2* Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6* You may obtain a copy of the License at
8* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14* limitations under the License.
17#include "VideoDecoderMPEG4.h"
18#include "VideoDecoderTrace.h"
19#include <string.h>
21#define MAX_PICTURE_WIDTH_MPEG4   1920
22#define MAX_PICTURE_HEIGHT_MPEG4  1088
24VideoDecoderMPEG4::VideoDecoderMPEG4(const char *mimeType)
25    : VideoDecoderBase(mimeType, VBP_MPEG4),
26      mLastVOPTimeIncrement(0),
27      mExpectingNVOP(false),
28      mSendIQMatrixBuf(false),
29      mLastVOPCodingType(MP4_VOP_TYPE_I),
30      mIsShortHeader(false) {
33VideoDecoderMPEG4::~VideoDecoderMPEG4() {
34    stop();
37Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::start(VideoConfigBuffer *buffer) {
38    Decode_Status status;
40    status = VideoDecoderBase::start(buffer);
41    CHECK_STATUS("VideoDecoderBase::start");
43    if (buffer->data == NULL || buffer->size == 0) {
44        WTRACE("No config data to start VA.");
45        return DECODE_SUCCESS;
46    }
48    vbp_data_mp42 *data = NULL;
49    status = VideoDecoderBase::parseBuffer(buffer->data, buffer->size, true, (void**)&data);
50    CHECK_STATUS("VideoDecoderBase::parseBuffer");
52    if (data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width > MAX_PICTURE_WIDTH_MPEG4 ||
53            data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height > MAX_PICTURE_HEIGHT_MPEG4) {
54        return DECODE_INVALID_DATA;
55    }
57    status = startVA(data);
58    return status;
61void VideoDecoderMPEG4::stop(void) {
62    // drop the last frame and ignore return value
63    endDecodingFrame(true);
64    VideoDecoderBase::stop();
66    mLastVOPTimeIncrement = 0;
67    mExpectingNVOP = false;
68    mLastVOPCodingType = MP4_VOP_TYPE_I;
71Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::decode(VideoDecodeBuffer *buffer) {
72    Decode_Status status;
73    vbp_data_mp42 *data = NULL;
74    bool useGraphicbuffer = mConfigBuffer.flag & USE_NATIVE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER;
75    if (buffer == NULL) {
76        return DECODE_INVALID_DATA;
77    }
78    if (buffer->flag & IS_SYNC_FRAME) {
79        mIsSyncFrame = true;
80    } else {
81        mIsSyncFrame = false;
82    }
83    buffer->ext = NULL;
84    status =  VideoDecoderBase::parseBuffer(
85            buffer->data,
86            buffer->size,
87            false,
88            (void**)&data);
89    CHECK_STATUS("VideoDecoderBase::parseBuffer");
91    if (data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width > MAX_PICTURE_WIDTH_MPEG4 ||
92            data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height > MAX_PICTURE_HEIGHT_MPEG4) {
93        return DECODE_INVALID_DATA;
94    }
96    if (!mVAStarted) {
97        status = startVA(data);
98        CHECK_STATUS("startVA");
99    }
101    if (mSizeChanged && !useGraphicbuffer) {
102        // some container has the incorrect width/height.
103        // send the format change to OMX to update the crop info.
104        mSizeChanged = false;
105        ITRACE("Video size is changed during startVA");
106        return DECODE_FORMAT_CHANGE;
107    }
109    if ((mVideoFormatInfo.width != (uint32_t)data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width ||
110        mVideoFormatInfo.height != (uint32_t)data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height) &&
111        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width &&
112        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height) {
113        // update  encoded image size
114        ITRACE("Video size is changed. from %dx%d to %dx%d\n", mVideoFormatInfo.width, mVideoFormatInfo.height,
115        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width,data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height);
117        if (useGraphicbuffer && mStoreMetaData) {
118            pthread_mutex_lock(&mFormatLock);
119        }
120        mVideoFormatInfo.width = data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width;
121        mVideoFormatInfo.height = data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height;
122        bool needFlush = false;
123        if (useGraphicbuffer) {
124            if (mStoreMetaData) {
125                needFlush = true;
127                mVideoFormatInfo.valid = false;
128                pthread_mutex_unlock(&mFormatLock);
129            } else {
130                needFlush = (mVideoFormatInfo.width > mVideoFormatInfo.surfaceWidth)
131                         || (mVideoFormatInfo.height > mVideoFormatInfo.surfaceHeight);
132            }
133        }
134        if (needFlush) {
135            if (mStoreMetaData) {
136                status = endDecodingFrame(false);
137                CHECK_STATUS("endDecodingFrame");
138            } else {
139                flushSurfaceBuffers();
140            }
141            mSizeChanged = false;
142            return DECODE_FORMAT_CHANGE;
143        } else {
144            mSizeChanged = true;
145        }
147        setRenderRect();
148    } else {
149        if (useGraphicbuffer && mStoreMetaData) {
150            mVideoFormatInfo.valid = true;
151        }
152    }
154    status = decodeFrame(buffer, data);
155    CHECK_STATUS("decodeFrame");
157    return status;
160void VideoDecoderMPEG4::flush(void) {
161    VideoDecoderBase::flush();
163    mExpectingNVOP = false;
164    mLastVOPTimeIncrement = 0;
165    mLastVOPCodingType = MP4_VOP_TYPE_I;
168Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::decodeFrame(VideoDecodeBuffer *buffer, vbp_data_mp42 *data) {
169    Decode_Status status;
170    // check if any slice is parsed, we may just receive configuration data
171    if (data->number_picture_data == 0) {
172        WTRACE("number_picture_data == 0");
173        return DECODE_SUCCESS;
174    }
175    if (data->picture_data && (data->picture_data->picture_param.vop_width == 0 || data->picture_data->picture_param.vop_height == 0)) {
176        if (!data->codec_data.got_vol && data->codec_data.got_vop) {
177            // error enhancement if vol is missing
178            data->picture_data->picture_param.vop_width = mVideoFormatInfo.width;
179            data->picture_data->picture_param.vop_height = mVideoFormatInfo.height;
180        } else {
181            return DECODE_PARSER_FAIL;
182        }
183    }
185    uint64_t lastPTS = mCurrentPTS;
186    mCurrentPTS = buffer->timeStamp;
188    if (lastPTS != mCurrentPTS) {
189        // finish decoding the last frame
190        status = endDecodingFrame(false);
191        CHECK_STATUS("endDecodingFrame");
193        // start decoding a new frame
194        status = beginDecodingFrame(data);
195        if (status == DECODE_MULTIPLE_FRAME) {
196            buffer->ext = &mExtensionBuffer;
197            mExtensionBuffer.extType = PACKED_FRAME_TYPE;
198            mExtensionBuffer.extSize = sizeof(mPackedFrame);
199            mExtensionBuffer.extData = (uint8_t*)&mPackedFrame;
200        } else if (status != DECODE_SUCCESS) {
201            endDecodingFrame(true);
202        }
203        CHECK_STATUS("beginDecodingFrame");
204    } else {
205        status = continueDecodingFrame(data);
206        if (status == DECODE_MULTIPLE_FRAME) {
207            buffer->ext = &mExtensionBuffer;
208            mExtensionBuffer.extType = PACKED_FRAME_TYPE;
209            mExtensionBuffer.extSize = sizeof(mPackedFrame);
210            mExtensionBuffer.extData = (uint8_t*)&mPackedFrame;
211        } else if (status != DECODE_SUCCESS) {
212            endDecodingFrame(true);
213        }
214        CHECK_STATUS("continueDecodingFrame");
215    }
217    if (buffer->flag & HAS_COMPLETE_FRAME) {
218        // finish decoding current frame
219        status = endDecodingFrame(false);
220        CHECK_STATUS("endDecodingFrame");
221    }
223    return DECODE_SUCCESS;
226Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::beginDecodingFrame(vbp_data_mp42 *data) {
228    Decode_Status status = DECODE_SUCCESS;
229    vbp_picture_data_mp42 *picData = data->picture_data;
230    VAPictureParameterBufferMPEG4 *picParam = &(picData->picture_param);
231    int codingType = picParam->vop_fields.bits.vop_coding_type;
233    // start sanity checking
234    if (mExpectingNVOP) {
235        // if we are waiting for n-vop for packed frame, and the new frame is coded, the coding type
236        // of this frame must be B
237        // for example: {PB} B N P B B P...
238        if (picData->vop_coded == 1 && codingType != MP4_VOP_TYPE_B) {
239            WTRACE("Invalid coding type while waiting for n-vop for packed frame.");
240            mExpectingNVOP = false;
241        }
242    }
244    // handle N-VOP picuture, it could be a skipped frame or a simple placeholder of packed frame
245    if (picData->vop_coded == 0) {
246        if (mLastReference == NULL) {
247            WTRACE("The last reference is unavailable to construct skipped frame.");
248            flush();
249            mExpectingNVOP = false;
250            // TODO: handle this case
251            return DECODE_SUCCESS;
252        }
254        if (mExpectingNVOP) {
255            // P frame is already in queue, just need to update time stamp.
256            mLastReference->renderBuffer.timeStamp = mCurrentPTS;
257            mExpectingNVOP = false;
258        }
259        else {
260            // Do nothing for skip frame as the last frame will be rendered agian by natively
261            // No needs to handle reference frame neither
262#if 0
263            // this is skipped frame, use the last reference frame as output
264            status = acquireSurfaceBuffer();
265            CHECK_STATUS("acquireSurfaceBuffer");
266            mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.timeStamp = mCurrentPTS;
267            mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.flag = 0;
268            mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.scanFormat = mLastReference->renderBuffer.scanFormat;
269            mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.surface = mLastReference->renderBuffer.surface;
270            // No need to update mappedData for HW decoding
271            //mAcquiredBuffer->mappedData.data = mLastReference->mappedData.data;
272            mAcquiredBuffer->referenceFrame = true;
273            status = outputSurfaceBuffer();
274            CHECK_STATUS("outputSurfaceBuffer");
276        }
278        if (data->number_picture_data > 1) {
279            WTRACE("Unexpected to have more picture data following a non-coded VOP.");
280            //picture data is thrown away. No issue if picture data is for N-VOP. if picture data is for
281            // coded picture, a frame is lost.
282            // TODO: handle this case
283            // return DECODE_FAIL;
284        }
285        return DECODE_SUCCESS;
286    }
287    else {
288        // Check if we have reference frame(s)  for decoding
289        if (codingType == MP4_VOP_TYPE_B)  {
290            if (mForwardReference ==  NULL ||
291                mLastReference == NULL) {
292                if (mIsShortHeader) {
293                    status = DECODE_SUCCESS;
294                    VTRACE("%s: No reference frame but keep decoding", __FUNCTION__);
295                } else
296                    return DECODE_NO_REFERENCE;
297            }
298        } else if (codingType == MP4_VOP_TYPE_P || codingType == MP4_VOP_TYPE_S) {
299            if (mLastReference == NULL && mIsSyncFrame == false) {
300                if (mIsShortHeader) {
301                    status = DECODE_SUCCESS;
302                    VTRACE("%s: No reference frame but keep decoding", __FUNCTION__);
303                } else
304                    return DECODE_NO_REFERENCE;
305            }
306        }
307        // all sanity checks pass, continue decoding through continueDecodingFrame
308        status = continueDecodingFrame(data);
309    }
310    return status;
313Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::continueDecodingFrame(vbp_data_mp42 *data) {
314    Decode_Status status = DECODE_SUCCESS;
315    VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
316    bool useGraphicBuffer = mConfigBuffer.flag & USE_NATIVE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER;
318    /*
319         Packed Frame Assumption:
321         1. In one packed frame, there's only one P or I frame and only one B frame.
322         2. In packed frame, there's no skipped frame (vop_coded = 0)
323         3. For one packed frame, there will be one N-VOP frame to follow the packed frame (may not immediately).
324         4. N-VOP frame is the frame with vop_coded = 0.
325         5. The timestamp of  N-VOP frame will be used for P or I frame in the packed frame
328         I, P, {P, B}, B, N, P, N, I, ...
329         I, P, {P, B}, N, P, N, I, ...
331         The first N is placeholder for P frame in the packed frame
332         The second N is a skipped frame
333         */
335    vbp_picture_data_mp42 *picData = data->picture_data;
336    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < data->number_picture_data; i++, picData = picData->next_picture_data) {
337        // each slice has its own picture data, video_packet_header following resync_marker may reset picture header, see MP4 spec
338        VAPictureParameterBufferMPEG4 *picParam = &(picData->picture_param);
339        int codingType = picParam->vop_fields.bits.vop_coding_type;
340        if (codingType == MP4_VOP_TYPE_S && picParam->no_of_sprite_warping_points > 1) {
341            WTRACE("Hardware only supports up to one warping point (stationary or translation)");
342        }
344        if (picData->vop_coded == 0) {
345            ETRACE("Unexpected to have non-coded VOP.");
346            return DECODE_FAIL;
347        }
348        if (picData->new_picture_flag == 1 || mDecodingFrame == false) {
349            // either condition indicates start of a new frame
350            if (picData->new_picture_flag == 0) {
351                WTRACE("First slice of picture is lost!");
352                // TODO: handle this case
353            }
354            if (mDecodingFrame) {
355                if (codingType == MP4_VOP_TYPE_B){
356                    // this indicates the start of a new frame in the packed frame
357                    // Update timestamp for P frame in the packed frame as timestamp here is for the B frame!
358                    if (picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution){
359                        uint64_t increment = mLastVOPTimeIncrement - picData->vop_time_increment +
360                                picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution;
361                        increment = increment % picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution;
362                        // convert to micro-second
363                        // TODO: unit of time stamp varies on different frame work
364                        increment = increment * 1e6 / picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution;
365                        mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.timeStamp += increment;
366                        if (useGraphicBuffer){
367                           mPackedFrame.timestamp = mCurrentPTS;
368                           mCurrentPTS = mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.timeStamp;
369                        }
370                    }
371                } else {
372                    // this indicates the start of a new frame in the packed frame. no B frame int the packet
373                    // Update the timestamp according the increment
374                    if (picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution){
375                        int64_t increment = picData->vop_time_increment - mLastVOPTimeIncrement + picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution;
376                        increment = increment % picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution;
377                        //convert to micro-second
378                        increment = increment * 1e6 / picParam->vop_time_increment_resolution;
379                        if (useGraphicBuffer) {
380                            mPackedFrame.timestamp = mCurrentPTS + increment;
381                        }
382                        else {
383                            mCurrentPTS += increment;
384                        }
386                    } else {
387                        if (useGraphicBuffer) {
388                            mPackedFrame.timestamp = mCurrentPTS + 30000;
389                        }
390                        else {
391                            mCurrentPTS += 30000;
392                        }
393                    }
394                }
395                endDecodingFrame(false);
396                mExpectingNVOP = true;
397                if (codingType != MP4_VOP_TYPE_B) {
398                    mExpectingNVOP = false;
399                }
400                if (useGraphicBuffer) {
401                    int32_t count = i - 1;
402                    if (count < 0) {
403                        WTRACE("Shuld not be here!");
404                        return DECODE_SUCCESS;
405                    }
406                    vbp_picture_data_mp42 *lastpic = data->picture_data;
407                    for(int k = 0; k < count; k++ ) {
408                        lastpic = lastpic->next_picture_data;
409                    }
410                    mPackedFrame.offSet = lastpic->slice_data.slice_offset + lastpic->slice_data.slice_size;
411                    VTRACE("Report OMX to handle for Multiple frame offset=%d time=%lld",mPackedFrame.offSet,mPackedFrame.timestamp);
412                    return DECODE_MULTIPLE_FRAME;
413                }
414            }
416            // acquire a new surface buffer
417            status = acquireSurfaceBuffer();
418            CHECK_STATUS("acquireSurfaceBuffer");
420            // sprite is treated as P frame in the display order, so only B frame frame is not used as "reference"
421            mAcquiredBuffer->referenceFrame = (codingType != MP4_VOP_TYPE_B);
422            if (picData->picture_param.vol_fields.bits.interlaced) {
423                // only MPEG-4 studio profile can have field coding. All other profiles
424                // use frame coding only, i.e, there is no field VOP.  (see vop_structure in MP4 spec)
425                mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.scanFormat = VA_BOTTOM_FIELD | VA_TOP_FIELD;
426            } else {
427                mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.scanFormat = VA_FRAME_PICTURE;
428            }
429            // TODO:  set discontinuity flag
430            mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.flag = 0;
431            mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.timeStamp = mCurrentPTS;
432            if (mSizeChanged) {
433                mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.flag |= IS_RESOLUTION_CHANGE;
434                mSizeChanged = false;
435            }
436            if (codingType != MP4_VOP_TYPE_B) {
437                mLastVOPCodingType = codingType;
438                mLastVOPTimeIncrement = picData->vop_time_increment;
439            }
441            // start decoding a frame
442            vaStatus = vaBeginPicture(mVADisplay, mVAContext, mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.surface);
443            CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaBeginPicture");
445            mDecodingFrame = true;
446            mSendIQMatrixBuf = true;
447        }
449        status = decodeSlice(data, picData);
450        CHECK_STATUS("decodeSlice");
451    }
453    return DECODE_SUCCESS;
457Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::decodeSlice(vbp_data_mp42 *data, vbp_picture_data_mp42 *picData) {
458    Decode_Status status;
459    VAStatus vaStatus;
460    uint32_t bufferIDCount = 0;
461    // maximum 4 buffers to render a slice: picture parameter, IQMatrix, slice parameter, slice data
462    VABufferID bufferIDs[4];
464    VAPictureParameterBufferMPEG4 *picParam = &(picData->picture_param);
465    vbp_slice_data_mp42 *sliceData = &(picData->slice_data);
466    VASliceParameterBufferMPEG4 *sliceParam = &(sliceData->slice_param);
468    // send picture parametre for each slice
469    status = setReference(picParam);
470    CHECK_STATUS("setReference");
472    vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer(
473        mVADisplay,
474        mVAContext,
475        VAPictureParameterBufferType,
476        sizeof(VAPictureParameterBufferMPEG4),
477        1,
478        picParam,
479        &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]);
480    CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreatePictureParameterBuffer");
482    bufferIDCount++;
483    if (picParam->vol_fields.bits.quant_type && mSendIQMatrixBuf)
484    {
485        // only send IQ matrix for the first slice in the picture
486        vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer(
487            mVADisplay,
488            mVAContext,
489            VAIQMatrixBufferType,
490            sizeof(VAIQMatrixBufferMPEG4),
491            1,
492            &(data->iq_matrix_buffer),
493            &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]);
494        CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateIQMatrixBuffer");
496        mSendIQMatrixBuf = false;
497        bufferIDCount++;
498    }
500    vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer(
501        mVADisplay,
502        mVAContext,
503        VASliceParameterBufferType,
504        sizeof(VASliceParameterBufferMPEG4),
505        1,
506        sliceParam,
507        &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]);
508    CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateSliceParameterBuffer");
510    bufferIDCount++;
512    //slice data buffer pointer
513    //Note that this is the original data buffer ptr;
514    // offset to the actual slice data is provided in
515    // slice_data_offset in VASliceParameterBufferMP42
517    vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer(
518        mVADisplay,
519        mVAContext,
520        VASliceDataBufferType,
521        sliceData->slice_size, //size
522        1,        //num_elements
523        sliceData->buffer_addr + sliceData->slice_offset,
524        &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]);
525    CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateSliceDataBuffer");
527    bufferIDCount++;
529    vaStatus = vaRenderPicture(
530        mVADisplay,
531        mVAContext,
532        bufferIDs,
533        bufferIDCount);
534    CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaRenderPicture");
537    return DECODE_SUCCESS;
540Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::setReference(VAPictureParameterBufferMPEG4 *picParam) {
541    switch (picParam->vop_fields.bits.vop_coding_type) {
542        case MP4_VOP_TYPE_I:
543            picParam->forward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
544            picParam->backward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
545            break;
546        case MP4_VOP_TYPE_P:
547            if (mLastReference == NULL && mIsSyncFrame == false && !mIsShortHeader) {
548                return DECODE_NO_REFERENCE;
549            }
550            if (mLastReference != NULL) {
551                picParam->forward_reference_picture = mLastReference->renderBuffer.surface;
552            } else {
553                VTRACE("%s: no reference frame, but keep decoding", __FUNCTION__);
554                picParam->forward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
555            }
556            picParam->backward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
557            break;
558        case MP4_VOP_TYPE_B:
559            picParam->vop_fields.bits.backward_reference_vop_coding_type = mLastVOPCodingType;
560            // WEIRD, CHECK AGAIN !!!!!!!
561            if (mIsShortHeader) {
562                if (mLastReference != NULL) {
563                    picParam->forward_reference_picture = mLastReference->renderBuffer.surface;
564                } else {
565                    VTRACE("%s: no forward reference frame, but keep decoding", __FUNCTION__);
566                    picParam->forward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
567                }
568                if (mForwardReference != NULL) {
569                    picParam->backward_reference_picture = mForwardReference->renderBuffer.surface;
570                } else {
571                    VTRACE("%s: no backward reference frame, but keep decoding", __FUNCTION__);
572                    picParam->backward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
573                }
574            } else if (mLastReference == NULL || mForwardReference == NULL) {
575                return DECODE_NO_REFERENCE;
576            } else {
577                picParam->forward_reference_picture = mLastReference->renderBuffer.surface;
578                picParam->backward_reference_picture = mForwardReference->renderBuffer.surface;
579            }
580            break;
581        case MP4_VOP_TYPE_S:
582            // WEIRD, CHECK AGAIN!!!! WAS using mForwardReference
583            if (mLastReference == NULL) {
584                return DECODE_NO_REFERENCE;
585            }
586            picParam->forward_reference_picture = mLastReference->renderBuffer.surface;
587            picParam->backward_reference_picture = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
588            break;
590        default:
591            // Will never reach here;
592            return DECODE_PARSER_FAIL;
593    }
594    return DECODE_SUCCESS;
597Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::startVA(vbp_data_mp42 *data) {
598    updateFormatInfo(data);
600    VAProfile vaProfile;
602    if ((data->codec_data.profile_and_level_indication & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
603        vaProfile = VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple;
604    } else {
605        vaProfile = VAProfileMPEG4Simple;
606    }
608    mIsShortHeader = data->codec_data.short_video_header;
610    return VideoDecoderBase::setupVA(MP4_SURFACE_NUMBER, vaProfile);
613void VideoDecoderMPEG4::updateFormatInfo(vbp_data_mp42 *data) {
614    ITRACE("updateFormatInfo: current size: %d x %d, new size: %d x %d",
615        mVideoFormatInfo.width, mVideoFormatInfo.height,
616        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width,
617        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height);
618    // error enhancement if vol is missing
619    if (!data->codec_data.got_vol && data->codec_data.got_vop) {
620        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width = mVideoFormatInfo.width;
621        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height = mVideoFormatInfo.height;
622    }
624    mVideoFormatInfo.cropBottom = data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height > mVideoFormatInfo.height ?
625                                                                          data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height - mVideoFormatInfo.height : 0;
626    mVideoFormatInfo.cropRight = data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width > mVideoFormatInfo.width ?
627                                                                     data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width - mVideoFormatInfo.width : 0;
629    if ((mVideoFormatInfo.width != (uint32_t)data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width ||
630        mVideoFormatInfo.height != (uint32_t)data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height) &&
631        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width &&
632        data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height) {
633        // update  encoded image size
634        mVideoFormatInfo.width = data->codec_data.video_object_layer_width;
635        mVideoFormatInfo.height = data->codec_data.video_object_layer_height;
636        mSizeChanged = true;
637        ITRACE("Video size is changed.");
638    }
640    // video_range has default value of 0. Y ranges from 16 to 235.
641    mVideoFormatInfo.videoRange = data->codec_data.video_range;
643    switch (data->codec_data.matrix_coefficients) {
644        case 1:
645            mVideoFormatInfo.colorMatrix = VA_SRC_BT709;
646            break;
648        // ITU-R Recommendation BT.470-6 System B, G (MP4), same as
649        // SMPTE 170M/BT601
650        case 5:
651        case 6:
652            mVideoFormatInfo.colorMatrix = VA_SRC_BT601;
653            break;
655        default:
656            // unknown color matrix, set to 0 so color space flag will not be set.
657            mVideoFormatInfo.colorMatrix = 0;
658            break;
659    }
661    mVideoFormatInfo.aspectX = data->codec_data.par_width;
662    mVideoFormatInfo.aspectY = data->codec_data.par_height;
663    //mVideoFormatInfo.bitrate = data->codec_data.bit_rate;
664    mVideoFormatInfo.valid = true;
666    setRenderRect();
667    setColorSpaceInfo(mVideoFormatInfo.colorMatrix, mVideoFormatInfo.videoRange);
670Decode_Status VideoDecoderMPEG4::checkHardwareCapability() {
671    VAStatus vaStatus;
672    VAConfigAttrib cfgAttribs[2];
673    cfgAttribs[0].type = VAConfigAttribMaxPictureWidth;
674    cfgAttribs[1].type = VAConfigAttribMaxPictureHeight;
675    vaStatus = vaGetConfigAttributes(mVADisplay,
676            mIsShortHeader ? VAProfileH263Baseline : VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple,
677            VAEntrypointVLD, cfgAttribs, 2);
678    CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaGetConfigAttributes");
679    if (cfgAttribs[0].value * cfgAttribs[1].value < (uint32_t)mVideoFormatInfo.width * (uint32_t)mVideoFormatInfo.height) {
680        ETRACE("hardware supports resolution %d * %d smaller than the clip resolution %d * %d",
681                cfgAttribs[0].value, cfgAttribs[1].value, mVideoFormatInfo.width, mVideoFormatInfo.height);
682        return DECODE_DRIVER_FAIL;
683    }
685    return DECODE_SUCCESS;