1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6  'includes': [
7    'icu.gypi',
8    '../../native_client/build/untrusted.gypi',
9  ],
10  'target_defaults': {
11    'direct_dependent_settings': {
12      'defines': [
13        # Tell ICU to not insert |using namespace icu;| into its headers,
14        # so that chrome's source explicitly has to use |icu::|.
15        'U_USING_ICU_NAMESPACE=0',
16        # We don't use ICU plugins and dyload is only necessary for them.
17        # NaCl-related builds also fail looking for dlfcn.h when it's enabled.
18        'U_ENABLE_DYLOAD=0',
19      ],
20    },
21    'defines': [
24    ],
25    'include_dirs': [
26      'source/common',
27      'source/i18n',
28    ],
29    'pnacl_compile_flags': [
30      '-Wno-char-subscripts',
31      '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
32      '-Wno-header-hygiene',
33      '-Wno-logical-op-parentheses',
34      '-Wno-return-type-c-linkage',
35      '-Wno-switch',
36      '-Wno-tautological-compare',
37      '-Wno-unused-variable'
38    ],
39  },
40  'targets': [
41    {
42      'target_name': 'icudata_nacl',
43      'type': 'none',
44      'variables': {
45        'nlib_target': 'libicudata_nacl.a',
46        'build_glibc': 0,
47        'build_newlib': 0,
48        'build_pnacl_newlib': 1,
49      },
50      'sources': [
51        'source/stubdata/stubdata.c',
52        # Temporary work around for an incremental build NOT rebuilding 
53        # icudata_nacl after an ICU version change.
54        # TODO(jungshik): Remove it once a fix for bug 384752 is in.
55        'source/common/unicode/uvernum.h',
56      ],
57      'dependencies': [
58        '../../native_client/tools.gyp:prep_toolchain',
59      ],
60    },
61    {
62      'target_name': 'icui18n_nacl',
63      'type': 'none',
64      'variables': {
65        'nlib_target': 'libicui18n_nacl.a',
66        'build_glibc': 0,
67        'build_newlib': 0,
68        'build_pnacl_newlib': 1,
69      },
70      'sources': [
71        '<@(icui18n_sources)',
72      ],
73      'defines': [
74        'U_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION',
75      ],
76      'dependencies': [
77        '../../native_client/tools.gyp:prep_toolchain',
78        'icuuc_nacl',
79      ],
80      'direct_dependent_settings': {
81        'include_dirs': [
82          'source/i18n',
83        ],
84      },
85    },
86    {
87      'target_name': 'icuuc_nacl',
88      'type': 'none',
89      'variables': {
90        'nlib_target': 'libicuuc_nacl.a',
91        'build_glibc': 0,
92        'build_newlib': 0,
93        'build_pnacl_newlib': 1,
94      },
95      'sources': [
96        '<@(icuuc_sources)',
97      ],
98      'defines': [
100      ],
101      'dependencies': [
102        '../../native_client/tools.gyp:prep_toolchain',
103        'icudata_nacl',
104      ],
105      'direct_dependent_settings': {
106        'include_dirs': [
107          'source/common',
108        ],
109        'defines': [
111        ],
112      },
113    },
114  ],