1//===--- ModuleMap.h - Describe the layout of modules -----------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file defines the ModuleMap interface, which describes the layout of a
11// module as it relates to headers.
18#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
19#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
20#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
21#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
24#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
25#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
26#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
28#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
29#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
30#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
31#include <algorithm>
32#include <memory>
33#include <string>
34#include <utility>
36namespace clang {
38class DirectoryEntry;
39class FileEntry;
40class FileManager;
41class DiagnosticConsumer;
42class DiagnosticsEngine;
43class HeaderSearch;
44class ModuleMapParser;
46/// \brief A mechanism to observe the actions of the module map parser as it
47/// reads module map files.
48class ModuleMapCallbacks {
50  virtual ~ModuleMapCallbacks() = default;
52  /// \brief Called when a module map file has been read.
53  ///
54  /// \param FileStart A SourceLocation referring to the start of the file's
55  /// contents.
56  /// \param File The file itself.
57  /// \param IsSystem Whether this is a module map from a system include path.
58  virtual void moduleMapFileRead(SourceLocation FileStart,
59                                 const FileEntry &File, bool IsSystem) {}
61  /// \brief Called when a header is added during module map parsing.
62  ///
63  /// \param Filename The header file itself.
64  virtual void moduleMapAddHeader(StringRef Filename) {}
66  /// \brief Called when an umbrella header is added during module map parsing.
67  ///
68  /// \param FileMgr FileManager instance
69  /// \param Header The umbrella header to collect.
70  virtual void moduleMapAddUmbrellaHeader(FileManager *FileMgr,
71                                          const FileEntry *Header) {}
74class ModuleMap {
75  SourceManager &SourceMgr;
76  DiagnosticsEngine &Diags;
77  const LangOptions &LangOpts;
78  const TargetInfo *Target;
79  HeaderSearch &HeaderInfo;
81  llvm::SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<ModuleMapCallbacks>, 1> Callbacks;
83  /// \brief The directory used for Clang-supplied, builtin include headers,
84  /// such as "stdint.h".
85  const DirectoryEntry *BuiltinIncludeDir;
87  /// \brief Language options used to parse the module map itself.
88  ///
89  /// These are always simple C language options.
90  LangOptions MMapLangOpts;
92  // The module that the main source file is associated with (the module
93  // named LangOpts::CurrentModule, if we've loaded it).
94  Module *SourceModule;
96  /// \brief The top-level modules that are known.
97  llvm::StringMap<Module *> Modules;
99  /// \brief The number of modules we have created in total.
100  unsigned NumCreatedModules;
103  /// \brief Flags describing the role of a module header.
104  enum ModuleHeaderRole {
105    /// \brief This header is normally included in the module.
106    NormalHeader  = 0x0,
107    /// \brief This header is included but private.
108    PrivateHeader = 0x1,
109    /// \brief This header is part of the module (for layering purposes) but
110    /// should be textually included.
111    TextualHeader = 0x2,
112    // Caution: Adding an enumerator needs other changes.
113    // Adjust the number of bits for KnownHeader::Storage.
114    // Adjust the bitfield HeaderFileInfo::HeaderRole size.
115    // Adjust the HeaderFileInfoTrait::ReadData streaming.
116    // Adjust the HeaderFileInfoTrait::EmitData streaming.
117    // Adjust ModuleMap::addHeader.
118  };
120  /// Convert a header kind to a role. Requires Kind to not be HK_Excluded.
121  static ModuleHeaderRole headerKindToRole(Module::HeaderKind Kind);
122  /// Convert a header role to a kind.
123  static Module::HeaderKind headerRoleToKind(ModuleHeaderRole Role);
125  /// \brief A header that is known to reside within a given module,
126  /// whether it was included or excluded.
127  class KnownHeader {
128    llvm::PointerIntPair<Module *, 2, ModuleHeaderRole> Storage;
130  public:
131    KnownHeader() : Storage(nullptr, NormalHeader) { }
132    KnownHeader(Module *M, ModuleHeaderRole Role) : Storage(M, Role) { }
134    friend bool operator==(const KnownHeader &A, const KnownHeader &B) {
135      return A.Storage == B.Storage;
136    }
137    friend bool operator!=(const KnownHeader &A, const KnownHeader &B) {
138      return A.Storage != B.Storage;
139    }
141    /// \brief Retrieve the module the header is stored in.
142    Module *getModule() const { return Storage.getPointer(); }
144    /// \brief The role of this header within the module.
145    ModuleHeaderRole getRole() const { return Storage.getInt(); }
147    /// \brief Whether this header is available in the module.
148    bool isAvailable() const {
149      return getModule()->isAvailable();
150    }
152    /// \brief Whether this header is accessible from the specified module.
153    bool isAccessibleFrom(Module *M) const {
154      return !(getRole() & PrivateHeader) ||
155             (M && M->getTopLevelModule() == getModule()->getTopLevelModule());
156    }
158    // \brief Whether this known header is valid (i.e., it has an
159    // associated module).
160    explicit operator bool() const {
161      return Storage.getPointer() != nullptr;
162    }
163  };
165  typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<const FileEntry *, 1> AdditionalModMapsSet;
168  typedef llvm::DenseMap<const FileEntry *, SmallVector<KnownHeader, 1>>
169  HeadersMap;
171  /// \brief Mapping from each header to the module that owns the contents of
172  /// that header.
173  HeadersMap Headers;
175  /// Map from file sizes to modules with lazy header directives of that size.
176  mutable llvm::DenseMap<off_t, llvm::TinyPtrVector<Module*>> LazyHeadersBySize;
177  /// Map from mtimes to modules with lazy header directives with those mtimes.
178  mutable llvm::DenseMap<time_t, llvm::TinyPtrVector<Module*>>
179              LazyHeadersByModTime;
181  /// \brief Mapping from directories with umbrella headers to the module
182  /// that is generated from the umbrella header.
183  ///
184  /// This mapping is used to map headers that haven't explicitly been named
185  /// in the module map over to the module that includes them via its umbrella
186  /// header.
187  llvm::DenseMap<const DirectoryEntry *, Module *> UmbrellaDirs;
189  /// \brief The set of attributes that can be attached to a module.
190  struct Attributes {
191    Attributes()
192        : IsSystem(), IsExternC(), IsExhaustive(), NoUndeclaredIncludes() {}
194    /// \brief Whether this is a system module.
195    unsigned IsSystem : 1;
197    /// \brief Whether this is an extern "C" module.
198    unsigned IsExternC : 1;
200    /// \brief Whether this is an exhaustive set of configuration macros.
201    unsigned IsExhaustive : 1;
203    /// \brief Whether files in this module can only include non-modular headers
204    /// and headers from used modules.
205    unsigned NoUndeclaredIncludes : 1;
206  };
208  /// \brief A directory for which framework modules can be inferred.
209  struct InferredDirectory {
210    InferredDirectory() : InferModules() {}
212    /// \brief Whether to infer modules from this directory.
213    unsigned InferModules : 1;
215    /// \brief The attributes to use for inferred modules.
216    Attributes Attrs;
218    /// \brief If \c InferModules is non-zero, the module map file that allowed
219    /// inferred modules.  Otherwise, nullptr.
220    const FileEntry *ModuleMapFile;
222    /// \brief The names of modules that cannot be inferred within this
223    /// directory.
224    SmallVector<std::string, 2> ExcludedModules;
225  };
227  /// \brief A mapping from directories to information about inferring
228  /// framework modules from within those directories.
229  llvm::DenseMap<const DirectoryEntry *, InferredDirectory> InferredDirectories;
231  /// A mapping from an inferred module to the module map that allowed the
232  /// inference.
233  llvm::DenseMap<const Module *, const FileEntry *> InferredModuleAllowedBy;
235  llvm::DenseMap<const Module *, AdditionalModMapsSet> AdditionalModMaps;
237  /// \brief Describes whether we haved parsed a particular file as a module
238  /// map.
239  llvm::DenseMap<const FileEntry *, bool> ParsedModuleMap;
241  friend class ModuleMapParser;
243  /// \brief Resolve the given export declaration into an actual export
244  /// declaration.
245  ///
246  /// \param Mod The module in which we're resolving the export declaration.
247  ///
248  /// \param Unresolved The export declaration to resolve.
249  ///
250  /// \param Complain Whether this routine should complain about unresolvable
251  /// exports.
252  ///
253  /// \returns The resolved export declaration, which will have a NULL pointer
254  /// if the export could not be resolved.
255  Module::ExportDecl
256  resolveExport(Module *Mod, const Module::UnresolvedExportDecl &Unresolved,
257                bool Complain) const;
259  /// \brief Resolve the given module id to an actual module.
260  ///
261  /// \param Id The module-id to resolve.
262  ///
263  /// \param Mod The module in which we're resolving the module-id.
264  ///
265  /// \param Complain Whether this routine should complain about unresolvable
266  /// module-ids.
267  ///
268  /// \returns The resolved module, or null if the module-id could not be
269  /// resolved.
270  Module *resolveModuleId(const ModuleId &Id, Module *Mod, bool Complain) const;
272  /// Add an unresolved header to a module.
273  void addUnresolvedHeader(Module *Mod,
274                           Module::UnresolvedHeaderDirective Header);
276  /// Look up the given header directive to find an actual header file.
277  ///
278  /// \param M The module in which we're resolving the header directive.
279  /// \param Header The header directive to resolve.
280  /// \param RelativePathName Filled in with the relative path name from the
281  ///        module to the resolved header.
282  /// \return The resolved file, if any.
283  const FileEntry *findHeader(Module *M,
284                              const Module::UnresolvedHeaderDirective &Header,
285                              SmallVectorImpl<char> &RelativePathName);
287  /// Resolve the given header directive.
288  void resolveHeader(Module *M,
289                     const Module::UnresolvedHeaderDirective &Header);
291  /// Attempt to resolve the specified header directive as naming a builtin
292  /// header.
293  /// \return \c true if a corresponding builtin header was found.
294  bool resolveAsBuiltinHeader(Module *M,
295                              const Module::UnresolvedHeaderDirective &Header);
297  /// \brief Looks up the modules that \p File corresponds to.
298  ///
299  /// If \p File represents a builtin header within Clang's builtin include
300  /// directory, this also loads all of the module maps to see if it will get
301  /// associated with a specific module (e.g. in /usr/include).
302  HeadersMap::iterator findKnownHeader(const FileEntry *File);
304  /// \brief Searches for a module whose umbrella directory contains \p File.
305  ///
306  /// \param File The header to search for.
307  ///
308  /// \param IntermediateDirs On success, contains the set of directories
309  /// searched before finding \p File.
310  KnownHeader findHeaderInUmbrellaDirs(const FileEntry *File,
311                    SmallVectorImpl<const DirectoryEntry *> &IntermediateDirs);
313  /// \brief Given that \p File is not in the Headers map, look it up within
314  /// umbrella directories and find or create a module for it.
315  KnownHeader findOrCreateModuleForHeaderInUmbrellaDir(const FileEntry *File);
317  /// \brief A convenience method to determine if \p File is (possibly nested)
318  /// in an umbrella directory.
319  bool isHeaderInUmbrellaDirs(const FileEntry *File) {
320    SmallVector<const DirectoryEntry *, 2> IntermediateDirs;
321    return static_cast<bool>(findHeaderInUmbrellaDirs(File, IntermediateDirs));
322  }
324  Module *inferFrameworkModule(const DirectoryEntry *FrameworkDir,
325                               Attributes Attrs, Module *Parent);
328  /// \brief Construct a new module map.
329  ///
330  /// \param SourceMgr The source manager used to find module files and headers.
331  /// This source manager should be shared with the header-search mechanism,
332  /// since they will refer to the same headers.
333  ///
334  /// \param Diags A diagnostic engine used for diagnostics.
335  ///
336  /// \param LangOpts Language options for this translation unit.
337  ///
338  /// \param Target The target for this translation unit.
339  ModuleMap(SourceManager &SourceMgr, DiagnosticsEngine &Diags,
340            const LangOptions &LangOpts, const TargetInfo *Target,
341            HeaderSearch &HeaderInfo);
343  /// \brief Destroy the module map.
344  ///
345  ~ModuleMap();
347  /// \brief Set the target information.
348  void setTarget(const TargetInfo &Target);
350  /// \brief Set the directory that contains Clang-supplied include
351  /// files, such as our stdarg.h or tgmath.h.
352  void setBuiltinIncludeDir(const DirectoryEntry *Dir) {
353    BuiltinIncludeDir = Dir;
354  }
356  /// \brief Get the directory that contains Clang-supplied include files.
357  const DirectoryEntry *getBuiltinDir() const {
358    return BuiltinIncludeDir;
359  }
361  /// \brief Is this a compiler builtin header?
362  static bool isBuiltinHeader(StringRef FileName);
364  /// \brief Add a module map callback.
365  void addModuleMapCallbacks(std::unique_ptr<ModuleMapCallbacks> Callback) {
366    Callbacks.push_back(std::move(Callback));
367  }
369  /// \brief Retrieve the module that owns the given header file, if any.
370  ///
371  /// \param File The header file that is likely to be included.
372  ///
373  /// \param AllowTextual If \c true and \p File is a textual header, return
374  /// its owning module. Otherwise, no KnownHeader will be returned if the
375  /// file is only known as a textual header.
376  ///
377  /// \returns The module KnownHeader, which provides the module that owns the
378  /// given header file.  The KnownHeader is default constructed to indicate
379  /// that no module owns this header file.
380  KnownHeader findModuleForHeader(const FileEntry *File,
381                                  bool AllowTextual = false);
383  /// \brief Retrieve all the modules that contain the given header file. This
384  /// may not include umbrella modules, nor information from external sources,
385  /// if they have not yet been inferred / loaded.
386  ///
387  /// Typically, \ref findModuleForHeader should be used instead, as it picks
388  /// the preferred module for the header.
389  ArrayRef<KnownHeader> findAllModulesForHeader(const FileEntry *File) const;
391  /// Resolve all lazy header directives for the specified file.
392  ///
393  /// This ensures that the HeaderFileInfo on HeaderSearch is up to date. This
394  /// is effectively internal, but is exposed so HeaderSearch can call it.
395  void resolveHeaderDirectives(const FileEntry *File) const;
397  /// Resolve all lazy header directives for the specified module.
398  void resolveHeaderDirectives(Module *Mod) const;
400  /// \brief Reports errors if a module must not include a specific file.
401  ///
402  /// \param RequestingModule The module including a file.
403  ///
404  /// \param RequestingModuleIsModuleInterface \c true if the inclusion is in
405  ///        the interface of RequestingModule, \c false if it's in the
406  ///        implementation of RequestingModule. Value is ignored and
407  ///        meaningless if RequestingModule is nullptr.
408  ///
409  /// \param FilenameLoc The location of the inclusion's filename.
410  ///
411  /// \param Filename The included filename as written.
412  ///
413  /// \param File The included file.
414  void diagnoseHeaderInclusion(Module *RequestingModule,
415                               bool RequestingModuleIsModuleInterface,
416                               SourceLocation FilenameLoc, StringRef Filename,
417                               const FileEntry *File);
419  /// \brief Determine whether the given header is part of a module
420  /// marked 'unavailable'.
421  bool isHeaderInUnavailableModule(const FileEntry *Header) const;
423  /// \brief Determine whether the given header is unavailable as part
424  /// of the specified module.
425  bool isHeaderUnavailableInModule(const FileEntry *Header,
426                                   const Module *RequestingModule) const;
428  /// \brief Retrieve a module with the given name.
429  ///
430  /// \param Name The name of the module to look up.
431  ///
432  /// \returns The named module, if known; otherwise, returns null.
433  Module *findModule(StringRef Name) const;
435  /// \brief Retrieve a module with the given name using lexical name lookup,
436  /// starting at the given context.
437  ///
438  /// \param Name The name of the module to look up.
439  ///
440  /// \param Context The module context, from which we will perform lexical
441  /// name lookup.
442  ///
443  /// \returns The named module, if known; otherwise, returns null.
444  Module *lookupModuleUnqualified(StringRef Name, Module *Context) const;
446  /// \brief Retrieve a module with the given name within the given context,
447  /// using direct (qualified) name lookup.
448  ///
449  /// \param Name The name of the module to look up.
450  ///
451  /// \param Context The module for which we will look for a submodule. If
452  /// null, we will look for a top-level module.
453  ///
454  /// \returns The named submodule, if known; otherwose, returns null.
455  Module *lookupModuleQualified(StringRef Name, Module *Context) const;
457  /// \brief Find a new module or submodule, or create it if it does not already
458  /// exist.
459  ///
460  /// \param Name The name of the module to find or create.
461  ///
462  /// \param Parent The module that will act as the parent of this submodule,
463  /// or NULL to indicate that this is a top-level module.
464  ///
465  /// \param IsFramework Whether this is a framework module.
466  ///
467  /// \param IsExplicit Whether this is an explicit submodule.
468  ///
469  /// \returns The found or newly-created module, along with a boolean value
470  /// that will be true if the module is newly-created.
471  std::pair<Module *, bool> findOrCreateModule(StringRef Name, Module *Parent,
472                                               bool IsFramework,
473                                               bool IsExplicit);
475  /// \brief Create a new module for a C++ Modules TS module interface unit.
476  /// The module must not already exist, and will be configured for the current
477  /// compilation.
478  ///
479  /// Note that this also sets the current module to the newly-created module.
480  ///
481  /// \returns The newly-created module.
482  Module *createModuleForInterfaceUnit(SourceLocation Loc, StringRef Name);
484  /// \brief Infer the contents of a framework module map from the given
485  /// framework directory.
486  Module *inferFrameworkModule(const DirectoryEntry *FrameworkDir,
487                               bool IsSystem, Module *Parent);
489  /// \brief Retrieve the module map file containing the definition of the given
490  /// module.
491  ///
492  /// \param Module The module whose module map file will be returned, if known.
493  ///
494  /// \returns The file entry for the module map file containing the given
495  /// module, or NULL if the module definition was inferred.
496  const FileEntry *getContainingModuleMapFile(const Module *Module) const;
498  /// \brief Get the module map file that (along with the module name) uniquely
499  /// identifies this module.
500  ///
501  /// The particular module that \c Name refers to may depend on how the module
502  /// was found in header search. However, the combination of \c Name and
503  /// this module map will be globally unique for top-level modules. In the case
504  /// of inferred modules, returns the module map that allowed the inference
505  /// (e.g. contained 'module *'). Otherwise, returns
506  /// getContainingModuleMapFile().
507  const FileEntry *getModuleMapFileForUniquing(const Module *M) const;
509  void setInferredModuleAllowedBy(Module *M, const FileEntry *ModuleMap);
511  /// \brief Get any module map files other than getModuleMapFileForUniquing(M)
512  /// that define submodules of a top-level module \p M. This is cheaper than
513  /// getting the module map file for each submodule individually, since the
514  /// expected number of results is very small.
515  AdditionalModMapsSet *getAdditionalModuleMapFiles(const Module *M) {
516    auto I = AdditionalModMaps.find(M);
517    if (I == AdditionalModMaps.end())
518      return nullptr;
519    return &I->second;
520  }
522  void addAdditionalModuleMapFile(const Module *M, const FileEntry *ModuleMap) {
523    AdditionalModMaps[M].insert(ModuleMap);
524  }
526  /// \brief Resolve all of the unresolved exports in the given module.
527  ///
528  /// \param Mod The module whose exports should be resolved.
529  ///
530  /// \param Complain Whether to emit diagnostics for failures.
531  ///
532  /// \returns true if any errors were encountered while resolving exports,
533  /// false otherwise.
534  bool resolveExports(Module *Mod, bool Complain);
536  /// \brief Resolve all of the unresolved uses in the given module.
537  ///
538  /// \param Mod The module whose uses should be resolved.
539  ///
540  /// \param Complain Whether to emit diagnostics for failures.
541  ///
542  /// \returns true if any errors were encountered while resolving uses,
543  /// false otherwise.
544  bool resolveUses(Module *Mod, bool Complain);
546  /// \brief Resolve all of the unresolved conflicts in the given module.
547  ///
548  /// \param Mod The module whose conflicts should be resolved.
549  ///
550  /// \param Complain Whether to emit diagnostics for failures.
551  ///
552  /// \returns true if any errors were encountered while resolving conflicts,
553  /// false otherwise.
554  bool resolveConflicts(Module *Mod, bool Complain);
556  /// \brief Sets the umbrella header of the given module to the given
557  /// header.
558  void setUmbrellaHeader(Module *Mod, const FileEntry *UmbrellaHeader,
559                         Twine NameAsWritten);
561  /// \brief Sets the umbrella directory of the given module to the given
562  /// directory.
563  void setUmbrellaDir(Module *Mod, const DirectoryEntry *UmbrellaDir,
564                      Twine NameAsWritten);
566  /// \brief Adds this header to the given module.
567  /// \param Role The role of the header wrt the module.
568  void addHeader(Module *Mod, Module::Header Header,
569                 ModuleHeaderRole Role, bool Imported = false);
571  /// \brief Marks this header as being excluded from the given module.
572  void excludeHeader(Module *Mod, Module::Header Header);
574  /// \brief Parse the given module map file, and record any modules we
575  /// encounter.
576  ///
577  /// \param File The file to be parsed.
578  ///
579  /// \param IsSystem Whether this module map file is in a system header
580  /// directory, and therefore should be considered a system module.
581  ///
582  /// \param HomeDir The directory in which relative paths within this module
583  ///        map file will be resolved.
584  ///
585  /// \param ID The FileID of the file to process, if we've already entered it.
586  ///
587  /// \param Offset [inout] On input the offset at which to start parsing. On
588  ///        output, the offset at which the module map terminated.
589  ///
590  /// \param ExternModuleLoc The location of the "extern module" declaration
591  ///        that caused us to load this module map file, if any.
592  ///
593  /// \returns true if an error occurred, false otherwise.
594  bool parseModuleMapFile(const FileEntry *File, bool IsSystem,
595                          const DirectoryEntry *HomeDir, FileID ID = FileID(),
596                          unsigned *Offset = nullptr,
597                          SourceLocation ExternModuleLoc = SourceLocation());
599  /// \brief Dump the contents of the module map, for debugging purposes.
600  void dump();
602  typedef llvm::StringMap<Module *>::const_iterator module_iterator;
603  module_iterator module_begin() const { return Modules.begin(); }
604  module_iterator module_end()   const { return Modules.end(); }
607} // end namespace clang