1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7# in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
10import optparse
11import os
12import shutil
13import subprocess
14import sys
15import tempfile
18SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
20# Chrome browsertests will throw away stderr; avoid that output gets lost.
21sys.stderr = sys.stdout
24def _ParseArgs():
25  """Registers the command-line options."""
26  usage = 'usage: %prog [options]'
27  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
29  parser.add_option('--label', type='string', default='MY_TEST',
30                    help=('Label of the test, used to identify different '
31                          'tests. Default: %default'))
32  parser.add_option('--ref_video', type='string',
33                    help='Reference video to compare with (YUV).')
34  parser.add_option('--test_video', type='string',
35                    help=('Test video to be compared with the reference '
36                          'video (YUV).'))
37  parser.add_option('--frame_analyzer', type='string',
38                    help='Path to the frame analyzer executable.')
39  parser.add_option('--barcode_decoder', type='string',
40                    help=('Path to the barcode decoder script. By default, we '
41                          'will assume we can find it in barcode_tools/'
42                          'relative to this directory.'))
43  parser.add_option('--ffmpeg_path', type='string',
44                    help=('The path to where the ffmpeg executable is located. '
45                          'If omitted, it will be assumed to be present in the '
46                          'PATH with the name ffmpeg[.exe].'))
47  parser.add_option('--zxing_path', type='string',
48                    help=('The path to where the zxing executable is located. '
49                          'If omitted, it will be assumed to be present in the '
50                          'PATH with the name zxing[.exe].'))
51  parser.add_option('--stats_file', type='string', default='stats.txt',
52                    help=('Path to the temporary stats file to be created and '
53                          'used. Default: %default'))
54  parser.add_option('--yuv_frame_width', type='int', default=640,
55                    help='Width of the YUV file\'s frames. Default: %default')
56  parser.add_option('--yuv_frame_height', type='int', default=480,
57                    help='Height of the YUV file\'s frames. Default: %default')
58  options, _args = parser.parse_args()
60  if not options.ref_video:
61    parser.error('You must provide a path to the reference video!')
62  if not os.path.exists(options.ref_video):
63    parser.error('Cannot find the reference video at %s' % options.ref_video)
65  if not options.test_video:
66    parser.error('You must provide a path to the test video!')
67  if not os.path.exists(options.test_video):
68    parser.error('Cannot find the test video at %s' % options.test_video)
70  if not options.frame_analyzer:
71    parser.error('You must provide the path to the frame analyzer executable!')
72  if not os.path.exists(options.frame_analyzer):
73    parser.error('Cannot find frame analyzer executable at %s!' %
74                 options.frame_analyzer)
75  return options
78def main():
79  """The main function.
81  A simple invocation is:
82  ./webrtc/tools/barcode_tools/compare_videos.py
83  --ref_video=<path_and_name_of_reference_video>
84  --test_video=<path_and_name_of_test_video>
85  --frame_analyzer=<path_and_name_of_the_frame_analyzer_executable>
87  Notice that the prerequisites for barcode_decoder.py also applies to this
88  script. The means the following executables have to be available in the PATH:
89  * zxing
90  * ffmpeg
91  """
92  options = _ParseArgs()
94  if options.barcode_decoder:
95    path_to_decoder = options.barcode_decoder
96  else:
97    path_to_decoder = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'barcode_tools',
98                                   'barcode_decoder.py')
100  # On Windows, sometimes the inherited stdin handle from the parent process
101  # fails. Work around this by passing null to stdin to the subprocesses.
102  null_filehandle = open(os.devnull, 'r')
104  # Run barcode decoder on the test video to identify frame numbers.
105  png_working_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
106  cmd = [
107    sys.executable,
108    path_to_decoder,
109    '--yuv_file=%s' % options.test_video,
110    '--yuv_frame_width=%d' % options.yuv_frame_width,
111    '--yuv_frame_height=%d' % options.yuv_frame_height,
112    '--stats_file=%s' % options.stats_file,
113    '--png_working_dir=%s' % png_working_directory,
114  ]
115  if options.zxing_path:
116    cmd.append('--zxing_path=%s' % options.zxing_path)
117  if options.ffmpeg_path:
118    cmd.append('--ffmpeg_path=%s' % options.ffmpeg_path)
119  barcode_decoder = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=null_filehandle,
120                                     stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
121  barcode_decoder.wait()
123  shutil.rmtree(png_working_directory)
124  if barcode_decoder.returncode != 0:
125    print 'Failed to run barcode decoder script.'
126    return 1
128  # Run frame analyzer to compare the videos and print output.
129  cmd = [
130    options.frame_analyzer,
131    '--label=%s' % options.label,
132    '--reference_file=%s' % options.ref_video,
133    '--test_file=%s' % options.test_video,
134    '--stats_file=%s' % options.stats_file,
135    '--width=%d' % options.yuv_frame_width,
136    '--height=%d' % options.yuv_frame_height,
137  ]
138  frame_analyzer = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=null_filehandle,
139                                    stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
140  frame_analyzer.wait()
141  if frame_analyzer.returncode != 0:
142    print 'Failed to run frame analyzer.'
143    return 1
145  return 0
147if __name__ == '__main__':
148  sys.exit(main())