2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.bluetoothmidiservice;
19import android.media.midi.MidiReceiver;
21import com.android.internal.midi.MidiConstants;
22import com.android.internal.midi.MidiFramer;
24import java.io.IOException;
27 * This class accumulates MIDI messages to form a MIDI packet.
28 */
29public class BluetoothPacketEncoder extends PacketEncoder {
31    private static final String TAG = "BluetoothPacketEncoder";
33    private static final long MILLISECOND_NANOS = 1000000L;
35    // mask for generating 13 bit timestamps
36    private static final int MILLISECOND_MASK = 0x1FFF;
38    private final PacketReceiver mPacketReceiver;
40    // buffer for accumulating messages to write
41    private final byte[] mAccumulationBuffer;
42    // number of bytes currently in mAccumulationBuffer
43    private int mAccumulatedBytes;
44    // timestamp for first message in current packet
45    private int mPacketTimestamp;
46    // current running status, or zero if none
47    private byte mRunningStatus;
49    private boolean mWritePending;
51    private final Object mLock = new Object();
53    // This receives normalized data from mMidiFramer and accumulates it into a packet buffer
54    private final MidiReceiver mFramedDataReceiver = new MidiReceiver() {
55        @Override
56        public void onSend(byte[] msg, int offset, int count, long timestamp)
57                throws IOException {
59            synchronized (mLock) {
60                int milliTimestamp = (int)(timestamp / MILLISECOND_NANOS) & MILLISECOND_MASK;
61                byte status = msg[offset];
62                boolean isSysExStart = (status == MidiConstants.STATUS_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE);
63                // Because of the MidiFramer, if it is not a status byte then it
64                // must be a continuation.
65                boolean isSysExContinuation = ((status & 0x80) == 0);
67                int bytesNeeded;
68                if (isSysExStart || isSysExContinuation) {
69                    // SysEx messages can be split into multiple packets
70                    bytesNeeded = 1;
71                } else {
72                    bytesNeeded = count;
73                }
75                // Status bytes must be preceded by a timestamp
76                boolean needsTimestamp = (status != mRunningStatus)
77                        || (milliTimestamp != mPacketTimestamp);
78                if (isSysExStart) {
79                    // SysEx start byte must be preceded by a timestamp
80                    needsTimestamp = true;
81                } else if (isSysExContinuation) {
82                    // SysEx continuation packets must not have timestamp byte
83                    needsTimestamp = false;
84                }
86                if (needsTimestamp) bytesNeeded++;  // add one for timestamp byte
87                if (status == mRunningStatus) bytesNeeded--;    // subtract one for status byte
89                if (mAccumulatedBytes + bytesNeeded > mAccumulationBuffer.length) {
90                    // write out our data if there is no more room
91                    // if necessary, block until previous packet is sent
92                    flushLocked(true);
93                }
95                // write the header if necessary
96                if (appendHeader(milliTimestamp)) {
97                     needsTimestamp = !isSysExContinuation;
98                }
100                // write new timestamp byte if necessary
101                if (needsTimestamp) {
102                    // timestamp byte with bits 0 - 6 of timestamp
103                    mAccumulationBuffer[mAccumulatedBytes++] =
104                            (byte)(0x80 | (milliTimestamp & 0x7F));
105                    mPacketTimestamp = milliTimestamp;
106                }
108                if (isSysExStart || isSysExContinuation) {
109                    // MidiFramer will end the packet with SysEx End if there is one in the buffer
110                    boolean hasSysExEnd =
111                            (msg[offset + count - 1] == MidiConstants.STATUS_END_SYSEX);
112                    int remaining = (hasSysExEnd ? count - 1 : count);
114                    while (remaining > 0) {
115                        if (mAccumulatedBytes == mAccumulationBuffer.length) {
116                            // write out our data if there is no more room
117                            // if necessary, block until previous packet is sent
118                            flushLocked(true);
119                            appendHeader(milliTimestamp);
120                        }
122                        int copy = mAccumulationBuffer.length - mAccumulatedBytes;
123                        if (copy > remaining) copy = remaining;
124                        System.arraycopy(msg, offset, mAccumulationBuffer, mAccumulatedBytes, copy);
125                        mAccumulatedBytes += copy;
126                        offset += copy;
127                        remaining -= copy;
128                    }
130                    if (hasSysExEnd) {
131                        // SysEx End command must be preceeded by a timestamp byte
132                        if (mAccumulatedBytes + 2 > mAccumulationBuffer.length) {
133                            // write out our data if there is no more room
134                            // if necessary, block until previous packet is sent
135                            flushLocked(true);
136                            appendHeader(milliTimestamp);
137                        }
138                        mAccumulationBuffer[mAccumulatedBytes++] =
139                                (byte)(0x80 | (milliTimestamp & 0x7F));
140                        mAccumulationBuffer[mAccumulatedBytes++] = MidiConstants.STATUS_END_SYSEX;
141                    }
142                } else {
143                    // Non-SysEx message
144                    if (status != mRunningStatus) {
145                        mAccumulationBuffer[mAccumulatedBytes++] = status;
146                        if (MidiConstants.allowRunningStatus(status)) {
147                            mRunningStatus = status;
148                        } else if (MidiConstants.cancelsRunningStatus(status)) {
149                            mRunningStatus = 0;
150                        }
151                    }
153                    // now copy data bytes
154                    int dataLength = count - 1;
155                    System.arraycopy(msg, offset + 1, mAccumulationBuffer, mAccumulatedBytes,
156                            dataLength);
157                    mAccumulatedBytes += dataLength;
158                }
160                // write the packet if possible, but do not block
161                flushLocked(false);
162            }
163        }
164    };
166    private boolean appendHeader(int milliTimestamp) {
167        // write header if we are starting a new packet
168        if (mAccumulatedBytes == 0) {
169            // header byte with timestamp bits 7 - 12
170            mAccumulationBuffer[mAccumulatedBytes++] =
171                    (byte)(0x80 | ((milliTimestamp >> 7) & 0x3F));
172            mPacketTimestamp = milliTimestamp;
173            return true;
174        } else {
175            return false;
176        }
177    }
179    // MidiFramer for normalizing incoming data
180    private final MidiFramer mMidiFramer = new MidiFramer(mFramedDataReceiver);
182    public BluetoothPacketEncoder(PacketReceiver packetReceiver, int maxPacketSize) {
183        mPacketReceiver = packetReceiver;
184        mAccumulationBuffer = new byte[maxPacketSize];
185    }
187    @Override
188    public void onSend(byte[] msg, int offset, int count, long timestamp)
189            throws IOException {
190        // normalize the data by passing it through a MidiFramer first
191        mMidiFramer.send(msg, offset, count, timestamp);
192    }
194    @Override
195    public void writeComplete() {
196        synchronized (mLock) {
197            mWritePending = false;
198            flushLocked(false);
199            mLock.notify();
200        }
201    }
203    private void flushLocked(boolean canBlock) {
204        if (mWritePending && !canBlock) {
205            return;
206        }
208        while (mWritePending && mAccumulatedBytes > 0) {
209            try {
210                mLock.wait();
211            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
212                // try again
213                continue;
214            }
215        }
217        if (mAccumulatedBytes > 0) {
218            mPacketReceiver.writePacket(mAccumulationBuffer, mAccumulatedBytes);
219            mAccumulatedBytes = 0;
220            mPacketTimestamp = 0;
221            mRunningStatus = 0;
222            mWritePending = true;
223        }
224    }