1;;; clang-include-fixer.el --- Emacs integration of the clang include fixer  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
3;; Keywords: tools, c
4;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5") (json "1.2") (let-alist "1.0.4"))
6;;; Commentary:
8;; This package allows Emacs users to invoke the 'clang-include-fixer' within
9;; Emacs.  'clang-include-fixer' provides an automated way of adding #include
10;; directives for missing symbols in one translation unit, see
11;; <http://clang.llvm.org/extra/include-fixer.html>.
13;;; Code:
15(require 'cl-lib)
16(require 'json)
17(require 'let-alist)
19(defgroup clang-include-fixer nil
20  "Clang-based include fixer."
21  :group 'tools)
23(defvar clang-include-fixer-add-include-hook nil
24  "A hook that will be called for every added include.
25The first argument is the filename of the include, the second argument is
26non-nil if the include is a system-header.")
28(defcustom clang-include-fixer-executable
29  "clang-include-fixer"
30  "Location of the clang-include-fixer executable.
32A string containing the name or the full path of the executable."
33  :group 'clang-include-fixer
34  :type '(file :must-match t)
35  :risky t)
37(defcustom clang-include-fixer-input-format
38  'yaml
39  "Input format for clang-include-fixer.
40This string is passed as -db argument to
42  :group 'clang-include-fixer
43  :type '(radio
44          (const :tag "Hard-coded mapping" :fixed)
45          (const :tag "YAML" yaml)
46          (symbol :tag "Other"))
47  :risky t)
49(defcustom clang-include-fixer-init-string
50  ""
51  "Database initialization string for clang-include-fixer.
52This string is passed as -input argument to
54  :group 'clang-include-fixer
55  :type 'string
56  :risky t)
58(defface clang-include-fixer-highlight '((t :background "green"))
59  "Used for highlighting the symbol for which a header file is being added.")
61(defun clang-include-fixer ()
62  "Invoke the Include Fixer to insert missing C++ headers."
63  (interactive)
64  (message (concat "Calling the include fixer. "
65                   "This might take some seconds. Please wait."))
66  (clang-include-fixer--start #'clang-include-fixer--add-header
67                              "-output-headers"))
69(defun clang-include-fixer-at-point ()
70  "Invoke the Clang include fixer for the symbol at point."
71  (interactive)
72  (let ((symbol (clang-include-fixer--symbol-at-point)))
73    (unless symbol
74      (user-error "No symbol at current location"))
75    (clang-include-fixer-from-symbol symbol)))
77(defun clang-include-fixer-from-symbol (symbol)
78  "Invoke the Clang include fixer for the SYMBOL.
79When called interactively, prompts the user for a symbol."
80  (interactive
81   (list (read-string "Symbol: " (clang-include-fixer--symbol-at-point))))
82  (clang-include-fixer--start #'clang-include-fixer--add-header
83                              (format "-query-symbol=%s" symbol)))
85(defun clang-include-fixer--start (callback &rest args)
86  "Asynchronously start clang-include-fixer with parameters ARGS.
87The current file name is passed after ARGS as last argument.  If
88the call was successful the returned result is stored in a
89temporary buffer, and CALLBACK is called with the temporary
90buffer as only argument."
91  (let ((process (if (fboundp 'make-process)
92                     ;; Prefer using ‘make-process’ if available, because
93                     ;; ‘start-process’ doesn’t allow us to separate the
94                     ;; standard error from the output.
95                     (clang-include-fixer--make-process callback args)
96                   (clang-include-fixer--start-process callback args))))
97    (save-restriction
98      (widen)
99      (process-send-region process (point-min) (point-max)))
100    (process-send-eof process))
101  nil)
103(defun clang-include-fixer--make-process (callback args)
104  "Start a new clang-incude-fixer process using `make-process'.
105CALLBACK is called after the process finishes successfully; it is
106called with a single argument, the buffer where standard output
107has been inserted.  ARGS is a list of additional command line
108arguments.  Return the new process object."
109  (let ((stdin (current-buffer))
110        (stdout (generate-new-buffer "*clang-include-fixer output*"))
111        (stderr (generate-new-buffer "*clang-include-fixer errors*")))
112    (make-process :name "clang-include-fixer"
113                  :buffer stdout
114                  :command (clang-include-fixer--command args)
115                  :coding 'utf-8-unix
116                  :noquery t
117                  :connection-type 'pipe
118                  :sentinel (clang-include-fixer--sentinel stdin stdout stderr
119                                                           callback)
120                  :stderr stderr)))
122(defun clang-include-fixer--start-process (callback args)
123  "Start a new clang-incude-fixer process using `start-process'.
124CALLBACK is called after the process finishes successfully; it is
125called with a single argument, the buffer where standard output
126has been inserted.  ARGS is a list of additional command line
127arguments.  Return the new process object."
128  (let* ((stdin (current-buffer))
129         (stdout (generate-new-buffer "*clang-include-fixer output*"))
130         (process-connection-type nil)
131         (process (apply #'start-process "clang-include-fixer" stdout
132                         (clang-include-fixer--command args))))
133    (set-process-coding-system process 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix)
134    (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
135    (set-process-sentinel process
136                          (clang-include-fixer--sentinel stdin stdout nil
137                                                         callback))
138    process))
140(defun clang-include-fixer--command (args)
141  "Return the clang-include-fixer command line.
142Returns a list; the first element is the binary to
143execute (`clang-include-fixer-executable'), and the remaining
144elements are the command line arguments.  Adds proper arguments
145for `clang-include-fixer-input-format' and
146`clang-include-fixer-init-string'.  Appends the current buffer's
147file name; prepends ARGS directly in front of it."
148  (cl-check-type args list)
149  `(,clang-include-fixer-executable
150    ,(format "-db=%s" clang-include-fixer-input-format)
151    ,(format "-input=%s" clang-include-fixer-init-string)
152    "-stdin"
153    ,@args
154    ,(buffer-file-name)))
156(defun clang-include-fixer--sentinel (stdin stdout stderr callback)
157  "Return a process sentinel for clang-include-fixer processes.
158STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR are buffers for the standard streams;
159only STDERR may be nil.  CALLBACK is called in the case of
160success; it is called with a single argument, STDOUT.  On
161failure, a buffer containing the error output is displayed."
162  (cl-check-type stdin buffer-live)
163  (cl-check-type stdout buffer-live)
164  (cl-check-type stderr (or null buffer-live))
165  (cl-check-type callback function)
166  (lambda (process event)
167    (cl-check-type process process)
168    (cl-check-type event string)
169    (unwind-protect
170        (if (string-equal event "finished\n")
171            (progn
172              (when stderr (kill-buffer stderr))
173              (with-current-buffer stdin
174                (funcall callback stdout))
175              (kill-buffer stdout))
176          (when stderr (kill-buffer stdout))
177          (message "clang-include-fixer failed")
178          (with-current-buffer (or stderr stdout)
179            (insert "\nProcess " (process-name process)
180                    ?\s event))
181          (display-buffer (or stderr stdout))))
182    nil))
184(defun clang-include-fixer--replace-buffer (stdout)
185  "Replace current buffer by content of STDOUT."
186  (cl-check-type stdout buffer-live)
187  (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
188  (unless (clang-include-fixer--insert-line stdout (current-buffer))
189    (erase-buffer)
190    (insert-buffer-substring stdout))
191  (message "Fix applied")
192  nil)
194(defun clang-include-fixer--insert-line (from to)
195  "Insert a single missing line from the buffer FROM into TO.
196FROM and TO must be buffers.  If the contents of FROM and TO are
197equal, do nothing and return non-nil.  If FROM contains a single
198line missing from TO, insert that line into TO so that the buffer
199contents are equal and return non-nil.  Otherwise, do nothing and
200return nil.  Buffer restrictions are ignored."
201  (cl-check-type from buffer-live)
202  (cl-check-type to buffer-live)
203  (with-current-buffer from
204    (save-excursion
205      (save-restriction
206        (widen)
207        (with-current-buffer to
208          (save-excursion
209            (save-restriction
210              (widen)
211              ;; Search for the first buffer difference.
212              (let ((chars (abs (compare-buffer-substrings to nil nil from nil nil))))
213                (if (zerop chars)
214                    ;; Buffer contents are equal, nothing to do.
215                    t
216                  (goto-char chars)
217                  ;; We might have ended up in the middle of a line if the
218                  ;; current line partially matches.  In this case we would
219                  ;; have to insert more than a line.  Move to the beginning of
220                  ;; the line to avoid this situation.
221                  (beginning-of-line)
222                  (with-current-buffer from
223                    (goto-char chars)
224                    (beginning-of-line)
225                    (let ((from-begin (point))
226                          (from-end (progn (forward-line) (point)))
227                          (to-point (with-current-buffer to (point))))
228                      ;; Search for another buffer difference after the line in
229                      ;; question.  If there is none, we can proceed.
230                      (when (zerop (compare-buffer-substrings from from-end nil
231                                                              to to-point nil))
232                        (with-current-buffer to
233                          (insert-buffer-substring from from-begin from-end))
234                        t))))))))))))
236(defun clang-include-fixer--add-header (stdout)
237  "Analyse the result of include-fixer stored in STDOUT.
238Add a missing header if there is any.  If there are multiple
239possible headers the user can select one of them to be included.
240Temporarily highlight the affected symbols.  Asynchronously call
241clang-include-fixer to insert the selected header."
242  (cl-check-type stdout buffer-live)
243  (let ((context (clang-include-fixer--parse-json stdout)))
244    (let-alist context
245      (cond
246       ((null .QuerySymbolInfos)
247        (message "The file is fine, no need to add a header."))
248       ((null .HeaderInfos)
249        (message "Couldn't find header for '%s'"
250                 (let-alist (car .QuerySymbolInfos) .RawIdentifier)))
251       (t
252        ;; Users may C-g in prompts, make sure the process sentinel
253        ;; behaves correctly.
254        (with-local-quit
255          ;; Replace the HeaderInfos list by a single header selected by
256          ;; the user.
257          (clang-include-fixer--select-header context)
258          ;; Call clang-include-fixer again to insert the selected header.
259          (clang-include-fixer--start
260           (let ((old-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
261             (lambda (stdout)
262               (when (/= old-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
263                 ;; Replacing the buffer now would undo the user’s changes.
264                 (user-error (concat "The buffer has been changed "
265                                     "before the header could be inserted")))
266               (clang-include-fixer--replace-buffer stdout)
267               (let-alist context
268                 (let-alist (car .HeaderInfos)
269                   (with-local-quit
270                     (run-hook-with-args 'clang-include-fixer-add-include-hook
271                                         (substring .Header 1 -1)
272                                         (string= (substring .Header 0 1) "<")))))))
273           (format "-insert-header=%s"
274                   (clang-include-fixer--encode-json context))))))))
275  nil)
277(defun clang-include-fixer--select-header (context)
278  "Prompt the user for a header if necessary.
279CONTEXT must be a clang-include-fixer context object in
280association list format.  If it contains more than one HeaderInfo
281element, prompt the user to select one of the headers.  CONTEXT
282is modified to include only the selected element."
283  (cl-check-type context cons)
284  (let-alist context
285    (if (cdr .HeaderInfos)
286        (clang-include-fixer--prompt-for-header context)
287      (message "Only one include is missing: %s"
288               (let-alist (car .HeaderInfos) .Header))))
289  nil)
291(defvar clang-include-fixer--history nil
292  "History for `clang-include-fixer--prompt-for-header'.")
294(defun clang-include-fixer--prompt-for-header (context)
295  "Prompt the user for a single header.
296The choices are taken from the HeaderInfo elements in CONTEXT.
297They are replaced by the single element selected by the user."
298  (let-alist context
299    (let ((symbol (clang-include-fixer--symbol-name .QuerySymbolInfos))
300          ;; Add temporary highlighting so that the user knows which
301          ;; symbols the current session is about.
302          (overlays (remove nil
303                            (mapcar #'clang-include-fixer--highlight .QuerySymbolInfos))))
304      (unwind-protect
305          (save-excursion
306            ;; While prompting, go to the closest overlay so that the user sees
307            ;; some context.
308            (when overlays
309              (goto-char (clang-include-fixer--closest-overlay overlays)))
310            (cl-flet ((header (info) (let-alist info .Header)))
311              ;; The header-infos is already sorted by include-fixer.
312              (let* ((header (completing-read
313                              (clang-include-fixer--format-message
314                               "Select include for '%s': " symbol)
315                              (mapcar #'header .HeaderInfos)
316                              nil :require-match nil
317                              'clang-include-fixer--history))
318                     (info (cl-find header .HeaderInfos :key #'header :test #'string=)))
319                (cl-assert info)
320                (setcar .HeaderInfos info)
321                (setcdr .HeaderInfos nil))))
322        (mapc #'delete-overlay overlays)))))
324(defun clang-include-fixer--symbol-name (symbol-infos)
325  "Return the unique symbol name in SYMBOL-INFOS.
326Raise a signal if the symbol name is not unique."
327  (let ((symbols (delete-dups (mapcar (lambda (info)
328                                        (let-alist info .RawIdentifier))
329                                      symbol-infos))))
330    (when (cdr symbols)
331      (error "Multiple symbols %s returned" symbols))
332    (car symbols)))
334(defun clang-include-fixer--highlight (symbol-info)
335  "Add an overlay to highlight SYMBOL-INFO, if it points to a non-empty range.
336Return the overlay object, or nil."
337  (let-alist symbol-info
338    (unless (zerop .Range.Length)
339      (let ((overlay (make-overlay
340                      (clang-include-fixer--filepos-to-bufferpos
341                       .Range.Offset 'approximate)
342                      (clang-include-fixer--filepos-to-bufferpos
343                       (+ .Range.Offset .Range.Length) 'approximate))))
344        (overlay-put overlay 'face 'clang-include-fixer-highlight)
345        overlay))))
347(defun clang-include-fixer--closest-overlay (overlays)
348  "Return the start of the overlay in OVERLAYS that is closest to point."
349  (cl-check-type overlays cons)
350  (let ((point (point))
351        acc)
352    (dolist (overlay overlays acc)
353      (let ((start (overlay-start overlay)))
354        (when (or (null acc) (< (abs (- point start)) (abs (- point acc))))
355          (setq acc start))))))
357(defun clang-include-fixer--parse-json (buffer)
358  "Parse a JSON response from clang-include-fixer in BUFFER.
359Return the JSON object as an association list."
360  (with-current-buffer buffer
361    (save-excursion
362      (goto-char (point-min))
363      (let ((json-object-type 'alist)
364            (json-array-type 'list)
365            (json-key-type 'symbol)
366            (json-false :json-false)
367            (json-null nil)
368            (json-pre-element-read-function nil)
369            (json-post-element-read-function nil))
370        (json-read)))))
372(defun clang-include-fixer--encode-json (object)
373  "Return the JSON representation of OBJECT as a string."
374  (let ((json-encoding-separator ",")
375        (json-encoding-default-indentation "  ")
376        (json-encoding-pretty-print nil)
377        (json-encoding-lisp-style-closings nil)
378        (json-encoding-object-sort-predicate nil))
379    (json-encode object)))
381(defun clang-include-fixer--symbol-at-point ()
382  "Return the qualified symbol at point.
383If there is no symbol at point, return nil."
384  ;; Let ‘bounds-of-thing-at-point’ to do the hard work and deal with edge
385  ;; cases.
386  (let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
387    (when bounds
388      (let ((beg (car bounds))
389            (end (cdr bounds)))
390        (save-excursion
391          ;; Extend the symbol range to the left.  Skip over namespace
392          ;; delimiters and parent namespace names.
393          (goto-char beg)
394          (while (and (clang-include-fixer--skip-double-colon-backward)
395                      (skip-syntax-backward "w_")))
396          ;; Skip over one more namespace delimiter, for absolute names.
397          (clang-include-fixer--skip-double-colon-backward)
398          (setq beg (point))
399          ;; Extend the symbol range to the right.  Skip over namespace
400          ;; delimiters and child namespace names.
401          (goto-char end)
402          (while (and (clang-include-fixer--skip-double-colon-forward)
403                      (skip-syntax-forward "w_")))
404          (setq end (point)))
405        (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))))
407(defun clang-include-fixer--skip-double-colon-forward ()
408  "Skip a double colon.
409When the next two characters are '::', skip them and return
410non-nil.  Otherwise return nil."
411  (let ((end (+ (point) 2)))
412    (when (and (<= end (point-max))
413               (string-equal (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) end) "::"))
414      (goto-char end)
415      t)))
417(defun clang-include-fixer--skip-double-colon-backward ()
418  "Skip a double colon.
419When the previous two characters are '::', skip them and return
420non-nil.  Otherwise return nil."
421  (let ((beg (- (point) 2)))
422    (when (and (>= beg (point-min))
423               (string-equal (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point)) "::"))
424      (goto-char beg)
425      t)))
427;; ‘filepos-to-bufferpos’ is new in Emacs 25.1.  Provide a fallback for older
428;; versions.
429(defalias 'clang-include-fixer--filepos-to-bufferpos
430  (if (fboundp 'filepos-to-bufferpos)
431      'filepos-to-bufferpos
432    (lambda (byte &optional _quality _coding-system)
433      (byte-to-position (1+ byte)))))
435;; ‘format-message’ is new in Emacs 25.1.  Provide a fallback for older
436;; versions.
437(defalias 'clang-include-fixer--format-message
438  (if (fboundp 'format-message) 'format-message 'format))
440(provide 'clang-include-fixer)
441;;; clang-include-fixer.el ends here