1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// This file has been auto-generated by {{code_generator}}. DO NOT MODIFY!
7#include "config.h"
8{% filter conditional(conditional_string) %}
9#include "{{v8_class}}.h"
11{% for filename in cpp_includes if filename != '%s.h' % v8_class %}
12#include "{{filename}}"
13{% endfor %}
15namespace blink {
16{% set to_active_dom_object = '%s::toActiveDOMObject' % v8_class
17                              if is_active_dom_object else '0' %}
18{% set to_event_target = '%s::toEventTarget' % v8_class
19                         if is_event_target else '0' %}
20{% set visit_dom_wrapper = '%s::visitDOMWrapper' % v8_class
21                           if has_visit_dom_wrapper else '0' %}
22{% set parent_wrapper_type_info = '&V8%s::wrapperTypeInfo' % parent_interface
23                                  if parent_interface else '0' %}
24{% set wrapper_type_prototype = 'WrapperTypeExceptionPrototype' if is_exception else
25                                'WrapperTypeObjectPrototype' %}
27const WrapperTypeInfo {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo = { gin::kEmbedderBlink, {{v8_class}}::domTemplate, {{v8_class}}::refObject, {{v8_class}}::derefObject, {{v8_class}}::createPersistentHandle, {{to_active_dom_object}}, {{to_event_target}}, {{visit_dom_wrapper}}, {{v8_class}}::installConditionallyEnabledMethods, {{v8_class}}::installConditionallyEnabledProperties, {{parent_wrapper_type_info}}, WrapperTypeInfo::{{wrapper_type_prototype}}, WrapperTypeInfo::{{wrapper_class_id}}, WrapperTypeInfo::{{lifetime}}, WrapperTypeInfo::{{gc_type}} };
29{% if is_script_wrappable %}
30// This static member must be declared by DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO in {{cpp_class}}.h.
31// For details, see the comment of DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO in
32// bindings/core/v8/ScriptWrappable.h.
33const WrapperTypeInfo& {{cpp_class}}::s_wrapperTypeInfo = {{v8_class}}::wrapperTypeInfo;
35{% endif %}
36namespace {{cpp_class}}V8Internal {
38template <typename T> void V8_USE(T) { }
40{# Constants #}
41{% from 'constants.cpp' import constant_getter_callback
42       with context %}
43{% for constant in special_getter_constants %}
45{% endfor %}
46{# Attributes #}
47{% from 'attributes.cpp' import constructor_getter_callback,
48       attribute_getter, attribute_getter_callback,
49       attribute_setter, attribute_setter_callback,
50       attribute_getter_implemented_in_private_script,
51       attribute_setter_implemented_in_private_script
52       with context %}
53{% for attribute in attributes if not attribute.constructor_type %}
54{% if attribute.should_be_exposed_to_script %}
55{% for world_suffix in attribute.world_suffixes %}
56{% if not attribute.has_custom_getter %}
57{{attribute_getter(attribute, world_suffix)}}
58{% endif %}
59{{attribute_getter_callback(attribute, world_suffix)}}
60{% if not attribute.is_read_only or attribute.put_forwards %}
61{% if not attribute.has_custom_setter %}
62{{attribute_setter(attribute, world_suffix)}}
63{% endif %}
64{{attribute_setter_callback(attribute, world_suffix)}}
65{% endif %}
66{% endfor %}
67{% endif %}
68{% endfor %}
69{% block constructor_getter %}{% endblock %}
70{% for attribute in attributes if attribute.needs_constructor_getter_callback %}
71{% for world_suffix in attribute.world_suffixes %}
72{{constructor_getter_callback(attribute, world_suffix)}}
73{% endfor %}
74{% endfor %}
75{% block replaceable_attribute_setter_and_callback %}{% endblock %}
76{% block security_check_functions %}{% endblock %}
77{# Methods #}
78{% from 'methods.cpp' import generate_method, overload_resolution_method,
79       method_callback, origin_safe_method_getter, generate_constructor,
80       method_implemented_in_private_script
81       with context %}
82{% for method in methods %}
83{% if method.should_be_exposed_to_script %}
84{% for world_suffix in method.world_suffixes %}
85{% if not method.is_custom %}
86{{generate_method(method, world_suffix)}}
87{% endif %}
88{% if method.overloads %}
89{{overload_resolution_method(method.overloads, world_suffix)}}
90{% endif %}
91{% if not method.overload_index or method.overloads %}
92{# A single callback is generated for overloaded methods #}
93{{method_callback(method, world_suffix)}}
94{% endif %}
95{% if method.is_do_not_check_security %}
96{{origin_safe_method_getter(method, world_suffix)}}
97{% endif %}
98{% endfor %}
99{% endif %}
100{% endfor %}
101{% if iterator_method %}
104{% endif %}
105{% block origin_safe_method_setter %}{% endblock %}
106{# Constructors #}
107{% for constructor in constructors %}
109{% endfor %}
110{% block overloaded_constructor %}{% endblock %}
111{% block event_constructor %}{% endblock %}
112{# Special operations (methods) #}
113{% block indexed_property_getter %}{% endblock %}
114{% block indexed_property_getter_callback %}{% endblock %}
115{% block indexed_property_setter %}{% endblock %}
116{% block indexed_property_setter_callback %}{% endblock %}
117{% block indexed_property_deleter %}{% endblock %}
118{% block indexed_property_deleter_callback %}{% endblock %}
119{% block named_property_getter %}{% endblock %}
120{% block named_property_getter_callback %}{% endblock %}
121{% block named_property_setter %}{% endblock %}
122{% block named_property_setter_callback %}{% endblock %}
123{% block named_property_query %}{% endblock %}
124{% block named_property_query_callback %}{% endblock %}
125{% block named_property_deleter %}{% endblock %}
126{% block named_property_deleter_callback %}{% endblock %}
127{% block named_property_enumerator %}{% endblock %}
128{% block named_property_enumerator_callback %}{% endblock %}
129} // namespace {{cpp_class}}V8Internal
131{% block visit_dom_wrapper %}{% endblock %}
132{% block shadow_attributes %}{% endblock %}
133{% block install_attributes %}{% endblock %}
134{% block install_accessors %}{% endblock %}
135{% block install_methods %}{% endblock %}
136{% block named_constructor %}{% endblock %}
137{% block initialize_event %}{% endblock %}
138{% block constructor_callback %}{% endblock %}
139{% block configure_shadow_object_template %}{% endblock %}
140{% block install_dom_template %}{% endblock %}
141{% block get_dom_template %}{% endblock %}
142{% block has_instance %}{% endblock %}
143{% block to_native_with_type_check %}{% endblock %}
144{% block install_conditional_attributes %}{% endblock %}
145{% block install_conditional_methods %}{% endblock %}
146{% block to_active_dom_object %}{% endblock %}
147{% block to_event_target %}{% endblock %}
148{% block get_shadow_object_template %}{% endblock %}
149{% block wrap %}{% endblock %}
150{% block create_wrapper %}{% endblock %}
151{% block deref_object_and_to_v8_no_inline %}{% endblock %}
152{% for method in methods if method.is_implemented_in_private_script %}
154{% endfor %}
155{% for attribute in attributes if attribute.is_implemented_in_private_script %}
157{% if not attribute.is_read_only or attribute.put_forwards %}
159{% endif %}
160{% endfor %}
161} // namespace blink
162{% endfilter %}