1//===- Parsing, selection, and construction of pass pipelines --*- C++ -*--===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
9/// \file
11/// Interfaces for registering analysis passes, producing common pass manager
12/// configurations, and parsing of pass pipelines.
19#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
20#include "llvm/Analysis/CGSCCPassManager.h"
21#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
22#include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar/LoopPassManager.h"
23#include <vector>
25namespace llvm {
26class StringRef;
27class AAManager;
28class TargetMachine;
30/// A struct capturing PGO tunables.
31struct PGOOptions {
32  std::string ProfileGenFile = "";
33  std::string ProfileUseFile = "";
34  bool RunProfileGen = false;
35  bool SamplePGO = false;
38/// \brief This class provides access to building LLVM's passes.
40/// It's members provide the baseline state available to passes during their
41/// construction. The \c PassRegistry.def file specifies how to construct all
42/// of the built-in passes, and those may reference these members during
43/// construction.
44class PassBuilder {
45  TargetMachine *TM;
46  Optional<PGOOptions> PGOOpt;
49  /// \brief LLVM-provided high-level optimization levels.
50  ///
51  /// This enumerates the LLVM-provided high-level optimization levels. Each
52  /// level has a specific goal and rationale.
53  enum OptimizationLevel {
54    /// Disable as many optimizations as possible. This doesn't completely
55    /// disable the optimizer in all cases, for example always_inline functions
56    /// can be required to be inlined for correctness.
57    O0,
59    /// Optimize quickly without destroying debuggability.
60    ///
61    /// FIXME: The current and historical behavior of this level does *not*
62    /// agree with this goal, but we would like to move toward this goal in the
63    /// future.
64    ///
65    /// This level is tuned to produce a result from the optimizer as quickly
66    /// as possible and to avoid destroying debuggability. This tends to result
67    /// in a very good development mode where the compiled code will be
68    /// immediately executed as part of testing. As a consequence, where
69    /// possible, we would like to produce efficient-to-execute code, but not
70    /// if it significantly slows down compilation or would prevent even basic
71    /// debugging of the resulting binary.
72    ///
73    /// As an example, complex loop transformations such as versioning,
74    /// vectorization, or fusion might not make sense here due to the degree to
75    /// which the executed code would differ from the source code, and the
76    /// potential compile time cost.
77    O1,
79    /// Optimize for fast execution as much as possible without triggering
80    /// significant incremental compile time or code size growth.
81    ///
82    /// The key idea is that optimizations at this level should "pay for
83    /// themselves". So if an optimization increases compile time by 5% or
84    /// increases code size by 5% for a particular benchmark, that benchmark
85    /// should also be one which sees a 5% runtime improvement. If the compile
86    /// time or code size penalties happen on average across a diverse range of
87    /// LLVM users' benchmarks, then the improvements should as well.
88    ///
89    /// And no matter what, the compile time needs to not grow superlinearly
90    /// with the size of input to LLVM so that users can control the runtime of
91    /// the optimizer in this mode.
92    ///
93    /// This is expected to be a good default optimization level for the vast
94    /// majority of users.
95    O2,
97    /// Optimize for fast execution as much as possible.
98    ///
99    /// This mode is significantly more aggressive in trading off compile time
100    /// and code size to get execution time improvements. The core idea is that
101    /// this mode should include any optimization that helps execution time on
102    /// balance across a diverse collection of benchmarks, even if it increases
103    /// code size or compile time for some benchmarks without corresponding
104    /// improvements to execution time.
105    ///
106    /// Despite being willing to trade more compile time off to get improved
107    /// execution time, this mode still tries to avoid superlinear growth in
108    /// order to make even significantly slower compile times at least scale
109    /// reasonably. This does not preclude very substantial constant factor
110    /// costs though.
111    O3,
113    /// Similar to \c O2 but tries to optimize for small code size instead of
114    /// fast execution without triggering significant incremental execution
115    /// time slowdowns.
116    ///
117    /// The logic here is exactly the same as \c O2, but with code size and
118    /// execution time metrics swapped.
119    ///
120    /// A consequence of the different core goal is that this should in general
121    /// produce substantially smaller executables that still run in
122    /// a reasonable amount of time.
123    Os,
125    /// A very specialized mode that will optimize for code size at any and all
126    /// costs.
127    ///
128    /// This is useful primarily when there are absolute size limitations and
129    /// any effort taken to reduce the size is worth it regardless of the
130    /// execution time impact. You should expect this level to produce rather
131    /// slow, but very small, code.
132    Oz
133  };
135  explicit PassBuilder(TargetMachine *TM = nullptr,
136                       Optional<PGOOptions> PGOOpt = None)
137      : TM(TM), PGOOpt(PGOOpt) {}
139  /// \brief Cross register the analysis managers through their proxies.
140  ///
141  /// This is an interface that can be used to cross register each
142  // AnalysisManager with all the others analysis managers.
143  void crossRegisterProxies(LoopAnalysisManager &LAM,
144                            FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM,
145                            CGSCCAnalysisManager &CGAM,
146                            ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM);
148  /// \brief Registers all available module analysis passes.
149  ///
150  /// This is an interface that can be used to populate a \c
151  /// ModuleAnalysisManager with all registered module analyses. Callers can
152  /// still manually register any additional analyses. Callers can also
153  /// pre-register analyses and this will not override those.
154  void registerModuleAnalyses(ModuleAnalysisManager &MAM);
156  /// \brief Registers all available CGSCC analysis passes.
157  ///
158  /// This is an interface that can be used to populate a \c CGSCCAnalysisManager
159  /// with all registered CGSCC analyses. Callers can still manually register any
160  /// additional analyses. Callers can also pre-register analyses and this will
161  /// not override those.
162  void registerCGSCCAnalyses(CGSCCAnalysisManager &CGAM);
164  /// \brief Registers all available function analysis passes.
165  ///
166  /// This is an interface that can be used to populate a \c
167  /// FunctionAnalysisManager with all registered function analyses. Callers can
168  /// still manually register any additional analyses. Callers can also
169  /// pre-register analyses and this will not override those.
170  void registerFunctionAnalyses(FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM);
172  /// \brief Registers all available loop analysis passes.
173  ///
174  /// This is an interface that can be used to populate a \c LoopAnalysisManager
175  /// with all registered loop analyses. Callers can still manually register any
176  /// additional analyses.
177  void registerLoopAnalyses(LoopAnalysisManager &LAM);
179  /// Construct the core LLVM function canonicalization and simplification
180  /// pipeline.
181  ///
182  /// This is a long pipeline and uses most of the per-function optimization
183  /// passes in LLVM to canonicalize and simplify the IR. It is suitable to run
184  /// repeatedly over the IR and is not expected to destroy important
185  /// information about the semantics of the IR.
186  ///
187  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
188  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
189  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
190  /// build them.
191  FunctionPassManager
192  buildFunctionSimplificationPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
193                                      bool DebugLogging = false);
195  /// Construct the core LLVM module canonicalization and simplification
196  /// pipeline.
197  ///
198  /// This pipeline focuses on canonicalizing and simplifying the entire module
199  /// of IR. Much like the function simplification pipeline above, it is
200  /// suitable to run repeatedly over the IR and is not expected to destroy
201  /// important information. It does, however, perform inlining and other
202  /// heuristic based simplifications that are not strictly reversible.
203  ///
204  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
205  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
206  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
207  /// build them.
208  ModulePassManager
209  buildModuleSimplificationPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
210                                    bool DebugLogging = false);
212  /// Construct the core LLVM module optimization pipeline.
213  ///
214  /// This pipeline focuses on optimizing the execution speed of the IR. It
215  /// uses cost modeling and thresholds to balance code growth against runtime
216  /// improvements. It includes vectorization and other information destroying
217  /// transformations. It also cannot generally be run repeatedly on a module
218  /// without potentially seriously regressing either runtime performance of
219  /// the code or serious code size growth.
220  ///
221  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
222  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
223  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
224  /// build them.
225  ModulePassManager buildModuleOptimizationPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
226                                                    bool DebugLogging = false);
228  /// Build a per-module default optimization pipeline.
229  ///
230  /// This provides a good default optimization pipeline for per-module
231  /// optimization and code generation without any link-time optimization. It
232  /// typically correspond to frontend "-O[123]" options for optimization
233  /// levels \c O1, \c O2 and \c O3 resp.
234  ///
235  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
236  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
237  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
238  /// build them.
239  ModulePassManager buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
240                                                  bool DebugLogging = false);
242  /// Build a pre-link, ThinLTO-targeting default optimization pipeline to
243  /// a pass manager.
244  ///
245  /// This adds the pre-link optimizations tuned to prepare a module for
246  /// a ThinLTO run. It works to minimize the IR which needs to be analyzed
247  /// without making irreversible decisions which could be made better during
248  /// the LTO run.
249  ///
250  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
251  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
252  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
253  /// build them.
254  ModulePassManager
255  buildThinLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
256                                     bool DebugLogging = false);
258  /// Build an ThinLTO default optimization pipeline to a pass manager.
259  ///
260  /// This provides a good default optimization pipeline for link-time
261  /// optimization and code generation. It is particularly tuned to fit well
262  /// when IR coming into the LTO phase was first run through \c
263  /// addPreLinkLTODefaultPipeline, and the two coordinate closely.
264  ///
265  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
266  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
267  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
268  /// build them.
269  ModulePassManager buildThinLTODefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
270                                                bool DebugLogging = false);
272  /// Build a pre-link, LTO-targeting default optimization pipeline to a pass
273  /// manager.
274  ///
275  /// This adds the pre-link optimizations tuned to work well with a later LTO
276  /// run. It works to minimize the IR which needs to be analyzed without
277  /// making irreversible decisions which could be made better during the LTO
278  /// run.
279  ///
280  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
281  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
282  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
283  /// build them.
284  ModulePassManager buildLTOPreLinkDefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
285                                                   bool DebugLogging = false);
287  /// Build an LTO default optimization pipeline to a pass manager.
288  ///
289  /// This provides a good default optimization pipeline for link-time
290  /// optimization and code generation. It is particularly tuned to fit well
291  /// when IR coming into the LTO phase was first run through \c
292  /// addPreLinkLTODefaultPipeline, and the two coordinate closely.
293  ///
294  /// Note that \p Level cannot be `O0` here. The pipelines produced are
295  /// only intended for use when attempting to optimize code. If frontends
296  /// require some transformations for semantic reasons, they should explicitly
297  /// build them.
298  ModulePassManager buildLTODefaultPipeline(OptimizationLevel Level,
299                                            bool DebugLogging = false);
301  /// Build the default `AAManager` with the default alias analysis pipeline
302  /// registered.
303  AAManager buildDefaultAAPipeline();
305  /// \brief Parse a textual pass pipeline description into a \c ModulePassManager.
306  ///
307  /// The format of the textual pass pipeline description looks something like:
308  ///
309  ///   module(function(instcombine,sroa),dce,cgscc(inliner,function(...)),...)
310  ///
311  /// Pass managers have ()s describing the nest structure of passes. All passes
312  /// are comma separated. As a special shortcut, if the very first pass is not
313  /// a module pass (as a module pass manager is), this will automatically form
314  /// the shortest stack of pass managers that allow inserting that first pass.
315  /// So, assuming function passes 'fpassN', CGSCC passes 'cgpassN', and loop passes
316  /// 'lpassN', all of these are valid:
317  ///
318  ///   fpass1,fpass2,fpass3
319  ///   cgpass1,cgpass2,cgpass3
320  ///   lpass1,lpass2,lpass3
321  ///
322  /// And they are equivalent to the following (resp.):
323  ///
324  ///   module(function(fpass1,fpass2,fpass3))
325  ///   module(cgscc(cgpass1,cgpass2,cgpass3))
326  ///   module(function(loop(lpass1,lpass2,lpass3)))
327  ///
328  /// This shortcut is especially useful for debugging and testing small pass
329  /// combinations. Note that these shortcuts don't introduce any other magic. If
330  /// the sequence of passes aren't all the exact same kind of pass, it will be
331  /// an error. You cannot mix different levels implicitly, you must explicitly
332  /// form a pass manager in which to nest passes.
333  bool parsePassPipeline(ModulePassManager &MPM, StringRef PipelineText,
334                         bool VerifyEachPass = true, bool DebugLogging = false);
336  /// Parse a textual alias analysis pipeline into the provided AA manager.
337  ///
338  /// The format of the textual AA pipeline is a comma separated list of AA
339  /// pass names:
340  ///
341  ///   basic-aa,globals-aa,...
342  ///
343  /// The AA manager is set up such that the provided alias analyses are tried
344  /// in the order specified. See the \c AAManaager documentation for details
345  /// about the logic used. This routine just provides the textual mapping
346  /// between AA names and the analyses to register with the manager.
347  ///
348  /// Returns false if the text cannot be parsed cleanly. The specific state of
349  /// the \p AA manager is unspecified if such an error is encountered and this
350  /// returns false.
351  bool parseAAPipeline(AAManager &AA, StringRef PipelineText);
354  /// A struct to capture parsed pass pipeline names.
355  struct PipelineElement {
356    StringRef Name;
357    std::vector<PipelineElement> InnerPipeline;
358  };
360  static Optional<std::vector<PipelineElement>>
361  parsePipelineText(StringRef Text);
363  bool parseModulePass(ModulePassManager &MPM, const PipelineElement &E,
364                       bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
365  bool parseCGSCCPass(CGSCCPassManager &CGPM, const PipelineElement &E,
366                      bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
367  bool parseFunctionPass(FunctionPassManager &FPM, const PipelineElement &E,
368                     bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
369  bool parseLoopPass(LoopPassManager &LPM, const PipelineElement &E,
370                     bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
371  bool parseAAPassName(AAManager &AA, StringRef Name);
373  bool parseLoopPassPipeline(LoopPassManager &LPM,
374                             ArrayRef<PipelineElement> Pipeline,
375                             bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
376  bool parseFunctionPassPipeline(FunctionPassManager &FPM,
377                                 ArrayRef<PipelineElement> Pipeline,
378                                 bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
379  bool parseCGSCCPassPipeline(CGSCCPassManager &CGPM,
380                              ArrayRef<PipelineElement> Pipeline,
381                              bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);
382  bool parseModulePassPipeline(ModulePassManager &MPM,
383                               ArrayRef<PipelineElement> Pipeline,
384                               bool VerifyEachPass, bool DebugLogging);