IceRegAlloc.cpp revision 9612d32c7e5eb2cb403686ef31172d42e075e460
1//===- subzero/src/IceRegAlloc.cpp - Linear-scan implementation -----------===//
3//                        The Subzero Code Generator
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10/// \file
11/// This file implements the LinearScan class, which performs the
12/// linear-scan register allocation after liveness analysis has been
13/// performed.
17#include "IceRegAlloc.h"
19#include "IceCfg.h"
20#include "IceCfgNode.h"
21#include "IceInst.h"
22#include "IceOperand.h"
23#include "IceTargetLowering.h"
25namespace Ice {
27namespace {
29// TODO(stichnot): Statically choose the size based on the target
30// being compiled.
31constexpr size_t REGS_SIZE = 32;
33// Returns true if Var has any definitions within Item's live range.
34// TODO(stichnot): Consider trimming the Definitions list similar to
35// how the live ranges are trimmed, since all the overlapsDefs() tests
36// are whether some variable's definitions overlap Cur, and trimming
37// is with respect Cur.start.  Initial tests show no measurable
38// performance difference, so we'll keep the code simple for now.
39bool overlapsDefs(const Cfg *Func, const Variable *Item, const Variable *Var) {
40  const bool UseTrimmed = true;
41  VariablesMetadata *VMetadata = Func->getVMetadata();
42  if (const Inst *FirstDef = VMetadata->getFirstDefinition(Var))
43    if (Item->getLiveRange().overlapsInst(FirstDef->getNumber(), UseTrimmed))
44      return true;
45  const InstDefList &Defs = VMetadata->getLatterDefinitions(Var);
46  for (size_t i = 0; i < Defs.size(); ++i) {
47    if (Item->getLiveRange().overlapsInst(Defs[i]->getNumber(), UseTrimmed))
48      return true;
49  }
50  return false;
53void dumpDisableOverlap(const Cfg *Func, const Variable *Var,
54                        const char *Reason) {
55  if (!BuildDefs::dump())
56    return;
57  if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_LinearScan)) {
58    VariablesMetadata *VMetadata = Func->getVMetadata();
59    Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
60    Str << "Disabling Overlap due to " << Reason << " " << *Var
61        << " LIVE=" << Var->getLiveRange() << " Defs=";
62    if (const Inst *FirstDef = VMetadata->getFirstDefinition(Var))
63      Str << FirstDef->getNumber();
64    const InstDefList &Defs = VMetadata->getLatterDefinitions(Var);
65    for (size_t i = 0; i < Defs.size(); ++i) {
66      Str << "," << Defs[i]->getNumber();
67    }
68    Str << "\n";
69  }
72void dumpLiveRange(const Variable *Var, const Cfg *Func) {
73  if (!BuildDefs::dump())
74    return;
75  Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
76  const static size_t BufLen = 30;
77  char buf[BufLen];
78  snprintf(buf, BufLen, "%2d", Var->getRegNumTmp());
79  Str << "R=" << buf << "  V=";
80  Var->dump(Func);
81  Str << "  Range=" << Var->getLiveRange();
84} // end of anonymous namespace
86// Prepare for full register allocation of all variables.  We depend
87// on liveness analysis to have calculated live ranges.
88void LinearScan::initForGlobal() {
89  TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_initUnhandled, Func);
90  FindPreference = true;
91  FindOverlap = true;
92  const VarList &Vars = Func->getVariables();
93  Unhandled.reserve(Vars.size());
94  UnhandledPrecolored.reserve(Vars.size());
95  // Gather the live ranges of all variables and add them to the
96  // Unhandled set.
97  for (Variable *Var : Vars) {
98    // Explicitly don't consider zero-weight variables, which are
99    // meant to be spill slots.
100    if (Var->getWeight().isZero())
101      continue;
102    // Don't bother if the variable has a null live range, which means
103    // it was never referenced.
104    if (Var->getLiveRange().isEmpty())
105      continue;
106    Var->untrimLiveRange();
107    Unhandled.push_back(Var);
108    if (Var->hasReg()) {
109      Var->setRegNumTmp(Var->getRegNum());
110      Var->setLiveRangeInfiniteWeight();
111      UnhandledPrecolored.push_back(Var);
112    }
113  }
115  // Build the (ordered) list of FakeKill instruction numbers.
116  Kills.clear();
117  for (CfgNode *Node : Func->getNodes()) {
118    for (Inst &I : Node->getInsts()) {
119      if (auto Kill = llvm::dyn_cast<InstFakeKill>(&I)) {
120        if (!Kill->isDeleted() && !Kill->getLinked()->isDeleted())
121          Kills.push_back(I.getNumber());
122      }
123    }
124  }
127// Prepare for very simple register allocation of only infinite-weight
128// Variables while respecting pre-colored Variables.  Some properties
129// we take advantage of:
131// * Live ranges of interest consist of a single segment.
133// * Live ranges of interest never span a call instruction.
135// * Phi instructions are not considered because either phis have
136//   already been lowered, or they don't contain any pre-colored or
137//   infinite-weight Variables.
139// * We don't need to renumber instructions before computing live
140//   ranges because all the high-level ICE instructions are deleted
141//   prior to lowering, and the low-level instructions are added in
142//   monotonically increasing order.
144// * There are no opportunities for register preference or allowing
145//   overlap.
147// Some properties we aren't (yet) taking advantage of:
149// * Because live ranges are a single segment, the Inactive set will
150//   always be empty, and the live range trimming operation is
151//   unnecessary.
153// * Calculating overlap of single-segment live ranges could be
154//   optimized a bit.
155void LinearScan::initForInfOnly() {
156  TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_initUnhandled, Func);
157  FindPreference = false;
158  FindOverlap = false;
159  SizeT NumVars = 0;
160  const VarList &Vars = Func->getVariables();
162  // Iterate across all instructions and record the begin and end of
163  // the live range for each variable that is pre-colored or infinite
164  // weight.
165  std::vector<InstNumberT> LRBegin(Vars.size(), Inst::NumberSentinel);
166  std::vector<InstNumberT> LREnd(Vars.size(), Inst::NumberSentinel);
167  for (CfgNode *Node : Func->getNodes()) {
168    for (Inst &Inst : Node->getInsts()) {
169      if (Inst.isDeleted())
170        continue;
171      if (const Variable *Var = Inst.getDest()) {
172        if (Var->hasReg() || Var->getWeight().isInf()) {
173          if (LRBegin[Var->getIndex()] == Inst::NumberSentinel) {
174            LRBegin[Var->getIndex()] = Inst.getNumber();
175            ++NumVars;
176          }
177        }
178      }
179      for (SizeT I = 0; I < Inst.getSrcSize(); ++I) {
180        Operand *Src = Inst.getSrc(I);
181        SizeT NumVars = Src->getNumVars();
182        for (SizeT J = 0; J < NumVars; ++J) {
183          const Variable *Var = Src->getVar(J);
184          if (Var->hasReg() || Var->getWeight().isInf())
185            LREnd[Var->getIndex()] = Inst.getNumber();
186        }
187      }
188    }
189  }
191  Unhandled.reserve(NumVars);
192  UnhandledPrecolored.reserve(NumVars);
193  for (SizeT i = 0; i < Vars.size(); ++i) {
194    Variable *Var = Vars[i];
195    if (LRBegin[i] != Inst::NumberSentinel) {
196      assert(LREnd[i] != Inst::NumberSentinel);
197      Unhandled.push_back(Var);
198      Var->resetLiveRange();
199      const uint32_t WeightDelta = 1;
200      Var->addLiveRange(LRBegin[i], LREnd[i], WeightDelta);
201      Var->untrimLiveRange();
202      if (Var->hasReg()) {
203        Var->setRegNumTmp(Var->getRegNum());
204        Var->setLiveRangeInfiniteWeight();
205        UnhandledPrecolored.push_back(Var);
206      }
207      --NumVars;
208    }
209  }
210  // This isn't actually a fatal condition, but it would be nice to
211  // know if we somehow pre-calculated Unhandled's size wrong.
212  assert(NumVars == 0);
214  // Don't build up the list of Kills because we know that no
215  // infinite-weight Variable has a live range spanning a call.
216  Kills.clear();
219void LinearScan::init(RegAllocKind Kind) {
220  Unhandled.clear();
221  UnhandledPrecolored.clear();
222  Handled.clear();
223  Inactive.clear();
224  Active.clear();
226  switch (Kind) {
227  case RAK_Global:
228    initForGlobal();
229    break;
230  case RAK_InfOnly:
231    initForInfOnly();
232    break;
233  }
235  struct CompareRanges {
236    bool operator()(const Variable *L, const Variable *R) {
237      InstNumberT Lstart = L->getLiveRange().getStart();
238      InstNumberT Rstart = R->getLiveRange().getStart();
239      if (Lstart == Rstart)
240        return L->getIndex() < R->getIndex();
241      return Lstart < Rstart;
242    }
243  };
244  // Do a reverse sort so that erasing elements (from the end) is fast.
245  std::sort(Unhandled.rbegin(), Unhandled.rend(), CompareRanges());
246  std::sort(UnhandledPrecolored.rbegin(), UnhandledPrecolored.rend(),
247            CompareRanges());
249  Handled.reserve(Unhandled.size());
250  Inactive.reserve(Unhandled.size());
251  Active.reserve(Unhandled.size());
254// Implements the linear-scan algorithm.  Based on "Linear Scan
255// Register Allocation in the Context of SSA Form and Register
256// Constraints" by Hanspeter Mössenböck and Michael Pfeiffer,
257// .  This
258// implementation is modified to take affinity into account and allow
259// two interfering variables to share the same register in certain
260// cases.
262// Requires running Cfg::liveness(Liveness_Intervals) in
263// preparation.  Results are assigned to Variable::RegNum for each
264// Variable.
265void LinearScan::scan(const llvm::SmallBitVector &RegMaskFull,
266                      bool Randomized) {
267  TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_linearScan, Func);
268  assert(RegMaskFull.any()); // Sanity check
269  GlobalContext *Ctx = Func->getContext();
270  const bool Verbose = BuildDefs::dump() && Func->isVerbose(IceV_LinearScan);
271  if (Verbose)
272    Ctx->lockStr();
273  Func->resetCurrentNode();
274  VariablesMetadata *VMetadata = Func->getVMetadata();
275  const size_t NumRegisters = RegMaskFull.size();
276  llvm::SmallBitVector PreDefinedRegisters(NumRegisters);
277  if (Randomized) {
278    for (Variable *Var : UnhandledPrecolored) {
279      PreDefinedRegisters[Var->getRegNum()] = true;
280    }
281  }
283  // Build a LiveRange representing the Kills list.
284  LiveRange KillsRange(Kills);
285  KillsRange.untrim();
287  // RegUses[I] is the number of live ranges (variables) that register
288  // I is currently assigned to.  It can be greater than 1 as a result
289  // of AllowOverlap inference below.
290  llvm::SmallVector<int, REGS_SIZE> RegUses(NumRegisters);
291  // Unhandled is already set to all ranges in increasing order of
292  // start points.
293  assert(Active.empty());
294  assert(Inactive.empty());
295  assert(Handled.empty());
296  const TargetLowering::RegSetMask RegsInclude =
297      TargetLowering::RegSet_CallerSave;
298  const TargetLowering::RegSetMask RegsExclude = TargetLowering::RegSet_None;
299  const llvm::SmallBitVector KillsMask =
300      Func->getTarget()->getRegisterSet(RegsInclude, RegsExclude);
302  while (!Unhandled.empty()) {
303    Variable *Cur = Unhandled.back();
304    Unhandled.pop_back();
305    if (Verbose) {
306      Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
307      Str << "\nConsidering  ";
308      dumpLiveRange(Cur, Func);
309      Str << "\n";
310    }
311    const llvm::SmallBitVector RegMask =
312        RegMaskFull & Func->getTarget()->getRegisterSetForType(Cur->getType());
313    KillsRange.trim(Cur->getLiveRange().getStart());
315    // Check for precolored ranges.  If Cur is precolored, it
316    // definitely gets that register.  Previously processed live
317    // ranges would have avoided that register due to it being
318    // precolored.  Future processed live ranges won't evict that
319    // register because the live range has infinite weight.
320    if (Cur->hasReg()) {
321      int32_t RegNum = Cur->getRegNum();
322      // RegNumTmp should have already been set above.
323      assert(Cur->getRegNumTmp() == RegNum);
324      if (Verbose) {
325        Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
326        Str << "Precoloring  ";
327        dumpLiveRange(Cur, Func);
328        Str << "\n";
329      }
330      Active.push_back(Cur);
331      assert(RegUses[RegNum] >= 0);
332      ++RegUses[RegNum];
333      assert(!UnhandledPrecolored.empty());
334      assert(UnhandledPrecolored.back() == Cur);
335      UnhandledPrecolored.pop_back();
336      continue;
337    }
339    // Check for active ranges that have expired or become inactive.
340    for (SizeT I = Active.size(); I > 0; --I) {
341      const SizeT Index = I - 1;
342      Variable *Item = Active[Index];
343      Item->trimLiveRange(Cur->getLiveRange().getStart());
344      bool Moved = false;
345      if (Item->rangeEndsBefore(Cur)) {
346        // Move Item from Active to Handled list.
347        if (Verbose) {
348          Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
349          Str << "Expiring     ";
350          dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
351          Str << "\n";
352        }
353        moveItem(Active, Index, Handled);
354        Moved = true;
355      } else if (!Item->rangeOverlapsStart(Cur)) {
356        // Move Item from Active to Inactive list.
357        if (Verbose) {
358          Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
359          Str << "Inactivating ";
360          dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
361          Str << "\n";
362        }
363        moveItem(Active, Index, Inactive);
364        Moved = true;
365      }
366      if (Moved) {
367        // Decrement Item from RegUses[].
368        assert(Item->hasRegTmp());
369        int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
370        --RegUses[RegNum];
371        assert(RegUses[RegNum] >= 0);
372      }
373    }
375    // Check for inactive ranges that have expired or reactivated.
376    for (SizeT I = Inactive.size(); I > 0; --I) {
377      const SizeT Index = I - 1;
378      Variable *Item = Inactive[Index];
379      Item->trimLiveRange(Cur->getLiveRange().getStart());
380      if (Item->rangeEndsBefore(Cur)) {
381        // Move Item from Inactive to Handled list.
382        if (Verbose) {
383          Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
384          Str << "Expiring     ";
385          dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
386          Str << "\n";
387        }
388        moveItem(Inactive, Index, Handled);
389      } else if (Item->rangeOverlapsStart(Cur)) {
390        // Move Item from Inactive to Active list.
391        if (Verbose) {
392          Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
393          Str << "Reactivating ";
394          dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
395          Str << "\n";
396        }
397        moveItem(Inactive, Index, Active);
398        // Increment Item in RegUses[].
399        assert(Item->hasRegTmp());
400        int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
401        assert(RegUses[RegNum] >= 0);
402        ++RegUses[RegNum];
403      }
404    }
406    // Calculate available registers into Free[].
407    llvm::SmallBitVector Free = RegMask;
408    for (SizeT i = 0; i < RegMask.size(); ++i) {
409      if (RegUses[i] > 0)
410        Free[i] = false;
411    }
413    // Infer register preference and allowable overlap.  Only form a
414    // preference when the current Variable has an unambiguous "first"
415    // definition.  The preference is some source Variable of the
416    // defining instruction that either is assigned a register that is
417    // currently free, or that is assigned a register that is not free
418    // but overlap is allowed.  Overlap is allowed when the Variable
419    // under consideration is single-definition, and its definition is
420    // a simple assignment - i.e., the register gets copied/aliased
421    // but is never modified.  Furthermore, overlap is only allowed
422    // when preferred Variable definition instructions do not appear
423    // within the current Variable's live range.
424    Variable *Prefer = nullptr;
425    int32_t PreferReg = Variable::NoRegister;
426    bool AllowOverlap = false;
427    if (FindPreference) {
428      if (const Inst *DefInst = VMetadata->getFirstDefinition(Cur)) {
429        assert(DefInst->getDest() == Cur);
430        bool IsAssign = DefInst->isSimpleAssign();
431        bool IsSingleDef = !VMetadata->isMultiDef(Cur);
432        for (SizeT i = 0; i < DefInst->getSrcSize(); ++i) {
433          // TODO(stichnot): Iterate through the actual Variables of the
434          // instruction, not just the source operands.  This could
435          // capture Load instructions, including address mode
436          // optimization, for Prefer (but not for AllowOverlap).
437          if (Variable *SrcVar = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(DefInst->getSrc(i))) {
438            int32_t SrcReg = SrcVar->getRegNumTmp();
439            // Only consider source variables that have (so far) been
440            // assigned a register.  That register must be one in the
441            // RegMask set, e.g. don't try to prefer the stack pointer
442            // as a result of the stacksave intrinsic.
443            if (SrcVar->hasRegTmp() && RegMask[SrcReg]) {
444              if (FindOverlap && !Free[SrcReg]) {
445                // Don't bother trying to enable AllowOverlap if the
446                // register is already free.
447                AllowOverlap =
448                    IsSingleDef && IsAssign && !overlapsDefs(Func, Cur, SrcVar);
449              }
450              if (AllowOverlap || Free[SrcReg]) {
451                Prefer = SrcVar;
452                PreferReg = SrcReg;
453              }
454            }
455          }
456        }
457        if (Verbose && Prefer) {
458          Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
459          Str << "Initial Prefer=";
460          Prefer->dump(Func);
461          Str << " R=" << PreferReg << " LIVE=" << Prefer->getLiveRange()
462              << " Overlap=" << AllowOverlap << "\n";
463        }
464      }
465    }
467    // Remove registers from the Free[] list where an Inactive range
468    // overlaps with the current range.
469    for (const Variable *Item : Inactive) {
470      if (Item->rangeOverlaps(Cur)) {
471        int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
472        // Don't assert(Free[RegNum]) because in theory (though
473        // probably never in practice) there could be two inactive
474        // variables that were marked with AllowOverlap.
475        Free[RegNum] = false;
476        // Disable AllowOverlap if an Inactive variable, which is not
477        // Prefer, shares Prefer's register, and has a definition
478        // within Cur's live range.
479        if (AllowOverlap && Item != Prefer && RegNum == PreferReg &&
480            overlapsDefs(Func, Cur, Item)) {
481          AllowOverlap = false;
482          dumpDisableOverlap(Func, Item, "Inactive");
483        }
484      }
485    }
487    // Disable AllowOverlap if an Active variable, which is not
488    // Prefer, shares Prefer's register, and has a definition within
489    // Cur's live range.
490    if (AllowOverlap) {
491      for (const Variable *Item : Active) {
492        int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
493        if (Item != Prefer && RegNum == PreferReg &&
494            overlapsDefs(Func, Cur, Item)) {
495          AllowOverlap = false;
496          dumpDisableOverlap(Func, Item, "Active");
497        }
498      }
499    }
501    llvm::SmallVector<RegWeight, REGS_SIZE> Weights(RegMask.size());
503    // Remove registers from the Free[] list where an Unhandled
504    // precolored range overlaps with the current range, and set those
505    // registers to infinite weight so that they aren't candidates for
506    // eviction.  Cur->rangeEndsBefore(Item) is an early exit check
507    // that turns a guaranteed O(N^2) algorithm into expected linear
508    // complexity.
509    llvm::SmallBitVector PrecoloredUnhandledMask(RegMask.size());
510    // Note: PrecoloredUnhandledMask is only used for dumping.
511    for (Variable *Item : reverse_range(UnhandledPrecolored)) {
512      assert(Item->hasReg());
513      if (Cur->rangeEndsBefore(Item))
514        break;
515      if (Item->rangeOverlaps(Cur)) {
516        int32_t ItemReg = Item->getRegNum(); // Note: not getRegNumTmp()
517        Weights[ItemReg].setWeight(RegWeight::Inf);
518        Free[ItemReg] = false;
519        PrecoloredUnhandledMask[ItemReg] = true;
520        // Disable AllowOverlap if the preferred register is one of
521        // these precolored unhandled overlapping ranges.
522        if (AllowOverlap && ItemReg == PreferReg) {
523          AllowOverlap = false;
524          dumpDisableOverlap(Func, Item, "PrecoloredUnhandled");
525        }
526      }
527    }
529    // Remove scratch registers from the Free[] list, and mark their
530    // Weights[] as infinite, if KillsRange overlaps Cur's live range.
531    const bool UseTrimmed = true;
532    if (Cur->getLiveRange().overlaps(KillsRange, UseTrimmed)) {
533      Free.reset(KillsMask);
534      for (int i = KillsMask.find_first(); i != -1;
535           i = KillsMask.find_next(i)) {
536        Weights[i].setWeight(RegWeight::Inf);
537        if (PreferReg == i)
538          AllowOverlap = false;
539      }
540    }
542    // Print info about physical register availability.
543    if (Verbose) {
544      Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
545      for (SizeT i = 0; i < RegMask.size(); ++i) {
546        if (RegMask[i]) {
547          Str << Func->getTarget()->getRegName(i, IceType_i32)
548              << "(U=" << RegUses[i] << ",F=" << Free[i]
549              << ",P=" << PrecoloredUnhandledMask[i] << ") ";
550        }
551      }
552      Str << "\n";
553    }
555    if (Prefer && (AllowOverlap || Free[PreferReg])) {
556      // First choice: a preferred register that is either free or is
557      // allowed to overlap with its linked variable.
558      Cur->setRegNumTmp(PreferReg);
559      if (Verbose) {
560        Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
561        Str << "Preferring   ";
562        dumpLiveRange(Cur, Func);
563        Str << "\n";
564      }
565      assert(RegUses[PreferReg] >= 0);
566      ++RegUses[PreferReg];
567      Active.push_back(Cur);
568    } else if (Free.any()) {
569      // Second choice: any free register.  TODO: After explicit
570      // affinity is considered, is there a strategy better than just
571      // picking the lowest-numbered available register?
572      int32_t RegNum = Free.find_first();
573      Cur->setRegNumTmp(RegNum);
574      if (Verbose) {
575        Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
576        Str << "Allocating   ";
577        dumpLiveRange(Cur, Func);
578        Str << "\n";
579      }
580      assert(RegUses[RegNum] >= 0);
581      ++RegUses[RegNum];
582      Active.push_back(Cur);
583    } else {
584      // Fallback: there are no free registers, so we look for the
585      // lowest-weight register and see if Cur has higher weight.
586      // Check Active ranges.
587      for (const Variable *Item : Active) {
588        assert(Item->rangeOverlaps(Cur));
589        int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
590        assert(Item->hasRegTmp());
591        Weights[RegNum].addWeight(Item->getLiveRange().getWeight());
592      }
593      // Same as above, but check Inactive ranges instead of Active.
594      for (const Variable *Item : Inactive) {
595        int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
596        assert(Item->hasRegTmp());
597        if (Item->rangeOverlaps(Cur))
598          Weights[RegNum].addWeight(Item->getLiveRange().getWeight());
599      }
601      // All the weights are now calculated.  Find the register with
602      // smallest weight.
603      int32_t MinWeightIndex = RegMask.find_first();
604      // MinWeightIndex must be valid because of the initial
605      // RegMask.any() test.
606      assert(MinWeightIndex >= 0);
607      for (SizeT i = MinWeightIndex + 1; i < Weights.size(); ++i) {
608        if (RegMask[i] && Weights[i] < Weights[MinWeightIndex])
609          MinWeightIndex = i;
610      }
612      if (Cur->getLiveRange().getWeight() <= Weights[MinWeightIndex]) {
613        // Cur doesn't have priority over any other live ranges, so
614        // don't allocate any register to it, and move it to the
615        // Handled state.
616        Handled.push_back(Cur);
617        if (Cur->getLiveRange().getWeight().isInf()) {
618          Func->setError("Unable to find a physical register for an "
619                         "infinite-weight live range");
620        }
621      } else {
622        // Evict all live ranges in Active that register number
623        // MinWeightIndex is assigned to.
624        for (SizeT I = Active.size(); I > 0; --I) {
625          const SizeT Index = I - 1;
626          Variable *Item = Active[Index];
627          if (Item->getRegNumTmp() == MinWeightIndex) {
628            if (Verbose) {
629              Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
630              Str << "Evicting     ";
631              dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
632              Str << "\n";
633            }
634            --RegUses[MinWeightIndex];
635            assert(RegUses[MinWeightIndex] >= 0);
636            Item->setRegNumTmp(Variable::NoRegister);
637            moveItem(Active, Index, Handled);
638          }
639        }
640        // Do the same for Inactive.
641        for (SizeT I = Inactive.size(); I > 0; --I) {
642          const SizeT Index = I - 1;
643          Variable *Item = Inactive[Index];
644          // Note: The Item->rangeOverlaps(Cur) clause is not part of the
645          // description of AssignMemLoc() in the original paper.  But
646          // there doesn't seem to be any need to evict an inactive
647          // live range that doesn't overlap with the live range
648          // currently being considered.  It's especially bad if we
649          // would end up evicting an infinite-weight but
650          // currently-inactive live range.  The most common situation
651          // for this would be a scratch register kill set for call
652          // instructions.
653          if (Item->getRegNumTmp() == MinWeightIndex &&
654              Item->rangeOverlaps(Cur)) {
655            if (Verbose) {
656              Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
657              Str << "Evicting     ";
658              dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
659              Str << "\n";
660            }
661            Item->setRegNumTmp(Variable::NoRegister);
662            moveItem(Inactive, Index, Handled);
663          }
664        }
665        // Assign the register to Cur.
666        Cur->setRegNumTmp(MinWeightIndex);
667        assert(RegUses[MinWeightIndex] >= 0);
668        ++RegUses[MinWeightIndex];
669        Active.push_back(Cur);
670        if (Verbose) {
671          Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
672          Str << "Allocating   ";
673          dumpLiveRange(Cur, Func);
674          Str << "\n";
675        }
676      }
677    }
678    dump(Func);
679  }
680  // Move anything Active or Inactive to Handled for easier handling.
681  for (Variable *I : Active)
682    Handled.push_back(I);
683  Active.clear();
684  for (Variable *I : Inactive)
685    Handled.push_back(I);
686  Inactive.clear();
687  dump(Func);
689  llvm::SmallVector<int32_t, REGS_SIZE> Permutation(NumRegisters);
690  if (Randomized) {
691    Func->getTarget()->makeRandomRegisterPermutation(
692        Permutation, PreDefinedRegisters | ~RegMaskFull);
693  }
695  // Finish up by assigning RegNumTmp->RegNum (or a random permutation
696  // thereof) for each Variable.
697  for (Variable *Item : Handled) {
698    int32_t RegNum = Item->getRegNumTmp();
699    int32_t AssignedRegNum = RegNum;
701    if (Randomized && Item->hasRegTmp() && !Item->hasReg()) {
702      AssignedRegNum = Permutation[RegNum];
703    }
704    if (Verbose) {
705      Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrDump();
706      if (!Item->hasRegTmp()) {
707        Str << "Not assigning ";
708        Item->dump(Func);
709        Str << "\n";
710      } else {
711        Str << (AssignedRegNum == Item->getRegNum() ? "Reassigning "
712                                                    : "Assigning ")
713            << Func->getTarget()->getRegName(AssignedRegNum, IceType_i32)
714            << "(r" << AssignedRegNum << ") to ";
715        Item->dump(Func);
716        Str << "\n";
717      }
718    }
719    Item->setRegNum(AssignedRegNum);
720  }
722  // TODO: Consider running register allocation one more time, with
723  // infinite registers, for two reasons.  First, evicted live ranges
724  // get a second chance for a register.  Second, it allows coalescing
725  // of stack slots.  If there is no time budget for the second
726  // register allocation run, each unallocated variable just gets its
727  // own slot.
728  //
729  // Another idea for coalescing stack slots is to initialize the
730  // Unhandled list with just the unallocated variables, saving time
731  // but not offering second-chance opportunities.
733  if (Verbose)
734    Ctx->unlockStr();
737// ======================== Dump routines ======================== //
739void LinearScan::dump(Cfg *Func) const {
740  if (!BuildDefs::dump())
741    return;
742  if (!Func->isVerbose(IceV_LinearScan))
743    return;
744  Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
745  Func->resetCurrentNode();
746  Str << "**** Current regalloc state:\n";
747  Str << "++++++ Handled:\n";
748  for (const Variable *Item : Handled) {
749    dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
750    Str << "\n";
751  }
752  Str << "++++++ Unhandled:\n";
753  for (const Variable *Item : reverse_range(Unhandled)) {
754    dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
755    Str << "\n";
756  }
757  Str << "++++++ Active:\n";
758  for (const Variable *Item : Active) {
759    dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
760    Str << "\n";
761  }
762  Str << "++++++ Inactive:\n";
763  for (const Variable *Item : Inactive) {
764    dumpLiveRange(Item, Func);
765    Str << "\n";
766  }
769} // end of namespace Ice