1# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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14# ==============================================================================
15"""Monte Carlo integration and helpers.
17See the @{$python/contrib.bayesflow.monte_carlo} guide.
24from __future__ import absolute_import
25from __future__ import division
26from __future__ import print_function
28from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
29from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
30from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
31from tensorflow.python.ops import nn
33__all__ = [
34    'expectation',
35    'expectation_importance_sampler',
36    'expectation_importance_sampler_logspace',
40def expectation_importance_sampler(f,
41                                   log_p,
42                                   sampling_dist_q,
43                                   z=None,
44                                   n=None,
45                                   seed=None,
46                                   name='expectation_importance_sampler'):
47  r"""Monte Carlo estimate of `E_p[f(Z)] = E_q[f(Z) p(Z) / q(Z)]`.
49  With `p(z) := exp{log_p(z)}`, this `Op` returns
51  ```
52  n^{-1} sum_{i=1}^n [ f(z_i) p(z_i) / q(z_i) ],  z_i ~ q,
53  \approx E_q[ f(Z) p(Z) / q(Z) ]
54  =       E_p[f(Z)]
55  ```
57  This integral is done in log-space with max-subtraction to better handle the
58  often extreme values that `f(z) p(z) / q(z)` can take on.
60  If `f >= 0`, it is up to 2x more efficient to exponentiate the result of
61  `expectation_importance_sampler_logspace` applied to `Log[f]`.
63  User supplies either `Tensor` of samples `z`, or number of samples to draw `n`
65  Args:
66    f: Callable mapping samples from `sampling_dist_q` to `Tensors` with shape
67      broadcastable to `q.batch_shape`.
68      For example, `f` works "just like" `q.log_prob`.
69    log_p:  Callable mapping samples from `sampling_dist_q` to `Tensors` with
70      shape broadcastable to `q.batch_shape`.
71      For example, `log_p` works "just like" `sampling_dist_q.log_prob`.
72    sampling_dist_q:  The sampling distribution.
73      `tf.contrib.distributions.Distribution`.
74      `float64` `dtype` recommended.
75      `log_p` and `q` should be supported on the same set.
76    z:  `Tensor` of samples from `q`, produced by `q.sample` for some `n`.
77    n:  Integer `Tensor`.  Number of samples to generate if `z` is not provided.
78    seed:  Python integer to seed the random number generator.
79    name:  A name to give this `Op`.
81  Returns:
82    The importance sampling estimate.  `Tensor` with `shape` equal
83      to batch shape of `q`, and `dtype` = `q.dtype`.
84  """
85  q = sampling_dist_q
86  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[z, n]):
87    z = _get_samples(q, z, n, seed)
89    log_p_z = log_p(z)
90    q_log_prob_z = q.log_prob(z)
92    def _importance_sampler_positive_f(log_f_z):
93      # Same as expectation_importance_sampler_logspace, but using Tensors
94      # rather than samples and functions.  Allows us to sample once.
95      log_values = log_f_z + log_p_z - q_log_prob_z
96      return _logspace_mean(log_values)
98    # With f_plus(z) = max(0, f(z)), f_minus(z) = max(0, -f(z)),
99    # E_p[f(Z)] = E_p[f_plus(Z)] - E_p[f_minus(Z)]
100    #           = E_p[f_plus(Z) + 1] - E_p[f_minus(Z) + 1]
101    # Without incurring bias, 1 is added to each to prevent zeros in logspace.
102    # The logarithm is approximately linear around 1 + epsilon, so this is good
103    # for small values of 'z' as well.
104    f_z = f(z)
105    log_f_plus_z = math_ops.log(nn.relu(f_z) + 1.)
106    log_f_minus_z = math_ops.log(nn.relu(-1. * f_z) + 1.)
108    log_f_plus_integral = _importance_sampler_positive_f(log_f_plus_z)
109    log_f_minus_integral = _importance_sampler_positive_f(log_f_minus_z)
111  return math_ops.exp(log_f_plus_integral) - math_ops.exp(log_f_minus_integral)
114def expectation_importance_sampler_logspace(
115    log_f,
116    log_p,
117    sampling_dist_q,
118    z=None,
119    n=None,
120    seed=None,
121    name='expectation_importance_sampler_logspace'):
122  r"""Importance sampling with a positive function, in log-space.
124  With `p(z) := exp{log_p(z)}`, and `f(z) = exp{log_f(z)}`, this `Op`
125  returns
127  ```
128  Log[ n^{-1} sum_{i=1}^n [ f(z_i) p(z_i) / q(z_i) ] ],  z_i ~ q,
129  \approx Log[ E_q[ f(Z) p(Z) / q(Z) ] ]
130  =       Log[E_p[f(Z)]]
131  ```
133  This integral is done in log-space with max-subtraction to better handle the
134  often extreme values that `f(z) p(z) / q(z)` can take on.
136  In contrast to `expectation_importance_sampler`, this `Op` returns values in
137  log-space.
140  User supplies either `Tensor` of samples `z`, or number of samples to draw `n`
142  Args:
143    log_f: Callable mapping samples from `sampling_dist_q` to `Tensors` with
144      shape broadcastable to `q.batch_shape`.
145      For example, `log_f` works "just like" `sampling_dist_q.log_prob`.
146    log_p:  Callable mapping samples from `sampling_dist_q` to `Tensors` with
147      shape broadcastable to `q.batch_shape`.
148      For example, `log_p` works "just like" `q.log_prob`.
149    sampling_dist_q:  The sampling distribution.
150      `tf.contrib.distributions.Distribution`.
151      `float64` `dtype` recommended.
152      `log_p` and `q` should be supported on the same set.
153    z:  `Tensor` of samples from `q`, produced by `q.sample` for some `n`.
154    n:  Integer `Tensor`.  Number of samples to generate if `z` is not provided.
155    seed:  Python integer to seed the random number generator.
156    name:  A name to give this `Op`.
158  Returns:
159    Logarithm of the importance sampling estimate.  `Tensor` with `shape` equal
160      to batch shape of `q`, and `dtype` = `q.dtype`.
161  """
162  q = sampling_dist_q
163  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[z, n]):
164    z = _get_samples(q, z, n, seed)
165    log_values = log_f(z) + log_p(z) - q.log_prob(z)
166    return _logspace_mean(log_values)
169def _logspace_mean(log_values):
170  """Evaluate `Log[E[values]]` in a stable manner.
172  Args:
173    log_values:  `Tensor` holding `Log[values]`.
175  Returns:
176    `Tensor` of same `dtype` as `log_values`, reduced across dim 0.
177      `Log[Mean[values]]`.
178  """
179  # center = Max[Log[values]],  with stop-gradient
180  # The center hopefully keep the exponentiated term small.  It is canceled
181  # from the final result, so putting stop gradient on it will not change the
182  # final result.  We put stop gradient on to eliminate unnecessary computation.
183  center = array_ops.stop_gradient(_sample_max(log_values))
185  # centered_values = exp{Log[values] - E[Log[values]]}
186  centered_values = math_ops.exp(log_values - center)
188  # log_mean_of_values = Log[ E[centered_values] ] + center
189  #                    = Log[ E[exp{log_values - E[log_values]}] ] + center
190  #                    = Log[E[values]] - E[log_values] + center
191  #                    = Log[E[values]]
192  log_mean_of_values = math_ops.log(_sample_mean(centered_values)) + center
194  return log_mean_of_values
197def expectation(f, samples, log_prob=None, use_reparametrization=True,
198                axis=0, keep_dims=False, name=None):
199  """Computes the Monte-Carlo approximation of `E_p[f(X)]`.
201  This function computes the Monte-Carlo approximation of an expectation, i.e.,
203  ```none
204  E_p[f(X)] approx= m**-1 sum_i^m f(x_j),  x_j ~iid p(X)
205  ```
207  where:
209  - `x_j = samples[j, ...]`,
210  - `log(p(samples)) = log_prob(samples)` and
211  - `m = prod(shape(samples)[axis])`.
213  Tricks: Reparameterization and Score-Gradient
215  When p is "reparameterized", i.e., a diffeomorphic transformation of a
216  parameterless distribution (e.g.,
217  `Normal(Y; m, s) <=> Y = sX + m, X ~ Normal(0,1)`), we can swap gradient and
218  expectation, i.e.,
219  `grad[ Avg{ s_i : i=1...n } ] = Avg{ grad[s_i] : i=1...n }` where
220  `S_n = Avg{s_i}` and `s_i = f(x_i), x_i ~ p`.
222  However, if p is not reparameterized, TensorFlow's gradient will be incorrect
223  since the chain-rule stops at samples of non-reparameterized distributions.
224  (The non-differentiated result, `approx_expectation`, is the same regardless
225  of `use_reparametrization`.) In this circumstance using the Score-Gradient
226  trick results in an unbiased gradient, i.e.,
228  ```none
229  grad[ E_p[f(X)] ]
230  = grad[ int dx p(x) f(x) ]
231  = int dx grad[ p(x) f(x) ]
232  = int dx [ p'(x) f(x) + p(x) f'(x) ]
233  = int dx p(x) [p'(x) / p(x) f(x) + f'(x) ]
234  = int dx p(x) grad[ f(x) p(x) / stop_grad[p(x)] ]
235  = E_p[ grad[ f(x) p(x) / stop_grad[p(x)] ] ]
236  ```
238  Unless p is not reparametrized, it is usually preferable to
239  `use_reparametrization = True`.
241  Warning: users are responsible for verifying `p` is a "reparameterized"
242  distribution.
244  Example Use:
246  ```python
247  bf = tf.contrib.bayesflow
248  ds = tf.contrib.distributions
250  # Monte-Carlo approximation of a reparameterized distribution, e.g., Normal.
252  num_draws = int(1e5)
253  p = ds.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.)
254  q = ds.Normal(loc=1., scale=2.)
255  exact_kl_normal_normal = ds.kl_divergence(p, q)
256  # ==> 0.44314718
257  approx_kl_normal_normal = bf.expectation(
258      f=lambda x: p.log_prob(x) - q.log_prob(x),
259      samples=p.sample(num_draws, seed=42),
260      log_prob=p.log_prob,
261      use_reparametrization=(p.reparameterization_type
262                             == distribution.FULLY_REPARAMETERIZED))
263  # ==> 0.44632751
264  # Relative Error: <1%
266  # Monte-Carlo approximation of non-reparameterized distribution, e.g., Gamma.
268  num_draws = int(1e5)
269  p = ds.Gamma(concentration=1., rate=1.)
270  q = ds.Gamma(concentration=2., rate=3.)
271  exact_kl_gamma_gamma = ds.kl_divergence(p, q)
272  # ==> 0.37999129
273  approx_kl_gamma_gamma = bf.expectation(
274      f=lambda x: p.log_prob(x) - q.log_prob(x),
275      samples=p.sample(num_draws, seed=42),
276      log_prob=p.log_prob,
277      use_reparametrization=(p.reparameterization_type
278                             == distribution.FULLY_REPARAMETERIZED))
279  # ==> 0.37696719
280  # Relative Error: <1%
282  # For comparing the gradients, see `monte_carlo_test.py`.
283  ```
285  Note: The above example is for illustration only. To compute approximate
286  KL-divergence, the following is preferred:
288  ```python
289  approx_kl_p_q = bf.monte_carlo_csiszar_f_divergence(
290      f=bf.kl_reverse,
291      p_log_prob=q.log_prob,
292      q=p,
293      num_draws=num_draws)
294  ```
296  Args:
297    f: Python callable which can return `f(samples)`.
298    samples: `Tensor` of samples used to form the Monte-Carlo approximation of
299      `E_p[f(X)]`.  A batch of samples should be indexed by `axis` dimensions.
300    log_prob: Python callable which can return `log_prob(samples)`. Must
301      correspond to the natural-logarithm of the pdf/pmf of each sample. Only
302      required/used if `use_reparametrization=False`.
303      Default value: `None`.
304    use_reparametrization: Python `bool` indicating that the approximation
305      should use the fact that the gradient of samples is unbiased. Whether
306      `True` or `False`, this arg only affects the gradient of the resulting
307      `approx_expectation`.
308      Default value: `True`.
309    axis: The dimensions to average. If `None`, averages all
310      dimensions.
311      Default value: `0` (the left-most dimension).
312    keep_dims: If True, retains averaged dimensions using size `1`.
313      Default value: `False`.
314    name: A `name_scope` for operations created by this function.
315      Default value: `None` (which implies "expectation").
317  Returns:
318    approx_expectation: `Tensor` corresponding to the Monte-Carlo approximation
319      of `E_p[f(X)]`.
321  Raises:
322    ValueError: if `f` is not a Python `callable`.
323    ValueError: if `use_reparametrization=False` and `log_prob` is not a Python
324      `callable`.
325  """
327  with ops.name_scope(name, 'expectation', [samples]):
328    if not callable(f):
329      raise ValueError('`f` must be a callable function.')
330    if use_reparametrization:
331      return math_ops.reduce_mean(f(samples), axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims)
332    else:
333      if not callable(log_prob):
334        raise ValueError('`log_prob` must be a callable function.')
335      stop = array_ops.stop_gradient  # For readability.
336      x = stop(samples)
337      logpx = log_prob(x)
338      fx = f(x)  # Call `f` once in case it has side-effects.
339      # We now rewrite f(x) so that:
340      #   `grad[f(x)] := grad[f(x)] + f(x) * grad[logqx]`.
341      # To achieve this, we use a trick that
342      #   `h(x) - stop(h(x)) == zeros_like(h(x))`
343      # but its gradient is grad[h(x)].
344      # Note that IEEE754 specifies that `x - x == 0.` and `x + 0. == x`, hence
345      # this trick loses no precision. For more discussion regarding the
346      # relevant portions of the IEEE754 standard, see the StackOverflow
347      # question,
348      # "Is there a floating point value of x, for which x-x == 0 is false?"
349      # http://stackoverflow.com/q/2686644
350      fx += stop(fx) * (logpx - stop(logpx))  # Add zeros_like(logpx).
351      return math_ops.reduce_mean(fx, axis=axis, keep_dims=keep_dims)
354def _sample_mean(values):
355  """Mean over sample indices.  In this module this is always [0]."""
356  return math_ops.reduce_mean(values, reduction_indices=[0])
359def _sample_max(values):
360  """Max over sample indices.  In this module this is always [0]."""
361  return math_ops.reduce_max(values, reduction_indices=[0])
364def _get_samples(dist, z, n, seed):
365  """Check args and return samples."""
366  with ops.name_scope('get_samples', values=[z, n]):
367    if (n is None) == (z is None):
368      raise ValueError(
369          'Must specify exactly one of arguments "n" and "z".  Found: '
370          'n = %s, z = %s' % (n, z))
371    if n is not None:
372      return dist.sample(n, seed=seed)
373    else:
374      return ops.convert_to_tensor(z, name='z')