2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.layoutlib.bridge.bars;
19import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.LayoutLog;
20import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.LayoutlibCallback;
21import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.RenderResources;
22import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.ResourceValue;
23import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.SessionParams;
24import com.android.ide.common.rendering.api.StyleResourceValue;
25import com.android.layoutlib.bridge.Bridge;
26import com.android.layoutlib.bridge.android.BridgeContext;
27import com.android.layoutlib.bridge.impl.ResourceHelper;
28import com.android.resources.ResourceType;
29import com.android.tools.layoutlib.annotations.NotNull;
31import android.annotation.NonNull;
32import android.annotation.Nullable;
33import android.content.Context;
34import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
35import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper;
36import android.view.LayoutInflater;
37import android.view.Menu;
38import android.view.MenuInflater;
39import android.view.View;
40import android.widget.FrameLayout;
42import java.lang.reflect.Field;
43import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
44import java.lang.reflect.Method;
45import java.util.List;
47import static com.android.SdkConstants.ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX;
48import static com.android.resources.ResourceType.MENU;
52 * Assumes that the AppCompat library is present in the project's classpath and creates an
53 * actionbar around it.
54 */
55public class AppCompatActionBar extends BridgeActionBar {
57    private Object mWindowDecorActionBar;
58    private static final String[] WINDOW_ACTION_BAR_CLASS_NAMES = {
59            "android.support.v7.internal.app.WindowDecorActionBar",
60            "android.support.v7.app.WindowDecorActionBar",     // This is used on v23.1.1 and later.
61            "androidx.app.WindowDecorActionBar"                // User from v27
62    };
64    private Class<?> mWindowActionBarClass;
66    /**
67     * Inflate the action bar and attach it to {@code parentView}
68     */
69    public AppCompatActionBar(@NonNull BridgeContext context, @NonNull SessionParams params) {
70        super(context, params);
71        int contentRootId = context.getProjectResourceValue(ResourceType.ID,
72                "action_bar_activity_content", 0);
73        View contentView = getDecorContent().findViewById(contentRootId);
74        if (contentView != null) {
75            assert contentView instanceof FrameLayout;
76            setContentRoot((FrameLayout) contentView);
77        } else {
78            // Something went wrong. Create a new FrameLayout in the enclosing layout.
79            FrameLayout contentRoot = new FrameLayout(context);
80            setMatchParent(contentRoot);
81            if (mEnclosingLayout != null) {
82                mEnclosingLayout.addView(contentRoot);
83            }
84            setContentRoot(contentRoot);
85        }
86        try {
87            Class[] constructorParams = {View.class};
88            Object[] constructorArgs = {getDecorContent()};
89            LayoutlibCallback callback = params.getLayoutlibCallback();
91            // Find the correct WindowActionBar class
92            String actionBarClass = null;
93            for  (int i = WINDOW_ACTION_BAR_CLASS_NAMES.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
94                actionBarClass = WINDOW_ACTION_BAR_CLASS_NAMES[i];
95                try {
96                    callback.findClass(actionBarClass);
98                    break;
99                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) {
100                }
101            }
103            mWindowDecorActionBar = callback.loadView(actionBarClass,
104                    constructorParams, constructorArgs);
105            mWindowActionBarClass = mWindowDecorActionBar == null ? null :
106                    mWindowDecorActionBar.getClass();
107            inflateMenus();
108            setupActionBar();
109        } catch (Exception e) {
110            Bridge.getLog().warning(LayoutLog.TAG_BROKEN,
111                    "Failed to load AppCompat ActionBar with unknown error.", e);
112        }
113    }
115    @Override
116    protected ResourceValue getLayoutResource(BridgeContext context) {
117        // We always assume that the app has requested the action bar.
118        return context.getRenderResources().getProjectResource(ResourceType.LAYOUT,
119                "abc_screen_toolbar");
120    }
122    @Override
123    protected LayoutInflater getInflater(BridgeContext context) {
124        // Other than the resource resolution part, the code has been taken from the support
125        // library. see code from line 269 onwards in
126        // https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/+/android-5.1.0_r1/v7/appcompat/src/android/support/v7/app/ActionBarActivityDelegateBase.java
127        Context themedContext = context;
128        RenderResources resources = context.getRenderResources();
129        ResourceValue actionBarTheme = resources.findItemInTheme("actionBarTheme", false);
130        if (actionBarTheme != null) {
131            // resolve it, if needed.
132            actionBarTheme = resources.resolveResValue(actionBarTheme);
133        }
134        if (actionBarTheme instanceof StyleResourceValue) {
135            int styleId = context.getDynamicIdByStyle(((StyleResourceValue) actionBarTheme));
136            if (styleId != 0) {
137                themedContext = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, styleId);
138            }
139        }
140        return LayoutInflater.from(themedContext);
141    }
143    @Override
144    protected void setTitle(CharSequence title) {
145        if (title != null && mWindowDecorActionBar != null) {
146            Method setTitle = getMethod(mWindowActionBarClass, "setTitle", CharSequence.class);
147            invoke(setTitle, mWindowDecorActionBar, title);
148        }
149    }
151    @Override
152    protected void setSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle) {
153        if (subtitle != null && mWindowDecorActionBar != null) {
154            Method setSubtitle = getMethod(mWindowActionBarClass, "setSubtitle", CharSequence.class);
155            invoke(setSubtitle, mWindowDecorActionBar, subtitle);
156        }
157    }
159    @Override
160    protected void setIcon(String icon) {
161        // Do this only if the action bar doesn't already have an icon.
162        if (icon != null && !icon.isEmpty() && mWindowDecorActionBar != null) {
163            if (invoke(getMethod(mWindowActionBarClass, "hasIcon"), mWindowDecorActionBar)
164                    == Boolean.TRUE) {
165                Drawable iconDrawable = getDrawable(icon, false);
166                if (iconDrawable != null) {
167                    Method setIcon = getMethod(mWindowActionBarClass, "setIcon", Drawable.class);
168                    invoke(setIcon, mWindowDecorActionBar, iconDrawable);
169                }
170            }
171        }
172    }
174    @Override
175    protected void setHomeAsUp(boolean homeAsUp) {
176        if (mWindowDecorActionBar != null) {
177            Method setHomeAsUp = getMethod(mWindowActionBarClass,
178                    "setDefaultDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled", boolean.class);
179            invoke(setHomeAsUp, mWindowDecorActionBar, homeAsUp);
180        }
181    }
183    private void inflateMenus() {
184        List<String> menuNames = getCallBack().getMenuIdNames();
185        if (menuNames.isEmpty()) {
186            return;
187        }
189        if (menuNames.size() > 1) {
190            // Supporting multiple menus means that we would need to instantiate our own supportlib
191            // MenuInflater instances using reflection
192            Bridge.getLog().fidelityWarning(LayoutLog.TAG_UNSUPPORTED,
193                    "Support Toolbar does not currently support multiple menus in the preview.",
194                    null, null, null);
195        }
197        String name = menuNames.get(0);
198        int id;
199        if (name.startsWith(ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX)) {
200            // Framework menu.
201            name = name.substring(ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX.length());
202            id = mBridgeContext.getFrameworkResourceValue(MENU, name, -1);
203        } else {
204            // Project menu.
205            id = mBridgeContext.getProjectResourceValue(MENU, name, -1);
206        }
207        if (id < 1) {
208            return;
209        }
210        // Get toolbar decorator
211        Object mDecorToolbar = getFieldValue(mWindowDecorActionBar, "mDecorToolbar");
212        if (mDecorToolbar == null) {
213            return;
214        }
216        Class<?> mDecorToolbarClass = mDecorToolbar.getClass();
217        Context themedContext = (Context)invoke(
218                getMethod(mWindowActionBarClass, "getThemedContext"),
219                mWindowDecorActionBar);
220        MenuInflater inflater = new MenuInflater(themedContext);
221        Menu menuBuilder = (Menu)invoke(getMethod(mDecorToolbarClass, "getMenu"), mDecorToolbar);
222        inflater.inflate(id, menuBuilder);
224        // Set the actual menu
225        invoke(findMethod(mDecorToolbarClass, "setMenu"), mDecorToolbar, menuBuilder, null);
226    }
228    @Override
229    public void createMenuPopup() {
230        // it's hard to add menus to appcompat's actionbar, since it'll use a lot of reflection.
231        // so we skip it for now.
232    }
234    @Nullable
235    private static Method getMethod(Class<?> owner, String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
236        try {
237            return owner == null ? null : owner.getMethod(name, parameterTypes);
238        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
239            e.printStackTrace();
240        }
241        return null;
242    }
244    /**
245     * Same as getMethod but doesn't require the parameterTypes. This allows us to call methods
246     * without having to get all the types for the parameters when we do not need them
247     */
248    @Nullable
249    private static Method findMethod(@Nullable Class<?> owner, @NotNull String name) {
250        if (owner == null) {
251            return null;
252        }
253        for (Method method : owner.getMethods()) {
254            if (name.equals(method.getName())) {
255                return method;
256            }
257        }
259        return null;
260    }
262    @Nullable
263    private static Object getFieldValue(@Nullable Object instance, @NotNull String name) {
264        if (instance == null) {
265            return null;
266        }
268        Class<?> instanceClass = instance.getClass();
269        try {
270            Field field = instanceClass.getDeclaredField(name);
271            boolean accesible = field.isAccessible();
272            if (!accesible) {
273                field.setAccessible(true);
274            }
275            try {
276                return field.get(instance);
277            } finally {
278                field.setAccessible(accesible);
279            }
280        } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
281            e.printStackTrace();
282        }
283        return null;
284    }
286    @Nullable
287    private static Object invoke(@Nullable Method method, Object owner, Object... args) {
288        try {
289            return method == null ? null : method.invoke(owner, args);
290        } catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
291            e.printStackTrace();
292        }
293        return null;
294    }
296    // TODO: this is duplicated from FrameworkActionBarWrapper$WindowActionBarWrapper
297    @Nullable
298    private Drawable getDrawable(@NonNull String name, boolean isFramework) {
299        RenderResources res = mBridgeContext.getRenderResources();
300        ResourceValue value = res.findResValue(name, isFramework);
301        value = res.resolveResValue(value);
302        if (value != null) {
303            return ResourceHelper.getDrawable(value, mBridgeContext);
304        }
305        return null;
306    }