1## This file is part of Scapy
2## See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more informations
3## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
4## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
7ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol).
10from __future__ import absolute_import
11import struct
12from scapy.config import conf
13from scapy.packet import *
14from scapy.compat import *
15from scapy.fields import *
16from scapy.ansmachine import *
17from scapy.layers.inet import IP,UDP
18from scapy.sendrecv import sr
19from scapy.error import warning
20from functools import reduce
23# see http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipsec-registry for details
24ISAKMPAttributeTypes= { "Encryption":    (1, { "DES-CBC"  : 1,
25                                                "IDEA-CBC" : 2,
26                                                "Blowfish-CBC" : 3,
27                                                "RC5-R16-B64-CBC" : 4,
28                                                "3DES-CBC" : 5,
29                                                "CAST-CBC" : 6,
30                                                "AES-CBC" : 7,
31                                                "CAMELLIA-CBC" : 8, }, 0),
32                         "Hash":          (2, { "MD5": 1,
33                                                "SHA": 2,
34                                                "Tiger": 3,
35                                                "SHA2-256": 4,
36                                                "SHA2-384": 5,
37                                                "SHA2-512": 6,}, 0),
38                         "Authentication":(3, { "PSK": 1,
39                                                "DSS": 2,
40                                                "RSA Sig": 3,
41                                                "RSA Encryption": 4,
42                                                "RSA Encryption Revised": 5,
43                                                "ElGamal Encryption": 6,
44                                                "ElGamal Encryption Revised": 7,
45                                                "ECDSA Sig": 8,
46                                                "HybridInitRSA": 64221,
47                                                "HybridRespRSA": 64222,
48                                                "HybridInitDSS": 64223,
49                                                "HybridRespDSS": 64224,
50                                                "XAUTHInitPreShared": 65001,
51                                                "XAUTHRespPreShared": 65002,
52                                                "XAUTHInitDSS": 65003,
53                                                "XAUTHRespDSS": 65004,
54                                                "XAUTHInitRSA": 65005,
55                                                "XAUTHRespRSA": 65006,
56                                                "XAUTHInitRSAEncryption": 65007,
57                                                "XAUTHRespRSAEncryption": 65008,
58                                                "XAUTHInitRSARevisedEncryption": 65009,
59                                                "XAUTHRespRSARevisedEncryptio": 65010, }, 0),
60                         "GroupDesc":     (4, { "768MODPgr"  : 1,
61                                                "1024MODPgr" : 2,
62                                                "EC2Ngr155"  : 3,
63                                                "EC2Ngr185"  : 4,
64                                                "1536MODPgr" : 5,
65                                                "2048MODPgr" : 14,
66                                                "3072MODPgr" : 15,
67                                                "4096MODPgr" : 16,
68                                                "6144MODPgr" : 17,
69                                                "8192MODPgr" : 18, }, 0),
70                         "GroupType":      (5,  {"MODP":       1,
71                                                 "ECP":        2,
72                                                 "EC2N":       3}, 0),
73                         "GroupPrime":     (6,  {}, 1),
74                         "GroupGenerator1":(7,  {}, 1),
75                         "GroupGenerator2":(8,  {}, 1),
76                         "GroupCurveA":    (9,  {}, 1),
77                         "GroupCurveB":    (10, {}, 1),
78                         "LifeType":       (11, {"Seconds":     1,
79                                                 "Kilobytes":   2,  }, 0),
80                         "LifeDuration":   (12, {}, 1),
81                         "PRF":            (13, {}, 0),
82                         "KeyLength":      (14, {}, 0),
83                         "FieldSize":      (15, {}, 0),
84                         "GroupOrder":     (16, {}, 1),
85                         }
87# the name 'ISAKMPTransformTypes' is actually a misnomer (since the table
88# holds info for all ISAKMP Attribute types, not just transforms, but we'll
89# keep it for backwards compatibility... for now at least
90ISAKMPTransformTypes = ISAKMPAttributeTypes
92ISAKMPTransformNum = {}
93for n in ISAKMPTransformTypes:
94    val = ISAKMPTransformTypes[n]
95    tmp = {}
96    for e in val[1]:
97        tmp[val[1][e]] = e
98    ISAKMPTransformNum[val[0]] = (n,tmp, val[2])
105class ISAKMPTransformSetField(StrLenField):
106    islist=1
107    def type2num(self, type_val_tuple):
108        typ, val = type_val_tuple
109        type_val,enc_dict,tlv = ISAKMPTransformTypes.get(typ, (typ,{},0))
110        val = enc_dict.get(val, val)
111        s = b""
112        if (val & ~0xffff):
113            if not tlv:
114                warning("%r should not be TLV but is too big => using TLV encoding" % typ)
115            n = 0
116            while val:
117                s = chb(val&0xff)+s
118                val >>= 8
119                n += 1
120            val = n
121        else:
122            type_val |= 0x8000
123        return struct.pack("!HH",type_val, val)+s
124    def num2type(self, typ, enc):
125        val = ISAKMPTransformNum.get(typ,(typ,{}))
126        enc = val[1].get(enc,enc)
127        return (val[0],enc)
128    def i2m(self, pkt, i):
129        if i is None:
130            return b""
131        i = [self.type2num(e) for e in i]
132        return b"".join(i)
133    def m2i(self, pkt, m):
134        # I try to ensure that we don't read off the end of our packet based
135        # on bad length fields we're provided in the packet. There are still
136        # conditions where struct.unpack() may not get enough packet data, but
137        # worst case that should result in broken attributes (which would
138        # be expected). (wam)
139        lst = []
140        while len(m) >= 4:
141            trans_type, = struct.unpack("!H", m[:2])
142            is_tlv = not (trans_type & 0x8000)
143            if is_tlv:
144                # We should probably check to make sure the attribute type we
145                # are looking at is allowed to have a TLV format and issue a
146                # warning if we're given an TLV on a basic attribute.
147                value_len, = struct.unpack("!H", m[2:4])
148                if value_len+4 > len(m):
149                    warning("Bad length for ISAKMP tranform type=%#6x" % trans_type)
150                value = m[4:4+value_len]
151                value = reduce(lambda x,y: (x<<8)|y, struct.unpack("!%s" % ("B"*len(value),), value),0)
152            else:
153                trans_type &= 0x7fff
154                value_len=0
155                value, = struct.unpack("!H", m[2:4])
156            m=m[4+value_len:]
157            lst.append(self.num2type(trans_type, value))
158        if len(m) > 0:
159            warning("Extra bytes after ISAKMP transform dissection [%r]" % m)
160        return lst
163ISAKMP_payload_type = ["None","SA","Proposal","Transform","KE","ID","CERT","CR","Hash",
164                       "SIG","Nonce","Notification","Delete","VendorID"]
166ISAKMP_exchange_type = ["None","base","identity prot.",
167                        "auth only", "aggressive", "info"]
170class ISAKMP_class(Packet):
171    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
172        np = self.next_payload
173        if np == 0:
174            return conf.raw_layer
175        elif np < len(ISAKMP_payload_type):
176            pt = ISAKMP_payload_type[np]
177            return globals().get("ISAKMP_payload_%s" % pt, ISAKMP_payload)
178        else:
179            return ISAKMP_payload
182class ISAKMP(ISAKMP_class): # rfc2408
183    name = "ISAKMP"
184    fields_desc = [
185        StrFixedLenField("init_cookie","",8),
186        StrFixedLenField("resp_cookie","",8),
187        ByteEnumField("next_payload",0,ISAKMP_payload_type),
188        XByteField("version",0x10),
189        ByteEnumField("exch_type",0,ISAKMP_exchange_type),
190        FlagsField("flags",0, 8, ["encryption","commit","auth_only","res3","res4","res5","res6","res7"]), # XXX use a Flag field
191        IntField("id",0),
192        IntField("length",None)
193        ]
195    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
196        if self.flags & 1:
197            return conf.raw_layer
198        return ISAKMP_class.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
200    def answers(self, other):
201        if isinstance(other, ISAKMP):
202            if other.init_cookie == self.init_cookie:
203                return 1
204        return 0
205    def post_build(self, p, pay):
206        p += pay
207        if self.length is None:
208            p = p[:24]+struct.pack("!I",len(p))+p[28:]
209        return p
214class ISAKMP_payload_Transform(ISAKMP_class):
215    name = "IKE Transform"
216    fields_desc = [
217        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
218        ByteField("res",0),
219#        ShortField("len",None),
220        ShortField("length",None),
221        ByteField("num",None),
222        ByteEnumField("id",1,{1:"KEY_IKE"}),
223        ShortField("res2",0),
224        ISAKMPTransformSetField("transforms",None,length_from=lambda x:x.length-8)
225#        XIntField("enc",0x80010005L),
226#        XIntField("hash",0x80020002L),
227#        XIntField("auth",0x80030001L),
228#        XIntField("group",0x80040002L),
229#        XIntField("life_type",0x800b0001L),
230#        XIntField("durationh",0x000c0004L),
231#        XIntField("durationl",0x00007080L),
232        ]
233    def post_build(self, p, pay):
234        if self.length is None:
235            l = len(p)
236            p = p[:2]+chb((l>>8)&0xff)+chb(l&0xff)+p[4:]
237        p += pay
238        return p
243class ISAKMP_payload_Proposal(ISAKMP_class):
244    name = "IKE proposal"
245#    ISAKMP_payload_type = 0
246    fields_desc = [
247        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
248        ByteField("res",0),
249        FieldLenField("length",None,"trans","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
250        ByteField("proposal",1),
251        ByteEnumField("proto",1,{1:"ISAKMP"}),
252        FieldLenField("SPIsize",None,"SPI","B"),
253        ByteField("trans_nb",None),
254        StrLenField("SPI","",length_from=lambda x:x.SPIsize),
255        PacketLenField("trans",conf.raw_layer(),ISAKMP_payload_Transform,length_from=lambda x:x.length-8),
256        ]
259class ISAKMP_payload(ISAKMP_class):
260    name = "ISAKMP payload"
261    fields_desc = [
262        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
263        ByteField("res",0),
264        FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
265        StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
266        ]
269class ISAKMP_payload_VendorID(ISAKMP_class):
270    name = "ISAKMP Vendor ID"
271    overload_fields = { ISAKMP: { "next_payload":13 }}
272    fields_desc = [
273        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
274        ByteField("res",0),
275        FieldLenField("length",None,"vendorID","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
276        StrLenField("vendorID","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
277        ]
279class ISAKMP_payload_SA(ISAKMP_class):
280    name = "ISAKMP SA"
281    overload_fields = { ISAKMP: { "next_payload":1 }}
282    fields_desc = [
283        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
284        ByteField("res",0),
285        FieldLenField("length",None,"prop","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+12),
286        IntEnumField("DOI",1,{1:"IPSEC"}),
287        IntEnumField("situation",1,{1:"identity"}),
288        PacketLenField("prop",conf.raw_layer(),ISAKMP_payload_Proposal,length_from=lambda x:x.length-12),
289        ]
291class ISAKMP_payload_Nonce(ISAKMP_class):
292    name = "ISAKMP Nonce"
293    overload_fields = { ISAKMP: { "next_payload":10 }}
294    fields_desc = [
295        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
296        ByteField("res",0),
297        FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
298        StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
299        ]
301class ISAKMP_payload_KE(ISAKMP_class):
302    name = "ISAKMP Key Exchange"
303    overload_fields = { ISAKMP: { "next_payload":4 }}
304    fields_desc = [
305        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
306        ByteField("res",0),
307        FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
308        StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
309        ]
311class ISAKMP_payload_ID(ISAKMP_class):
312    name = "ISAKMP Identification"
313    overload_fields = { ISAKMP: { "next_payload":5 }}
314    fields_desc = [
315        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
316        ByteField("res",0),
317        FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H",adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
318        ByteEnumField("IDtype",1,{1:"IPv4_addr", 11:"Key"}),
319        ByteEnumField("ProtoID",0,{0:"Unused"}),
320        ShortEnumField("Port",0,{0:"Unused"}),
321#        IPField("IdentData",""),
322        StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-8),
323        ]
327class ISAKMP_payload_Hash(ISAKMP_class):
328    name = "ISAKMP Hash"
329    overload_fields = { ISAKMP: { "next_payload":8 }}
330    fields_desc = [
331        ByteEnumField("next_payload",None,ISAKMP_payload_type),
332        ByteField("res",0),
333        FieldLenField("length",None,"load","H",adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+4),
334        StrLenField("load","",length_from=lambda x:x.length-4),
335        ]
339ISAKMP_payload_type_overload = {}
340for i, payloadname in enumerate(ISAKMP_payload_type):
341    name = "ISAKMP_payload_%s" % payloadname
342    if name in globals():
343        ISAKMP_payload_type_overload[globals()[name]] = {"next_payload": i}
345del i, payloadname, name
346ISAKMP_class._overload_fields = ISAKMP_payload_type_overload.copy()
349bind_layers( UDP,           ISAKMP,        dport=500, sport=500)
350def ikescan(ip):
351    return sr(IP(dst=ip)/UDP()/ISAKMP(init_cookie=RandString(8),
352                                      exch_type=2)/ISAKMP_payload_SA(prop=ISAKMP_payload_Proposal()))