3 * objc.php
4 * --------
5 * Author: M. Uli Kusterer (witness.of.teachtext@gmx.net)
6 * Contributors: Quinn Taylor (quinntaylor@mac.com)
7 * Copyright: (c) 2008 Quinn Taylor, 2004 M. Uli Kusterer, Nigel McNie (http://qbnz.com/highlighter/)
8 * Release Version:
9 * Date Started: 2004/06/04
10 *
11 * Objective-C language file for GeSHi.
12 *
14 * -------
15 * 2008/07/11 (1.0.8)
16 *   -  Added support for @ before strings being highlighted
17 * 2008/06/10 (
18 *   -  Added keywords for Objective-C 2.0 (Leopard+).
19 *   -  Changed colors to match Xcode 3 highlighting more closely.
20 *   -  Updated API for AppKit and Foundation; added CoreData classes.
21 *   -  Updated URLs for AppKit and Foundation; split classes and protocols.
22 *   -  Sorted all keyword group in reverse-alpha order for correct matching.
23 *   -  Changed all keyword groups to be case-sensitive.
24 * 2004/11/27 (1.0.0)
25 *   -  First Release
26 *
27 * TODO (updated 2004/11/27)
28 * -------------------------
29 *
30 *************************************************************************************
31 *
32 *     This file is part of GeSHi.
33 *
34 *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
35 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
36 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
37 *   (at your option) any later version.
38 *
39 *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
40 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
42 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
43 *
44 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
45 *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
46 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
47 *
48 ************************************************************************************/
50$language_data = array (
51    'LANG_NAME' => 'Objective-C',
52    'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(
53        //Compiler directives
54        1 => '#',
55        //Single line C-Comments
56        2 => '//'
57        ),
58    'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
59    'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
60        //Multiline Continuation for single-line comment
61        2 => '/\/\/(?:\\\\\\\\|\\\\\\n|.)*$/m',
62        //Pseudo-Highlighting of the @-sign before strings
63        3 => "/@(?=\")/"
64        ),
66    'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"', "'"),
67    'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
69    'KEYWORDS' => array(
70        // Objective-C keywords
71        1 => array(
72            'while', 'switch', 'return', 'in', 'if', 'goto', 'foreach', 'for',
73            'else', 'do', 'default', 'continue', 'case', '@try', '@throw',
74            '@synthesize', '@synchronized', '@selector', '@public', '@protocol',
75            '@protected', '@property', '@private', '@interface',
76            '@implementation', '@finally', '@end', '@encode', '@defs', '@class',
77            '@catch'
78            ),
79        // Macros and constants
80        2 => array(
81            'YES', 'USHRT_MAX', 'ULONG_MAX', 'UINT_MAX', 'UCHAR_MAX', 'true',
82            'TMP_MAX', 'stdout', 'stdin', 'stderr', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGSEGV',
83            'SIGINT', 'SIGILL', 'SIG_IGN', 'SIGFPE', 'SIG_ERR', 'SIG_DFL',
84            'SIGABRT', 'SHRT_MIN', 'SHRT_MAX', 'SEEK_SET', 'SEEK_END',
85            'SEEK_CUR', 'SCHAR_MIN', 'SCHAR_MAX', 'RAND_MAX', 'NULL',
86            'NO', 'nil', 'Nil', 'L_tmpnam', 'LONG_MIN', 'LONG_MAX',
87            'LDBL_MIN_EXP', 'LDBL_MIN', 'LDBL_MAX_EXP', 'LDBL_MAX',
91            'FLT_DIG', 'FILENAME_MAX', 'false', 'EXIT_SUCCESS', 'EXIT_FAILURE',
92            'errno', 'ERANGE', 'EOF', 'enum', 'EDOM', 'DBL_MIN_EXP', 'DBL_MIN',
95            'break'
96            ),
97        // C standard library functions
98        3 => array(
99            'vsprintf', 'vprintf', 'vfprintf', 'va_start', 'va_end', 'va_arg',
100            'ungetc', 'toupper', 'tolower', 'tmpname', 'tmpfile', 'time',
101            'tanh', 'tan', 'system', 'strxfrm', 'strtoul', 'strtol', 'strtok',
102            'strtod', 'strstr', 'strspn', 'strrchr', 'strpbrk', 'strncpy',
103            'strncmp', 'strncat', 'strlen', 'strftime', 'strerror', 'strcspn',
104            'strcpy', 'strcoll', 'strcmp', 'strchr', 'strcat', 'sscanf',
105            'srand', 'sqrt', 'sprintf', 'snprintf', 'sizeof', 'sinh', 'sin',
106            'setvbuf', 'setjmp', 'setbuf', 'scanf', 'rewind', 'rename',
107            'remove', 'realloc', 'rand', 'qsort', 'puts', 'putchar', 'putc',
108            'printf', 'pow', 'perror', 'offsetof', 'modf', 'mktime', 'memset',
109            'memmove', 'memcpy', 'memcmp', 'memchr', 'malloc', 'longjmp',
110            'log10', 'log', 'localtime', 'ldiv', 'ldexp', 'labs', 'isxdigit',
111            'isupper', 'isspace', 'ispunct', 'isprint', 'islower',
112            'isgraph', 'isdigit', 'iscntrl', 'isalpha', 'isalnum', 'gmtime',
113            'gets', 'getenv', 'getchar', 'getc', 'fwrite', 'ftell', 'fsetpos',
114            'fseek', 'fscanf', 'frexp', 'freopen', 'free', 'fread', 'fputs',
115            'fputc', 'fprintf', 'fopen', 'fmod', 'floor', 'fgets', 'fgetpos',
116            'fgetc', 'fflush', 'ferror', 'feof', 'fclose', 'fabs', 'exp',
117            'exit', 'div', 'difftime', 'ctime', 'cosh', 'cos', 'clock',
118            'clearerr', 'ceil', 'calloc', 'bsearch', 'atol', 'atoi', 'atof',
119            'atexit', 'atan2', 'atan', 'assert', 'asin', 'asctime', 'acos',
120            'abs', 'abort'
121            ),
122        // Data types (C, Objective-C, Cocoa)
123        4 => array(
124            'volatile', 'void', 'va_list', 'unsigned', 'union', 'typedef', 'tm',
125            'time_t', 'struct', 'string', 'static', 'size_t',
126            'signed', 'signal', 'short', 'SEL', 'register', 'raise',
127            'ptrdiff_t', 'NSZone', 'NSRect', 'NSRange', 'NSPoint', 'long',
128            'ldiv_t', 'jmp_buf', 'int', 'IMP', 'id', 'fpos_t', 'float', 'FILE',
129            'extern', 'double', 'div_t', 'const', 'clock_t', 'Class', 'char',
130            'BOOL', 'auto'
131            ),
132        // Foundation classes
133        5 => array(
134            'NSXMLParser', 'NSXMLNode', 'NSXMLElement', 'NSXMLDTDNode',
135            'NSXMLDTD', 'NSXMLDocument', 'NSWhoseSpecifier',
136            'NSValueTransformer', 'NSValue', 'NSUserDefaults', 'NSURLResponse',
137            'NSURLRequest', 'NSURLProtocol', 'NSURLProtectionSpace',
138            'NSURLHandle', 'NSURLDownload', 'NSURLCredentialStorage',
139            'NSURLCredential', 'NSURLConnection', 'NSURLCache',
140            'NSURLAuthenticationChallenge', 'NSURL', 'NSUniqueIDSpecifier',
141            'NSUndoManager', 'NSUnarchiver', 'NSTimeZone', 'NSTimer',
142            'NSThread', 'NSTask', 'NSString', 'NSStream', 'NSSpellServer',
143            'NSSpecifierTest', 'NSSortDescriptor', 'NSSocketPortNameServer',
144            'NSSocketPort', 'NSSetCommand', 'NSSet', 'NSSerializer',
145            'NSScriptWhoseTest', 'NSScriptSuiteRegistry',
146            'NSScriptObjectSpecifier', 'NSScriptExecutionContext',
147            'NSScriptCommandDescription', 'NSScriptCommand',
148            'NSScriptCoercionHandler', 'NSScriptClassDescription', 'NSScanner',
149            'NSRunLoop', 'NSRelativeSpecifier', 'NSRecursiveLock',
150            'NSRangeSpecifier', 'NSRandomSpecifier', 'NSQuitCommand', 'NSProxy',
151            'NSProtocolChecker', 'NSPropertySpecifier',
152            'NSPropertyListSerialization', 'NSProcessInfo', 'NSPredicate',
153            'NSPositionalSpecifier', 'NSPortNameServer', 'NSPortMessage',
154            'NSPortCoder', 'NSPort', 'NSPointerFunctions', 'NSPointerArray',
155            'NSPipe', 'NSOutputStream', 'NSOperationQueue', 'NSOperation',
156            'NSObject', 'NSNumberFormatter', 'NSNumber', 'NSNull',
157            'NSNotificationQueue', 'NSNotificationCenter', 'NSNotification',
158            'NSNetServiceBrowser', 'NSNetService', 'NSNameSpecifier',
159            'NSMutableURLRequest', 'NSMutableString', 'NSMutableSet',
160            'NSMutableIndexSet', 'NSMutableDictionary', 'NSMutableData',
161            'NSMutableCharacterSet', 'NSMutableAttributedString',
162            'NSMutableArray', 'NSMoveCommand', 'NSMiddleSpecifier',
163            'NSMethodSignature', 'NSMetadataQueryResultGroup',
164            'NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple', 'NSMetadataQuery',
165            'NSMetadataItem', 'NSMessagePortNameServer', 'NSMessagePort',
166            'NSMapTable', 'NSMachPort', 'NSMachBootstrapServer',
167            'NSLogicalTest', 'NSLock', 'NSLocale', 'NSKeyedUnarchiver',
168            'NSKeyedArchiver', 'NSInvocationOperation', 'NSInvocation',
169            'NSInputStream', 'NSIndexSpecifier', 'NSIndexSet', 'NSIndexPath',
170            'NSHTTPURLResponse', 'NSHTTPCookieStorage', 'NSHTTPCookie',
171            'NSHost', 'NSHashTable', 'NSGetCommand', 'NSGarbageCollector',
172            'NSFormatter', 'NSFileManager', 'NSFileHandle', 'NSExpression',
173            'NSExistsCommand', 'NSException', 'NSError', 'NSEnumerator',
174            'NSDistributedNotificationCenter', 'NSDistributedLock',
175            'NSDistantObjectRequest', 'NSDistantObject',
176            'NSDirectoryEnumerator', 'NSDictionary', 'NSDeserializer',
177            'NSDeleteCommand', 'NSDecimalNumberHandler', 'NSDecimalNumber',
178            'NSDateFormatter', 'NSDateComponents', 'NSDate', 'NSData',
179            'NSCreateCommand', 'NSCountedSet', 'NSCountCommand', 'NSConnection',
180            'NSConditionLock', 'NSCondition', 'NSCompoundPredicate',
181            'NSComparisonPredicate', 'NSCoder', 'NSCloseCommand',
182            'NSCloneCommand', 'NSClassDescription', 'NSCharacterSet',
183            'NSCalendarDate', 'NSCalendar', 'NSCachedURLResponse', 'NSBundle',
184            'NSAutoreleasePool', 'NSAttributedString', 'NSAssertionHandler',
185            'NSArray', 'NSArchiver', 'NSAppleScript', 'NSAppleEventManager',
186            'NSAppleEventDescriptor', 'NSAffineTransform'
187            ),
188        // Foundation protocols
189        6 => array(
190            'NSURLProtocolClient', 'NSURLHandleClient', 'NSURLClient',
191            'NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender', 'NSScriptObjectSpecifiers',
192            'NSScriptKeyValueCoding', 'NSScriptingComparisonMethods',
193            'NSObjCTypeSerializationCallBack', 'NSMutableCopying',
194            'NSLocking', 'NSKeyValueObserving', 'NSKeyValueCoding',
195            'NSFastEnumeration', 'NSErrorRecoveryAttempting',
196            'NSDecimalNumberBehaviors', 'NSCopying', 'NSComparisonMethods',
197            'NSCoding'
198            ),
199        // AppKit classes
200        7 => array(
201            'NSWorkspace', 'NSWindowController', 'NSWindow', 'NSViewController',
202            'NSViewAnimation', 'NSView', 'NSUserDefaultsController',
203            'NSTypesetter', 'NSTreeNode', 'NSTreeController', 'NSTrackingArea',
204            'NSToolbarItemGroup', 'NSToolbarItem', 'NSToolbar',
205            'NSTokenFieldCell', 'NSTokenField', 'NSTextView',
206            'NSTextTableBlock', 'NSTextTable', 'NSTextTab', 'NSTextStorage',
207            'NSTextList', 'NSTextFieldCell', 'NSTextField', 'NSTextContainer',
208            'NSTextBlock', 'NSTextAttachmentCell', 'NSTextAttachment', 'NSText',
209            'NSTabViewItem', 'NSTabView', 'NSTableView', 'NSTableHeaderView',
210            'NSTableHeaderCell', 'NSTableColumn', 'NSStepperCell', 'NSStepper',
211            'NSStatusItem', 'NSStatusBar', 'NSSplitView', 'NSSpellChecker',
212            'NSSpeechSynthesizer', 'NSSpeechRecognizer', 'NSSound',
213            'NSSliderCell', 'NSSlider', 'NSSimpleHorizontalTypesetter',
214            'NSShadow', 'NSSegmentedControl', 'NSSegmentedCell',
215            'NSSecureTextFieldCell', 'NSSecureTextField', 'NSSearchFieldCell',
216            'NSSearchField', 'NSScrollView', 'NSScroller', 'NSScreen',
217            'NSSavePanel', 'NSRulerView', 'NSRulerMarker', 'NSRuleEditor',
218            'NSResponder', 'NSQuickDrawView', 'NSProgressIndicator',
219            'NSPrintPanel', 'NSPrintOperation', 'NSPrintInfo', 'NSPrinter',
220            'NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate', 'NSPredicateEditor',
221            'NSPopUpButtonCell', 'NSPopUpButton', 'NSPICTImageRep',
222            'NSPersistentDocument', 'NSPDFImageRep', 'NSPathControl',
223            'NSPathComponentCell', 'NSPathCell', 'NSPasteboard',
224            'NSParagraphStyle', 'NSPanel', 'NSPageLayout', 'NSOutlineView',
225            'NSOpenPanel', 'NSOpenGLView', 'NSOpenGLPixelFormat',
226            'NSOpenGLPixelBuffer', 'NSOpenGLContext', 'NSObjectController',
227            'NSNibOutletConnector', 'NSNibControlConnector', 'NSNibConnector',
228            'NSNib', 'NSMutableParagraphStyle', 'NSMovieView', 'NSMovie',
229            'NSMenuView', 'NSMenuItemCell', 'NSMenuItem', 'NSMenu', 'NSMatrix',
230            'NSLevelIndicatorCell', 'NSLevelIndicator', 'NSLayoutManager',
231            'NSInputServer', 'NSInputManager', 'NSImageView', 'NSImageRep',
232            'NSImageCell', 'NSImage', 'NSHelpManager', 'NSGraphicsContext',
233            'NSGradient', 'NSGlyphInfo', 'NSGlyphGenerator', 'NSFormCell',
234            'NSForm', 'NSFontPanel', 'NSFontManager', 'NSFontDescriptor',
235            'NSFont', 'NSFileWrapper', 'NSEvent', 'NSEPSImageRep', 'NSDrawer',
236            'NSDocumentController', 'NSDocument', 'NSDockTile',
237            'NSDictionaryController', 'NSDatePickerCell', 'NSDatePicker',
238            'NSCustomImageRep', 'NSCursor', 'NSController', 'NSControl',
239            'NSComboBoxCell', 'NSComboBox', 'NSColorWell', 'NSColorSpace',
240            'NSColorPicker', 'NSColorPanel', 'NSColorList', 'NSColor',
241            'NSCollectionViewItem', 'NSCollectionView', 'NSClipView',
242            'NSCIImageRep', 'NSCell', 'NSCachedImageRep', 'NSButtonCell',
243            'NSButton', 'NSBrowserCell', 'NSBrowser', 'NSBox',
244            'NSBitmapImageRep', 'NSBezierPath', 'NSATSTypesetter',
245            'NSArrayController', 'NSApplication', 'NSAnimationContext',
246            'NSAnimation', 'NSAlert', 'NSActionCell'
247            ),
248        // AppKit protocols
249        8 => array(
250            'NSWindowScripting', 'NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem',
251            'NSUserInterfaceValidations', 'NSToolTipOwner',
252            'NSToolbarItemValidation', 'NSTextInput',
253            'NSTableDataSource', 'NSServicesRequests',
254            'NSPrintPanelAccessorizing', 'NSPlaceholders',
255            'NSPathControlDelegate', 'NSPathCellDelegate',
256            'NSOutlineViewDataSource', 'NSNibAwaking', 'NSMenuValidation',
257            'NSKeyValueBindingCreation', 'NSInputServiceProvider',
258            'NSInputServerMouseTracker', 'NSIgnoreMisspelledWords',
259            'NSGlyphStorage', 'NSFontPanelValidation', 'NSEditorRegistration',
260            'NSEditor', 'NSDraggingSource', 'NSDraggingInfo',
261            'NSDraggingDestination', 'NSDictionaryControllerKeyValuePair',
262            'NSComboBoxDataSource', 'NSComboBoxCellDataSource',
263            'NSColorPickingDefault', 'NSColorPickingCustom', 'NSChangeSpelling',
264            'NSAnimatablePropertyContainer', 'NSAccessibility'
265            ),
266        // CoreData classes
267        9 => array(
268            'NSRelationshipDescription', 'NSPropertyMapping',
269            'NSPropertyDescription', 'NSPersistentStoreCoordinator',
270            'NSPersistentStore', 'NSMigrationManager', 'NSMappingModel',
271            'NSManagedObjectModel', 'NSManagedObjectID',
272            'NSManagedObjectContext', 'NSManagedObject',
273            'NSFetchRequestExpression', 'NSFetchRequest',
274            'NSFetchedPropertyDescription', 'NSEntityMigrationPolicy',
275            'NSEntityMapping', 'NSEntityDescription', 'NSAttributeDescription',
276            'NSAtomicStoreCacheNode', 'NSAtomicStore'
277            )
278        ),
279    'SYMBOLS' => array(
280        '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=', '+', '-', '*', '/', '!', '%', '^', '&', ':'
281        ),
282    'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
283        GESHI_COMMENTS => true,
284        1 => true,
285        2 => true,
286        3 => true,
287        4 => true,
288        5 => true,
289        6 => true,
290        7 => true,
291        8 => true,
292        9 => true
293        ),
294    // Define the colors for the groups listed above
295    'STYLES' => array(
296        'KEYWORDS' => array(
297            1 => 'color: #a61390;', // Objective-C keywords
298            2 => 'color: #a61390;', // Macros and constants
299            3 => 'color: #a61390;', // C standard library functions
300            4 => 'color: #a61390;', // data types
301            5 => 'color: #400080;', // Foundation classes
302            6 => 'color: #2a6f76;', // Foundation protocols
303            7 => 'color: #400080;', // AppKit classes
304            8 => 'color: #2a6f76;', // AppKit protocols
305            9 => 'color: #400080;' // CoreData classes
306            ),
307        'COMMENTS' => array(
308            1 => 'color: #6e371a;', // Preprocessor directives
309            2 => 'color: #11740a; font-style: italic;', // Normal C single-line comments
310            3 => 'color: #bf1d1a;', // Q-sign in front of Strings
311            'MULTI' => 'color: #11740a; font-style: italic;'
312            ),
313        'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
314            0 => 'color: #2400d9;'
315            ),
316        'BRACKETS' => array(
317            0 => 'color: #002200;'
318            ),
319        'STRINGS' => array(
320            0 => 'color: #bf1d1a;'
321            ),
322        'NUMBERS' => array(
323            0 => 'color: #2400d9;'
324            ),
325        'METHODS' => array(
326            ),
327        'SYMBOLS' => array(
328            0 => 'color: #002200;'
329            ),
330        'REGEXPS' => array(
331            ),
332        'SCRIPT' => array(
333            )
334        ),
335    'URLS' => array(
336        1 => '',
337        2 => '',
338        3 => 'http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/{FNAME}.html',
339        4 => '',
340        5 => 'http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/{FNAME}_Class/',
341        6 => 'http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Protocols/{FNAME}_Protocol/',
342        7 => 'http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/{FNAME}_Class/',
343        8 => 'http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Protocols/{FNAME}_Protocol/',
344        9 => 'http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/CoreDataFramework/Classes/{FNAME}_Class/'
345        ),
346    'OOLANG' => false,
347    'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
348        ),
349    'REGEXPS' => array(
350        ),
352    'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
353        ),
354    'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
355        )