1//===- LazyCallGraph.h - Analysis of a Module's call graph ------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
9/// \file
11/// Implements a lazy call graph analysis and related passes for the new pass
12/// manager.
14/// NB: This is *not* a traditional call graph! It is a graph which models both
15/// the current calls and potential calls. As a consequence there are many
16/// edges in this call graph that do not correspond to a 'call' or 'invoke'
17/// instruction.
19/// The primary use cases of this graph analysis is to facilitate iterating
20/// across the functions of a module in ways that ensure all callees are
21/// visited prior to a caller (given any SCC constraints), or vice versa. As
22/// such is it particularly well suited to organizing CGSCC optimizations such
23/// as inlining, outlining, argument promotion, etc. That is its primary use
24/// case and motivates the design. It may not be appropriate for other
25/// purposes. The use graph of functions or some other conservative analysis of
26/// call instructions may be interesting for optimizations and subsequent
27/// analyses which don't work in the context of an overly specified
28/// potential-call-edge graph.
30/// To understand the specific rules and nature of this call graph analysis,
31/// see the documentation of the \c LazyCallGraph below.
38#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
39#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
40#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
41#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
42#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
43#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
44#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
45#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
46#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
47#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
48#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
49#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
50#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
51#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
52#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
53#include <iterator>
54#include <utility>
56namespace llvm {
57class PreservedAnalyses;
58class raw_ostream;
60/// A lazily constructed view of the call graph of a module.
62/// With the edges of this graph, the motivating constraint that we are
63/// attempting to maintain is that function-local optimization, CGSCC-local
64/// optimizations, and optimizations transforming a pair of functions connected
65/// by an edge in the graph, do not invalidate a bottom-up traversal of the SCC
66/// DAG. That is, no optimizations will delete, remove, or add an edge such
67/// that functions already visited in a bottom-up order of the SCC DAG are no
68/// longer valid to have visited, or such that functions not yet visited in
69/// a bottom-up order of the SCC DAG are not required to have already been
70/// visited.
72/// Within this constraint, the desire is to minimize the merge points of the
73/// SCC DAG. The greater the fanout of the SCC DAG and the fewer merge points
74/// in the SCC DAG, the more independence there is in optimizing within it.
75/// There is a strong desire to enable parallelization of optimizations over
76/// the call graph, and both limited fanout and merge points will (artificially
77/// in some cases) limit the scaling of such an effort.
79/// To this end, graph represents both direct and any potential resolution to
80/// an indirect call edge. Another way to think about it is that it represents
81/// both the direct call edges and any direct call edges that might be formed
82/// through static optimizations. Specifically, it considers taking the address
83/// of a function to be an edge in the call graph because this might be
84/// forwarded to become a direct call by some subsequent function-local
85/// optimization. The result is that the graph closely follows the use-def
86/// edges for functions. Walking "up" the graph can be done by looking at all
87/// of the uses of a function.
89/// The roots of the call graph are the external functions and functions
90/// escaped into global variables. Those functions can be called from outside
91/// of the module or via unknowable means in the IR -- we may not be able to
92/// form even a potential call edge from a function body which may dynamically
93/// load the function and call it.
95/// This analysis still requires updates to remain valid after optimizations
96/// which could potentially change the set of potential callees. The
97/// constraints it operates under only make the traversal order remain valid.
99/// The entire analysis must be re-computed if full interprocedural
100/// optimizations run at any point. For example, globalopt completely
101/// invalidates the information in this analysis.
103/// FIXME: This class is named LazyCallGraph in a lame attempt to distinguish
104/// it from the existing CallGraph. At some point, it is expected that this
105/// will be the only call graph and it will be renamed accordingly.
106class LazyCallGraph {
108  class Node;
109  class EdgeSequence;
110  class SCC;
111  class RefSCC;
112  class edge_iterator;
113  class call_edge_iterator;
115  /// A class used to represent edges in the call graph.
116  ///
117  /// The lazy call graph models both *call* edges and *reference* edges. Call
118  /// edges are much what you would expect, and exist when there is a 'call' or
119  /// 'invoke' instruction of some function. Reference edges are also tracked
120  /// along side these, and exist whenever any instruction (transitively
121  /// through its operands) references a function. All call edges are
122  /// inherently reference edges, and so the reference graph forms a superset
123  /// of the formal call graph.
124  ///
125  /// All of these forms of edges are fundamentally represented as outgoing
126  /// edges. The edges are stored in the source node and point at the target
127  /// node. This allows the edge structure itself to be a very compact data
128  /// structure: essentially a tagged pointer.
129  class Edge {
130  public:
131    /// The kind of edge in the graph.
132    enum Kind : bool { Ref = false, Call = true };
134    Edge();
135    explicit Edge(Node &N, Kind K);
137    /// Test whether the edge is null.
138    ///
139    /// This happens when an edge has been deleted. We leave the edge objects
140    /// around but clear them.
141    explicit operator bool() const;
143    /// Returnss the \c Kind of the edge.
144    Kind getKind() const;
146    /// Test whether the edge represents a direct call to a function.
147    ///
148    /// This requires that the edge is not null.
149    bool isCall() const;
151    /// Get the call graph node referenced by this edge.
152    ///
153    /// This requires that the edge is not null.
154    Node &getNode() const;
156    /// Get the function referenced by this edge.
157    ///
158    /// This requires that the edge is not null.
159    Function &getFunction() const;
161  private:
162    friend class LazyCallGraph::EdgeSequence;
163    friend class LazyCallGraph::RefSCC;
165    PointerIntPair<Node *, 1, Kind> Value;
167    void setKind(Kind K) { Value.setInt(K); }
168  };
170  /// The edge sequence object.
171  ///
172  /// This typically exists entirely within the node but is exposed as
173  /// a separate type because a node doesn't initially have edges. An explicit
174  /// population step is required to produce this sequence at first and it is
175  /// then cached in the node. It is also used to represent edges entering the
176  /// graph from outside the module to model the graph's roots.
177  ///
178  /// The sequence itself both iterable and indexable. The indexes remain
179  /// stable even as the sequence mutates (including removal).
180  class EdgeSequence {
181    friend class LazyCallGraph;
182    friend class LazyCallGraph::Node;
183    friend class LazyCallGraph::RefSCC;
185    typedef SmallVector<Edge, 4> VectorT;
186    typedef SmallVectorImpl<Edge> VectorImplT;
188  public:
189    /// An iterator used for the edges to both entry nodes and child nodes.
190    class iterator
191        : public iterator_adaptor_base<iterator, VectorImplT::iterator,
192                                       std::forward_iterator_tag> {
193      friend class LazyCallGraph;
194      friend class LazyCallGraph::Node;
196      VectorImplT::iterator E;
198      // Build the iterator for a specific position in the edge list.
199      iterator(VectorImplT::iterator BaseI, VectorImplT::iterator E)
200          : iterator_adaptor_base(BaseI), E(E) {
201        while (I != E && !*I)
202          ++I;
203      }
205    public:
206      iterator() {}
208      using iterator_adaptor_base::operator++;
209      iterator &operator++() {
210        do {
211          ++I;
212        } while (I != E && !*I);
213        return *this;
214      }
215    };
217    /// An iterator over specifically call edges.
218    ///
219    /// This has the same iteration properties as the \c iterator, but
220    /// restricts itself to edges which represent actual calls.
221    class call_iterator
222        : public iterator_adaptor_base<call_iterator, VectorImplT::iterator,
223                                       std::forward_iterator_tag> {
224      friend class LazyCallGraph;
225      friend class LazyCallGraph::Node;
227      VectorImplT::iterator E;
229      /// Advance the iterator to the next valid, call edge.
230      void advanceToNextEdge() {
231        while (I != E && (!*I || !I->isCall()))
232          ++I;
233      }
235      // Build the iterator for a specific position in the edge list.
236      call_iterator(VectorImplT::iterator BaseI, VectorImplT::iterator E)
237          : iterator_adaptor_base(BaseI), E(E) {
238        advanceToNextEdge();
239      }
241    public:
242      call_iterator() {}
244      using iterator_adaptor_base::operator++;
245      call_iterator &operator++() {
246        ++I;
247        advanceToNextEdge();
248        return *this;
249      }
250    };
252    iterator begin() { return iterator(Edges.begin(), Edges.end()); }
253    iterator end() { return iterator(Edges.end(), Edges.end()); }
255    Edge &operator[](int i) { return Edges[i]; }
256    Edge &operator[](Node &N) {
257      assert(EdgeIndexMap.find(&N) != EdgeIndexMap.end() && "No such edge!");
258      return Edges[EdgeIndexMap.find(&N)->second];
259    }
260    Edge *lookup(Node &N) {
261      auto EI = EdgeIndexMap.find(&N);
262      return EI != EdgeIndexMap.end() ? &Edges[EI->second] : nullptr;
263    }
265    call_iterator call_begin() {
266      return call_iterator(Edges.begin(), Edges.end());
267    }
268    call_iterator call_end() { return call_iterator(Edges.end(), Edges.end()); }
270    iterator_range<call_iterator> calls() {
271      return make_range(call_begin(), call_end());
272    }
274    bool empty() {
275      for (auto &E : Edges)
276        if (E)
277          return false;
279      return true;
280    }
282  private:
283    VectorT Edges;
284    DenseMap<Node *, int> EdgeIndexMap;
286    EdgeSequence() = default;
288    /// Internal helper to insert an edge to a node.
289    void insertEdgeInternal(Node &ChildN, Edge::Kind EK);
291    /// Internal helper to change an edge kind.
292    void setEdgeKind(Node &ChildN, Edge::Kind EK);
294    /// Internal helper to remove the edge to the given function.
295    bool removeEdgeInternal(Node &ChildN);
297    /// Internal helper to replace an edge key with a new one.
298    ///
299    /// This should be used when the function for a particular node in the
300    /// graph gets replaced and we are updating all of the edges to that node
301    /// to use the new function as the key.
302    void replaceEdgeKey(Function &OldTarget, Function &NewTarget);
303  };
305  /// A node in the call graph.
306  ///
307  /// This represents a single node. It's primary roles are to cache the list of
308  /// callees, de-duplicate and provide fast testing of whether a function is
309  /// a callee, and facilitate iteration of child nodes in the graph.
310  ///
311  /// The node works much like an optional in order to lazily populate the
312  /// edges of each node. Until populated, there are no edges. Once populated,
313  /// you can access the edges by dereferencing the node or using the `->`
314  /// operator as if the node was an `Optional<EdgeSequence>`.
315  class Node {
316    friend class LazyCallGraph;
317    friend class LazyCallGraph::RefSCC;
319  public:
320    LazyCallGraph &getGraph() const { return *G; }
322    Function &getFunction() const { return *F; }
324    StringRef getName() const { return F->getName(); }
326    /// Equality is defined as address equality.
327    bool operator==(const Node &N) const { return this == &N; }
328    bool operator!=(const Node &N) const { return !operator==(N); }
330    /// Tests whether the node has been populated with edges.
331    operator bool() const { return Edges.hasValue(); }
333    // We allow accessing the edges by dereferencing or using the arrow
334    // operator, essentially wrapping the internal optional.
335    EdgeSequence &operator*() const {
336      // Rip const off because the node itself isn't changing here.
337      return const_cast<EdgeSequence &>(*Edges);
338    }
339    EdgeSequence *operator->() const { return &**this; }
341    /// Populate the edges of this node if necessary.
342    ///
343    /// The first time this is called it will populate the edges for this node
344    /// in the graph. It does this by scanning the underlying function, so once
345    /// this is done, any changes to that function must be explicitly reflected
346    /// in updates to the graph.
347    ///
348    /// \returns the populated \c EdgeSequence to simplify walking it.
349    ///
350    /// This will not update or re-scan anything if called repeatedly. Instead,
351    /// the edge sequence is cached and returned immediately on subsequent
352    /// calls.
353    EdgeSequence &populate() {
354      if (Edges)
355        return *Edges;
357      return populateSlow();
358    }
360  private:
361    LazyCallGraph *G;
362    Function *F;
364    // We provide for the DFS numbering and Tarjan walk lowlink numbers to be
365    // stored directly within the node. These are both '-1' when nodes are part
366    // of an SCC (or RefSCC), or '0' when not yet reached in a DFS walk.
367    int DFSNumber;
368    int LowLink;
370    Optional<EdgeSequence> Edges;
372    /// Basic constructor implements the scanning of F into Edges and
373    /// EdgeIndexMap.
374    Node(LazyCallGraph &G, Function &F)
375        : G(&G), F(&F), DFSNumber(0), LowLink(0) {}
377    /// Implementation of the scan when populating.
378    EdgeSequence &populateSlow();
380    /// Internal helper to directly replace the function with a new one.
381    ///
382    /// This is used to facilitate tranfsormations which need to replace the
383    /// formal Function object but directly move the body and users from one to
384    /// the other.
385    void replaceFunction(Function &NewF);
387    void clear() { Edges.reset(); }
389    /// Print the name of this node's function.
390    friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const Node &N) {
391      return OS << N.F->getName();
392    }
394    /// Dump the name of this node's function to stderr.
395    void dump() const;
396  };
398  /// An SCC of the call graph.
399  ///
400  /// This represents a Strongly Connected Component of the direct call graph
401  /// -- ignoring indirect calls and function references. It stores this as
402  /// a collection of call graph nodes. While the order of nodes in the SCC is
403  /// stable, it is not any particular order.
404  ///
405  /// The SCCs are nested within a \c RefSCC, see below for details about that
406  /// outer structure. SCCs do not support mutation of the call graph, that
407  /// must be done through the containing \c RefSCC in order to fully reason
408  /// about the ordering and connections of the graph.
409  class SCC {
410    friend class LazyCallGraph;
411    friend class LazyCallGraph::Node;
413    RefSCC *OuterRefSCC;
414    SmallVector<Node *, 1> Nodes;
416    template <typename NodeRangeT>
417    SCC(RefSCC &OuterRefSCC, NodeRangeT &&Nodes)
418        : OuterRefSCC(&OuterRefSCC), Nodes(std::forward<NodeRangeT>(Nodes)) {}
420    void clear() {
421      OuterRefSCC = nullptr;
422      Nodes.clear();
423    }
425    /// Print a short descrtiption useful for debugging or logging.
426    ///
427    /// We print the function names in the SCC wrapped in '()'s and skipping
428    /// the middle functions if there are a large number.
429    //
430    // Note: this is defined inline to dodge issues with GCC's interpretation
431    // of enclosing namespaces for friend function declarations.
432    friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const SCC &C) {
433      OS << '(';
434      int i = 0;
435      for (LazyCallGraph::Node &N : C) {
436        if (i > 0)
437          OS << ", ";
438        // Elide the inner elements if there are too many.
439        if (i > 8) {
440          OS << "..., " << *C.Nodes.back();
441          break;
442        }
443        OS << N;
444        ++i;
445      }
446      OS << ')';
447      return OS;
448    }
450    /// Dump a short description of this SCC to stderr.
451    void dump() const;
453#ifndef NDEBUG
454    /// Verify invariants about the SCC.
455    ///
456    /// This will attempt to validate all of the basic invariants within an
457    /// SCC, but not that it is a strongly connected componet per-se. Primarily
458    /// useful while building and updating the graph to check that basic
459    /// properties are in place rather than having inexplicable crashes later.
460    void verify();
463  public:
464    typedef pointee_iterator<SmallVectorImpl<Node *>::const_iterator> iterator;
466    iterator begin() const { return Nodes.begin(); }
467    iterator end() const { return Nodes.end(); }
469    int size() const { return Nodes.size(); }
471    RefSCC &getOuterRefSCC() const { return *OuterRefSCC; }
473    /// Test if this SCC is a parent of \a C.
474    ///
475    /// Note that this is linear in the number of edges departing the current
476    /// SCC.
477    bool isParentOf(const SCC &C) const;
479    /// Test if this SCC is an ancestor of \a C.
480    ///
481    /// Note that in the worst case this is linear in the number of edges
482    /// departing the current SCC and every SCC in the entire graph reachable
483    /// from this SCC. Thus this very well may walk every edge in the entire
484    /// call graph! Do not call this in a tight loop!
485    bool isAncestorOf(const SCC &C) const;
487    /// Test if this SCC is a child of \a C.
488    ///
489    /// See the comments for \c isParentOf for detailed notes about the
490    /// complexity of this routine.
491    bool isChildOf(const SCC &C) const { return C.isParentOf(*this); }
493    /// Test if this SCC is a descendant of \a C.
494    ///
495    /// See the comments for \c isParentOf for detailed notes about the
496    /// complexity of this routine.
497    bool isDescendantOf(const SCC &C) const { return C.isAncestorOf(*this); }
499    /// Provide a short name by printing this SCC to a std::string.
500    ///
501    /// This copes with the fact that we don't have a name per-se for an SCC
502    /// while still making the use of this in debugging and logging useful.
503    std::string getName() const {
504      std::string Name;
505      raw_string_ostream OS(Name);
506      OS << *this;
507      OS.flush();
508      return Name;
509    }
510  };
512  /// A RefSCC of the call graph.
513  ///
514  /// This models a Strongly Connected Component of function reference edges in
515  /// the call graph. As opposed to actual SCCs, these can be used to scope
516  /// subgraphs of the module which are independent from other subgraphs of the
517  /// module because they do not reference it in any way. This is also the unit
518  /// where we do mutation of the graph in order to restrict mutations to those
519  /// which don't violate this independence.
520  ///
521  /// A RefSCC contains a DAG of actual SCCs. All the nodes within the RefSCC
522  /// are necessarily within some actual SCC that nests within it. Since
523  /// a direct call *is* a reference, there will always be at least one RefSCC
524  /// around any SCC.
525  class RefSCC {
526    friend class LazyCallGraph;
527    friend class LazyCallGraph::Node;
529    LazyCallGraph *G;
530    SmallPtrSet<RefSCC *, 1> Parents;
532    /// A postorder list of the inner SCCs.
533    SmallVector<SCC *, 4> SCCs;
535    /// A map from SCC to index in the postorder list.
536    SmallDenseMap<SCC *, int, 4> SCCIndices;
538    /// Fast-path constructor. RefSCCs should instead be constructed by calling
539    /// formRefSCCFast on the graph itself.
540    RefSCC(LazyCallGraph &G);
542    void clear() {
543      Parents.clear();
544      SCCs.clear();
545      SCCIndices.clear();
546    }
548    /// Print a short description useful for debugging or logging.
549    ///
550    /// We print the SCCs wrapped in '[]'s and skipping the middle SCCs if
551    /// there are a large number.
552    //
553    // Note: this is defined inline to dodge issues with GCC's interpretation
554    // of enclosing namespaces for friend function declarations.
555    friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const RefSCC &RC) {
556      OS << '[';
557      int i = 0;
558      for (LazyCallGraph::SCC &C : RC) {
559        if (i > 0)
560          OS << ", ";
561        // Elide the inner elements if there are too many.
562        if (i > 4) {
563          OS << "..., " << *RC.SCCs.back();
564          break;
565        }
566        OS << C;
567        ++i;
568      }
569      OS << ']';
570      return OS;
571    }
573    /// Dump a short description of this RefSCC to stderr.
574    void dump() const;
576#ifndef NDEBUG
577    /// Verify invariants about the RefSCC and all its SCCs.
578    ///
579    /// This will attempt to validate all of the invariants *within* the
580    /// RefSCC, but not that it is a strongly connected component of the larger
581    /// graph. This makes it useful even when partially through an update.
582    ///
583    /// Invariants checked:
584    /// - SCCs and their indices match.
585    /// - The SCCs list is in fact in post-order.
586    void verify();
589    /// Handle any necessary parent set updates after inserting a trivial ref
590    /// or call edge.
591    void handleTrivialEdgeInsertion(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
593  public:
594    typedef pointee_iterator<SmallVectorImpl<SCC *>::const_iterator> iterator;
595    typedef iterator_range<iterator> range;
596    typedef pointee_iterator<SmallPtrSetImpl<RefSCC *>::const_iterator>
597        parent_iterator;
599    iterator begin() const { return SCCs.begin(); }
600    iterator end() const { return SCCs.end(); }
602    ssize_t size() const { return SCCs.size(); }
604    SCC &operator[](int Idx) { return *SCCs[Idx]; }
606    iterator find(SCC &C) const {
607      return SCCs.begin() + SCCIndices.find(&C)->second;
608    }
610    parent_iterator parent_begin() const { return Parents.begin(); }
611    parent_iterator parent_end() const { return Parents.end(); }
613    iterator_range<parent_iterator> parents() const {
614      return make_range(parent_begin(), parent_end());
615    }
617    /// Test if this RefSCC is a parent of \a C.
618    bool isParentOf(const RefSCC &C) const { return C.isChildOf(*this); }
620    /// Test if this RefSCC is an ancestor of \a C.
621    bool isAncestorOf(const RefSCC &C) const { return C.isDescendantOf(*this); }
623    /// Test if this RefSCC is a child of \a C.
624    bool isChildOf(const RefSCC &C) const {
625      return Parents.count(const_cast<RefSCC *>(&C));
626    }
628    /// Test if this RefSCC is a descendant of \a C.
629    bool isDescendantOf(const RefSCC &C) const;
631    /// Provide a short name by printing this RefSCC to a std::string.
632    ///
633    /// This copes with the fact that we don't have a name per-se for an RefSCC
634    /// while still making the use of this in debugging and logging useful.
635    std::string getName() const {
636      std::string Name;
637      raw_string_ostream OS(Name);
638      OS << *this;
639      OS.flush();
640      return Name;
641    }
643    ///@{
644    /// \name Mutation API
645    ///
646    /// These methods provide the core API for updating the call graph in the
647    /// presence of (potentially still in-flight) DFS-found RefSCCs and SCCs.
648    ///
649    /// Note that these methods sometimes have complex runtimes, so be careful
650    /// how you call them.
652    /// Make an existing internal ref edge into a call edge.
653    ///
654    /// This may form a larger cycle and thus collapse SCCs into TargetN's SCC.
655    /// If that happens, the deleted SCC pointers are returned. These SCCs are
656    /// not in a valid state any longer but the pointers will remain valid
657    /// until destruction of the parent graph instance for the purpose of
658    /// clearing cached information.
659    ///
660    /// After this operation, both SourceN's SCC and TargetN's SCC may move
661    /// position within this RefSCC's postorder list. Any SCCs merged are
662    /// merged into the TargetN's SCC in order to preserve reachability analyses
663    /// which took place on that SCC.
664    SmallVector<SCC *, 1> switchInternalEdgeToCall(Node &SourceN,
665                                                   Node &TargetN);
667    /// Make an existing internal call edge between separate SCCs into a ref
668    /// edge.
669    ///
670    /// If SourceN and TargetN in separate SCCs within this RefSCC, changing
671    /// the call edge between them to a ref edge is a trivial operation that
672    /// does not require any structural changes to the call graph.
673    void switchTrivialInternalEdgeToRef(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
675    /// Make an existing internal call edge within a single SCC into a ref
676    /// edge.
677    ///
678    /// Since SourceN and TargetN are part of a single SCC, this SCC may be
679    /// split up due to breaking a cycle in the call edges that formed it. If
680    /// that happens, then this routine will insert new SCCs into the postorder
681    /// list *before* the SCC of TargetN (previously the SCC of both). This
682    /// preserves postorder as the TargetN can reach all of the other nodes by
683    /// definition of previously being in a single SCC formed by the cycle from
684    /// SourceN to TargetN.
685    ///
686    /// The newly added SCCs are added *immediately* and contiguously
687    /// prior to the TargetN SCC and return the range covering the new SCCs in
688    /// the RefSCC's postorder sequence. You can directly iterate the returned
689    /// range to observe all of the new SCCs in postorder.
690    ///
691    /// Note that if SourceN and TargetN are in separate SCCs, the simpler
692    /// routine `switchTrivialInternalEdgeToRef` should be used instead.
693    iterator_range<iterator> switchInternalEdgeToRef(Node &SourceN,
694                                                     Node &TargetN);
696    /// Make an existing outgoing ref edge into a call edge.
697    ///
698    /// Note that this is trivial as there are no cyclic impacts and there
699    /// remains a reference edge.
700    void switchOutgoingEdgeToCall(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
702    /// Make an existing outgoing call edge into a ref edge.
703    ///
704    /// This is trivial as there are no cyclic impacts and there remains
705    /// a reference edge.
706    void switchOutgoingEdgeToRef(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
708    /// Insert a ref edge from one node in this RefSCC to another in this
709    /// RefSCC.
710    ///
711    /// This is always a trivial operation as it doesn't change any part of the
712    /// graph structure besides connecting the two nodes.
713    ///
714    /// Note that we don't support directly inserting internal *call* edges
715    /// because that could change the graph structure and requires returning
716    /// information about what became invalid. As a consequence, the pattern
717    /// should be to first insert the necessary ref edge, and then to switch it
718    /// to a call edge if needed and handle any invalidation that results. See
719    /// the \c switchInternalEdgeToCall routine for details.
720    void insertInternalRefEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
722    /// Insert an edge whose parent is in this RefSCC and child is in some
723    /// child RefSCC.
724    ///
725    /// There must be an existing path from the \p SourceN to the \p TargetN.
726    /// This operation is inexpensive and does not change the set of SCCs and
727    /// RefSCCs in the graph.
728    void insertOutgoingEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN, Edge::Kind EK);
730    /// Insert an edge whose source is in a descendant RefSCC and target is in
731    /// this RefSCC.
732    ///
733    /// There must be an existing path from the target to the source in this
734    /// case.
735    ///
736    /// NB! This is has the potential to be a very expensive function. It
737    /// inherently forms a cycle in the prior RefSCC DAG and we have to merge
738    /// RefSCCs to resolve that cycle. But finding all of the RefSCCs which
739    /// participate in the cycle can in the worst case require traversing every
740    /// RefSCC in the graph. Every attempt is made to avoid that, but passes
741    /// must still exercise caution calling this routine repeatedly.
742    ///
743    /// Also note that this can only insert ref edges. In order to insert
744    /// a call edge, first insert a ref edge and then switch it to a call edge.
745    /// These are intentionally kept as separate interfaces because each step
746    /// of the operation invalidates a different set of data structures.
747    ///
748    /// This returns all the RefSCCs which were merged into the this RefSCC
749    /// (the target's). This allows callers to invalidate any cached
750    /// information.
751    ///
752    /// FIXME: We could possibly optimize this quite a bit for cases where the
753    /// caller and callee are very nearby in the graph. See comments in the
754    /// implementation for details, but that use case might impact users.
755    SmallVector<RefSCC *, 1> insertIncomingRefEdge(Node &SourceN,
756                                                   Node &TargetN);
758    /// Remove an edge whose source is in this RefSCC and target is *not*.
759    ///
760    /// This removes an inter-RefSCC edge. All inter-RefSCC edges originating
761    /// from this SCC have been fully explored by any in-flight DFS graph
762    /// formation, so this is always safe to call once you have the source
763    /// RefSCC.
764    ///
765    /// This operation does not change the cyclic structure of the graph and so
766    /// is very inexpensive. It may change the connectivity graph of the SCCs
767    /// though, so be careful calling this while iterating over them.
768    void removeOutgoingEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
770    /// Remove a ref edge which is entirely within this RefSCC.
771    ///
772    /// Both the \a SourceN and the \a TargetN must be within this RefSCC.
773    /// Removing such an edge may break cycles that form this RefSCC and thus
774    /// this operation may change the RefSCC graph significantly. In
775    /// particular, this operation will re-form new RefSCCs based on the
776    /// remaining connectivity of the graph. The following invariants are
777    /// guaranteed to hold after calling this method:
778    ///
779    /// 1) This RefSCC is still a RefSCC in the graph.
780    /// 2) This RefSCC will be the parent of any new RefSCCs. Thus, this RefSCC
781    ///    is preserved as the root of any new RefSCC DAG formed.
782    /// 3) No RefSCC other than this RefSCC has its member set changed (this is
783    ///    inherent in the definition of removing such an edge).
784    /// 4) All of the parent links of the RefSCC graph will be updated to
785    ///    reflect the new RefSCC structure.
786    /// 5) All RefSCCs formed out of this RefSCC, excluding this RefSCC, will
787    ///    be returned in post-order.
788    /// 6) The order of the RefSCCs in the vector will be a valid postorder
789    ///    traversal of the new RefSCCs.
790    ///
791    /// These invariants are very important to ensure that we can build
792    /// optimization pipelines on top of the CGSCC pass manager which
793    /// intelligently update the RefSCC graph without invalidating other parts
794    /// of the RefSCC graph.
795    ///
796    /// Note that we provide no routine to remove a *call* edge. Instead, you
797    /// must first switch it to a ref edge using \c switchInternalEdgeToRef.
798    /// This split API is intentional as each of these two steps can invalidate
799    /// a different aspect of the graph structure and needs to have the
800    /// invalidation handled independently.
801    ///
802    /// The runtime complexity of this method is, in the worst case, O(V+E)
803    /// where V is the number of nodes in this RefSCC and E is the number of
804    /// edges leaving the nodes in this RefSCC. Note that E includes both edges
805    /// within this RefSCC and edges from this RefSCC to child RefSCCs. Some
806    /// effort has been made to minimize the overhead of common cases such as
807    /// self-edges and edge removals which result in a spanning tree with no
808    /// more cycles. There are also detailed comments within the implementation
809    /// on techniques which could substantially improve this routine's
810    /// efficiency.
811    SmallVector<RefSCC *, 1> removeInternalRefEdge(Node &SourceN,
812                                                   Node &TargetN);
814    /// A convenience wrapper around the above to handle trivial cases of
815    /// inserting a new call edge.
816    ///
817    /// This is trivial whenever the target is in the same SCC as the source or
818    /// the edge is an outgoing edge to some descendant SCC. In these cases
819    /// there is no change to the cyclic structure of SCCs or RefSCCs.
820    ///
821    /// To further make calling this convenient, it also handles inserting
822    /// already existing edges.
823    void insertTrivialCallEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
825    /// A convenience wrapper around the above to handle trivial cases of
826    /// inserting a new ref edge.
827    ///
828    /// This is trivial whenever the target is in the same RefSCC as the source
829    /// or the edge is an outgoing edge to some descendant RefSCC. In these
830    /// cases there is no change to the cyclic structure of the RefSCCs.
831    ///
832    /// To further make calling this convenient, it also handles inserting
833    /// already existing edges.
834    void insertTrivialRefEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
836    /// Directly replace a node's function with a new function.
837    ///
838    /// This should be used when moving the body and users of a function to
839    /// a new formal function object but not otherwise changing the call graph
840    /// structure in any way.
841    ///
842    /// It requires that the old function in the provided node have zero uses
843    /// and the new function must have calls and references to it establishing
844    /// an equivalent graph.
845    void replaceNodeFunction(Node &N, Function &NewF);
847    ///@}
848  };
850  /// A post-order depth-first RefSCC iterator over the call graph.
851  ///
852  /// This iterator walks the cached post-order sequence of RefSCCs. However,
853  /// it trades stability for flexibility. It is restricted to a forward
854  /// iterator but will survive mutations which insert new RefSCCs and continue
855  /// to point to the same RefSCC even if it moves in the post-order sequence.
856  class postorder_ref_scc_iterator
857      : public iterator_facade_base<postorder_ref_scc_iterator,
858                                    std::forward_iterator_tag, RefSCC> {
859    friend class LazyCallGraph;
860    friend class LazyCallGraph::Node;
862    /// Nonce type to select the constructor for the end iterator.
863    struct IsAtEndT {};
865    LazyCallGraph *G;
866    RefSCC *RC;
868    /// Build the begin iterator for a node.
869    postorder_ref_scc_iterator(LazyCallGraph &G) : G(&G), RC(getRC(G, 0)) {}
871    /// Build the end iterator for a node. This is selected purely by overload.
872    postorder_ref_scc_iterator(LazyCallGraph &G, IsAtEndT /*Nonce*/)
873        : G(&G), RC(nullptr) {}
875    /// Get the post-order RefSCC at the given index of the postorder walk,
876    /// populating it if necessary.
877    static RefSCC *getRC(LazyCallGraph &G, int Index) {
878      if (Index == (int)G.PostOrderRefSCCs.size())
879        // We're at the end.
880        return nullptr;
882      return G.PostOrderRefSCCs[Index];
883    }
885  public:
886    bool operator==(const postorder_ref_scc_iterator &Arg) const {
887      return G == Arg.G && RC == Arg.RC;
888    }
890    reference operator*() const { return *RC; }
892    using iterator_facade_base::operator++;
893    postorder_ref_scc_iterator &operator++() {
894      assert(RC && "Cannot increment the end iterator!");
895      RC = getRC(*G, G->RefSCCIndices.find(RC)->second + 1);
896      return *this;
897    }
898  };
900  /// Construct a graph for the given module.
901  ///
902  /// This sets up the graph and computes all of the entry points of the graph.
903  /// No function definitions are scanned until their nodes in the graph are
904  /// requested during traversal.
905  LazyCallGraph(Module &M);
907  LazyCallGraph(LazyCallGraph &&G);
908  LazyCallGraph &operator=(LazyCallGraph &&RHS);
910  EdgeSequence::iterator begin() { return EntryEdges.begin(); }
911  EdgeSequence::iterator end() { return EntryEdges.end(); }
913  void buildRefSCCs();
915  postorder_ref_scc_iterator postorder_ref_scc_begin() {
916    if (!EntryEdges.empty())
917      assert(!PostOrderRefSCCs.empty() &&
918             "Must form RefSCCs before iterating them!");
919    return postorder_ref_scc_iterator(*this);
920  }
921  postorder_ref_scc_iterator postorder_ref_scc_end() {
922    if (!EntryEdges.empty())
923      assert(!PostOrderRefSCCs.empty() &&
924             "Must form RefSCCs before iterating them!");
925    return postorder_ref_scc_iterator(*this,
926                                      postorder_ref_scc_iterator::IsAtEndT());
927  }
929  iterator_range<postorder_ref_scc_iterator> postorder_ref_sccs() {
930    return make_range(postorder_ref_scc_begin(), postorder_ref_scc_end());
931  }
933  /// Lookup a function in the graph which has already been scanned and added.
934  Node *lookup(const Function &F) const { return NodeMap.lookup(&F); }
936  /// Lookup a function's SCC in the graph.
937  ///
938  /// \returns null if the function hasn't been assigned an SCC via the RefSCC
939  /// iterator walk.
940  SCC *lookupSCC(Node &N) const { return SCCMap.lookup(&N); }
942  /// Lookup a function's RefSCC in the graph.
943  ///
944  /// \returns null if the function hasn't been assigned a RefSCC via the
945  /// RefSCC iterator walk.
946  RefSCC *lookupRefSCC(Node &N) const {
947    if (SCC *C = lookupSCC(N))
948      return &C->getOuterRefSCC();
950    return nullptr;
951  }
953  /// Get a graph node for a given function, scanning it to populate the graph
954  /// data as necessary.
955  Node &get(Function &F) {
956    Node *&N = NodeMap[&F];
957    if (N)
958      return *N;
960    return insertInto(F, N);
961  }
963  ///@{
964  /// \name Pre-SCC Mutation API
965  ///
966  /// These methods are only valid to call prior to forming any SCCs for this
967  /// call graph. They can be used to update the core node-graph during
968  /// a node-based inorder traversal that precedes any SCC-based traversal.
969  ///
970  /// Once you begin manipulating a call graph's SCCs, most mutation of the
971  /// graph must be performed via a RefSCC method. There are some exceptions
972  /// below.
974  /// Update the call graph after inserting a new edge.
975  void insertEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN, Edge::Kind EK);
977  /// Update the call graph after inserting a new edge.
978  void insertEdge(Function &Source, Function &Target, Edge::Kind EK) {
979    return insertEdge(get(Source), get(Target), EK);
980  }
982  /// Update the call graph after deleting an edge.
983  void removeEdge(Node &SourceN, Node &TargetN);
985  /// Update the call graph after deleting an edge.
986  void removeEdge(Function &Source, Function &Target) {
987    return removeEdge(get(Source), get(Target));
988  }
990  ///@}
992  ///@{
993  /// \name General Mutation API
994  ///
995  /// There are a very limited set of mutations allowed on the graph as a whole
996  /// once SCCs have started to be formed. These routines have strict contracts
997  /// but may be called at any point.
999  /// Remove a dead function from the call graph (typically to delete it).
1000  ///
1001  /// Note that the function must have an empty use list, and the call graph
1002  /// must be up-to-date prior to calling this. That means it is by itself in
1003  /// a maximal SCC which is by itself in a maximal RefSCC, etc. No structural
1004  /// changes result from calling this routine other than potentially removing
1005  /// entry points into the call graph.
1006  ///
1007  /// If SCC formation has begun, this function must not be part of the current
1008  /// DFS in order to call this safely. Typically, the function will have been
1009  /// fully visited by the DFS prior to calling this routine.
1010  void removeDeadFunction(Function &F);
1012  ///@}
1014  ///@{
1015  /// \name Static helpers for code doing updates to the call graph.
1016  ///
1017  /// These helpers are used to implement parts of the call graph but are also
1018  /// useful to code doing updates or otherwise wanting to walk the IR in the
1019  /// same patterns as when we build the call graph.
1021  /// Recursively visits the defined functions whose address is reachable from
1022  /// every constant in the \p Worklist.
1023  ///
1024  /// Doesn't recurse through any constants already in the \p Visited set, and
1025  /// updates that set with every constant visited.
1026  ///
1027  /// For each defined function, calls \p Callback with that function.
1028  template <typename CallbackT>
1029  static void visitReferences(SmallVectorImpl<Constant *> &Worklist,
1030                              SmallPtrSetImpl<Constant *> &Visited,
1031                              CallbackT Callback) {
1032    while (!Worklist.empty()) {
1033      Constant *C = Worklist.pop_back_val();
1035      if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(C)) {
1036        if (!F->isDeclaration())
1037          Callback(*F);
1038        continue;
1039      }
1041      if (BlockAddress *BA = dyn_cast<BlockAddress>(C)) {
1042        // The blockaddress constant expression is a weird special case, we
1043        // can't generically walk its operands the way we do for all other
1044        // constants.
1045        if (Visited.insert(BA->getFunction()).second)
1046          Worklist.push_back(BA->getFunction());
1047        continue;
1048      }
1050      for (Value *Op : C->operand_values())
1051        if (Visited.insert(cast<Constant>(Op)).second)
1052          Worklist.push_back(cast<Constant>(Op));
1053    }
1054  }
1056  ///@}
1059  typedef SmallVectorImpl<Node *>::reverse_iterator node_stack_iterator;
1060  typedef iterator_range<node_stack_iterator> node_stack_range;
1062  /// Allocator that holds all the call graph nodes.
1063  SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<Node> BPA;
1065  /// Maps function->node for fast lookup.
1066  DenseMap<const Function *, Node *> NodeMap;
1068  /// The entry edges into the graph.
1069  ///
1070  /// These edges are from "external" sources. Put another way, they
1071  /// escape at the module scope.
1072  EdgeSequence EntryEdges;
1074  /// Allocator that holds all the call graph SCCs.
1075  SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<SCC> SCCBPA;
1077  /// Maps Function -> SCC for fast lookup.
1078  DenseMap<Node *, SCC *> SCCMap;
1080  /// Allocator that holds all the call graph RefSCCs.
1081  SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<RefSCC> RefSCCBPA;
1083  /// The post-order sequence of RefSCCs.
1084  ///
1085  /// This list is lazily formed the first time we walk the graph.
1086  SmallVector<RefSCC *, 16> PostOrderRefSCCs;
1088  /// A map from RefSCC to the index for it in the postorder sequence of
1089  /// RefSCCs.
1090  DenseMap<RefSCC *, int> RefSCCIndices;
1092  /// The leaf RefSCCs of the graph.
1093  ///
1094  /// These are all of the RefSCCs which have no children.
1095  SmallVector<RefSCC *, 4> LeafRefSCCs;
1097  /// Helper to insert a new function, with an already looked-up entry in
1098  /// the NodeMap.
1099  Node &insertInto(Function &F, Node *&MappedN);
1101  /// Helper to update pointers back to the graph object during moves.
1102  void updateGraphPtrs();
1104  /// Allocates an SCC and constructs it using the graph allocator.
1105  ///
1106  /// The arguments are forwarded to the constructor.
1107  template <typename... Ts> SCC *createSCC(Ts &&... Args) {
1108    return new (SCCBPA.Allocate()) SCC(std::forward<Ts>(Args)...);
1109  }
1111  /// Allocates a RefSCC and constructs it using the graph allocator.
1112  ///
1113  /// The arguments are forwarded to the constructor.
1114  template <typename... Ts> RefSCC *createRefSCC(Ts &&... Args) {
1115    return new (RefSCCBPA.Allocate()) RefSCC(std::forward<Ts>(Args)...);
1116  }
1118  /// Common logic for building SCCs from a sequence of roots.
1119  ///
1120  /// This is a very generic implementation of the depth-first walk and SCC
1121  /// formation algorithm. It uses a generic sequence of roots and generic
1122  /// callbacks for each step. This is designed to be used to implement both
1123  /// the RefSCC formation and SCC formation with shared logic.
1124  ///
1125  /// Currently this is a relatively naive implementation of Tarjan's DFS
1126  /// algorithm to form the SCCs.
1127  ///
1128  /// FIXME: We should consider newer variants such as Nuutila.
1129  template <typename RootsT, typename GetBeginT, typename GetEndT,
1130            typename GetNodeT, typename FormSCCCallbackT>
1131  static void buildGenericSCCs(RootsT &&Roots, GetBeginT &&GetBegin,
1132                               GetEndT &&GetEnd, GetNodeT &&GetNode,
1133                               FormSCCCallbackT &&FormSCC);
1135  /// Build the SCCs for a RefSCC out of a list of nodes.
1136  void buildSCCs(RefSCC &RC, node_stack_range Nodes);
1138  /// Connect a RefSCC into the larger graph.
1139  ///
1140  /// This walks the edges to connect the RefSCC to its children's parent set,
1141  /// and updates the root leaf list.
1142  void connectRefSCC(RefSCC &RC);
1144  /// Get the index of a RefSCC within the postorder traversal.
1145  ///
1146  /// Requires that this RefSCC is a valid one in the (perhaps partial)
1147  /// postorder traversed part of the graph.
1148  int getRefSCCIndex(RefSCC &RC) {
1149    auto IndexIt = RefSCCIndices.find(&RC);
1150    assert(IndexIt != RefSCCIndices.end() && "RefSCC doesn't have an index!");
1151    assert(PostOrderRefSCCs[IndexIt->second] == &RC &&
1152           "Index does not point back at RC!");
1153    return IndexIt->second;
1154  }
1157inline LazyCallGraph::Edge::Edge() : Value() {}
1158inline LazyCallGraph::Edge::Edge(Node &N, Kind K) : Value(&N, K) {}
1160inline LazyCallGraph::Edge::operator bool() const { return Value.getPointer(); }
1162inline LazyCallGraph::Edge::Kind LazyCallGraph::Edge::getKind() const {
1163  assert(*this && "Queried a null edge!");
1164  return Value.getInt();
1167inline bool LazyCallGraph::Edge::isCall() const {
1168  assert(*this && "Queried a null edge!");
1169  return getKind() == Call;
1172inline LazyCallGraph::Node &LazyCallGraph::Edge::getNode() const {
1173  assert(*this && "Queried a null edge!");
1174  return *Value.getPointer();
1177inline Function &LazyCallGraph::Edge::getFunction() const {
1178  assert(*this && "Queried a null edge!");
1179  return getNode().getFunction();
1182// Provide GraphTraits specializations for call graphs.
1183template <> struct GraphTraits<LazyCallGraph::Node *> {
1184  typedef LazyCallGraph::Node *NodeRef;
1185  typedef LazyCallGraph::EdgeSequence::iterator ChildIteratorType;
1187  static NodeRef getEntryNode(NodeRef N) { return N; }
1188  static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeRef N) { return (*N)->begin(); }
1189  static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeRef N) { return (*N)->end(); }
1191template <> struct GraphTraits<LazyCallGraph *> {
1192  typedef LazyCallGraph::Node *NodeRef;
1193  typedef LazyCallGraph::EdgeSequence::iterator ChildIteratorType;
1195  static NodeRef getEntryNode(NodeRef N) { return N; }
1196  static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeRef N) { return (*N)->begin(); }
1197  static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeRef N) { return (*N)->end(); }
1200/// An analysis pass which computes the call graph for a module.
1201class LazyCallGraphAnalysis : public AnalysisInfoMixin<LazyCallGraphAnalysis> {
1202  friend AnalysisInfoMixin<LazyCallGraphAnalysis>;
1203  static AnalysisKey Key;
1206  /// Inform generic clients of the result type.
1207  typedef LazyCallGraph Result;
1209  /// Compute the \c LazyCallGraph for the module \c M.
1210  ///
1211  /// This just builds the set of entry points to the call graph. The rest is
1212  /// built lazily as it is walked.
1213  LazyCallGraph run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &) {
1214    return LazyCallGraph(M);
1215  }
1218/// A pass which prints the call graph to a \c raw_ostream.
1220/// This is primarily useful for testing the analysis.
1221class LazyCallGraphPrinterPass
1222    : public PassInfoMixin<LazyCallGraphPrinterPass> {
1223  raw_ostream &OS;
1226  explicit LazyCallGraphPrinterPass(raw_ostream &OS);
1228  PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM);
1231/// A pass which prints the call graph as a DOT file to a \c raw_ostream.
1233/// This is primarily useful for visualization purposes.
1234class LazyCallGraphDOTPrinterPass
1235    : public PassInfoMixin<LazyCallGraphDOTPrinterPass> {
1236  raw_ostream &OS;
1239  explicit LazyCallGraphDOTPrinterPass(raw_ostream &OS);
1241  PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM);