2 *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
10#ifndef VPX_VPX_ENCODER_H_
11#define VPX_VPX_ENCODER_H_
13/*!\defgroup encoder Encoder Algorithm Interface
14 * \ingroup codec
15 * This abstraction allows applications using this encoder to easily support
16 * multiple video formats with minimal code duplication. This section describes
17 * the interface common to all encoders.
18 * @{
19 */
22 * \brief Describes the encoder algorithm interface to applications.
23 *
24 * This file describes the interface between an application and a
25 * video encoder algorithm.
26 *
27 */
28#ifdef __cplusplus
29extern "C" {
32#include "./vpx_codec.h"
34  /*! Temporal Scalability: Maximum length of the sequence defining frame
35   * layer membership
36   */
39  /*! Temporal Scalability: Maximum number of coding layers */
40#define VPX_TS_MAX_LAYERS       5
42  /*!\deprecated Use #VPX_TS_MAX_PERIODICITY instead. */
45  /*!\deprecated Use #VPX_TS_MAX_LAYERS instead. */
48/*! Spatial Scalability: Maximum number of coding layers */
49#define VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS       5
51/*! Spatial Scalability: Default number of coding layers */
52#define VPX_SS_DEFAULT_LAYERS       1
54  /*!\brief Current ABI version number
55   *
56   * \internal
57   * If this file is altered in any way that changes the ABI, this value
58   * must be bumped.  Examples include, but are not limited to, changing
59   * types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
60   * fields to structures
61   */
62#define VPX_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION (3 + VPX_CODEC_ABI_VERSION) /**<\hideinitializer*/
65  /*! \brief Encoder capabilities bitfield
66   *
67   *  Each encoder advertises the capabilities it supports as part of its
68   *  ::vpx_codec_iface_t interface structure. Capabilities are extra
69   *  interfaces or functionality, and are not required to be supported
70   *  by an encoder.
71   *
72   *  The available flags are specified by VPX_CODEC_CAP_* defines.
73   */
74#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_PSNR  0x10000 /**< Can issue PSNR packets */
76  /*! Can output one partition at a time. Each partition is returned in its
77   *  own VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT, with the FRAME_IS_FRAGMENT flag set for
78   *  every partition but the last. In this mode all frames are always
79   *  returned partition by partition.
80   */
83/*! Can support input images at greater than 8 bitdepth.
84 */
87  /*! \brief Initialization-time Feature Enabling
88   *
89   *  Certain codec features must be known at initialization time, to allow
90   *  for proper memory allocation.
91   *
92   *  The available flags are specified by VPX_CODEC_USE_* defines.
93   */
94#define VPX_CODEC_USE_PSNR  0x10000 /**< Calculate PSNR on each frame */
95#define VPX_CODEC_USE_OUTPUT_PARTITION  0x20000 /**< Make the encoder output one
96  partition at a time. */
97#define VPX_CODEC_USE_HIGHBITDEPTH 0x40000 /**< Use high bitdepth */
100  /*!\brief Generic fixed size buffer structure
101   *
102   * This structure is able to hold a reference to any fixed size buffer.
103   */
104  typedef struct vpx_fixed_buf {
105    void          *buf; /**< Pointer to the data */
106    size_t         sz;  /**< Length of the buffer, in chars */
107  } vpx_fixed_buf_t; /**< alias for struct vpx_fixed_buf */
110  /*!\brief Time Stamp Type
111   *
112   * An integer, which when multiplied by the stream's time base, provides
113   * the absolute time of a sample.
114   */
115  typedef int64_t vpx_codec_pts_t;
118  /*!\brief Compressed Frame Flags
119   *
120   * This type represents a bitfield containing information about a compressed
121   * frame that may be useful to an application. The most significant 16 bits
122   * can be used by an algorithm to provide additional detail, for example to
123   * support frame types that are codec specific (MPEG-1 D-frames for example)
124   */
125  typedef uint32_t vpx_codec_frame_flags_t;
126#define VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY       0x1 /**< frame is the start of a GOP */
127#define VPX_FRAME_IS_DROPPABLE 0x2 /**< frame can be dropped without affecting
128  the stream (no future frame depends on
129              this one) */
130#define VPX_FRAME_IS_INVISIBLE 0x4 /**< frame should be decoded but will not
131  be shown */
132#define VPX_FRAME_IS_FRAGMENT  0x8 /**< this is a fragment of the encoded
133  frame */
135  /*!\brief Error Resilient flags
136   *
137   * These flags define which error resilient features to enable in the
138   * encoder. The flags are specified through the
139   * vpx_codec_enc_cfg::g_error_resilient variable.
140   */
141  typedef uint32_t vpx_codec_er_flags_t;
142#define VPX_ERROR_RESILIENT_DEFAULT     0x1 /**< Improve resiliency against
143  losses of whole frames */
144#define VPX_ERROR_RESILIENT_PARTITIONS  0x2 /**< The frame partitions are
145  independently decodable by the
146  bool decoder, meaning that
147  partitions can be decoded even
148  though earlier partitions have
149  been lost. Note that intra
150  predicition is still done over
151  the partition boundary. */
153  /*!\brief Encoder output packet variants
154   *
155   * This enumeration lists the different kinds of data packets that can be
156   * returned by calls to vpx_codec_get_cx_data(). Algorithms \ref MAY
157   * extend this list to provide additional functionality.
158   */
159  enum vpx_codec_cx_pkt_kind {
160    VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT,    /**< Compressed video frame */
161    VPX_CODEC_STATS_PKT,       /**< Two-pass statistics for this frame */
162    VPX_CODEC_FPMB_STATS_PKT,  /**< first pass mb statistics for this frame */
163    VPX_CODEC_PSNR_PKT,        /**< PSNR statistics for this frame */
165    VPX_CODEC_SPATIAL_SVC_LAYER_SIZES, /**< Sizes for each layer in this frame*/
166    VPX_CODEC_SPATIAL_SVC_LAYER_PSNR, /**< PSNR for each layer in this frame*/
168    VPX_CODEC_CUSTOM_PKT = 256 /**< Algorithm extensions  */
169  };
172  /*!\brief Encoder output packet
173   *
174   * This structure contains the different kinds of output data the encoder
175   * may produce while compressing a frame.
176   */
177  typedef struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt {
178    enum vpx_codec_cx_pkt_kind  kind; /**< packet variant */
179    union {
180      struct {
181        void                    *buf;      /**< compressed data buffer */
182        size_t                   sz;       /**< length of compressed data */
183        vpx_codec_pts_t          pts;      /**< time stamp to show frame
184                                                    (in timebase units) */
185        unsigned long            duration; /**< duration to show frame
186                                                    (in timebase units) */
187        vpx_codec_frame_flags_t  flags;    /**< flags for this frame */
188        int                      partition_id; /**< the partition id
189                                              defines the decoding order
190                                              of the partitions. Only
191                                              applicable when "output partition"
192                                              mode is enabled. First partition
193                                              has id 0.*/
195      } frame;  /**< data for compressed frame packet */
196      vpx_fixed_buf_t twopass_stats;  /**< data for two-pass packet */
197      vpx_fixed_buf_t firstpass_mb_stats; /**< first pass mb packet */
198      struct vpx_psnr_pkt {
199        unsigned int samples[4];  /**< Number of samples, total/y/u/v */
200        uint64_t     sse[4];      /**< sum squared error, total/y/u/v */
201        double       psnr[4];     /**< PSNR, total/y/u/v */
202      } psnr;                       /**< data for PSNR packet */
203      vpx_fixed_buf_t raw;     /**< data for arbitrary packets */
205      size_t layer_sizes[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
206      struct vpx_psnr_pkt layer_psnr[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
209      /* This packet size is fixed to allow codecs to extend this
210       * interface without having to manage storage for raw packets,
211       * i.e., if it's smaller than 128 bytes, you can store in the
212       * packet list directly.
213       */
214      char pad[128 - sizeof(enum vpx_codec_cx_pkt_kind)]; /**< fixed sz */
215    } data; /**< packet data */
216  } vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t; /**< alias for struct vpx_codec_cx_pkt */
219  /*!\brief Rational Number
220   *
221   * This structure holds a fractional value.
222   */
223  typedef struct vpx_rational {
224    int num; /**< fraction numerator */
225    int den; /**< fraction denominator */
226  } vpx_rational_t; /**< alias for struct vpx_rational */
229  /*!\brief Multi-pass Encoding Pass */
230  enum vpx_enc_pass {
231    VPX_RC_ONE_PASS,   /**< Single pass mode */
232    VPX_RC_FIRST_PASS, /**< First pass of multi-pass mode */
233    VPX_RC_LAST_PASS   /**< Final pass of multi-pass mode */
234  };
237  /*!\brief Rate control mode */
238  enum vpx_rc_mode {
239    VPX_VBR,  /**< Variable Bit Rate (VBR) mode */
240    VPX_CBR,  /**< Constant Bit Rate (CBR) mode */
241    VPX_CQ,   /**< Constrained Quality (CQ)  mode */
242    VPX_Q,    /**< Constant Quality (Q) mode */
243  };
246  /*!\brief Keyframe placement mode.
247   *
248   * This enumeration determines whether keyframes are placed automatically by
249   * the encoder or whether this behavior is disabled. Older releases of this
250   * SDK were implemented such that VPX_KF_FIXED meant keyframes were disabled.
251   * This name is confusing for this behavior, so the new symbols to be used
252   * are VPX_KF_AUTO and VPX_KF_DISABLED.
253   */
254  enum vpx_kf_mode {
255    VPX_KF_FIXED, /**< deprecated, implies VPX_KF_DISABLED */
256    VPX_KF_AUTO,  /**< Encoder determines optimal placement automatically */
257    VPX_KF_DISABLED = 0 /**< Encoder does not place keyframes. */
258  };
261  /*!\brief Encoded Frame Flags
262   *
263   * This type indicates a bitfield to be passed to vpx_codec_encode(), defining
264   * per-frame boolean values. By convention, bits common to all codecs will be
265   * named VPX_EFLAG_*, and bits specific to an algorithm will be named
266   * /algo/_eflag_*. The lower order 16 bits are reserved for common use.
267   */
268  typedef long vpx_enc_frame_flags_t;
269#define VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF (1<<0)  /**< Force this frame to be a keyframe */
272  /*!\brief Encoder configuration structure
273   *
274   * This structure contains the encoder settings that have common representations
275   * across all codecs. This doesn't imply that all codecs support all features,
276   * however.
277   */
278  typedef struct vpx_codec_enc_cfg {
279    /*
280     * generic settings (g)
281     */
283    /*!\brief Algorithm specific "usage" value
284     *
285     * Algorithms may define multiple values for usage, which may convey the
286     * intent of how the application intends to use the stream. If this value
287     * is non-zero, consult the documentation for the codec to determine its
288     * meaning.
289     */
290    unsigned int           g_usage;
293    /*!\brief Maximum number of threads to use
294     *
295     * For multi-threaded implementations, use no more than this number of
296     * threads. The codec may use fewer threads than allowed. The value
297     * 0 is equivalent to the value 1.
298     */
299    unsigned int           g_threads;
302    /*!\brief Bitstream profile to use
303     *
304     * Some codecs support a notion of multiple bitstream profiles. Typically
305     * this maps to a set of features that are turned on or off. Often the
306     * profile to use is determined by the features of the intended decoder.
307     * Consult the documentation for the codec to determine the valid values
308     * for this parameter, or set to zero for a sane default.
309     */
310    unsigned int           g_profile;  /**< profile of bitstream to use */
314    /*!\brief Width of the frame
315     *
316     * This value identifies the presentation resolution of the frame,
317     * in pixels. Note that the frames passed as input to the encoder must
318     * have this resolution. Frames will be presented by the decoder in this
319     * resolution, independent of any spatial resampling the encoder may do.
320     */
321    unsigned int           g_w;
324    /*!\brief Height of the frame
325     *
326     * This value identifies the presentation resolution of the frame,
327     * in pixels. Note that the frames passed as input to the encoder must
328     * have this resolution. Frames will be presented by the decoder in this
329     * resolution, independent of any spatial resampling the encoder may do.
330     */
331    unsigned int           g_h;
333    /*!\brief Bit-depth of the codec
334     *
335     * This value identifies the bit_depth of the codec,
336     * Only certain bit-depths are supported as identified in the
337     * vpx_bit_depth_t enum.
338     */
339    vpx_bit_depth_t        g_bit_depth;
341    /*!\brief Bit-depth of the input frames
342     *
343     * This value identifies the bit_depth of the input frames in bits.
344     * Note that the frames passed as input to the encoder must have
345     * this bit-depth.
346     */
347    unsigned int           g_input_bit_depth;
349    /*!\brief Stream timebase units
350     *
351     * Indicates the smallest interval of time, in seconds, used by the stream.
352     * For fixed frame rate material, or variable frame rate material where
353     * frames are timed at a multiple of a given clock (ex: video capture),
354     * the \ref RECOMMENDED method is to set the timebase to the reciprocal
355     * of the frame rate (ex: 1001/30000 for 29.970 Hz NTSC). This allows the
356     * pts to correspond to the frame number, which can be handy. For
357     * re-encoding video from containers with absolute time timestamps, the
358     * \ref RECOMMENDED method is to set the timebase to that of the parent
359     * container or multimedia framework (ex: 1/1000 for ms, as in FLV).
360     */
361    struct vpx_rational    g_timebase;
364    /*!\brief Enable error resilient modes.
365     *
366     * The error resilient bitfield indicates to the encoder which features
367     * it should enable to take measures for streaming over lossy or noisy
368     * links.
369     */
370    vpx_codec_er_flags_t   g_error_resilient;
373    /*!\brief Multi-pass Encoding Mode
374     *
375     * This value should be set to the current phase for multi-pass encoding.
376     * For single pass, set to #VPX_RC_ONE_PASS.
377     */
378    enum vpx_enc_pass      g_pass;
381    /*!\brief Allow lagged encoding
382     *
383     * If set, this value allows the encoder to consume a number of input
384     * frames before producing output frames. This allows the encoder to
385     * base decisions for the current frame on future frames. This does
386     * increase the latency of the encoding pipeline, so it is not appropriate
387     * in all situations (ex: realtime encoding).
388     *
389     * Note that this is a maximum value -- the encoder may produce frames
390     * sooner than the given limit. Set this value to 0 to disable this
391     * feature.
392     */
393    unsigned int           g_lag_in_frames;
396    /*
397     * rate control settings (rc)
398     */
400    /*!\brief Temporal resampling configuration, if supported by the codec.
401     *
402     * Temporal resampling allows the codec to "drop" frames as a strategy to
403     * meet its target data rate. This can cause temporal discontinuities in
404     * the encoded video, which may appear as stuttering during playback. This
405     * trade-off is often acceptable, but for many applications is not. It can
406     * be disabled in these cases.
407     *
408     * Note that not all codecs support this feature. All vpx VPx codecs do.
409     * For other codecs, consult the documentation for that algorithm.
410     *
411     * This threshold is described as a percentage of the target data buffer.
412     * When the data buffer falls below this percentage of fullness, a
413     * dropped frame is indicated. Set the threshold to zero (0) to disable
414     * this feature.
415     */
416    unsigned int           rc_dropframe_thresh;
419    /*!\brief Enable/disable spatial resampling, if supported by the codec.
420     *
421     * Spatial resampling allows the codec to compress a lower resolution
422     * version of the frame, which is then upscaled by the encoder to the
423     * correct presentation resolution. This increases visual quality at
424     * low data rates, at the expense of CPU time on the encoder/decoder.
425     */
426    unsigned int           rc_resize_allowed;
428    /*!\brief Internal coded frame width.
429     *
430     * If spatial resampling is enabled this specifies the width of the
431     * encoded frame.
432     */
433    unsigned int           rc_scaled_width;
435    /*!\brief Internal coded frame height.
436     *
437     * If spatial resampling is enabled this specifies the height of the
438     * encoded frame.
439     */
440    unsigned int           rc_scaled_height;
442    /*!\brief Spatial resampling up watermark.
443     *
444     * This threshold is described as a percentage of the target data buffer.
445     * When the data buffer rises above this percentage of fullness, the
446     * encoder will step up to a higher resolution version of the frame.
447     */
448    unsigned int           rc_resize_up_thresh;
451    /*!\brief Spatial resampling down watermark.
452     *
453     * This threshold is described as a percentage of the target data buffer.
454     * When the data buffer falls below this percentage of fullness, the
455     * encoder will step down to a lower resolution version of the frame.
456     */
457    unsigned int           rc_resize_down_thresh;
460    /*!\brief Rate control algorithm to use.
461     *
462     * Indicates whether the end usage of this stream is to be streamed over
463     * a bandwidth constrained link, indicating that Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
464     * mode should be used, or whether it will be played back on a high
465     * bandwidth link, as from a local disk, where higher variations in
466     * bitrate are acceptable.
467     */
468    enum vpx_rc_mode       rc_end_usage;
471    /*!\brief Two-pass stats buffer.
472     *
473     * A buffer containing all of the stats packets produced in the first
474     * pass, concatenated.
475     */
476    vpx_fixed_buf_t   rc_twopass_stats_in;
478    /*!\brief first pass mb stats buffer.
479     *
480     * A buffer containing all of the first pass mb stats packets produced
481     * in the first pass, concatenated.
482     */
483    vpx_fixed_buf_t   rc_firstpass_mb_stats_in;
485    /*!\brief Target data rate
486     *
487     * Target bandwidth to use for this stream, in kilobits per second.
488     */
489    unsigned int           rc_target_bitrate;
492    /*
493     * quantizer settings
494     */
497    /*!\brief Minimum (Best Quality) Quantizer
498     *
499     * The quantizer is the most direct control over the quality of the
500     * encoded image. The range of valid values for the quantizer is codec
501     * specific. Consult the documentation for the codec to determine the
502     * values to use. To determine the range programmatically, call
503     * vpx_codec_enc_config_default() with a usage value of 0.
504     */
505    unsigned int           rc_min_quantizer;
508    /*!\brief Maximum (Worst Quality) Quantizer
509     *
510     * The quantizer is the most direct control over the quality of the
511     * encoded image. The range of valid values for the quantizer is codec
512     * specific. Consult the documentation for the codec to determine the
513     * values to use. To determine the range programmatically, call
514     * vpx_codec_enc_config_default() with a usage value of 0.
515     */
516    unsigned int           rc_max_quantizer;
519    /*
520     * bitrate tolerance
521     */
524    /*!\brief Rate control adaptation undershoot control
525     *
526     * This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate,
527     * controls the maximum allowed adaptation speed of the codec.
528     * This factor controls the maximum amount of bits that can
529     * be subtracted from the target bitrate in order to compensate
530     * for prior overshoot.
531     *
532     * Valid values in the range 0-1000.
533     */
534    unsigned int           rc_undershoot_pct;
537    /*!\brief Rate control adaptation overshoot control
538     *
539     * This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate,
540     * controls the maximum allowed adaptation speed of the codec.
541     * This factor controls the maximum amount of bits that can
542     * be added to the target bitrate in order to compensate for
543     * prior undershoot.
544     *
545     * Valid values in the range 0-1000.
546     */
547    unsigned int           rc_overshoot_pct;
550    /*
551     * decoder buffer model parameters
552     */
555    /*!\brief Decoder Buffer Size
556     *
557     * This value indicates the amount of data that may be buffered by the
558     * decoding application. Note that this value is expressed in units of
559     * time (milliseconds). For example, a value of 5000 indicates that the
560     * client will buffer (at least) 5000ms worth of encoded data. Use the
561     * target bitrate (#rc_target_bitrate) to convert to bits/bytes, if
562     * necessary.
563     */
564    unsigned int           rc_buf_sz;
567    /*!\brief Decoder Buffer Initial Size
568     *
569     * This value indicates the amount of data that will be buffered by the
570     * decoding application prior to beginning playback. This value is
571     * expressed in units of time (milliseconds). Use the target bitrate
572     * (#rc_target_bitrate) to convert to bits/bytes, if necessary.
573     */
574    unsigned int           rc_buf_initial_sz;
577    /*!\brief Decoder Buffer Optimal Size
578     *
579     * This value indicates the amount of data that the encoder should try
580     * to maintain in the decoder's buffer. This value is expressed in units
581     * of time (milliseconds). Use the target bitrate (#rc_target_bitrate)
582     * to convert to bits/bytes, if necessary.
583     */
584    unsigned int           rc_buf_optimal_sz;
587    /*
588     * 2 pass rate control parameters
589     */
592    /*!\brief Two-pass mode CBR/VBR bias
593     *
594     * Bias, expressed on a scale of 0 to 100, for determining target size
595     * for the current frame. The value 0 indicates the optimal CBR mode
596     * value should be used. The value 100 indicates the optimal VBR mode
597     * value should be used. Values in between indicate which way the
598     * encoder should "lean."
599     */
600    unsigned int           rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct;       /**< RC mode bias between CBR and VBR(0-100: 0->CBR, 100->VBR)   */
603    /*!\brief Two-pass mode per-GOP minimum bitrate
604     *
605     * This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, indicates
606     * the minimum bitrate to be used for a single GOP (aka "section")
607     */
608    unsigned int           rc_2pass_vbr_minsection_pct;
611    /*!\brief Two-pass mode per-GOP maximum bitrate
612     *
613     * This value, expressed as a percentage of the target bitrate, indicates
614     * the maximum bitrate to be used for a single GOP (aka "section")
615     */
616    unsigned int           rc_2pass_vbr_maxsection_pct;
619    /*
620     * keyframing settings (kf)
621     */
623    /*!\brief Keyframe placement mode
624     *
625     * This value indicates whether the encoder should place keyframes at a
626     * fixed interval, or determine the optimal placement automatically
627     * (as governed by the #kf_min_dist and #kf_max_dist parameters)
628     */
629    enum vpx_kf_mode       kf_mode;
632    /*!\brief Keyframe minimum interval
633     *
634     * This value, expressed as a number of frames, prevents the encoder from
635     * placing a keyframe nearer than kf_min_dist to the previous keyframe. At
636     * least kf_min_dist frames non-keyframes will be coded before the next
637     * keyframe. Set kf_min_dist equal to kf_max_dist for a fixed interval.
638     */
639    unsigned int           kf_min_dist;
642    /*!\brief Keyframe maximum interval
643     *
644     * This value, expressed as a number of frames, forces the encoder to code
645     * a keyframe if one has not been coded in the last kf_max_dist frames.
646     * A value of 0 implies all frames will be keyframes. Set kf_min_dist
647     * equal to kf_max_dist for a fixed interval.
648     */
649    unsigned int           kf_max_dist;
651    /*
652     * Spatial scalability settings (ss)
653     */
655    /*!\brief Number of spatial coding layers.
656     *
657     * This value specifies the number of spatial coding layers to be used.
658     */
659    unsigned int           ss_number_layers;
661    /*!\brief Enable auto alt reference flags for each spatial layer.
662     *
663     * These values specify if auto alt reference frame is enabled for each
664     * spatial layer.
665     */
666    int                    ss_enable_auto_alt_ref[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
668    /*!\brief Target bitrate for each spatial layer.
669     *
670     * These values specify the target coding bitrate to be used for each
671     * spatial layer.
672     */
673    unsigned int           ss_target_bitrate[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
675    /*!\brief Number of temporal coding layers.
676     *
677     * This value specifies the number of temporal layers to be used.
678     */
679    unsigned int           ts_number_layers;
681    /*!\brief Target bitrate for each temporal layer.
682     *
683     * These values specify the target coding bitrate to be used for each
684     * temporal layer.
685     */
686    unsigned int           ts_target_bitrate[VPX_TS_MAX_LAYERS];
688    /*!\brief Frame rate decimation factor for each temporal layer.
689     *
690     * These values specify the frame rate decimation factors to apply
691     * to each temporal layer.
692     */
693    unsigned int           ts_rate_decimator[VPX_TS_MAX_LAYERS];
695    /*!\brief Length of the sequence defining frame temporal layer membership.
696     *
697     * This value specifies the length of the sequence that defines the
698     * membership of frames to temporal layers. For example, if the
699     * ts_periodicity = 8, then the frames are assigned to coding layers with a
700     * repeated sequence of length 8.
701    */
702    unsigned int           ts_periodicity;
704    /*!\brief Template defining the membership of frames to temporal layers.
705     *
706     * This array defines the membership of frames to temporal coding layers.
707     * For a 2-layer encoding that assigns even numbered frames to one temporal
708     * layer (0) and odd numbered frames to a second temporal layer (1) with
709     * ts_periodicity=8, then ts_layer_id = (0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1).
710    */
711    unsigned int           ts_layer_id[VPX_TS_MAX_PERIODICITY];
712  } vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t; /**< alias for struct vpx_codec_enc_cfg */
714  /*!\brief  vp9 svc extra configure parameters
715   *
716   * This defines max/min quantizers and scale factors for each layer
717   *
718   */
719  typedef struct vpx_svc_parameters {
720    int max_quantizers[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
721    int min_quantizers[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
722    int scaling_factor_num[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
723    int scaling_factor_den[VPX_SS_MAX_LAYERS];
724  } vpx_svc_extra_cfg_t;
727  /*!\brief Initialize an encoder instance
728   *
729   * Initializes a encoder context using the given interface. Applications
730   * should call the vpx_codec_enc_init convenience macro instead of this
731   * function directly, to ensure that the ABI version number parameter
732   * is properly initialized.
733   *
734   * If the library was configured with --disable-multithread, this call
735   * is not thread safe and should be guarded with a lock if being used
736   * in a multithreaded context.
737   *
738   * \param[in]    ctx     Pointer to this instance's context.
739   * \param[in]    iface   Pointer to the algorithm interface to use.
740   * \param[in]    cfg     Configuration to use, if known. May be NULL.
741   * \param[in]    flags   Bitfield of VPX_CODEC_USE_* flags
742   * \param[in]    ver     ABI version number. Must be set to
743   *                       VPX_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION
744   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
745   *     The decoder algorithm initialized.
746   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR
747   *     Memory allocation failed.
748   */
749  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_enc_init_ver(vpx_codec_ctx_t      *ctx,
750                                         vpx_codec_iface_t    *iface,
751                                         const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
752                                         vpx_codec_flags_t     flags,
753                                         int                   ver);
756  /*!\brief Convenience macro for vpx_codec_enc_init_ver()
757   *
758   * Ensures the ABI version parameter is properly set.
759   */
760#define vpx_codec_enc_init(ctx, iface, cfg, flags) \
761  vpx_codec_enc_init_ver(ctx, iface, cfg, flags, VPX_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION)
764  /*!\brief Initialize multi-encoder instance
765   *
766   * Initializes multi-encoder context using the given interface.
767   * Applications should call the vpx_codec_enc_init_multi convenience macro
768   * instead of this function directly, to ensure that the ABI version number
769   * parameter is properly initialized.
770   *
771   * \param[in]    ctx     Pointer to this instance's context.
772   * \param[in]    iface   Pointer to the algorithm interface to use.
773   * \param[in]    cfg     Configuration to use, if known. May be NULL.
774   * \param[in]    num_enc Total number of encoders.
775   * \param[in]    flags   Bitfield of VPX_CODEC_USE_* flags
776   * \param[in]    dsf     Pointer to down-sampling factors.
777   * \param[in]    ver     ABI version number. Must be set to
778   *                       VPX_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION
779   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
780   *     The decoder algorithm initialized.
781   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR
782   *     Memory allocation failed.
783   */
784  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_enc_init_multi_ver(vpx_codec_ctx_t      *ctx,
785                                               vpx_codec_iface_t    *iface,
786                                               vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t  *cfg,
787                                               int                   num_enc,
788                                               vpx_codec_flags_t     flags,
789                                               vpx_rational_t       *dsf,
790                                               int                   ver);
793  /*!\brief Convenience macro for vpx_codec_enc_init_multi_ver()
794   *
795   * Ensures the ABI version parameter is properly set.
796   */
797#define vpx_codec_enc_init_multi(ctx, iface, cfg, num_enc, flags, dsf) \
798  vpx_codec_enc_init_multi_ver(ctx, iface, cfg, num_enc, flags, dsf, \
799                               VPX_ENCODER_ABI_VERSION)
802  /*!\brief Get a default configuration
803   *
804   * Initializes a encoder configuration structure with default values. Supports
805   * the notion of "usages" so that an algorithm may offer different default
806   * settings depending on the user's intended goal. This function \ref SHOULD
807   * be called by all applications to initialize the configuration structure
808   * before specializing the configuration with application specific values.
809   *
810   * \param[in]    iface   Pointer to the algorithm interface to use.
811   * \param[out]   cfg     Configuration buffer to populate
812   * \param[in]    usage   End usage. Set to 0 or use codec specific values.
813   *
814   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
815   *     The configuration was populated.
816   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INCAPABLE
817   *     Interface is not an encoder interface.
818   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM
819   *     A parameter was NULL, or the usage value was not recognized.
820   */
821  vpx_codec_err_t  vpx_codec_enc_config_default(vpx_codec_iface_t    *iface,
822                                                vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t  *cfg,
823                                                unsigned int          usage);
826  /*!\brief Set or change configuration
827   *
828   * Reconfigures an encoder instance according to the given configuration.
829   *
830   * \param[in]    ctx     Pointer to this instance's context
831   * \param[in]    cfg     Configuration buffer to use
832   *
833   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
834   *     The configuration was populated.
835   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INCAPABLE
836   *     Interface is not an encoder interface.
837   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM
838   *     A parameter was NULL, or the usage value was not recognized.
839   */
840  vpx_codec_err_t  vpx_codec_enc_config_set(vpx_codec_ctx_t            *ctx,
841                                            const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t  *cfg);
844  /*!\brief Get global stream headers
845   *
846   * Retrieves a stream level global header packet, if supported by the codec.
847   *
848   * \param[in]    ctx     Pointer to this instance's context
849   *
850   * \retval NULL
851   *     Encoder does not support global header
852   * \retval Non-NULL
853   *     Pointer to buffer containing global header packet
854   */
855  vpx_fixed_buf_t *vpx_codec_get_global_headers(vpx_codec_ctx_t   *ctx);
858#define VPX_DL_REALTIME     (1)        /**< deadline parameter analogous to
859  *   VPx REALTIME mode. */
860#define VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY (1000000)  /**< deadline parameter analogous to
861  *   VPx GOOD QUALITY mode. */
862#define VPX_DL_BEST_QUALITY (0)        /**< deadline parameter analogous to
863  *   VPx BEST QUALITY mode. */
864  /*!\brief Encode a frame
865   *
866   * Encodes a video frame at the given "presentation time." The presentation
867   * time stamp (PTS) \ref MUST be strictly increasing.
868   *
869   * The encoder supports the notion of a soft real-time deadline. Given a
870   * non-zero value to the deadline parameter, the encoder will make a "best
871   * effort" guarantee to  return before the given time slice expires. It is
872   * implicit that limiting the available time to encode will degrade the
873   * output quality. The encoder can be given an unlimited time to produce the
874   * best possible frame by specifying a deadline of '0'. This deadline
875   * supercedes the VPx notion of "best quality, good quality, realtime".
876   * Applications that wish to map these former settings to the new deadline
877   * based system can use the symbols #VPX_DL_REALTIME, #VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY,
878   * and #VPX_DL_BEST_QUALITY.
879   *
880   * When the last frame has been passed to the encoder, this function should
881   * continue to be called, with the img parameter set to NULL. This will
882   * signal the end-of-stream condition to the encoder and allow it to encode
883   * any held buffers. Encoding is complete when vpx_codec_encode() is called
884   * and vpx_codec_get_cx_data() returns no data.
885   *
886   * \param[in]    ctx       Pointer to this instance's context
887   * \param[in]    img       Image data to encode, NULL to flush.
888   * \param[in]    pts       Presentation time stamp, in timebase units.
889   * \param[in]    duration  Duration to show frame, in timebase units.
890   * \param[in]    flags     Flags to use for encoding this frame.
891   * \param[in]    deadline  Time to spend encoding, in microseconds. (0=infinite)
892   *
893   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
894   *     The configuration was populated.
895   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INCAPABLE
896   *     Interface is not an encoder interface.
897   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM
898   *     A parameter was NULL, the image format is unsupported, etc.
899   */
900  vpx_codec_err_t  vpx_codec_encode(vpx_codec_ctx_t            *ctx,
901                                    const vpx_image_t          *img,
902                                    vpx_codec_pts_t             pts,
903                                    unsigned long               duration,
904                                    vpx_enc_frame_flags_t       flags,
905                                    unsigned long               deadline);
907  /*!\brief Set compressed data output buffer
908   *
909   * Sets the buffer that the codec should output the compressed data
910   * into. This call effectively sets the buffer pointer returned in the
911   * next VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT packet. Subsequent packets will be
912   * appended into this buffer. The buffer is preserved across frames,
913   * so applications must periodically call this function after flushing
914   * the accumulated compressed data to disk or to the network to reset
915   * the pointer to the buffer's head.
916   *
917   * `pad_before` bytes will be skipped before writing the compressed
918   * data, and `pad_after` bytes will be appended to the packet. The size
919   * of the packet will be the sum of the size of the actual compressed
920   * data, pad_before, and pad_after. The padding bytes will be preserved
921   * (not overwritten).
922   *
923   * Note that calling this function does not guarantee that the returned
924   * compressed data will be placed into the specified buffer. In the
925   * event that the encoded data will not fit into the buffer provided,
926   * the returned packet \ref MAY point to an internal buffer, as it would
927   * if this call were never used. In this event, the output packet will
928   * NOT have any padding, and the application must free space and copy it
929   * to the proper place. This is of particular note in configurations
930   * that may output multiple packets for a single encoded frame (e.g., lagged
931   * encoding) or if the application does not reset the buffer periodically.
932   *
933   * Applications may restore the default behavior of the codec providing
934   * the compressed data buffer by calling this function with a NULL
935   * buffer.
936   *
937   * Applications \ref MUSTNOT call this function during iteration of
938   * vpx_codec_get_cx_data().
939   *
940   * \param[in]    ctx         Pointer to this instance's context
941   * \param[in]    buf         Buffer to store compressed data into
942   * \param[in]    pad_before  Bytes to skip before writing compressed data
943   * \param[in]    pad_after   Bytes to skip after writing compressed data
944   *
945   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
946   *     The buffer was set successfully.
947   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM
948   *     A parameter was NULL, the image format is unsupported, etc.
949   */
950  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_set_cx_data_buf(vpx_codec_ctx_t       *ctx,
951                                            const vpx_fixed_buf_t *buf,
952                                            unsigned int           pad_before,
953                                            unsigned int           pad_after);
956  /*!\brief Encoded data iterator
957   *
958   * Iterates over a list of data packets to be passed from the encoder to the
959   * application. The different kinds of packets available are enumerated in
960   * #vpx_codec_cx_pkt_kind.
961   *
962   * #VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT packets should be passed to the application's
963   * muxer. Multiple compressed frames may be in the list.
964   * #VPX_CODEC_STATS_PKT packets should be appended to a global buffer.
965   *
966   * The application \ref MUST silently ignore any packet kinds that it does
967   * not recognize or support.
968   *
969   * The data buffers returned from this function are only guaranteed to be
970   * valid until the application makes another call to any vpx_codec_* function.
971   *
972   * \param[in]     ctx      Pointer to this instance's context
973   * \param[in,out] iter     Iterator storage, initialized to NULL
974   *
975   * \return Returns a pointer to an output data packet (compressed frame data,
976   *         two-pass statistics, etc.) or NULL to signal end-of-list.
977   *
978   */
979  const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *vpx_codec_get_cx_data(vpx_codec_ctx_t   *ctx,
980                                                  vpx_codec_iter_t  *iter);
983  /*!\brief Get Preview Frame
984   *
985   * Returns an image that can be used as a preview. Shows the image as it would
986   * exist at the decompressor. The application \ref MUST NOT write into this
987   * image buffer.
988   *
989   * \param[in]     ctx      Pointer to this instance's context
990   *
991   * \return Returns a pointer to a preview image, or NULL if no image is
992   *         available.
993   *
994   */
995  const vpx_image_t *vpx_codec_get_preview_frame(vpx_codec_ctx_t   *ctx);
998  /*!@} - end defgroup encoder*/
999#ifdef __cplusplus
1002#endif  // VPX_VPX_ENCODER_H_