1#include "AuthSecret.h"
3namespace android {
4namespace hardware {
5namespace authsecret {
6namespace V1_0 {
7namespace implementation {
9// Methods from ::android::hardware::authsecret::V1_0::IAuthSecret follow.
10Return<void> AuthSecret::primaryUserCredential(const hidl_vec<uint8_t>& secret) {
11    (void)secret;
13    // To create a dependency on the credential, it is recommended to derive a
14    // different value from the provided secret for each purpose e.g.
15    //
16    //     purpose1_secret = hash( "purpose1" || secret )
17    //     purpose2_secret = hash( "purpose2" || secret )
18    //
19    // The derived values can then be used as cryptographic keys or stored
20    // securely for comparison in a future call.
21    //
22    // For example, a security module might require that the credential has been
23    // entered before it applies any updates. This can be achieved by storing a
24    // derived value in the module and only applying updates when the same
25    // derived value is presented again.
26    //
27    // This implementation does nothing.
29    return Void();
32// Note: on factory reset, clear all dependency on the secret.
34// With the example of updating a security module, the stored value must be
35// cleared so that the new primary user enrolled as the approver of updates.
37// This implementation does nothing as there is no dependence on the secret.
39}  // namespace implementation
40}  // namespace V1_0
41}  // namespace authsecret
42}  // namespace hardware
43}  // namespace android