1// Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15// Author: Jim Meehan
20#include <iterator>
21#include <string>
22#include <utility>
23#include "phonenumbers/base/basictypes.h"
25namespace i18n {
26namespace phonenumbers {
28using std::string;
29using std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
30using std::pair;
32// ***************************** UnicodeText **************************
34// A UnicodeText object is a container for a sequence of Unicode
35// codepoint values. It has default, copy, and assignment constructors.
36// Data can be appended to it from another UnicodeText, from
37// iterators, or from a single codepoint.
39// The internal representation of the text is UTF-8. Since UTF-8 is a
40// variable-width format, UnicodeText does not provide random access
41// to the text, and changes to the text are permitted only at the end.
43// The UnicodeText class defines a const_iterator. The dereferencing
44// operator (*) returns a codepoint (char32). The iterator is a
45// bidirectional, read-only iterator. It becomes invalid if the text
46// is changed.
48// There are methods for appending and retrieving UTF-8 data directly.
49// The 'utf8_data' method returns a const char* that contains the
50// UTF-8-encoded version of the text; 'utf8_length' returns the number
51// of bytes in the UTF-8 data. An iterator's 'get' method stores up to
52// 4 bytes of UTF-8 data in a char array and returns the number of
53// bytes that it stored.
55// Codepoints are integers in the range [0, 0xD7FF] or [0xE000,
56// 0x10FFFF], but UnicodeText has the additional restriction that it
57// can contain only those characters that are valid for interchange on
58// the Web. This excludes all of the control codes except for carriage
59// return, line feed, and horizontal tab.  It also excludes
60// non-characters, but codepoints that are in the Private Use regions
61// are allowed, as are codepoints that are unassigned. (See the
62// Unicode reference for details.) The function UniLib::IsInterchangeValid
63// can be used as a test for this property.
65// UnicodeTexts are safe. Every method that constructs or modifies a
66// UnicodeText tests for interchange-validity, and will substitute a
67// space for the invalid data. Such cases are reported via
70// MEMORY MANAGEMENT: copy, take ownership, or point to
72// A UnicodeText is either an "owner", meaning that it owns the memory
73// for the data buffer and will free it when the UnicodeText is
74// destroyed, or it is an "alias", meaning that it does not.
76// There are three methods for storing UTF-8 data in a UnicodeText:
78// CopyUTF8(buffer, len) copies buffer.
80// TakeOwnershipOfUTF8(buffer, size, capacity) takes ownership of buffer.
82// PointToUTF8(buffer, size) creates an alias pointing to buffer.
84// All three methods perform a validity check on the buffer. There are
85// private, "unsafe" versions of these functions that bypass the
86// validity check. They are used internally and by friend-functions
87// that are handling UTF-8 data that has already been validated.
89// The purpose of an alias is to avoid making an unnecessary copy of a
90// UTF-8 buffer while still providing access to the Unicode values
91// within that text through iterators or the fast scanners that are
92// based on UTF-8 state tables. The lifetime of an alias must not
93// exceed the lifetime of the buffer from which it was constructed.
95// The semantics of an alias might be described as "copy on write or
96// repair." The source data is never modified. If push_back() or
97// append() is called on an alias, a copy of the data will be created,
98// and the UnicodeText will become an owner. If clear() is called on
99// an alias, it becomes an (empty) owner.
101// The copy constructor and the assignment operator produce an owner.
102// That is, after direct initialization ("UnicodeText x(y);") or copy
103// initialization ("UnicodeText x = y;") x will be an owner, even if y
104// was an alias. The assignment operator ("x = y;") also produces an
105// owner unless x and y are the same object and y is an alias.
107// Aliases should be used with care. If the source from which an alias
108// was created is freed, or if the contents are changed, while the
109// alias is still in use, fatal errors could result. But it can be
110// quite useful to have a UnicodeText "window" through which to see a
111// UTF-8 buffer without having to pay the price of making a copy.
115// The interfaces in util/utf8/public/textutils.h provide higher-level
116// utilities for dealing with UnicodeTexts, including routines for
117// creating UnicodeTexts (both owners and aliases) from UTF-8 buffers or
118// strings, creating strings from UnicodeTexts, normalizing text for
119// efficient matching or display, and others.
121class UnicodeText {
122 public:
123  class const_iterator;
125  typedef char32 value_type;
127  // Constructors. These always produce owners.
128  UnicodeText();  // Create an empty text.
129  UnicodeText(const UnicodeText& src);  // copy constructor
130  // Construct a substring (copies the data).
131  UnicodeText(const const_iterator& first, const const_iterator& last);
133  // Assignment operator. This copies the data and produces an owner
134  // unless this == &src, e.g., "x = x;", which is a no-op.
135  UnicodeText& operator=(const UnicodeText& src);
137  // x.Copy(y) copies the data from y into x.
138  UnicodeText& Copy(const UnicodeText& src);
139  inline UnicodeText& assign(const UnicodeText& src) { return Copy(src); }
141  // x.PointTo(y) changes x so that it points to y's data.
142  // It does not copy y or take ownership of y's data.
143  UnicodeText& PointTo(const UnicodeText& src);
144  UnicodeText& PointTo(const const_iterator& first,
145                       const const_iterator& last);
147  ~UnicodeText();
149  void clear();  // Clear text.
150  bool empty() { return repr_.size_ == 0; }  // Test if text is empty.
152  // Add a codepoint to the end of the text.
153  // If the codepoint is not interchange-valid, add a space instead
154  // and log a warning.
155  void push_back(char32 codepoint);
157  // Generic appending operation.
158  // iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type must be implicitly
159  // convertible to char32. Typical uses of this method might include:
160  //     char32 chars[] = {0x1, 0x2, ...};
161  //     vector<char32> more_chars = ...;
162  //     utext.append(chars, chars+arraysize(chars));
163  //     utext.append(more_chars.begin(), more_chars.end());
164  template<typename ForwardIterator>
165  UnicodeText& append(ForwardIterator first, const ForwardIterator last) {
166    while (first != last) { push_back(*first++); }
167    return *this;
168  }
170  // A specialization of the generic append() method.
171  UnicodeText& append(const const_iterator& first, const const_iterator& last);
173  // An optimization of append(source.begin(), source.end()).
174  UnicodeText& append(const UnicodeText& source);
176  int size() const;  // the number of Unicode characters (codepoints)
178  friend bool operator==(const UnicodeText& lhs, const UnicodeText& rhs);
179  friend bool operator!=(const UnicodeText& lhs, const UnicodeText& rhs);
181  class const_iterator {
182    typedef const_iterator CI;
183   public:
184    typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
185    typedef char32 value_type;
186    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
187    typedef void pointer;  // (Not needed.)
188    typedef const char32 reference;  // (Needed for const_reverse_iterator)
190    // Iterators are default-constructible.
191    const_iterator();
193    // It's safe to make multiple passes over a UnicodeText.
194    const_iterator(const const_iterator& other);
195    const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& other);
197    char32 operator*() const;  // Dereference
199    const_iterator& operator++();  // Advance (++iter)
200    const_iterator operator++(int) {  // (iter++)
201      const_iterator result(*this);
202      ++*this;
203      return result;
204    }
206    const_iterator& operator--();  // Retreat (--iter)
207    const_iterator operator--(int) {  // (iter--)
208      const_iterator result(*this);
209      --*this;
210      return result;
211    }
213    // We love relational operators.
214    friend bool operator==(const CI& lhs, const CI& rhs) {
215      return lhs.it_ == rhs.it_; }
216    friend bool operator!=(const CI& lhs, const CI& rhs) {
217      return !(lhs == rhs); }
218    friend bool operator<(const CI& lhs, const CI& rhs);
219    friend bool operator>(const CI& lhs, const CI& rhs) {
220      return rhs < lhs; }
221    friend bool operator<=(const CI& lhs, const CI& rhs) {
222      return !(rhs < lhs); }
223    friend bool operator>=(const CI& lhs, const CI& rhs) {
224      return !(lhs < rhs); }
226    friend difference_type distance(const CI& first, const CI& last);
228    // UTF-8-specific methods
229    // Store the UTF-8 encoding of the current codepoint into buf,
230    // which must be at least 4 bytes long. Return the number of
231    // bytes written.
232    int get_utf8(char* buf) const;
233    // Return the iterator's pointer into the UTF-8 data.
234    const char* utf8_data() const { return it_; }
236    string DebugString() const;
238   private:
239    friend class UnicodeText;
240    friend class UnicodeTextUtils;
241    friend class UTF8StateTableProperty;
242    explicit const_iterator(const char* it) : it_(it) {}
244    const char* it_;
245  };
247  const_iterator begin() const;
248  const_iterator end() const;
250  class const_reverse_iterator : public std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> {
251   public:
252    const_reverse_iterator(const_iterator it) :
253        std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>(it) {}
254    const char* utf8_data() const {
255      const_iterator tmp_it = base();
256      return (--tmp_it).utf8_data();
257    }
258    int get_utf8(char* buf) const {
259      const_iterator tmp_it = base();
260      return (--tmp_it).get_utf8(buf);
261    }
262  };
263  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
264    return const_reverse_iterator(end());
265  }
266  const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
267    return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
268  }
270  // Substring searching.  Returns the beginning of the first
271  // occurrence of "look", or end() if not found.
272  const_iterator find(const UnicodeText& look, const_iterator start_pos) const;
273  // Equivalent to find(look, begin())
274  const_iterator find(const UnicodeText& look) const;
276  // Returns whether this contains the character U+FFFD.  This can
277  // occur, for example, if the input to Encodings::Decode() had byte
278  // sequences that were invalid in the source encoding.
279  bool HasReplacementChar() const;
281  // UTF-8-specific methods
282  //
283  // Return the data, length, and capacity of UTF-8-encoded version of
284  // the text. Length and capacity are measured in bytes.
285  const char* utf8_data() const { return repr_.data_; }
286  int utf8_length() const { return repr_.size_; }
287  int utf8_capacity() const { return repr_.capacity_; }
289  // Return the UTF-8 data as a string.
290  static string UTF8Substring(const const_iterator& first,
291                              const const_iterator& last);
293  // There are three methods for initializing a UnicodeText from UTF-8
294  // data. They vary in details of memory management. In all cases,
295  // the data is tested for interchange-validity. If it is not
296  // interchange-valid, a LOG(WARNING) is issued, and each
297  // structurally invalid byte and each interchange-invalid codepoint
298  // is replaced with a space.
300  // x.CopyUTF8(buf, len) copies buf into x.
301  UnicodeText& CopyUTF8(const char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length);
303  // x.TakeOwnershipOfUTF8(buf, len, capacity). x takes ownership of
304  // buf. buf is not copied.
305  UnicodeText& TakeOwnershipOfUTF8(char* utf8_buffer,
306                                   int byte_length,
307                                   int byte_capacity);
309  // x.PointToUTF8(buf,len) changes x so that it points to buf
310  // ("becomes an alias"). It does not take ownership or copy buf.
311  // If the buffer is not valid, this has the same effect as
312  // CopyUTF8(utf8_buffer, byte_length).
313  UnicodeText& PointToUTF8(const char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length);
315  // Occasionally it is necessary to use functions that operate on the
316  // pointer returned by utf8_data(). MakeIterator(p) provides a way
317  // to get back to the UnicodeText level. It uses CHECK to ensure
318  // that p is a pointer within this object's UTF-8 data, and that it
319  // points to the beginning of a character.
320  const_iterator MakeIterator(const char* p) const;
322  string DebugString() const;
324 private:
325  friend class const_iterator;
326  friend class UnicodeTextUtils;
328  class Repr {  // A byte-string.
329   public:
330    char* data_;
331    int size_;
332    int capacity_;
333    bool ours_;  // Do we own data_?
335    Repr() : data_(NULL), size_(0), capacity_(0), ours_(true) {}
336    ~Repr() { if (ours_) delete[] data_; }
338    void clear();
339    void reserve(int capacity);
340    void resize(int size);
342    void append(const char* bytes, int byte_length);
343    void Copy(const char* data, int size);
344    void TakeOwnershipOf(char* data, int size, int capacity);
345    void PointTo(const char* data, int size);
347    string DebugString() const;
349   private:
350    Repr& operator=(const Repr&);
351    Repr(const Repr& other);
352  };
354  Repr repr_;
356  // UTF-8-specific private methods.
357  // These routines do not perform a validity check when compiled
358  // in opt mode.
359  // It is an error to call these methods with UTF-8 data that
360  // is not interchange-valid.
361  //
362  UnicodeText& UnsafeCopyUTF8(const char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length);
363  UnicodeText& UnsafeTakeOwnershipOfUTF8(
364      char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length, int byte_capacity);
365  UnicodeText& UnsafePointToUTF8(const char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length);
366  UnicodeText& UnsafeAppendUTF8(const char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length);
367  const_iterator UnsafeFind(const UnicodeText& look,
368                            const_iterator start_pos) const;
371bool operator==(const UnicodeText& lhs, const UnicodeText& rhs);
373inline bool operator!=(const UnicodeText& lhs, const UnicodeText& rhs) {
374  return !(lhs == rhs);
377// UnicodeTextRange is a pair of iterators, useful for specifying text
378// segments. If the iterators are ==, the segment is empty.
379typedef pair<UnicodeText::const_iterator,
380             UnicodeText::const_iterator> UnicodeTextRange;
382inline bool UnicodeTextRangeIsEmpty(const UnicodeTextRange& r) {
383  return r.first == r.second;
387// *************************** Utilities *************************
389// A factory function for creating a UnicodeText from a buffer of
390// UTF-8 data. The new UnicodeText takes ownership of the buffer. (It
391// is an "owner.")
393// Each byte that is structurally invalid will be replaced with a
394// space. Each codepoint that is interchange-invalid will also be
395// replaced with a space, even if the codepoint was represented with a
396// multibyte sequence in the UTF-8 data.
398inline UnicodeText MakeUnicodeTextAcceptingOwnership(
399    char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length, int byte_capacity) {
400  return UnicodeText().TakeOwnershipOfUTF8(
401      utf8_buffer, byte_length, byte_capacity);
404// A factory function for creating a UnicodeText from a buffer of
405// UTF-8 data. The new UnicodeText does not take ownership of the
406// buffer. (It is an "alias.")
408inline UnicodeText MakeUnicodeTextWithoutAcceptingOwnership(
409    const char* utf8_buffer, int byte_length) {
410  return UnicodeText().PointToUTF8(utf8_buffer, byte_length);
413// Create a UnicodeText from a UTF-8 string or buffer.
415// If do_copy is true, then a copy of the string is made. The copy is
416// owned by the resulting UnicodeText object and will be freed when
417// the object is destroyed. This UnicodeText object is referred to
418// as an "owner."
420// If do_copy is false, then no copy is made. The resulting
421// UnicodeText object does NOT take ownership of the string; in this
422// case, the lifetime of the UnicodeText object must not exceed the
423// lifetime of the string. This Unicodetext object is referred to as
424// an "alias." This is the same as MakeUnicodeTextWithoutAcceptingOwnership.
426// If the input string does not contain valid UTF-8, then a copy is
427// made (as if do_copy were true) and coerced to valid UTF-8 by
428// replacing each invalid byte with a space.
430inline UnicodeText UTF8ToUnicodeText(const char* utf8_buf, int len,
431                                     bool do_copy) {
432  UnicodeText t;
433  if (do_copy) {
434    t.CopyUTF8(utf8_buf, len);
435  } else {
436    t.PointToUTF8(utf8_buf, len);
437  }
438  return t;
441inline UnicodeText UTF8ToUnicodeText(const string& utf_string, bool do_copy) {
442  return UTF8ToUnicodeText(utf_string.data(), utf_string.size(), do_copy);
445inline UnicodeText UTF8ToUnicodeText(const char* utf8_buf, int len) {
446  return UTF8ToUnicodeText(utf8_buf, len, true);
448inline UnicodeText UTF8ToUnicodeText(const string& utf8_string) {
449  return UTF8ToUnicodeText(utf8_string, true);
452// Return a string containing the UTF-8 encoded version of all the
453// Unicode characters in t.
454inline string UnicodeTextToUTF8(const UnicodeText& t) {
455  return string(t.utf8_data(), t.utf8_length());
458}  // namespace phonenumbers
459}  // namespace i18n
461#endif  // UTIL_UTF8_UNICODETEXT_H__