):
231            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
232                _strptime._strptime("1999 51","%G %{}".format(w))
233        # 4. ISO year is specified alone (e.g. time.strptime('2015', '%G'))
234        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
235            _strptime._strptime("2015", "%G")
236        # 5. Julian/ordinal day (%j) is specified with %G, but not %Y
237        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
238            _strptime._strptime("1999 256", "%G %j")
241    def test_strptime_exception_context(self):
242        # check that this doesn't chain exceptions needlessly (see #17572)
243        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
244            _strptime._strptime_time('', '%D')
245        self.assertIs(e.exception.__suppress_context__, True)
246        # additional check for IndexError branch (issue #19545)
247        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
248            _strptime._strptime_time('19', '%Y %')
249        self.assertIs(e.exception.__suppress_context__, True)
251    def test_unconverteddata(self):
252        # Check ValueError is raised when there is unconverted data
253        self.assertRaises(ValueError, _strptime._strptime_time, "10 12", "%m")
255    def helper(self, directive, position):
256        """Helper fxn in testing."""
257        strf_output = time.strftime("%" + directive, self.time_tuple)
258        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time(strf_output, "%" + directive)
259        self.assertTrue(strp_output[position] == self.time_tuple[position],
260                        "testing of '%s' directive failed; '%s' -> %s != %s" %
261                         (directive, strf_output, strp_output[position],
262                          self.time_tuple[position]))
264    def test_year(self):
265        # Test that the year is handled properly
266        for directive in ('y', 'Y'):
267            self.helper(directive, 0)
268        # Must also make sure %y values are correct for bounds set by Open Group
269        for century, bounds in ((1900, ('69', '99')), (2000, ('00', '68'))):
270            for bound in bounds:
271                strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time(bound, '%y')
272                expected_result = century + int(bound)
273                self.assertTrue(strp_output[0] == expected_result,
274                                "'y' test failed; passed in '%s' "
275                                "and returned '%s'" % (bound, strp_output[0]))
277    def test_month(self):
278        # Test for month directives
279        for directive in ('B', 'b', 'm'):
280            self.helper(directive, 1)
282    def test_day(self):
283        # Test for day directives
284        self.helper('d', 2)
286    def test_hour(self):
287        # Test hour directives
288        self.helper('H', 3)
289        strf_output = time.strftime("%I %p", self.time_tuple)
290        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time(strf_output, "%I %p")
291        self.assertTrue(strp_output[3] == self.time_tuple[3],
292                        "testing of '%%I %%p' directive failed; '%s' -> %s != %s" %
293                         (strf_output, strp_output[3], self.time_tuple[3]))
295    def test_minute(self):
296        # Test minute directives
297        self.helper('M', 4)
299    def test_second(self):
300        # Test second directives
301        self.helper('S', 5)
303    def test_fraction(self):
304        # Test microseconds
305        import datetime
306        d = datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 20, 12, 34, 56, 78987)
307        tup, frac = _strptime._strptime(str(d), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
308        self.assertEqual(frac, d.microsecond)
310    def test_weekday(self):
311        # Test weekday directives
312        for directive in ('A', 'a', 'w', 'u'):
313            self.helper(directive,6)
315    def test_julian(self):
316        # Test julian directives
317        self.helper('j', 7)
319    def test_timezone(self):
320        # Test timezone directives.
321        # When gmtime() is used with %Z, entire result of strftime() is empty.
322        # Check for equal timezone names deals with bad locale info when this
323        # occurs; first found in FreeBSD 4.4.
324        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time("UTC", "%Z")
325        self.assertEqual(strp_output.tm_isdst, 0)
326        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time("GMT", "%Z")
327        self.assertEqual(strp_output.tm_isdst, 0)
328        time_tuple = time.localtime()
329        strf_output = time.strftime("%Z")  #UTC does not have a timezone
330        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time(strf_output, "%Z")
331        locale_time = _strptime.LocaleTime()
332        if time.tzname[0] != time.tzname[1] or not time.daylight:
333            self.assertTrue(strp_output[8] == time_tuple[8],
334                            "timezone check failed; '%s' -> %s != %s" %
335                             (strf_output, strp_output[8], time_tuple[8]))
336        else:
337            self.assertTrue(strp_output[8] == -1,
338                            "LocaleTime().timezone has duplicate values and "
339                             "time.daylight but timezone value not set to -1")
341    def test_bad_timezone(self):
342        # Explicitly test possibility of bad timezone;
343        # when time.tzname[0] == time.tzname[1] and time.daylight
344        tz_name = time.tzname[0]
345        if tz_name.upper() in ("UTC", "GMT"):
346            self.skipTest('need non-UTC/GMT timezone')
348        with support.swap_attr(time, 'tzname', (tz_name, tz_name)), \
349             support.swap_attr(time, 'daylight', 1), \
350             support.swap_attr(time, 'tzset', lambda: None):
351            time.tzname = (tz_name, tz_name)
352            time.daylight = 1
353            tz_value = _strptime._strptime_time(tz_name, "%Z")[8]
354            self.assertEqual(tz_value, -1,
355                    "%s lead to a timezone value of %s instead of -1 when "
356                    "time.daylight set to %s and passing in %s" %
357                    (time.tzname, tz_value, time.daylight, tz_name))
359    def test_date_time(self):
360        # Test %c directive
361        for position in range(6):
362            self.helper('c', position)
364    def test_date(self):
365        # Test %x directive
366        for position in range(0,3):
367            self.helper('x', position)
369    def test_time(self):
370        # Test %X directive
371        for position in range(3,6):
372            self.helper('X', position)
374    def test_percent(self):
375        # Make sure % signs are handled properly
376        strf_output = time.strftime("%m %% %Y", self.time_tuple)
377        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time(strf_output, "%m %% %Y")
378        self.assertTrue(strp_output[0] == self.time_tuple[0] and
379                         strp_output[1] == self.time_tuple[1],
380                        "handling of percent sign failed")
382    def test_caseinsensitive(self):
383        # Should handle names case-insensitively.
384        strf_output = time.strftime("%B", self.time_tuple)
385        self.assertTrue(_strptime._strptime_time(strf_output.upper(), "%B"),
386                        "strptime does not handle ALL-CAPS names properly")
387        self.assertTrue(_strptime._strptime_time(strf_output.lower(), "%B"),
388                        "strptime does not handle lowercase names properly")
389        self.assertTrue(_strptime._strptime_time(strf_output.capitalize(), "%B"),
390                        "strptime does not handle capword names properly")
392    def test_defaults(self):
393        # Default return value should be (1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
394        defaults = (1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1)
395        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time('1', '%m')
396        self.assertTrue(strp_output == defaults,
397                        "Default values for strptime() are incorrect;"
398                        " %s != %s" % (strp_output, defaults))
400    def test_escaping(self):
401        # Make sure all characters that have regex significance are escaped.
402        # Parentheses are in a purposeful order; will cause an error of
403        # unbalanced parentheses when the regex is compiled if they are not
404        # escaped.
405        # Test instigated by bug #796149 .
406        need_escaping = r".^$*+?{}\[]|)("
407        self.assertTrue(_strptime._strptime_time(need_escaping, need_escaping))
409    def test_feb29_on_leap_year_without_year(self):
410        time.strptime("Feb 29", "%b %d")
412    def test_mar1_comes_after_feb29_even_when_omitting_the_year(self):
413        self.assertLess(
414                time.strptime("Feb 29", "%b %d"),
415                time.strptime("Mar 1", "%b %d"))
417class Strptime12AMPMTests(unittest.TestCase):
418    """Test a _strptime regression in '%I %p' at 12 noon (12 PM)"""
420    def test_twelve_noon_midnight(self):
421        eq = self.assertEqual
422        eq(time.strptime('12 PM', '%I %p')[3], 12)
423        eq(time.strptime('12 AM', '%I %p')[3], 0)
424        eq(_strptime._strptime_time('12 PM', '%I %p')[3], 12)
425        eq(_strptime._strptime_time('12 AM', '%I %p')[3], 0)
428class JulianTests(unittest.TestCase):
429    """Test a _strptime regression that all julian (1-366) are accepted"""
431    def test_all_julian_days(self):
432        eq = self.assertEqual
433        for i in range(1, 367):
434            # use 2004, since it is a leap year, we have 366 days
435            eq(_strptime._strptime_time('%d 2004' % i, '%j %Y')[7], i)
437class CalculationTests(unittest.TestCase):
438    """Test that strptime() fills in missing info correctly"""
440    def setUp(self):
441        self.time_tuple = time.gmtime()
443    def test_julian_calculation(self):
444        # Make sure that when Julian is missing that it is calculated
445        format_string = "%Y %m %d %H %M %S %w %Z"
446        result = _strptime._strptime_time(time.strftime(format_string, self.time_tuple),
447                                    format_string)
448        self.assertTrue(result.tm_yday == self.time_tuple.tm_yday,
449                        "Calculation of tm_yday failed; %s != %s" %
450                         (result.tm_yday, self.time_tuple.tm_yday))
452    def test_gregorian_calculation(self):
453        # Test that Gregorian date can be calculated from Julian day
454        format_string = "%Y %H %M %S %w %j %Z"
455        result = _strptime._strptime_time(time.strftime(format_string, self.time_tuple),
456                                    format_string)
457        self.assertTrue(result.tm_year == self.time_tuple.tm_year and
458                         result.tm_mon == self.time_tuple.tm_mon and
459                         result.tm_mday == self.time_tuple.tm_mday,
460                        "Calculation of Gregorian date failed;"
461                         "%s-%s-%s != %s-%s-%s" %
462                         (result.tm_year, result.tm_mon, result.tm_mday,
463                          self.time_tuple.tm_year, self.time_tuple.tm_mon,
464                          self.time_tuple.tm_mday))
466    def test_day_of_week_calculation(self):
467        # Test that the day of the week is calculated as needed
468        format_string = "%Y %m %d %H %S %j %Z"
469        result = _strptime._strptime_time(time.strftime(format_string, self.time_tuple),
470                                    format_string)
471        self.assertTrue(result.tm_wday == self.time_tuple.tm_wday,
472                        "Calculation of day of the week failed;"
473                         "%s != %s" % (result.tm_wday, self.time_tuple.tm_wday))
475    if support.is_android:
476        # Issue #26929: strftime() on Android incorrectly formats %V or %G for
477        # the last or the first incomplete week in a year.
478        _ymd_excluded = ((1905, 1, 1), (1906, 12, 31), (2008, 12, 29),
479                        (1917, 12, 31))
480        _formats_excluded = ('%G %V',)
481    else:
482        _ymd_excluded = ()
483        _formats_excluded = ()
485    def test_week_of_year_and_day_of_week_calculation(self):
486        # Should be able to infer date if given year, week of year (%U or %W)
487        # and day of the week
488        def test_helper(ymd_tuple, test_reason):
489            for year_week_format in ('%Y %W', '%Y %U', '%G %V'):
490                if (year_week_format in self._formats_excluded and
491                        ymd_tuple in self._ymd_excluded):
492                    return
493                for weekday_format in ('%w', '%u', '%a', '%A'):
494                    format_string = year_week_format + ' ' + weekday_format
495                    with self.subTest(test_reason,
496                                      date=ymd_tuple,
497                                      format=format_string):
498                        dt_date = datetime_date(*ymd_tuple)
499                        strp_input = dt_date.strftime(format_string)
500                        strp_output = _strptime._strptime_time(strp_input,
501                                                               format_string)
502                        msg = "%r: %s != %s" % (strp_input,
503                                                strp_output[7],
504                                                dt_date.timetuple()[7])
505                        self.assertEqual(strp_output[:3], ymd_tuple, msg)
506        test_helper((1901, 1, 3), "week 0")
507        test_helper((1901, 1, 8), "common case")
508        test_helper((1901, 1, 13), "day on Sunday")
509        test_helper((1901, 1, 14), "day on Monday")
510        test_helper((1905, 1, 1), "Jan 1 on Sunday")
511        test_helper((1906, 1, 1), "Jan 1 on Monday")
512        test_helper((1906, 1, 7), "first Sunday in a year starting on Monday")
513        test_helper((1905, 12, 31), "Dec 31 on Sunday")
514        test_helper((1906, 12, 31), "Dec 31 on Monday")
515        test_helper((2008, 12, 29), "Monday in the last week of the year")
516        test_helper((2008, 12, 22), "Monday in the second-to-last week of the "
517                                    "year")
518        test_helper((1978, 10, 23), "randomly chosen date")
519        test_helper((2004, 12, 18), "randomly chosen date")
520        test_helper((1978, 10, 23), "year starting and ending on Monday while "
521                                        "date not on Sunday or Monday")
522        test_helper((1917, 12, 17), "year starting and ending on Monday with "
523                                        "a Monday not at the beginning or end "
524                                        "of the year")
525        test_helper((1917, 12, 31), "Dec 31 on Monday with year starting and "
526                                        "ending on Monday")
527        test_helper((2007, 1, 7), "First Sunday of 2007")
528        test_helper((2007, 1, 14), "Second Sunday of 2007")
529        test_helper((2006, 12, 31), "Last Sunday of 2006")
530        test_helper((2006, 12, 24), "Second to last Sunday of 2006")
532    def test_week_0(self):
533        def check(value, format, *expected):
534            self.assertEqual(_strptime._strptime_time(value, format)[:-1], expected)
535        check('2015 0 0', '%Y %U %w', 2014, 12, 28, 0, 0, 0, 6, 362)
536        check('2015 0 0', '%Y %W %w', 2015, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6, 4)
537        check('2015 1 1', '%G %V %u', 2014, 12, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 363)
538        check('2015 0 1', '%Y %U %w', 2014, 12, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 363)
539        check('2015 0 1', '%Y %W %w', 2014, 12, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 363)
540        check('2015 1 2', '%G %V %u', 2014, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 364)
541        check('2015 0 2', '%Y %U %w', 2014, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 364)
542        check('2015 0 2', '%Y %W %w', 2014, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 364)
543        check('2015 1 3', '%G %V %u', 2014, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 365)
544        check('2015 0 3', '%Y %U %w', 2014, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 365)
545        check('2015 0 3', '%Y %W %w', 2014, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 365)
546        check('2015 1 4', '%G %V %u', 2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1)
547        check('2015 0 4', '%Y %U %w', 2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1)
548        check('2015 0 4', '%Y %W %w', 2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1)
549        check('2015 1 5', '%G %V %u', 2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2)
550        check('2015 0 5', '%Y %U %w', 2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2)
551        check('2015 0 5', '%Y %W %w', 2015, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2)
552        check('2015 1 6', '%G %V %u', 2015, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3)
553        check('2015 0 6', '%Y %U %w', 2015, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3)
554        check('2015 0 6', '%Y %W %w', 2015, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3)
555        check('2015 1 7', '%G %V %u', 2015, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6, 4)
557        check('2009 0 0', '%Y %U %w', 2008, 12, 28, 0, 0, 0, 6, 363)
558        check('2009 0 0', '%Y %W %w', 2009, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6, 4)
559        check('2009 1 1', '%G %V %u', 2008, 12, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 364)
560        check('2009 0 1', '%Y %U %w', 2008, 12, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 364)
561        check('2009 0 1', '%Y %W %w', 2008, 12, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 364)
562        check('2009 1 2', '%G %V %u', 2008, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 365)
563        check('2009 0 2', '%Y %U %w', 2008, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 365)
564        check('2009 0 2', '%Y %W %w', 2008, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 365)
565        check('2009 1 3', '%G %V %u', 2008, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 366)
566        check('2009 0 3', '%Y %U %w', 2008, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 366)
567        check('2009 0 3', '%Y %W %w', 2008, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 2, 366)
568        check('2009 1 4', '%G %V %u', 2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1)
569        check('2009 0 4', '%Y %U %w', 2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1)
570        check('2009 0 4', '%Y %W %w', 2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1)
571        check('2009 1 5', '%G %V %u', 2009, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2)
572        check('2009 0 5', '%Y %U %w', 2009, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2)
573        check('2009 0 5', '%Y %W %w', 2009, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2)
574        check('2009 1 6', '%G %V %u', 2009, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3)
575        check('2009 0 6', '%Y %U %w', 2009, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3)
576        check('2009 0 6', '%Y %W %w', 2009, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3)
577        check('2009 1 7', '%G %V %u', 2009, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6, 4)
580class CacheTests(unittest.TestCase):
581    """Test that caching works properly."""
583    def test_time_re_recreation(self):
584        # Make sure cache is recreated when current locale does not match what
585        # cached object was created with.
586        _strptime._strptime_time("10", "%d")
587        _strptime._strptime_time("2005", "%Y")
588        _strptime._TimeRE_cache.locale_time.lang = "Ni"
589        original_time_re = _strptime._TimeRE_cache
590        _strptime._strptime_time("10", "%d")
591        self.assertIsNot(original_time_re, _strptime._TimeRE_cache)
592        self.assertEqual(len(_strptime._regex_cache), 1)
594    def test_regex_cleanup(self):
595        # Make sure cached regexes are discarded when cache becomes "full".
596        try:
597            del _strptime._regex_cache['%d']
598        except KeyError:
599            pass
600        bogus_key = 0
601        while len(_strptime._regex_cache) <= _strptime._CACHE_MAX_SIZE:
602            _strptime._regex_cache[bogus_key] = None
603            bogus_key += 1
604        _strptime._strptime_time("10", "%d")
605        self.assertEqual(len(_strptime._regex_cache), 1)
607    def test_new_localetime(self):
608        # A new LocaleTime instance should be created when a new TimeRE object
609        # is created.
610        locale_time_id = _strptime._TimeRE_cache.locale_time
611        _strptime._TimeRE_cache.locale_time.lang = "Ni"
612        _strptime._strptime_time("10", "%d")
613        self.assertIsNot(locale_time_id, _strptime._TimeRE_cache.locale_time)
615    def test_TimeRE_recreation_locale(self):
616        # The TimeRE instance should be recreated upon changing the locale.
617        locale_info = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)
618        try:
619            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, ('en_US', 'UTF8'))
620        except locale.Error:
621            self.skipTest('test needs en_US.UTF8 locale')
622        try:
623            _strptime._strptime_time('10', '%d')
624            # Get id of current cache object.
625            first_time_re = _strptime._TimeRE_cache
626            try:
627                # Change the locale and force a recreation of the cache.
628                locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, ('de_DE', 'UTF8'))
629                _strptime._strptime_time('10', '%d')
630                # Get the new cache object's id.
631                second_time_re = _strptime._TimeRE_cache
632                # They should not be equal.
633                self.assertIsNot(first_time_re, second_time_re)
634            # Possible test locale is not supported while initial locale is.
635            # If this is the case just suppress the exception and fall-through
636            # to the resetting to the original locale.
637            except locale.Error:
638                self.skipTest('test needs de_DE.UTF8 locale')
639        # Make sure we don't trample on the locale setting once we leave the
640        # test.
641        finally:
642            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, locale_info)
644    @support.run_with_tz('STD-1DST')
645    def test_TimeRE_recreation_timezone(self):
646        # The TimeRE instance should be recreated upon changing the timezone.
647        oldtzname = time.tzname
648        tm = _strptime._strptime_time(time.tzname[0], '%Z')
649        self.assertEqual(tm.tm_isdst, 0)
650        tm = _strptime._strptime_time(time.tzname[1], '%Z')
651        self.assertEqual(tm.tm_isdst, 1)
652        # Get id of current cache object.
653        first_time_re = _strptime._TimeRE_cache
654        # Change the timezone and force a recreation of the cache.
655        os.environ['TZ'] = 'EST+05EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'
656        time.tzset()
657        tm = _strptime._strptime_time(time.tzname[0], '%Z')
658        self.assertEqual(tm.tm_isdst, 0)
659        tm = _strptime._strptime_time(time.tzname[1], '%Z')
660        self.assertEqual(tm.tm_isdst, 1)
661        # Get the new cache object's id.
662        second_time_re = _strptime._TimeRE_cache
663        # They should not be equal.
664        self.assertIsNot(first_time_re, second_time_re)
665        # Make sure old names no longer accepted.
666        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
667            _strptime._strptime_time(oldtzname[0], '%Z')
668        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
669            _strptime._strptime_time(oldtzname[1], '%Z')
672if __name__ == '__main__':
673    unittest.main()