3*   Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines
4*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
9* Modification History:
11*   Date        Name        Description
12*   02/19/97    aliu        Converted from java.
13*    07/21/98    stephen        Added getZoneIndex()
14*                            Changed to match C++ conventions
18#ifndef DTFMTSYM_H
19#define DTFMTSYM_H
21#include "unicode/utypes.h"
25#include "unicode/calendar.h"
26#include "unicode/uobject.h"
27#include "unicode/locid.h"
28#include "unicode/udat.h"
29#include "unicode/ures.h"
32 * \file
33 * \brief C++ API: Symbols for formatting dates.
34 */
38/* forward declaration */
39class SimpleDateFormat;
40class Hashtable;
43 * DateFormatSymbols is a public class for encapsulating localizable date-time
44 * formatting data -- including timezone data. DateFormatSymbols is used by
45 * DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat.
46 * <P>
47 * Rather than first creating a DateFormatSymbols to get a date-time formatter
48 * by using a SimpleDateFormat constructor, clients are encouraged to create a
49 * date-time formatter using the getTimeInstance(), getDateInstance(), or
50 * getDateTimeInstance() method in DateFormat. Each of these methods can return a
51 * date/time formatter initialized with a default format pattern along with the
52 * date-time formatting data for a given or default locale. After a formatter is
53 * created, clients may modify the format pattern using the setPattern function
54 * as so desired. For more information on using these formatter factory
55 * functions, see DateFormat.
56 * <P>
57 * If clients decide to create a date-time formatter with a particular format
58 * pattern and locale, they can do so with new SimpleDateFormat(aPattern,
59 * new DateFormatSymbols(aLocale)).  This will load the appropriate date-time
60 * formatting data from the locale.
61 * <P>
62 * DateFormatSymbols objects are clonable. When clients obtain a
63 * DateFormatSymbols object, they can feel free to modify the date-time
64 * formatting data as necessary. For instance, clients can
65 * replace the localized date-time format pattern characters with the ones that
66 * they feel easy to remember. Or they can change the representative cities
67 * originally picked by default to using their favorite ones.
68 * <P>
69 * DateFormatSymbols are not expected to be subclassed. Data for a calendar is
70 * loaded out of resource bundles.  The 'type' parameter indicates the type of
71 * calendar, for example, "gregorian" or "japanese".  If the type is not gregorian
72 * (or NULL, or an empty string) then the type is appended to the resource name,
73 * for example,  'Eras_japanese' instead of 'Eras'.   If the resource 'Eras_japanese' did
74 * not exist (even in root), then this class will fall back to just 'Eras', that is,
75 * Gregorian data.  Therefore, the calendar implementor MUST ensure that the root
76 * locale at least contains any resources that are to be particularized for the
77 * calendar type.
78 */
79class U_I18N_API DateFormatSymbols : public UObject {
81    /**
82     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
83     * resources for the default locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
84     * <P>
85     * NOTE: This constructor will never fail; if it cannot get resource
86     * data for the default locale, it will return a last-resort object
87     * based on hard-coded strings.
88     *
89     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
90     *                  results if the resources for the default cannot be
91     *                  found or cannot be loaded
92     * @stable ICU 2.0
93     */
94    DateFormatSymbols(UErrorCode& status);
96    /**
97     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
98     * resources for the given locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
99     *
100     * @param locale    Locale to load format data from.
101     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
102     *                  results if the resources for the locale cannot be
103     *                  found or cannot be loaded
104     * @stable ICU 2.0
105     */
106    DateFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale,
107                      UErrorCode& status);
110    /**
111     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
112     * resources for the default locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
113     * <P>
114     * NOTE: This constructor will never fail; if it cannot get resource
115     * data for the default locale, it will return a last-resort object
116     * based on hard-coded strings.
117     *
118     * @param type      Type of calendar (as returned by Calendar::getType).
119     *                  Will be used to access the correct set of strings.
120     *                  (NULL or empty string defaults to "gregorian".)
121     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
122     *                  results if the resources for the default cannot be
123     *                  found or cannot be loaded
124     * @internal
125     */
126    DateFormatSymbols(const char *type, UErrorCode& status);
128    /**
129     * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from
130     * resources for the given locale, in the default calendar (Gregorian).
131     *
132     * @param locale    Locale to load format data from.
133     * @param type      Type of calendar (as returned by Calendar::getType).
134     *                  Will be used to access the correct set of strings.
135     *                  (NULL or empty string defaults to "gregorian".)
136     * @param status    Status code.  Failure
137     *                  results if the resources for the locale cannot be
138     *                  found or cannot be loaded
139     * @internal
140     */
141    DateFormatSymbols(const Locale& locale,
142                      const char *type,
143                      UErrorCode& status);
144#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
146    /**
147     * Copy constructor.
148     * @stable ICU 2.0
149     */
150    DateFormatSymbols(const DateFormatSymbols&);
152    /**
153     * Assignment operator.
154     * @stable ICU 2.0
155     */
156    DateFormatSymbols& operator=(const DateFormatSymbols&);
158    /**
159     * Destructor. This is nonvirtual because this class is not designed to be
160     * subclassed.
161     * @stable ICU 2.0
162     */
163    virtual ~DateFormatSymbols();
165    /**
166     * Return true if another object is semantically equal to this one.
167     *
168     * @param other    the DateFormatSymbols object to be compared with.
169     * @return         true if other is semantically equal to this.
170     * @stable ICU 2.0
171     */
172    UBool operator==(const DateFormatSymbols& other) const;
174    /**
175     * Return true if another object is semantically unequal to this one.
176     *
177     * @param other    the DateFormatSymbols object to be compared with.
178     * @return         true if other is semantically unequal to this.
179     * @stable ICU 2.0
180     */
181    UBool operator!=(const DateFormatSymbols& other) const { return !operator==(other); }
183    /**
184     * Gets abbreviated era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
185     *
186     * @param count    Filled in with length of the array.
187     * @return         the era strings.
188     * @stable ICU 2.0
189     */
190    const UnicodeString* getEras(int32_t& count) const;
192    /**
193     * Sets abbreviated era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
194     * @param eras  Array of era strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
195     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
196     * @stable ICU 2.0
197     */
198    void setEras(const UnicodeString* eras, int32_t count);
200    /**
201     * Gets era name strings. For example: "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ".
202     *
203     * @param count    Filled in with length of the array.
204     * @return         the era name strings.
205     * @stable ICU 3.4
206     */
207    const UnicodeString* getEraNames(int32_t& count) const;
209    /**
210     * Sets era name strings. For example: "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ".
211     * @param eraNames  Array of era name strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
212     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
213     * @stable ICU 3.6
214     */
215    void setEraNames(const UnicodeString* eraNames, int32_t count);
217    /**
218     * Gets narrow era strings. For example: "A" and "B".
219     *
220     * @param count    Filled in with length of the array.
221     * @return         the narrow era strings.
222     * @stable ICU 4.2
223     */
224    const UnicodeString* getNarrowEras(int32_t& count) const;
226    /**
227     * Sets narrow era strings. For example: "A" and "B".
228     * @param narrowEras  Array of narrow era strings (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
229     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
230     * @stable ICU 4.2
231     */
232    void setNarrowEras(const UnicodeString* narrowEras, int32_t count);
234    /**
235     * Gets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
236     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
237     * @return the month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
238     * @stable ICU 2.0
239     */
240    const UnicodeString* getMonths(int32_t& count) const;
242    /**
243     * Sets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
244     *
245     * @param months    the new month strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
246     * @param count     Filled in with length of the array.
247     * @stable ICU 2.0
248     */
249    void setMonths(const UnicodeString* months, int32_t count);
251    /**
252     * Gets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
253     *
254     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
255     * @return the short month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
256     * @stable ICU 2.0
257     */
258    const UnicodeString* getShortMonths(int32_t& count) const;
260    /**
261     * Sets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
262     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
263     * @param shortMonths  the new short month strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
264     * @stable ICU 2.0
265     */
266    void setShortMonths(const UnicodeString* shortMonths, int32_t count);
268    /**
269     * Selector for date formatting context
270     * @stable ICU 3.6
271     */
272    enum DtContextType {
273         FORMAT,
274         STANDALONE,
275         DT_CONTEXT_COUNT
276    };
278    /**
279     * Selector for date formatting width
280     * @stable ICU 3.6
281     */
282    enum DtWidthType {
283         ABBREVIATED,
284         WIDE,
285         NARROW,
286#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
287         /**
288          * Short width is currently only supported for weekday names.
289          * @draft ICU 51
290          */
291         SHORT,
292#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
293         /**
294          */
295         DT_WIDTH_COUNT = 4
296    };
298    /**
299     * Gets month strings by width and context. For example: "January", "February", etc.
300     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
301     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
302     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, or NARROW.
303     * @return the month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
304     * @stable ICU 3.4
305     */
306    const UnicodeString* getMonths(int32_t& count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
308    /**
309     * Sets month strings by width and context. For example: "January", "February", etc.
310     *
311     * @param months  The new month strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
312     * @param count   Filled in with length of the array.
313     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
314     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, or NARROW.
315     * @stable ICU 3.6
316     */
317    void setMonths(const UnicodeString* months, int32_t count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
319    /**
320     * Gets wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
321     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
322     * @return the weekday strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
323     * @stable ICU 2.0
324     */
325    const UnicodeString* getWeekdays(int32_t& count) const;
328    /**
329     * Sets wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
330     * @param weekdays     the new weekday strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
331     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
332     * @stable ICU 2.0
333     */
334    void setWeekdays(const UnicodeString* weekdays, int32_t count);
336    /**
337     * Gets abbreviated weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. (Note: The method name is
338     * misleading; it does not get the CLDR-style "short" weekday strings, e.g. "Su", "Mo", etc.)
339     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
340     * @return             the abbreviated weekday strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
341     * @stable ICU 2.0
342     */
343    const UnicodeString* getShortWeekdays(int32_t& count) const;
345    /**
346     * Sets abbreviated weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. (Note: The method name is
347     * misleading; it does not set the CLDR-style "short" weekday strings, e.g. "Su", "Mo", etc.)
348     * @param abbrevWeekdays  the new abbreviated weekday strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
349     * @param count           Filled in with length of the array.
350     * @stable ICU 2.0
351     */
352    void setShortWeekdays(const UnicodeString* abbrevWeekdays, int32_t count);
354    /**
355     * Gets weekday strings by width and context. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
356     * @param count   Filled in with length of the array.
357     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
358     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, SHORT, or NARROW
359     * @return the month strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
360     * @stable ICU 3.4
361     */
362    const UnicodeString* getWeekdays(int32_t& count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
364    /**
365     * Sets weekday strings by width and context. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
366     * @param weekdays  The new weekday strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
367     * @param count     Filled in with length of the array.
368     * @param context   The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
369     * @param width     The width of returned strings, either WIDE, ABBREVIATED, SHORT, or NARROW
370     * @stable ICU 3.6
371     */
372    void setWeekdays(const UnicodeString* weekdays, int32_t count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
374    /**
375     * Gets quarter strings by width and context. For example: "1st Quarter", "2nd Quarter", etc.
376     * @param count Filled in with length of the array.
377     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
378     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE or ABBREVIATED. There
379     *                are no NARROW quarters.
380     * @return the quarter strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
381     * @stable ICU 3.6
382     */
383    const UnicodeString* getQuarters(int32_t& count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width) const;
385    /**
386     * Sets quarter strings by width and context. For example: "1st Quarter", "2nd Quarter", etc.
387     *
388     * @param quarters  The new quarter strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
389     * @param count   Filled in with length of the array.
390     * @param context The formatting context, either FORMAT or STANDALONE
391     * @param width   The width of returned strings, either WIDE or ABBREVIATED. There
392     *                are no NARROW quarters.
393     * @stable ICU 3.6
394     */
395    void setQuarters(const UnicodeString* quarters, int32_t count, DtContextType context, DtWidthType width);
397    /**
398     * Gets AM/PM strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
399     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
400     * @return             the weekday strings. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
401     * @stable ICU 2.0
402     */
403    const UnicodeString* getAmPmStrings(int32_t& count) const;
405    /**
406     * Sets ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
407     * @param ampms        the new ampm strings. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
408     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array.
409     * @stable ICU 2.0
410     */
411    void setAmPmStrings(const UnicodeString* ampms, int32_t count);
414    /**
415     * Somewhat temporary constants for leap month pattern types, adequate for supporting
416     * just leap month patterns as needed for Chinese lunar calendar.
417     * Eventually we will add full support for different month pattern types (needed for
418     * other calendars such as Hindu) at which point this approach will be replaced by a
419     * more complete approach.
420     * @internal
421     */
422    enum EMonthPatternType
423    {
424        kLeapMonthPatternFormatWide,
425        kLeapMonthPatternFormatAbbrev,
426        kLeapMonthPatternFormatNarrow,
427        kLeapMonthPatternStandaloneWide,
428        kLeapMonthPatternStandaloneAbbrev,
429        kLeapMonthPatternStandaloneNarrow,
430        kLeapMonthPatternNumeric,
431        kMonthPatternsCount
432    };
434    /**
435     * Somewhat temporary function for getting complete set of leap month patterns for all
436     * contexts & widths, indexed by EMonthPatternType values. Returns NULL if calendar
437     * does not have leap month patterns. Note, there is currently no setter for this.
438     * Eventually we will add full support for different month pattern types (needed for
439     * other calendars such as Hindu) at which point this approach will be replaced by a
440     * more complete approach.
441     * @param count        Filled in with length of the array (may be 0).
442     * @return             The leap month patterns (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership).
443     *                     May be NULL if there are no leap month patterns for this calendar.
444     * @internal
445     */
446    const UnicodeString* getLeapMonthPatterns(int32_t& count) const;
448#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
451    /**
452     * Gets timezone strings. These strings are stored in a 2-dimensional array.
453     * @param rowCount      Output param to receive number of rows.
454     * @param columnCount   Output param to receive number of columns.
455     * @return              The timezone strings as a 2-d array. (DateFormatSymbols retains ownership.)
456     * @deprecated ICU 3.6
457     */
458    const UnicodeString** getZoneStrings(int32_t& rowCount, int32_t& columnCount) const;
459#endif  /* U_HIDE_DEPRECATED_API */
461    /**
462     * Sets timezone strings. These strings are stored in a 2-dimensional array.
463     * <p><b>Note:</b> SimpleDateFormat no longer use the zone strings stored in
464     * a DateFormatSymbols. Therefore, the time zone strings set by this mthod
465     * have no effects in an instance of SimpleDateFormat for formatting time
466     * zones.
467     * @param strings       The timezone strings as a 2-d array to be copied. (not adopted; caller retains ownership)
468     * @param rowCount      The number of rows (count of first index).
469     * @param columnCount   The number of columns (count of second index).
470     * @stable ICU 2.0
471     */
472    void setZoneStrings(const UnicodeString* const* strings, int32_t rowCount, int32_t columnCount);
474    /**
475     * Get the non-localized date-time pattern characters.
476     * @return    the non-localized date-time pattern characters
477     * @stable ICU 2.0
478     */
479    static const UChar * U_EXPORT2 getPatternUChars(void);
481    /**
482     * Gets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc.
483     * <p>
484     * Note: ICU no longer provides localized date-time pattern characters for a locale
485     * starting ICU 3.8.  This method returns the non-localized date-time pattern
486     * characters unless user defined localized data is set by setLocalPatternChars.
487     * @param result    Output param which will receive the localized date-time pattern characters.
488     * @return          A reference to 'result'.
489     * @stable ICU 2.0
490     */
491    UnicodeString& getLocalPatternChars(UnicodeString& result) const;
493    /**
494     * Sets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc.
495     * @param newLocalPatternChars the new localized date-time
496     * pattern characters.
497     * @stable ICU 2.0
498     */
499    void setLocalPatternChars(const UnicodeString& newLocalPatternChars);
501    /**
502     * Returns the locale for this object. Two flavors are available:
503     * valid and actual locale.
504     * @stable ICU 2.8
505     */
506    Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode& status) const;
508    /**
509     * Constants for capitalization context usage types.
510     * @internal
511     */
512    enum ECapitalizationContextUsageType
513    {
514        kCapContextUsageOther,
515        kCapContextUsageMonthFormat,     /* except narrow */
516        kCapContextUsageMonthStandalone, /* except narrow */
517        kCapContextUsageMonthNarrow,
518        kCapContextUsageDayFormat,     /* except narrow */
519        kCapContextUsageDayStandalone, /* except narrow */
520        kCapContextUsageDayNarrow,
521        kCapContextUsageEraWide,
522        kCapContextUsageEraAbbrev,
523        kCapContextUsageEraNarrow,
524        kCapContextUsageZoneLong,
525        kCapContextUsageZoneShort,
526        kCapContextUsageMetazoneLong,
527        kCapContextUsageMetazoneShort,
528        kCapContextUsageTypeCount
529    };
531    /**
532     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
533     *
534     * @stable ICU 2.2
535     */
536    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
538    /**
539     * ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
540     *
541     * @stable ICU 2.2
542     */
543    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
547    friend class SimpleDateFormat;
548    friend class DateFormatSymbolsSingleSetter; // see udat.cpp
550    /**
551     * Abbreviated era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC".
552     */
553    UnicodeString*  fEras;
554    int32_t         fErasCount;
556    /**
557     * Era name strings. For example: "Anno Domini" and "Before Christ".
558     */
559    UnicodeString*  fEraNames;
560    int32_t         fEraNamesCount;
562    /**
563     * Narrow era strings. For example: "A" and "B".
564     */
565    UnicodeString*  fNarrowEras;
566    int32_t         fNarrowErasCount;
568    /**
569     * Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
570     */
571    UnicodeString*  fMonths;
572    int32_t         fMonthsCount;
574    /**
575     * Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
576     */
577    UnicodeString*  fShortMonths;
578    int32_t         fShortMonthsCount;
580    /**
581     * Narrow month strings. For example: "J", "F", etc.
582     */
583    UnicodeString*  fNarrowMonths;
584    int32_t         fNarrowMonthsCount;
586    /**
587     * Standalone Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc.
588     */
589    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneMonths;
590    int32_t         fStandaloneMonthsCount;
592    /**
593     * Standalone Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc.
594     */
595    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneShortMonths;
596    int32_t         fStandaloneShortMonthsCount;
598    /**
599     * Standalone Narrow month strings. For example: "J", "F", etc.
600     */
601    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneNarrowMonths;
602    int32_t         fStandaloneNarrowMonthsCount;
604    /**
605     * CLDR-style format wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
606     */
607    UnicodeString*  fWeekdays;
608    int32_t         fWeekdaysCount;
610    /**
611     * CLDR-style format abbreviated (not short) weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
612     */
613    UnicodeString*  fShortWeekdays;
614    int32_t         fShortWeekdaysCount;
616    /**
617     * CLDR-style format short weekday strings. For example: "Su", "Mo", etc.
618     */
619    UnicodeString*  fShorterWeekdays;
620    int32_t         fShorterWeekdaysCount;
622    /**
623     * CLDR-style format narrow weekday strings. For example: "S", "M", etc.
624     */
625    UnicodeString*  fNarrowWeekdays;
626    int32_t         fNarrowWeekdaysCount;
628    /**
629     * CLDR-style standalone wide weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc.
630     */
631    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneWeekdays;
632    int32_t         fStandaloneWeekdaysCount;
634    /**
635     * CLDR-style standalone abbreviated (not short) weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
636     */
637    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneShortWeekdays;
638    int32_t         fStandaloneShortWeekdaysCount;
640    /**
641     * CLDR-style standalone short weekday strings. For example: "Su", "Mo", etc.
642     */
643    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneShorterWeekdays;
644    int32_t         fStandaloneShorterWeekdaysCount;
646    /**
647     * Standalone Narrow weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc.
648     */
649    UnicodeString*  fStandaloneNarrowWeekdays;
650    int32_t         fStandaloneNarrowWeekdaysCount;
652    /**
653     * Ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM".
654     */
655    UnicodeString*  fAmPms;
656    int32_t         fAmPmsCount;
658    /**
659     * Quarter strings. For example: "1st quarter", "2nd quarter", etc.
660     */
661    UnicodeString  *fQuarters;
662    int32_t         fQuartersCount;
664    /**
665     * Short quarters. For example: "Q1", "Q2", etc.
666     */
667    UnicodeString  *fShortQuarters;
668    int32_t         fShortQuartersCount;
670    /**
671     * Standalone quarter strings. For example: "1st quarter", "2nd quarter", etc.
672     */
673    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneQuarters;
674    int32_t         fStandaloneQuartersCount;
676    /**
677     * Standalone short quarter strings. For example: "Q1", "Q2", etc.
678     */
679    UnicodeString  *fStandaloneShortQuarters;
680    int32_t         fStandaloneShortQuartersCount;
682    /**
683     * All leap month patterns, for example "{0}bis".
684     */
685    UnicodeString  *fLeapMonthPatterns;
686    int32_t         fLeapMonthPatternsCount;
688    /**
689     * (Format) Short cyclic year names, for example: "jia-zi", "yi-chou", ... "gui-hai"
690     */
691    UnicodeString*  fShortYearNames;
692    int32_t         fShortYearNamesCount;
694    /**
695     * Localized names of time zones in this locale.  This is a
696     * two-dimensional array of strings of size n by m,
697     * where m is at least 5 and up to 7.  Each of the n rows is an
698     * entry containing the localized names for a single TimeZone.
699     *
700     * Each such row contains (with i ranging from 0..n-1):
701     *
702     * zoneStrings[i][0] - time zone ID
703     *  example: America/Los_Angeles
704     * zoneStrings[i][1] - long name of zone in standard time
705     *  example: Pacific Standard Time
706     * zoneStrings[i][2] - short name of zone in standard time
707     *  example: PST
708     * zoneStrings[i][3] - long name of zone in daylight savings time
709     *  example: Pacific Daylight Time
710     * zoneStrings[i][4] - short name of zone in daylight savings time
711     *  example: PDT
712     * zoneStrings[i][5] - location name of zone
713     *  example: United States (Los Angeles)
714     * zoneStrings[i][6] - long generic name of zone
715     *  example: Pacific Time
716     * zoneStrings[i][7] - short generic of zone
717     *  example: PT
718     *
719     * The zone ID is not localized; it corresponds to the ID
720     * value associated with a system time zone object.  All other entries
721     * are localized names.  If a zone does not implement daylight savings
722     * time, the daylight savings time names are ignored.
723     *
724     * Note:CLDR 1.5 introduced metazone and its historical mappings.
725     * This simple two-dimensional array is no longer sufficient to represent
726     * localized names and its historic changes.  Since ICU 3.8.1, localized
727     * zone names extracted from ICU locale data is stored in a ZoneStringFormat
728     * instance.  But we still need to support the old way of customizing
729     * localized zone names, so we keep this field for the purpose.
730     */
731    UnicodeString   **fZoneStrings;         // Zone string array set by setZoneStrings
732    UnicodeString   **fLocaleZoneStrings;   // Zone string array created by the locale
733    int32_t         fZoneStringsRowCount;
734    int32_t         fZoneStringsColCount;
736    Locale                  fZSFLocale;         // Locale used for getting ZoneStringFormat
738    /**
739     * Localized date-time pattern characters. For example: use 'u' as 'y'.
740     */
741    UnicodeString   fLocalPatternChars;
743    /**
744     * Capitalization transforms. For each usage type, the first array element indicates
745     * whether to titlecase for uiListOrMenu context, the second indicates whether to
746     * titlecase for stand-alone context.
747     */
748     UBool fCapitalization[kCapContextUsageTypeCount][2];
751    /** valid/actual locale information
752     *  these are always ICU locales, so the length should not be a problem
753     */
754    char validLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
755    char actualLocale[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
757    DateFormatSymbols(); // default constructor not implemented
759    /**
760     * Called by the constructors to actually load data from the resources
761     *
762     * @param locale               The locale to get symbols for.
763     * @param type                 Calendar Type (as from Calendar::getType())
764     * @param status               Input/output parameter, set to success or
765     *                             failure code upon return.
766     * @param useLastResortData    determine if use last resort data
767     */
768    void initializeData(const Locale& locale, const char *type, UErrorCode& status, UBool useLastResortData = FALSE);
770    /**
771     * Copy or alias an array in another object, as appropriate.
772     *
773     * @param dstArray    the copy destination array.
774     * @param dstCount    fill in with the lenth of 'dstArray'.
775     * @param srcArray    the source array to be copied.
776     * @param srcCount    the length of items to be copied from the 'srcArray'.
777     */
778    static void assignArray(UnicodeString*& dstArray,
779                            int32_t& dstCount,
780                            const UnicodeString* srcArray,
781                            int32_t srcCount);
783    /**
784     * Return true if the given arrays' contents are equal, or if the arrays are
785     * identical (pointers are equal).
786     *
787     * @param array1   one array to be compared with.
788     * @param array2   another array to be compared with.
789     * @param count    the length of items to be copied.
790     * @return         true if the given arrays' contents are equal, or if the arrays are
791     *                 identical (pointers are equal).
792     */
793    static UBool arrayCompare(const UnicodeString* array1,
794                             const UnicodeString* array2,
795                             int32_t count);
797    /**
798     * Create a copy, in fZoneStrings, of the given zone strings array. The
799     * member variables fZoneStringsRowCount and fZoneStringsColCount should be
800     * set already by the caller.
801     */
802    void createZoneStrings(const UnicodeString *const * otherStrings);
804    /**
805     * Delete all the storage owned by this object.
806     */
807    void dispose(void);
809    /**
810     * Copy all of the other's data to this.
811     * @param other the object to be copied.
812     */
813    void copyData(const DateFormatSymbols& other);
815    /**
816     * Create zone strings array by locale if not yet available
817     */
818    void initZoneStringsArray(void);
820    /**
821     * Delete just the zone strings.
822     */
823    void disposeZoneStrings(void);
825    /**
826     * Returns the date format field index of the pattern character c,
827     * or UDAT_FIELD_COUNT if c is not a pattern character.
828     */
829    static UDateFormatField U_EXPORT2 getPatternCharIndex(UChar c);
831    /**
832     * Returns TRUE if f (with its pattern character repeated count times) is a numeric field.
833     */
834    static UBool U_EXPORT2 isNumericField(UDateFormatField f, int32_t count);
836    /**
837     * Returns TRUE if c (repeated count times) is the pattern character for a numeric field.
838     */
839    static UBool U_EXPORT2 isNumericPatternChar(UChar c, int32_t count);
844#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
846#endif // _DTFMTSYM