1// libjingle
2// Copyright 2004 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
4// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
7//  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
8//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9//  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
10//     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
11//     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
12//  3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
13//     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
29#include <string>
30#include <vector>
32#include "talk/media/base/fakenetworkinterface.h"
33#include "talk/media/base/fakevideocapturer.h"
34#include "talk/media/base/fakevideorenderer.h"
35#include "talk/media/base/mediachannel.h"
36#include "talk/media/base/streamparams.h"
37#include "webrtc/base/bytebuffer.h"
38#include "webrtc/base/gunit.h"
39#include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h"
41#ifdef WIN32
42#include <objbase.h>  // NOLINT
45#define EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(c, w, h, t) \
46  EXPECT_EQ_WAIT((c), renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), (t)); \
47  EXPECT_EQ((w), renderer_.width()); \
48  EXPECT_EQ((h), renderer_.height()); \
49  EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.errors()); \
51#define EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT(r, c, w, h, t) \
52  EXPECT_EQ_WAIT((c), (r).num_rendered_frames(), (t)); \
53  EXPECT_EQ((w), (r).width()); \
54  EXPECT_EQ((h), (r).height()); \
55  EXPECT_EQ(0, (r).errors()); \
57#define EXPECT_GT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT(r, c, w, h, t) \
58  EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT((r).num_rendered_frames() >= (c) && \
59                   (w) == (r).width() && \
60                   (h) == (r).height(), (t)); \
61  EXPECT_EQ(0, (r).errors()); \
63static const uint32 kTimeout = 5000U;
64static const uint32 kDefaultReceiveSsrc = 0;
65static const uint32 kSsrc = 1234u;
66static const uint32 kRtxSsrc = 4321u;
67static const uint32 kSsrcs4[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
69inline bool IsEqualRes(const cricket::VideoCodec& a, int w, int h, int fps) {
70  return a.width == w && a.height == h && a.framerate == fps;
73inline bool IsEqualCodec(const cricket::VideoCodec& a,
74                         const cricket::VideoCodec& b) {
75  return a.id == b.id && a.name == b.name &&
76      IsEqualRes(a, b.width, b.height, b.framerate);
79namespace std {
80inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const cricket::VideoCodec& c) {
81  s << "{" << c.name << "(" << c.id << "), "
82    << c.width << "x" << c.height << "x" << c.framerate << "}";
83  return s;
85}  // namespace std
87inline int TimeBetweenSend(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
88  return static_cast<int>(
89      cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate) /
90      rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec);
93// Fake video engine that makes it possible to test enabling and disabling
94// capturer (checking that the engine state is updated and that the capturer
95// is indeed capturing) without having to create a channel. It also makes it
96// possible to test that the media processors are indeed being called when
97// registered.
98template<class T>
99class VideoEngineOverride : public T {
100 public:
101  VideoEngineOverride() {
102  }
103  virtual ~VideoEngineOverride() {
104  }
105  bool is_camera_on() const { return T::GetVideoCapturer()->IsRunning(); }
106  void set_has_senders(bool has_senders) {
107    cricket::VideoCapturer* video_capturer = T::GetVideoCapturer();
108    if (has_senders) {
109      video_capturer->SignalVideoFrame.connect(this,
110          &VideoEngineOverride<T>::OnLocalFrame);
111    } else {
112      video_capturer->SignalVideoFrame.disconnect(this);
113    }
114  }
115  void OnLocalFrame(cricket::VideoCapturer*,
116                    const cricket::VideoFrame*) {
117  }
118  void OnLocalFrameFormat(cricket::VideoCapturer*,
119                          const cricket::VideoFormat*) {
120  }
122  void TriggerMediaFrame(
123      uint32 ssrc, cricket::VideoFrame* frame, bool* drop_frame) {
124    T::SignalMediaFrame(ssrc, frame, drop_frame);
125  }
128// Macroes that declare test functions for a given test class, before and after
129// Init().
130// To use, define a test function called FooBody and pass Foo to the macro.
131#define TEST_PRE_VIDEOENGINE_INIT(TestClass, func) \
132  TEST_F(TestClass, func##PreInit) { \
133    func##Body(); \
134  }
135#define TEST_POST_VIDEOENGINE_INIT(TestClass, func) \
136  TEST_F(TestClass, func##PostInit) { \
137    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(rtc::Thread::Current())); \
138    func##Body(); \
139    engine_.Terminate(); \
140  }
142template<class E>
143class VideoEngineTest : public testing::Test {
144 protected:
145  // Tests starting and stopping the engine, and creating a channel.
146  void StartupShutdown() {
147    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(rtc::Thread::Current()));
148    cricket::VideoMediaChannel* channel = engine_.CreateChannel(NULL);
149    EXPECT_TRUE(channel != NULL);
150    delete channel;
151    engine_.Terminate();
152  }
154#ifdef WIN32
155  // Tests that the COM reference count is not munged by the engine.
156  // Test to make sure LMI does not munge the CoInitialize reference count.
157  void CheckCoInitialize() {
158    // Initial refcount should be 0.
161    // Engine should start even with COM already inited.
162    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(rtc::Thread::Current()));
163    engine_.Terminate();
164    // Refcount after terminate should be 1; this tests if it is nonzero.
166    // Decrement refcount to (hopefully) 0.
167    CoUninitialize();
168    CoUninitialize();
170    // Ensure refcount is 0.
172    CoUninitialize();
173  }
176  void ConstrainNewCodecBody() {
177    cricket::VideoCodec empty, in, out;
178    cricket::VideoCodec max_settings(engine_.codecs()[0].id,
179                                     engine_.codecs()[0].name,
180                                     1280, 800, 30, 0);
182    // set max settings of 1280x800x30
183    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig(
184        cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings)));
186    // don't constrain the max resolution
187    in = max_settings;
188    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
189    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
191    // constrain resolution greater than the max and wider aspect,
192    // picking best aspect (16:10)
193    in.width = 1380;
194    in.height = 800;
195    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
196    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30);
198    // constrain resolution greater than the max and narrow aspect,
199    // picking best aspect (16:9)
200    in.width = 1280;
201    in.height = 740;
202    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
203    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30);
205    // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (4:3)
206    in.width = 1280;
207    in.height = 960;
208    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
209    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30);
211    // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (16:10)
212    in.width = 1280;
213    in.height = 800;
214    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
215    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30);
217    // reduce max settings to 640x480x30
218    max_settings.width = 640;
219    max_settings.height = 480;
220    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig(
221        cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings)));
223    // don't constrain the max resolution
224    in = max_settings;
225    in.width = 640;
226    in.height = 480;
227    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
228    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
230    // keep 16:10 if they request it
231    in.height = 400;
232    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
233    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
235    // don't constrain lesser 4:3 resolutions
236    in.width = 320;
237    in.height = 240;
238    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
239    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
241    // don't constrain lesser 16:10 resolutions
242    in.width = 320;
243    in.height = 200;
244    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
245    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
247    // requested resolution of 0x0 succeeds
248    in.width = 0;
249    in.height = 0;
250    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
251    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
253    // constrain resolution lesser than the max and wider aspect,
254    // picking best aspect (16:9)
255    in.width = 350;
256    in.height = 201;
257    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
258    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 320, 180, 30);
260    // constrain resolution greater than the max and narrow aspect,
261    // picking best aspect (4:3)
262    in.width = 350;
263    in.height = 300;
264    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
265    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 320, 240, 30);
267    // constrain resolution greater than the max and wider aspect,
268    // picking best aspect (16:9)
269    in.width = 1380;
270    in.height = 800;
271    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
272    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 360, 30);
274    // constrain resolution greater than the max and narrow aspect,
275    // picking best aspect (4:3)
276    in.width = 1280;
277    in.height = 900;
278    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
279    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 480, 30);
281    // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (4:3)
282    in.width = 1280;
283    in.height = 960;
284    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
285    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 480, 30);
287    // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (16:10)
288    in.width = 1280;
289    in.height = 800;
290    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
291    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30);
293    // constrain res & fps greater than the max
294    in.framerate = 50;
295    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
296    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30);
298    // reduce max settings to 160x100x10
299    max_settings.width = 160;
300    max_settings.height = 100;
301    max_settings.framerate = 10;
302    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig(
303        cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings)));
305    // constrain res & fps to new max
306    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
307    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 160, 100, 10);
309    // allow 4:3 "comparable" resolutions
310    in.width = 160;
311    in.height = 120;
312    in.framerate = 10;
313    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
314    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 160, 120, 10);
315  }
317  // This is the new way of constraining codec size, where we no longer maintain
318  // a list of the supported formats. Instead, CanSendCodec will just downscale
319  // the resolution by 2 until the width is below clamp.
320  void ConstrainNewCodec2Body() {
321    cricket::VideoCodec empty, in, out;
322    cricket::VideoCodec max_settings(engine_.codecs()[0].id,
323                                     engine_.codecs()[0].name,
324                                     1280, 800, 30, 0);
326    // Set max settings of 1280x800x30
327    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig(
328        cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings)));
330    // Don't constrain the max resolution
331    in = max_settings;
332    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
333    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
335    // Constrain resolution greater than the max width.
336    in.width = 1380;
337    in.height = 800;
338    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
339    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 690, 400, 30);
341    // Don't constrain resolution when only the height is greater than max.
342    in.width = 960;
343    in.height = 1280;
344    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
345    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 960, 1280, 30);
347    // Don't constrain smaller format.
348    in.width = 640;
349    in.height = 480;
350    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out));
351    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 480, 30);
352  }
354  void ConstrainRunningCodecBody() {
355    cricket::VideoCodec in, out, current;
356    cricket::VideoCodec max_settings(engine_.codecs()[0].id,
357                                     engine_.codecs()[0].name,
358                                     1280, 800, 30, 0);
360    // set max settings of 1280x960x30
361    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig(
362        cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings)));
364    // establish current call at 1280x800x30 (16:10)
365    current = max_settings;
366    current.height = 800;
368    // Don't constrain current resolution
369    in = current;
370    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
371    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
373    // requested resolution of 0x0 succeeds
374    in.width = 0;
375    in.height = 0;
376    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
377    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
379    // Reduce an intermediate resolution down to the next lowest one, preserving
380    // aspect ratio.
381    in.width = 800;
382    in.height = 600;
383    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
384    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30);
386    // Clamping by aspect ratio, but still never return a dimension higher than
387    // requested.
388    in.width = 1280;
389    in.height = 720;
390    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
391    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30);
393    in.width = 1279;
394    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
395    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 960, 600, 30);
397    in.width = 1281;
398    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
399    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30);
401    // Clamp large resolutions down, always preserving aspect
402    in.width = 1920;
403    in.height = 1080;
404    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
405    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30);
407    in.width = 1921;
408    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
409    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30);
411    in.width = 1919;
412    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
413    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30);
415    // reduce max settings to 640x480x30
416    max_settings.width = 640;
417    max_settings.height = 480;
418    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig(
419        cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings)));
421    // establish current call at 640x400x30 (16:10)
422    current = max_settings;
423    current.height = 400;
425    // Don't constrain current resolution
426    in = current;
427    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
428    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
430    // requested resolution of 0x0 succeeds
431    in.width = 0;
432    in.height = 0;
433    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
434    EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in);
436    // Reduce an intermediate resolution down to the next lowest one, preserving
437    // aspect ratio.
438    in.width = 400;
439    in.height = 300;
440    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
441    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 320, 200, 30);
443    // Clamping by aspect ratio, but still never return a dimension higher than
444    // requested.
445    in.width = 640;
446    in.height = 360;
447    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
448    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 360, 30);
450    in.width = 639;
451    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
452    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 480, 300, 30);
454    in.width = 641;
455    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
456    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 360, 30);
458    // Clamp large resolutions down, always preserving aspect
459    in.width = 1280;
460    in.height = 800;
461    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
462    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30);
464    in.width = 1281;
465    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
466    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30);
468    in.width = 1279;
469    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
470    EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30);
472    // Should fail for any that are smaller than our supported formats
473    in.width = 80;
474    in.height = 80;
475    EXPECT_FALSE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
477    in.height = 50;
478    EXPECT_FALSE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out));
479  }
481  VideoEngineOverride<E> engine_;
482  rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> video_capturer_;
485template<class E, class C>
486class VideoMediaChannelTest : public testing::Test,
487                              public sigslot::has_slots<> {
488 protected:
489  virtual cricket::VideoCodec DefaultCodec() = 0;
491  virtual cricket::StreamParams DefaultSendStreamParams() {
492    return cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc);
493  }
495  virtual void SetUp() {
496    cricket::Device device("test", "device");
497    EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(rtc::Thread::Current()));
498    channel_.reset(engine_.CreateChannel(NULL));
499    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_.get() != NULL);
500    ConnectVideoChannelError();
501    network_interface_.SetDestination(channel_.get());
502    channel_->SetInterface(&network_interface_);
503    media_error_ = cricket::VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_NONE;
504    channel_->SetRecvCodecs(engine_.codecs());
505    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(DefaultSendStreamParams()));
506    video_capturer_.reset(CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
507    cricket::VideoFormat format(640, 480,
508                                cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30),
509                                cricket::FOURCC_I420);
510    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_->Start(format));
511    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, video_capturer_.get()));
512  }
514  virtual cricket::FakeVideoCapturer* CreateFakeVideoCapturer() {
515    return new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer();
516  }
518  // Utility method to setup an additional stream to send and receive video.
519  // Used to test send and recv between two streams.
520  void SetUpSecondStream() {
521    SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv();
522    // Setup recv for second stream.
523    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
524        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2)));
525    // Make the second renderer available for use by a new stream.
526    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_));
527  }
528  // Setup an additional stream just to send video. Defer add recv stream.
529  // This is required if you want to test unsignalled recv of video rtp packets.
530  void SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv() {
531    // SetUp() already added kSsrc make sure duplicate SSRCs cant be added.
532    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
533        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
534    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer_));
535    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddSendStream(
536        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
537    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
538        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2)));
539    // We dont add recv for the second stream.
541    // Setup the receive and renderer for second stream after send.
542    video_capturer_2_.reset(CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
543    cricket::VideoFormat format(640, 480,
544                                cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30),
545                                cricket::FOURCC_I420);
546    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_2_->Start(format));
548    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc + 2, video_capturer_2_.get()));
549  }
550  virtual void TearDown() {
551    channel_.reset();
552    engine_.Terminate();
553  }
554  void ConnectVideoChannelError() {
555    channel_->SignalMediaError.connect(this,
556        &VideoMediaChannelTest<E, C>::OnVideoChannelError);
557  }
558  bool SetDefaultCodec() {
559    return SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec());
560  }
562  bool SetOneCodec(int pt, const char* name, int w, int h, int fr) {
563    return SetOneCodec(cricket::VideoCodec(pt, name, w, h, fr, 0));
564  }
565  bool SetOneCodec(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
566    std::vector<cricket::VideoCodec> codecs;
567    codecs.push_back(codec);
569    cricket::VideoFormat capture_format(codec.width, codec.height,
570        cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate),
571        cricket::FOURCC_I420);
573    if (video_capturer_) {
574      EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_->Start(capture_format));
575    }
576    if (video_capturer_2_) {
577      EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_2_->Start(capture_format));
578    }
580    bool sending = channel_->sending();
581    bool success = SetSend(false);
582    if (success)
583      success = channel_->SetSendCodecs(codecs);
584    if (success)
585      success = SetSend(sending);
586    return success;
587  }
588  bool SetSend(bool send) {
589    return channel_->SetSend(send);
590  }
591  bool SetSendStreamFormat(uint32 ssrc, const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
592    return channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(ssrc, cricket::VideoFormat(
593        codec.width, codec.height,
594        cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate),
595        cricket::FOURCC_ANY));
596  }
597  int DrainOutgoingPackets() {
598    int packets = 0;
599    do {
600      packets = NumRtpPackets();
601      // 100 ms should be long enough.
602      rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100);
603    } while (NumRtpPackets() > packets);
604    return NumRtpPackets();
605  }
606  bool SendFrame() {
607    if (video_capturer_2_) {
608      video_capturer_2_->CaptureFrame();
609    }
610    return video_capturer_.get() &&
611        video_capturer_->CaptureFrame();
612  }
613  bool WaitAndSendFrame(int wait_ms) {
614    bool ret = rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(wait_ms);
615    ret &= SendFrame();
616    return ret;
617  }
618  // Sends frames and waits for the decoder to be fully initialized.
619  // Returns the number of frames that were sent.
620  int WaitForDecoder() {
621#if defined(HAVE_OPENMAX)
622    // Send enough frames for the OpenMAX decoder to continue processing, and
623    // return the number of frames sent.
624    // Send frames for a full kTimeout's worth of 15fps video.
625    int frame_count = 0;
626    while (frame_count < static_cast<int>(kTimeout) / 66) {
627      EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(66));
628      ++frame_count;
629    }
630    return frame_count;
632    return 0;
634  }
635  bool SendCustomVideoFrame(int w, int h) {
636    if (!video_capturer_.get()) return false;
637    return video_capturer_->CaptureCustomFrame(w, h, cricket::FOURCC_I420);
638  }
639  int NumRtpBytes() {
640    return network_interface_.NumRtpBytes();
641  }
642  int NumRtpBytes(uint32 ssrc) {
643    return network_interface_.NumRtpBytes(ssrc);
644  }
645  int NumRtpPackets() {
646    return network_interface_.NumRtpPackets();
647  }
648  int NumRtpPackets(uint32 ssrc) {
649    return network_interface_.NumRtpPackets(ssrc);
650  }
651  int NumSentSsrcs() {
652    return network_interface_.NumSentSsrcs();
653  }
654  const rtc::Buffer* GetRtpPacket(int index) {
655    return network_interface_.GetRtpPacket(index);
656  }
657  int NumRtcpPackets() {
658    return network_interface_.NumRtcpPackets();
659  }
660  const rtc::Buffer* GetRtcpPacket(int index) {
661    return network_interface_.GetRtcpPacket(index);
662  }
663  static int GetPayloadType(const rtc::Buffer* p) {
664    int pt = -1;
665    ParseRtpPacket(p, NULL, &pt, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
666    return pt;
667  }
668  static bool ParseRtpPacket(const rtc::Buffer* p, bool* x, int* pt,
669                             int* seqnum, uint32* tstamp, uint32* ssrc,
670                             std::string* payload) {
671    rtc::ByteBuffer buf(p->data(), p->length());
672    uint8 u08 = 0;
673    uint16 u16 = 0;
674    uint32 u32 = 0;
676    // Read X and CC fields.
677    if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&u08)) return false;
678    bool extension = ((u08 & 0x10) != 0);
679    uint8 cc = (u08 & 0x0F);
680    if (x) *x = extension;
682    // Read PT field.
683    if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&u08)) return false;
684    if (pt) *pt = (u08 & 0x7F);
686    // Read Sequence Number field.
687    if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&u16)) return false;
688    if (seqnum) *seqnum = u16;
690    // Read Timestamp field.
691    if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false;
692    if (tstamp) *tstamp = u32;
694    // Read SSRC field.
695    if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false;
696    if (ssrc) *ssrc = u32;
698    // Skip CSRCs.
699    for (uint8 i = 0; i < cc; ++i) {
700      if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false;
701    }
703    // Skip extension header.
704    if (extension) {
705      // Read Profile-specific extension header ID
706      if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&u16)) return false;
708      // Read Extension header length
709      if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&u16)) return false;
710      uint16 ext_header_len = u16;
712      // Read Extension header
713      for (uint16 i = 0; i < ext_header_len; ++i) {
714        if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false;
715      }
716    }
718    if (payload) {
719      return buf.ReadString(payload, buf.Length());
720    }
721    return true;
722  }
724  // Parse all RTCP packet, from start_index to stop_index, and count how many
725  // FIR (PT=206 and FMT=4 according to RFC 5104). If successful, set the count
726  // and return true.
727  bool CountRtcpFir(int start_index, int stop_index, int* fir_count) {
728    int count = 0;
729    for (int i = start_index; i < stop_index; ++i) {
730      rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtcpPacket(i));
731      rtc::ByteBuffer buf(p->data(), p->length());
732      size_t total_len = 0;
733      // The packet may be a compound RTCP packet.
734      while (total_len < p->length()) {
735        // Read FMT, type and length.
736        uint8 fmt = 0;
737        uint8 type = 0;
738        uint16 length = 0;
739        if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&fmt)) return false;
740        fmt &= 0x1F;
741        if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&type)) return false;
742        if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&length)) return false;
743        buf.Consume(length * 4);  // Skip RTCP data.
744        total_len += (length + 1) * 4;
745        if ((192 == type) || ((206 == type) && (4 == fmt))) {
746          ++count;
747        }
748      }
749    }
751    if (fir_count) {
752      *fir_count = count;
753    }
754    return true;
755  }
757  void OnVideoChannelError(uint32 ssrc,
758                           cricket::VideoMediaChannel::Error error) {
759    media_error_ = error;
760  }
762  // Test that SetSend works.
763  void SetSend() {
764    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending());
765    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, video_capturer_.get()));
766    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
767    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending());
768    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
769    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->sending());
770    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
771    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout);
772    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(false));
773    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending());
774  }
775  // Test that SetSend fails without codecs being set.
776  void SetSendWithoutCodecs() {
777    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending());
778    EXPECT_FALSE(SetSend(true));
779    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending());
780  }
781  // Test that we properly set the send and recv buffer sizes by the time
782  // SetSend is called.
783  void SetSendSetsTransportBufferSizes() {
784    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
785    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
786    // TODO(sriniv): Remove or re-enable this.
787    // As part of b/8030474, send-buffer is size now controlled through
788    // portallocator flags. Its not set by channels.
789    // EXPECT_EQ(64 * 1024, network_interface_.sendbuf_size());
790    EXPECT_EQ(64 * 1024, network_interface_.recvbuf_size());
791  }
792  // Tests that we can send frames and the right payload type is used.
793  void Send(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
794    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
795    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
796    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
797    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout);
798    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
799    EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get()));
800  }
801  // Tests that we can send and receive frames.
802  void SendAndReceive(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
803    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
804    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
805    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
806    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
807    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
808    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
809    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
810    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
811    EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get()));
812  }
813  // Tests that we only get a VideoRenderer::SetSize() callback when needed.
814  void SendManyResizeOnce() {
815    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
816    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
817    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
818    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
819    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
820    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
821    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));
822    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
823    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));
824    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
825    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
826    EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get()));
827    EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer_.num_set_sizes());
829    codec.width /= 2;
830    codec.height /= 2;
831    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
832    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));
833    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(3, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
834    EXPECT_EQ(2, renderer_.num_set_sizes());
835  }
836  void SendReceiveManyAndGetStats(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec,
837                                  int duration_sec, int fps) {
838    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
839    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
840    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
841    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
842    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
843    for (int i = 0; i < duration_sec; ++i) {
844      for (int frame = 1; frame <= fps; ++frame) {
845        EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(1000 / fps));
846        EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame + i * fps, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
847      }
848      cricket::VideoMediaInfo info;
849      EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info));
850      // For webrtc, |framerate_sent| and |framerate_rcvd| depend on periodic
851      // callbacks (1 sec).
852      // Received |fraction_lost| and |packets_lost| are from sent RTCP packet.
853      // One sent packet needed (sent about once per second).
854      // |framerate_input|, |framerate_decoded| and |framerate_output| are using
855      // RateTracker. RateTracker needs to be called twice (with >1 second in
856      // b/w calls) before a framerate is calculated.
857      // Therefore insert frames (and call GetStats each sec) for a few seconds
858      // before testing stats.
859    }
860    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
861    EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get()));
862  }
864  // Test that stats work properly for a 1-1 call.
865  void GetStats() {
866    const int kDurationSec = 3;
867    const int kFps = 10;
868    SendReceiveManyAndGetStats(DefaultCodec(), kDurationSec, kFps);
870    cricket::VideoMediaInfo info;
871    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info));
873    ASSERT_EQ(1U, info.senders.size());
874    // TODO(whyuan): bytes_sent and bytes_rcvd are different. Are both payload?
875    // For webrtc, bytes_sent does not include the RTP header length.
876    EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].bytes_sent, 0);
877    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.senders[0].packets_sent);
878    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, info.senders[0].fraction_lost);
879    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.senders[0].firs_rcvd);
880    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.senders[0].plis_rcvd);
881    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.senders[0].nacks_rcvd);
882    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.senders[0].send_frame_width);
883    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.senders[0].send_frame_height);
884    EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].framerate_input, 0);
885    EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].framerate_sent, 0);
887    ASSERT_EQ(1U, info.receivers.size());
888    EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.senders[0].ssrcs().size());
889    EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.receivers[0].ssrcs().size());
890    EXPECT_EQ(info.senders[0].ssrcs()[0], info.receivers[0].ssrcs()[0]);
891    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), info.receivers[0].bytes_rcvd);
892    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.receivers[0].packets_rcvd);
893    EXPECT_EQ(0.0, info.receivers[0].fraction_lost);
894    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].packets_lost);
895    // TODO(asapersson): Not set for webrtc. Handle missing stats.
896    // EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].packets_concealed);
897    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].firs_sent);
898    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].plis_sent);
899    EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].nacks_sent);
900    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.receivers[0].frame_width);
901    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.receivers[0].frame_height);
902    EXPECT_GT(info.receivers[0].framerate_rcvd, 0);
903    EXPECT_GT(info.receivers[0].framerate_decoded, 0);
904    EXPECT_GT(info.receivers[0].framerate_output, 0);
905  }
906  // Test that stats work properly for a conf call with multiple recv streams.
907  void GetStatsMultipleRecvStreams() {
908    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2;
909    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
910    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
911    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
912    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
913    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
914    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
915        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
916    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
917        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2)));
918    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
919    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
920    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
921    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer1.num_rendered_frames());
922    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2.num_rendered_frames());
923    std::vector<uint32> ssrcs;
924    ssrcs.push_back(1);
925    ssrcs.push_back(2);
926    network_interface_.SetConferenceMode(true, ssrcs);
927    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
929        renderer1, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
931        renderer2, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
932    cricket::VideoMediaInfo info;
933    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info));
935    ASSERT_EQ(1U, info.senders.size());
936    // TODO(whyuan): bytes_sent and bytes_rcvd are different. Are both payload?
937    // For webrtc, bytes_sent does not include the RTP header length.
938    EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].bytes_sent, 0);
939    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.senders[0].packets_sent);
940    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.senders[0].send_frame_width);
941    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.senders[0].send_frame_height);
943    ASSERT_EQ(2U, info.receivers.size());
944    for (size_t i = 0; i < info.receivers.size(); ++i) {
945      EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.receivers[i].ssrcs().size());
946      EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, info.receivers[i].ssrcs()[0]);
947      EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), info.receivers[i].bytes_rcvd);
948      EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.receivers[i].packets_rcvd);
949      EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.receivers[i].frame_width);
950      EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.receivers[i].frame_height);
951    }
952  }
953  // Test that stats work properly for a conf call with multiple send streams.
954  void GetStatsMultipleSendStreams() {
955    // Normal setup; note that we set the SSRC explicitly to ensure that
956    // it will come first in the senders map.
957    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
958    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
959    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
960    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
961    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
962        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
963    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer_));
964    channel_->UpdateAspectRatio(640, 400);
965    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
966    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
967    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
968    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout);
969    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
971    // Add an additional capturer, and hook up a renderer to receive it.
972    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1;
973    rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> capturer(
974        CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
975    capturer->SetScreencast(true);
976    const int kTestWidth = 160;
977    const int kTestHeight = 120;
978    cricket::VideoFormat format(kTestWidth, kTestHeight,
979                                cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(5),
980                                cricket::FOURCC_I420);
981    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer->Start(format));
982    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
983        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(5678)));
984    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(5678, capturer.get()));
985    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
986        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(5678)));
987    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(5678, &renderer1));
988    EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(
989        kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::FOURCC_I420));
991        renderer1, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight, kTimeout);
993    // Get stats, and make sure they are correct for two senders.
994    cricket::VideoMediaInfo info;
995    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info));
996    ASSERT_EQ(2U, info.senders.size());
997    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(),
998        info.senders[0].packets_sent + info.senders[1].packets_sent);
999    EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.senders[0].ssrcs().size());
1000    EXPECT_EQ(1234U, info.senders[0].ssrcs()[0]);
1001    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.senders[0].send_frame_width);
1002    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.senders[0].send_frame_height);
1003    EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.senders[1].ssrcs().size());
1004    EXPECT_EQ(5678U, info.senders[1].ssrcs()[0]);
1005    EXPECT_EQ(kTestWidth, info.senders[1].send_frame_width);
1006    EXPECT_EQ(kTestHeight, info.senders[1].send_frame_height);
1007    // The capturer must be unregistered here as it runs out of it's scope next.
1008    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(5678, NULL));
1009  }
1011  // Test that we can set the bandwidth.
1012  void SetSendBandwidth() {
1013    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetStartSendBandwidth(64 * 1024));
1014    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetMaxSendBandwidth(-1));  // <= 0 means unlimited.
1015    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetMaxSendBandwidth(128 * 1024));
1016  }
1017  // Test that we can set the SSRC for the default send source.
1018  void SetSendSsrc() {
1019    EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec());
1020    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, DefaultCodec()));
1021    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1022    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1023    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout);
1024    uint32 ssrc = 0;
1025    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
1026    ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL);
1027    EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc, ssrc);
1028    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), NumRtpPackets(ssrc));
1029    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), NumRtpBytes(ssrc));
1030    EXPECT_EQ(1, NumSentSsrcs());
1031    EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpPackets(kSsrc - 1));
1032    EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpBytes(kSsrc - 1));
1033  }
1034  // Test that we can set the SSRC even after codecs are set.
1035  void SetSendSsrcAfterSetCodecs() {
1036    // Remove stream added in Setup.
1037    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc));
1038    EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec());
1039    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1040        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(999)));
1041    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(999u, video_capturer_.get()));
1042    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSendStreamFormat(999u, DefaultCodec()));
1043    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1044    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0));
1045    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout);
1046    uint32 ssrc = 0;
1047    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
1048    ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL);
1049    EXPECT_EQ(999u, ssrc);
1050    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), NumRtpPackets(ssrc));
1051    EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), NumRtpBytes(ssrc));
1052    EXPECT_EQ(1, NumSentSsrcs());
1053    EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpPackets(kSsrc));
1054    EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpBytes(kSsrc));
1055  }
1056  // Test that we can set the default video renderer before and after
1057  // media is received.
1058  void SetRenderer() {
1059    uint8 data1[] = {
1060        0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
1061    };
1063    rtc::Buffer packet1(data1, sizeof(data1));
1064    rtc::SetBE32(packet1.data() + 8, kSsrc);
1065    channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, NULL);
1066    EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec());
1067    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1068    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1069    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1070    channel_->OnPacketReceived(&packet1, rtc::PacketTime());
1071    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1072    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1073    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1074  }
1076  // Tests empty StreamParams is rejected.
1077  void RejectEmptyStreamParams() {
1078    // Remove the send stream that was added during Setup.
1079    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc));
1081    cricket::StreamParams empty;
1082    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddSendStream(empty));
1083    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1084        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(789u)));
1085  }
1087  // Tests setting up and configuring a send stream.
1088  void AddRemoveSendStreams() {
1089    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
1090    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1091    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1092    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1093    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1094    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1095    EXPECT_GE(2, NumRtpPackets());
1096    uint32 ssrc = 0;
1097    size_t last_packet = NumRtpPackets() - 1;
1098    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer>
1099        p(GetRtpPacket(static_cast<int>(last_packet)));
1100    ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL);
1101    EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc, ssrc);
1103    // Remove the send stream that was added during Setup.
1104    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc));
1105    int rtp_packets = NumRtpPackets();
1107    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1108        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(789u)));
1109    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(789u, video_capturer_.get()));
1110    EXPECT_EQ(rtp_packets, NumRtpPackets());
1111    // Wait 30ms to guarantee the engine does not drop the frame.
1112    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));
1113    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > rtp_packets, kTimeout);
1115    last_packet = NumRtpPackets() - 1;
1116    p.reset(GetRtpPacket(static_cast<int>(last_packet)));
1117    ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL);
1118    EXPECT_EQ(789u, ssrc);
1119  }
1121  // Tests adding streams already exists returns false.
1122  void AddRecvStreamsAlreadyExist() {
1123    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1124    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
1125    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1127    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1128        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(0)));
1130    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1131        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1132    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1133        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1135    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1));
1136    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1137        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(0)));
1138    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1139        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1140  }
1142  // Tests setting up and configuring multiple incoming streams.
1143  void AddRemoveRecvStreams() {
1144    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2;
1145    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1146    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
1147    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1148    // Ensure we can't set the renderer on a non-existent stream.
1149    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1150    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1151    cricket::VideoRenderer* renderer;
1152    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1153    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1155    // Ensure we can add streams.
1156    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1157        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1158    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1159        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2)));
1160    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1161    EXPECT_TRUE(renderer == NULL);
1162    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1163    EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == renderer);
1165    // Ensure we can now set the renderers.
1166    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1167    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1168    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1169    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer);
1170    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1171    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer);
1173    // Ensure we can change the renderers if needed.
1174    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer2));
1175    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer1));
1176    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1177    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer);
1178    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1179    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer);
1181    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(2));
1182    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1));
1183    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1184    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1185  }
1187  // Tests setting up and configuring multiple incoming streams in a
1188  // non-conference call.
1189  void AddRemoveRecvStreamsNoConference() {
1190    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2;
1191    // Ensure we can't set the renderer on a non-existent stream.
1192    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1193    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1194    cricket::VideoRenderer* renderer;
1195    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1196    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1198    // Ensure we can add streams.
1199    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1200        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1201    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1202        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2)));
1203    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1204    // Verify the first AddRecvStream hook up to the default renderer.
1205    EXPECT_TRUE(renderer == NULL);
1206    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1207    EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == renderer);
1209    // Ensure we can now set the renderers.
1210    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1211    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1212    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1213    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer);
1214    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1215    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer);
1217    // Ensure we can change the renderers if needed.
1218    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer2));
1219    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer1));
1220    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1221    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer);
1222    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1223    EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer);
1225    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(2));
1226    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1));
1227    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer));
1228    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer));
1229  }
1231  // Test that no frames are rendered after the receive stream have been
1232  // removed.
1233  void AddRemoveRecvStreamAndRender() {
1234    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1;
1235    EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec());
1236    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1237    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1238    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1239        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
1240    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer1));
1242    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1244        renderer1, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1245    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc));
1246    // Send three more frames. This is to avoid that the test might be flaky
1247    // due to frame dropping.
1248    for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
1249      EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(100));
1251    // Test that no more frames have been rendered.
1252    EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer1.num_rendered_frames());
1254    // Re-add the stream again and make sure it renders.
1255    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1256        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
1257    // Force the next frame to be a key frame to make the receiving
1258    // decoder happy.
1259    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SendIntraFrame());
1261    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer1));
1262    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1263    // Because the default channel is used, RemoveRecvStream above is not going
1264    // to delete the channel. As a result the engine will continue to receive
1265    // and decode the 3 frames sent above. So it is possible we will receive
1266    // some (e.g. 1) of these 3 frames after the renderer is set again.
1268        renderer1, 2, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1269    // Detach |renderer1| before exit as there might be frames come late.
1270    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, NULL));
1271  }
1273  // Tests the behavior of incoming streams in a conference scenario.
1274  void SimulateConference() {
1275    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2;
1276    EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec());
1277    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1278    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
1279    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1280    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1281    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1282    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1283        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1284    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1285        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2)));
1286    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1287    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1288    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer1.num_rendered_frames());
1289    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2.num_rendered_frames());
1290    std::vector<uint32> ssrcs;
1291    ssrcs.push_back(1);
1292    ssrcs.push_back(2);
1293    network_interface_.SetConferenceMode(true, ssrcs);
1294    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1296        renderer1, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1298        renderer2, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1300    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
1301    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().id, GetPayloadType(p.get()));
1302    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, renderer1.width());
1303    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, renderer1.height());
1304    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, renderer2.width());
1305    EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, renderer2.height());
1306    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(2));
1307    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1));
1308  }
1310  // Tests that we can add and remove capturers and frames are sent out properly
1311  void AddRemoveCapturer() {
1312    cricket::VideoCodec codec = DefaultCodec();
1313    codec.width = 320;
1314    codec.height = 240;
1315    const int time_between_send = TimeBetweenSend(codec);
1316    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1317    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1318    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1319    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1320    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1321    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1322    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1323    rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> capturer(
1324        CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
1325    capturer->SetScreencast(true);
1326    cricket::VideoFormat format(480, 360,
1327                                cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30),
1328                                cricket::FOURCC_I420);
1329    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer->Start(format));
1330    // All capturers start generating frames with the same timestamp. ViE does
1331    // not allow the same timestamp to be used. Capture one frame before
1332    // associating the capturer with the channel.
1333    EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(format.width, format.height,
1334                                             cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1336    int captured_frames = 1;
1337    for (int iterations = 0; iterations < 2; ++iterations) {
1338      EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, capturer.get()));
1339      rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(time_between_send);
1340      EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(format.width, format.height,
1341                                               cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1342      ++captured_frames;
1343      // Wait until frame of right size is captured.
1344      EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= captured_frames &&
1345                       format.width == renderer_.width() &&
1346                       format.height == renderer_.height() &&
1347                       !renderer_.black_frame(), kTimeout);
1348      EXPECT_GE(renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), captured_frames);
1349      EXPECT_EQ(format.width, renderer_.width());
1350      EXPECT_EQ(format.height, renderer_.height());
1351      captured_frames = renderer_.num_rendered_frames() + 1;
1352      EXPECT_FALSE(renderer_.black_frame());
1353      EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1354      // Make sure a black frame is generated within the specified timeout.
1355      // The black frame should be the resolution of the send codec.
1356      EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= captured_frames &&
1357                       codec.width == renderer_.width() &&
1358                       codec.height == renderer_.height() &&
1359                       renderer_.black_frame(), kTimeout);
1360      EXPECT_GE(renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), captured_frames);
1361      EXPECT_EQ(codec.width, renderer_.width());
1362      EXPECT_EQ(codec.height, renderer_.height());
1363      EXPECT_TRUE(renderer_.black_frame());
1365      // The black frame has the same timestamp as the next frame since it's
1366      // timestamp is set to the last frame's timestamp + interval. WebRTC will
1367      // not render a frame with the same timestamp so capture another frame
1368      // with the frame capturer to increment the next frame's timestamp.
1369      EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(format.width, format.height,
1370                                               cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1371    }
1372  }
1374  // Tests that if RemoveCapturer is called without a capturer ever being
1375  // added, the plugin shouldn't crash (and no black frame should be sent).
1376  void RemoveCapturerWithoutAdd() {
1377    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
1378    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1379    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1380    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1381    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1382    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1383    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, 640, 400, kTimeout);
1384    // Remove the capturer.
1385    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1386    // Wait for one black frame for removing the capturer.
1387    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, 640, 400, kTimeout);
1389    // No capturer was added, so this RemoveCapturer should
1390    // fail.
1391    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1392    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(300);
1393    // Verify no more frames were sent.
1394    EXPECT_EQ(2, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1395  }
1397  // Tests that we can add and remove capturer as unique sources.
1398  void AddRemoveCapturerMultipleSources() {
1399    // WebRTC implementation will drop frames if pushed to quickly. Wait the
1400    // interval time to avoid that.
1401    // WebRTC implementation will drop frames if pushed to quickly. Wait the
1402    // interval time to avoid that.
1403    // Set up the stream associated with the engine.
1404    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1405        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
1406    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer_));
1407    cricket::VideoFormat capture_format;  // default format
1408    capture_format.interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30);
1409    // Set up additional stream 1.
1410    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1;
1411    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1412    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1413        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1414    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1));
1415    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1416        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1)));
1417    rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> capturer1(
1418        CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
1419    capturer1->SetScreencast(true);
1420    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer1->Start(capture_format));
1421    // Set up additional stream 2.
1422    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer2;
1423    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1424    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1425        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2)));
1426    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2));
1427    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1428        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2)));
1429    rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> capturer2(
1430        CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
1431    capturer2->SetScreencast(true);
1432    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer2->Start(capture_format));
1433    // State for all the streams.
1434    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
1435    // A limitation in the lmi implementation requires that SetCapturer() is
1436    // called after SetOneCodec().
1437    // TODO(hellner): this seems like an unnecessary constraint, fix it.
1438    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(1, capturer1.get()));
1439    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(2, capturer2.get()));
1440    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1441    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1442    // Test capturer associated with engine.
1443    const int kTestWidth = 160;
1444    const int kTestHeight = 120;
1445    EXPECT_TRUE(capturer1->CaptureCustomFrame(
1446        kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1448        renderer1, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight, kTimeout);
1449    // Capture a frame with additional capturer2, frames should be received
1450    EXPECT_TRUE(capturer2->CaptureCustomFrame(
1451        kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1453        renderer2, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight, kTimeout);
1454    // Successfully remove the capturer.
1455    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1456    // Fail to re-remove the capturer.
1457    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1458    // The capturers must be unregistered here as it runs out of it's scope
1459    // next.
1460    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(1, NULL));
1461    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(2, NULL));
1462  }
1464  void HighAspectHighHeightCapturer() {
1465    const int kWidth  = 80;
1466    const int kHeight = 10000;
1467    const int kScaledWidth = 20;
1468    const int kScaledHeight = 2500;
1470    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
1471    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1472    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1474    cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer;
1475    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1476        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc)));
1477    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer));
1478    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1479    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer.num_rendered_frames());
1481    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1483        renderer, 1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1485    // Registering an external capturer is currently the same as screen casting
1486    // (update the test when this changes).
1487    rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> capturer(
1488        CreateFakeVideoCapturer());
1489    capturer->SetScreencast(true);
1490    const std::vector<cricket::VideoFormat>* formats =
1491        capturer->GetSupportedFormats();
1492    cricket::VideoFormat capture_format = (*formats)[0];
1493    EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer->Start(capture_format));
1494    // Capture frame to not get same frame timestamps as previous capturer.
1495    capturer->CaptureFrame();
1496    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, capturer.get()));
1497    EXPECT_TRUE(rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30));
1498    EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(kWidth, kHeight,
1499                                             cricket::FOURCC_ARGB));
1501        renderer, 2, kScaledWidth, kScaledHeight, kTimeout);
1502    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1503  }
1505  // Tests that we can adapt video resolution with 16:10 aspect ratio properly.
1506  void AdaptResolution16x10() {
1507    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1508    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
1509    codec.width = 640;
1510    codec.height = 400;
1511    SendAndReceive(codec);
1512    codec.width /= 2;
1513    codec.height /= 2;
1514    // Adapt the resolution.
1515    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1516    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));
1517    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1518  }
1519  // Tests that we can adapt video resolution with 4:3 aspect ratio properly.
1520  void AdaptResolution4x3() {
1521    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1522    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
1523    codec.width = 640;
1524    codec.height = 400;
1525    SendAndReceive(codec);
1526    codec.width /= 2;
1527    codec.height /= 2;
1528    // Adapt the resolution.
1529    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1530    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));
1531    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1532  }
1533  // Tests that we can drop all frames properly.
1534  void AdaptDropAllFrames() {
1535    // Set the channel codec's resolution to 0, which will require the adapter
1536    // to drop all frames.
1537    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
1538    codec.width = codec.height = codec.framerate = 0;
1539    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1540    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1541    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1542    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1543    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1544    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1545    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1546    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500);
1547    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1548  }
1549  // Tests that we can reduce the frame rate on demand properly.
1550  // TODO(fbarchard): This test is flakey on pulse.  Fix and re-enable
1551  void AdaptFramerate() {
1552    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
1553    int frame_count = 0;
1554    // The capturer runs at 30 fps. The channel requires 30 fps.
1555    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1556    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1557    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1558    EXPECT_EQ(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1559    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0));  // Should be rendered.
1560    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be rendered.
1561    frame_count += 2;
1562    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame_count, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1563    rtc::scoped_ptr<const rtc::Buffer> p(GetRtpPacket(0));
1564    EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get()));
1566    // The channel requires 15 fps.
1567    codec.framerate = 15;
1568    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1569    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0));  // Should be rendered.
1570    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1571    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be rendered.
1572    frame_count += 2;
1573    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1575    // The channel requires 10 fps.
1576    codec.framerate = 10;
1577    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1578    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0));  // Should be rendered.
1579    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1580    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1581    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be rendered.
1582    frame_count += 2;
1583    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1585    // The channel requires 8 fps. The adapter adapts to 10 fps, which is the
1586    // closest factor of 30.
1587    codec.framerate = 8;
1588    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1589    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0));  // Should be rendered.
1590    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1591    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1592    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be rendered.
1593    frame_count += 2;
1594    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1595  }
1596  // Tests that adapted frames won't be upscaled to a higher resolution.
1597  void SendsLowerResolutionOnSmallerFrames() {
1598    cricket::VideoCodec codec = DefaultCodec();
1599    codec.width = 320;
1600    codec.height = 240;
1601    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec));
1602    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1603    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1604    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1605    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1606    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1607    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1609    // Check that we send smaller frames at the new resolution.
1610    EXPECT_TRUE(rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(33));
1611    EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer_->CaptureCustomFrame(
1612        codec.width / 2, codec.height / 2, cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1613    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width / 2, codec.height / 2, kTimeout);
1614  }
1615  // Tests that we can set the send stream format properly.
1616  void SetSendStreamFormat() {
1617    cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec());
1618    SendAndReceive(codec);
1619    int frame_count = 1;
1620    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame_count, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout);
1622    // Adapt the resolution and frame rate to half.
1623    cricket::VideoFormat format(
1624        codec.width / 2,
1625        codec.height / 2,
1626        cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate / 2),
1627        cricket::FOURCC_I420);
1628    // The SSRC differs from the send SSRC.
1629    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc - 1, format));
1630    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, format));
1632    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1633    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be rendered.
1634    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30));  // Should be dropped.
1635    frame_count += 1;
1636    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame_count, format.width, format.height, kTimeout);
1638    // Adapt the resolution to 0x0, which should drop all frames.
1639    format.width = 0;
1640    format.height = 0;
1641    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, format));
1642    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1643    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1644    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500);
1645    EXPECT_EQ(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1646  }
1647  // Test that setting send stream format to 0x0 resolution will result in
1648  // frames being dropped.
1649  void SetSendStreamFormat0x0() {
1650    EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()));
1651    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, DefaultCodec()));
1652    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1653    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1654    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1655    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1656    // This frame should be received.
1657    EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame());
1658    EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout);
1659    const int64 interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(
1660        DefaultCodec().framerate);
1661    cricket::VideoFormat format(
1662        0,
1663        0,
1664        interval,
1665        cricket::FOURCC_I420);
1666    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, format));
1667    // This frame should not be received.
1668    EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(
1669        static_cast<int>(interval/rtc::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec)));
1670    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500);
1671    EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1672  }
1674  // Tests that we can mute and unmute the channel properly.
1675  void MuteStream() {
1676    EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec());
1677    cricket::FakeVideoCapturer video_capturer;
1678    video_capturer.Start(
1679        cricket::VideoFormat(
1680            640, 480,
1681            cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30),
1682            cricket::FOURCC_I420));
1683    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, &video_capturer));
1684    EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true));
1685    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1686    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kDefaultReceiveSsrc, &renderer_));
1687    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames());
1689    // Mute the channel and expect black output frame.
1690    int frame_count = 0;
1691    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, true));
1692    EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame());
1693    ++frame_count;
1694    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1695    EXPECT_TRUE(renderer_.black_frame());
1697    // Unmute the channel and expect non-black output frame.
1698    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, false));
1699    EXPECT_TRUE(rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30));
1700    EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame());
1701    ++frame_count;
1702    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1703    EXPECT_FALSE(renderer_.black_frame());
1705    // Test that we can also Mute using the correct send stream SSRC.
1706    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, true));
1707    EXPECT_TRUE(rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30));
1708    EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame());
1709    ++frame_count;
1710    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1711    EXPECT_TRUE(renderer_.black_frame());
1713    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, false));
1714    EXPECT_TRUE(rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30));
1715    EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame());
1716    ++frame_count;
1717    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1718    EXPECT_FALSE(renderer_.black_frame());
1720    // Test that muting an existing stream succeeds even if it's muted.
1721    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, true));
1722    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, true));
1724    // Test that unmuting an existing stream succeeds even if it's not muted.
1725    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, false));
1726    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, false));
1728    // Test that muting an invalid stream fails.
1729    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc+1, true));
1730    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL));
1731  }
1733  // Test that multiple send streams can be created and deleted properly.
1734  void MultipleSendStreams() {
1735    // Remove stream added in Setup. I.e. remove stream corresponding to default
1736    // channel.
1737    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc));
1738    const unsigned int kSsrcsSize = sizeof(kSsrcs4)/sizeof(kSsrcs4[0]);
1739    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kSsrcsSize; ++i) {
1740      EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1741          cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrcs4[i])));
1742    }
1743    // Delete one of the non default channel streams, let the destructor delete
1744    // the remaining ones.
1745    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrcs4[kSsrcsSize - 1]));
1746    // Stream should already be deleted.
1747    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrcs4[kSsrcsSize - 1]));
1748  }
1750  // Two streams one channel tests.
1752  // Tests that we can send and receive frames.
1753  void TwoStreamsSendAndReceive(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
1754    SetUpSecondStream();
1755    // Test sending and receiving on first stream.
1756    SendAndReceive(codec);
1757    // Test sending and receiving on second stream.
1758    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1759    EXPECT_EQ(2, NumRtpPackets());
1760    EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames());
1761  }
1763  // Set up 2 streams where the first stream uses the default channel.
1764  // Then disconnect the first stream and verify default channel becomes
1765  // available.
1766  // Then add a new stream with |new_ssrc|. The new stream should re-use the
1767  // default channel.
1768  void TwoStreamsReUseFirstStream(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
1769    SetUpSecondStream();
1770    // Default channel used by the first stream.
1771    EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc, channel_->GetDefaultSendChannelSsrc());
1772    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc));
1773    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc));
1774    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc));
1775    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc));
1776    // Default channel is no longer used by a stream.
1777    EXPECT_EQ(0u, channel_->GetDefaultSendChannelSsrc());
1778    uint32 new_ssrc = kSsrc + 100;
1779    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1780        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc)));
1781    // Re-use default channel.
1782    EXPECT_EQ(new_ssrc, channel_->GetDefaultSendChannelSsrc());
1783    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddSendStream(
1784        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc)));
1785    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1786        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc)));
1787    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(new_ssrc, &renderer_));
1788    EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1789        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc)));
1791    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(new_ssrc, video_capturer_.get()));
1793    SendAndReceive(codec);
1794    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(new_ssrc));
1795    EXPECT_EQ(0u, channel_->GetDefaultSendChannelSsrc());
1796  }
1798  // Tests that we can send and receive frames with early receive.
1799  void TwoStreamsSendAndUnsignalledRecv(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
1800    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1801    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
1802    vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(1);
1803    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1804    SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv();
1805    // Test sending and receiving on first stream.
1806    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1807    Send(codec);
1808    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout);
1809    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1810    // The first send is not expected to yield frames, because the ssrc
1811    // is not signalled yet. With unsignalled recv enabled, we will drop frames
1812    // instead of packets.
1813    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames());
1814    // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver.
1815    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100);
1816    // Test sending and receiving on second stream.
1817    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1818        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2)));
1819    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_));
1820    SendFrame();
1821    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1822    EXPECT_EQ(4, NumRtpPackets());
1823    // The second send is expected to yield frame as the ssrc is signalled now.
1824    // Decode should succeed here, though we received the key frame earlier.
1825    // Without early recv, we would have dropped it and decoding would have
1826    // failed.
1827    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1828  }
1830  // Tests that we cannot receive key frames with unsignalled recv disabled.
1831  void TwoStreamsSendAndFailUnsignalledRecv(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
1832    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1833    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
1834    vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(0);
1835    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1836    SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv();
1837    // Test sending and receiving on first stream.
1838    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1839    Send(codec);
1840    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout);
1841    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100);
1842    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1843    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1844    // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver.
1845    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(10);
1846    // Test sending and receiving on second stream.
1847    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1848        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2)));
1849    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_));
1850    SendFrame();
1851    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= 1, kTimeout);
1852    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(4, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout);
1853    // We dont expect any frames here, because the key frame would have been
1854    // lost in the earlier packet. This is the case we want to solve with early
1855    // receive.
1856    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames());
1857  }
1859  // Tests that we drop key frames when conference mode is disabled and we
1860  // receive rtp packets on unsignalled streams.
1861  void TwoStreamsSendAndFailUnsignalledRecvInOneToOne(
1862      const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
1863    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1864    vmo.conference_mode.Set(false);
1865    vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(1);
1866    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1867    SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv();
1868    // Test sending and receiving on first stream.
1869    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1870    Send(codec);
1871    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout);
1872    // In one-to-one mode, we deliver frames to the default channel if there
1873    // is no registered recv channel for the ssrc.
1874    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= 1, kTimeout);
1875    // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver.
1876    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100);
1877    // Test sending and receiving on second stream.
1878    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream(
1879        cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2)));
1880    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_));
1881    SendFrame();
1882    EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= 1, kTimeout);
1883    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(4, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout);
1884    // We dont expect any frames here, because the key frame would have been
1885    // delivered to default channel.
1886    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames());
1887  }
1889  // Tests that we drop key frames when conference mode is enabled and we
1890  // receive rtp packets on unsignalled streams. Removal of a unsignalled recv
1891  // stream is successful.
1892  void TwoStreamsAddAndRemoveUnsignalledRecv(
1893      const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) {
1894    cricket::VideoOptions vmo;
1895    vmo.conference_mode.Set(true);
1896    vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(1);
1897    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo));
1898    SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv();
1899    // Sending and receiving on first stream.
1900    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true));
1901    Send(codec);
1902    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout);
1903    EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout);
1904    // The first send is not expected to yield frames, because the ssrc
1905    // is no signalled yet. With unsignalled recv enabled, we will drop frames
1906    // instead of packets.
1907    EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames());
1908    // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver.
1909    rtc::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100);
1910    // Ensure that we can remove the unsignalled recv stream that was created
1911    // when the first video packet with unsignalled recv ssrc is received.
1912    EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc + 2));
1913  }
1915  VideoEngineOverride<E> engine_;
1916  rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> video_capturer_;
1917  rtc::scoped_ptr<cricket::FakeVideoCapturer> video_capturer_2_;
1918  rtc::scoped_ptr<C> channel_;
1919  cricket::FakeNetworkInterface network_interface_;
1920  cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer_;
1921  cricket::VideoMediaChannel::Error media_error_;
1923  // Used by test cases where 2 streams are run on the same channel.
1924  cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer2_;