2    div {
3        width: 50px;
4        height: 50px;
5        background-color: yellow;
6    }
8    div.green {
9        width: 100px;
10        background-color: green;
11        -webkit-transition-property: background-color;
12        -webkit-transition-duration: 5s;
13    }
15    div.square {
16        width: 100px;
17        height: 100px;
18        -webkit-transition-property: height;
19        -webkit-transition-duration: 2s;
20    }
22<p id="instructions">
23    When you click the Change button, the shape will
24    <span id="description"></span>.
25    <button style="display: block;" onclick="transition()">Change</button>
27<div id="target"></div>
29    var state = 0;
30    var transitions = [
31        {className:"green", description:"instantly change into a rectangle and fade from yellow to green over 5 seconds"},
32        {className:"", description:"instantly change into a small yellow square"},
33        {className:"square", description:"instantly change into a yellow rectangle and then animate into a big yellow square over 2 seconds"},
34        {className:"green", description:"instantly change into a yellow rectangle and then animate to a green rectangle over 5 seconds"},
35        {className:"", description:"instantly change into a small yellow square"},
36        {className:"green", description:"instantly change into a yellow rectangle and fade from yellow to green over 5 seconds"},
37        {className:"square", description:"instantly change to a yellow rectangle and then animate into a large yellow square over 2 seconds"},
38        {className:"", description:"instantly change into a small yellow square"}
39    ];
41    document.getElementById("description").innerText = transitions[0].description;
43    function transition()
44    {
45        var target = document.getElementById("target");
46        target.className = transitions[state].className;
47        state++;
48        if (state < transitions.length)
49            document.getElementById("description").innerText = transitions[state].description;
50        else {
51            document.getElementById("instructions").innerText = "Done.";
52        }
53    }